Apology To The Ramseys?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Nedthan Johns

New Member
Sep 5, 2003
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I have been watching in silence. When this news first broke, I assumed they had matched this guys DNA. Not so, although I applaud Mary Lacy for getting this guy off the streets and putting him behind bars where he belongs. He certainly fits the profile of a “sick puppy”. Just when I was ready to dismiss him as a nut case, the yearbook appears. What are the odds of that? Or could this all just all be a coincidence? As if this case could get any weirder. But here’s my take on the whole thing. As we continue to watch this “side show” are we missing the bigger picture? Should we all be watching the actions of John Mark Karr, or the non-actions of John Bennet Ramsey? Does anyone else find it odd that after 10 long years a suspect comes forward claiming to have murdered this child and John’s response was “Don’t be too quick to judge, let the justice system take its course.” and “all I want to do is to be able to register my son for college. If the media doesn’t stop bothering me I won’t ever talk to them again.”

HMMMMM…. Sounds like John Ramsey would just like this all to go away. A little too close for comfort? One mention of Polly Klaas’ name, Mark Klaas is right back on TV. WHERE IS JOHN RAMSEY????

And if I hear one more time from Niki woman on Court TV that all of her colleagues should join her in extending an apology to the Ramsey’s I think I will hurl. In one statement she said we shouldn’t be quick to judge John Mark Paul and in another she apologies for how she treated the Ramsey’s. HELLO?!!!!! This case is FAR from being solved. And WHO said just because a man steps forward claiming to have been with JonBenet the night she died exonerates either parent from this crime?????


1.) Even IF this freak IS the murderer, both of the Ramsey’s hindered the investigation from the start by REFUSING to cooperate with police. They took the focus OFF the intruder theory by NOT cooperating, which forced the investigators to take a closer look at them. They WASTED time and obviously were not very concerned about this killer hurting any other child. THIS SHOULD BE A HUGE WARNING SIGN PEOPLE.
2.) If this guy is just out for attention, then he got what he wanted. But what about the evidence that still points towards the Ramsey’s???? Patsy’s fibers on the garrote? John’s fibers on the underpants of JonBenet? Burke’s statement that JonBenet was awake and walked in the home carrying presents contracting the parents statements? Patsy not being excluded as the author of that ransom note. The knowledge of John’s bonus that year. The pineapple left out with only Patsy and Burke’s prints on the bowl which was the last substance found in Jon Benet’s small intestine? Burke’s knife used to cut the rope? The flashlight that just happened to be the exact same one John Andrew bought for the family which mysteriously disappeared. The list goes on and on.

So who is running the show here? John Mark Karr, or John Bennet Ramsey? Pay close attention to the man behind the curtain. Pay close attention to what John Ramsey says or does not say.

As for Pam Paugh. God SHUT UP ALREADY. What a fricken embarrassment she is to the family. Talk about wanting to be the center of attention. You didn’t love JonBenet, “I” loved JonBenet. I bet John Ramsey is wanting her to shut the ## up!
Excellent post..........particularly about keeping an eye on John Ramsey.

And NO.....the Ramsey's need no apology at all. As someone said on another thread......if anyone else's child was murdered they'd spend the rest of their life to find the killer! Didn't happen in this case because the Ramsey's knew who it was!

While, admittedly, being extremely confused when it comes to this case, I have to applaud Nedthan for this post. I'm not 100% on either side of the fence and I won't profess to have investigated as well as many on this board.
But I am wondering where John and even Burke are when it comes to this arrest. I would have been in that man's face the minute he was on US soil asking him WHY? or IF? he murdered my daughter. I would definitely be speaking out and pushing LE to confirm his presence in CO that night. I see how many other's victims families act when a suspect is arrested and wonder why JR isn't acting the same.
Nice to see you Ned! :)

Yes, a great post. Very well stated. I'm not jumping on this bandwagon! Time will tell, we have to wait, JMK is looking like a nutcase! And whatever the Ramseys have had to endure, is no one's fault but their own.

Has JR left the country yet?
Agree, no apologies on this end of the computer even if they could be innocent.. :eek:
LaMer said:
Nice to see you Ned! :)

Yes, a great post. Very well stated. I'm not jumping on this bandwagon! Time will tell, we have to wait, JMK is looking like a nutcase! And whatever the Ramseys have had to endure, is no one's fault but their own.

Has JR left the country yet?[/QUOTE]

Maybe that's why we haven't heard a thing from him since the first day. Has he left? Burke is supposed to be starting classes this week @ Purdue. Maybe John has left already.
Pocono Sleuther said:
While, admittedly, being extremely confused when it comes to this case, I have to applaud Nedthan for this post. I'm not 100% on either side of the fence and I won't profess to have investigated as well as many on this board.
But I am wondering where John and even Burke are when it comes to this arrest. I would have been in that man's face the minute he was on US soil asking him WHY? or IF? he murdered my daughter. I would definitely be speaking out and pushing LE to confirm his presence in CO that night. I see how many other's victims families act when a suspect is arrested and wonder why JR isn't acting the same.

Poco....if your not real familiar with this case, be sure and check out Tricia's thread here which is called.....

"The JBR forum is just a wee bit different than the rest"

Read everything in it, including all links that Tricia provides.

You'll be simply amazed! .........and it will catch you up on the case.
This has NOTHING to do with hatred. This has to do with following the evidence in this case and paying CLOSE attention to the father of this VICTIM. Here many of you are jumping to conclusions regarding John Mark Karr when there is NO concrete evidence yet that links him to this crime. I just want to remind everyone of the evidence that points to the Ramsey’s and remind you all that they are STILL under the umbrella of suspicion. Once again we have ODD comments on behalf of John Ramsey. It speaks VOLUMES when he wants to be LEFT ALONE when after 10 years a man comes forward claiming he murdered his daughter.

Keep watching…..
Sure, I will apologize for my distrust of them but it will always be with the caveat that they brought it on themselves by the way they acted.

I can understand that they were worried that the police would crucify them. However, that's reality and that is the police you have to deal with. Flying off the same day to Atlanta because you don't like the way you were treated is not acceptable in my opinion. That doesn't take the focus off you and put it onto other possible suspects, it makes everyone focus that much more on you.

So if Karr really did it or rolls over on the person who does, then yes the Ramseys are owed an apology by some. But had they done the right things day 1, they would have faded into history as a victim family like John Walsh, Mark Klass, and Mr. Lunsford.

I am waiting for the Boulder DA to provide evidence, convincing enough for an actual conviction before a jury of 12 people, that Karr is guilty of JonBenet's murder. Until then, I'm on the fence.
whereabouts for that night? Here we have a person with an obsession for this case, who like some perps, seems to have interjected himself in the case, who is certain that the Ramseys are innocent and has corresponded with someone for four years whom he has recently reported as a suspect. This is what, the third time he has accused someone of this crime? Helgoth, some other poor sap and now this guy. His behavior is beginning to look a little suspect to me.
How about if the RAMSEYS apologize to all of the innocent people they pointed the finger at (to get the heat off of themselves)?

As for "getting this sicko off the street"......why?

This is America. There is no law against being a weirdo. There's no law against having a perverse interest in particular murders......or getting a sex change......or exchanging weird emails.

They say that he was busted with child *advertiser censored* on his pc in California. Apparently, in California this is a misdemeanor.

Other than that, he was just as much a right to be on the streets as you or I.
Nedthan Johns said:

1.) Even IF this freak IS the murderer, both of the Ramsey’s hindered the investigation from the start by REFUSING to cooperate with police. They took the focus OFF the intruder theory by NOT cooperating, which forced the investigators to take a closer look at them. They WASTED time and obviously were not very concerned about this killer hurting any other child. THIS SHOULD BE A HUGE WARNING SIGN PEOPLE.
2.) If this guy is just out for attention, then he got what he wanted. But what about the evidence that still points towards the Ramsey’s???? Patsy’s fibers on the garrote? John’s fibers on the underpants of JonBenet? Burke’s statement that JonBenet was awake and walked in the home carrying presents contracting the parents statements? Patsy not being excluded as the author of that ransom note. The knowledge of John’s bonus that year. The pineapple left out with only Patsy and Burke’s prints on the bowl which was the last substance found in Jon Benet’s small intestine? Burke’s knife used to cut the rope? The flashlight that just happened to be the exact same one John Andrew bought for the family which mysteriously disappeared. The list goes on and on.

So who is running the show here? John Mark Karr, or John Bennet Ramsey? Pay close attention to the man behind the curtain. Pay close attention to what John Ramsey says or does not say.

As for Pam Paugh. God SHUT UP ALREADY. What a fricken embarrassment she is to the family. Talk about wanting to be the center of attention. You didn’t love JonBenet, “I” loved JonBenet. I bet John Ramsey is wanting her to shut the ## up!
:clap: Excellent post! Last night I caught the rerun of the LKL interview with the Ramseys from 2000 - when Larry asks John about finding JB's body and what he did, JR kind of bristles, starts talking about finding JB and bringing her upstairs, etc.....but, he also states at one point that "her hands were bound tightly."....no they weren't... everything I've been able to find indicates that her hands were tied loosely - anyway - watching them gave me a funny feeling - they are covering up something. And when Larry King asks them if they'd be willing to take lie detector tests now (meaning at that time in 2000) - they both shift in their seats - and John starts double talking a mile a minute and never really answers the question, he makes a statement [that] "we'd expect it to be fair...." and just double talks around the question....(I worked for a guy like that, could not STAND his slimy ways...).

Anyway, as I watch the current coverage on this Karr guy - my God, he is eating the attention up like a starving dog...what a piece of work, and if he did have anything to do with the murder of JBR or has some "super secret information" that has not been made public - I hope he spills his guts and takes anyone else involved down with him.
Nedthan Johns said:
This has NOTHING to do with hatred. This has to do with following the evidence in this case and paying CLOSE attention to the father of this VICTIM. Here many of you are jumping to conclusions regarding John Mark Karr when there is NO concrete evidence yet that links him to this crime. I just want to remind everyone of the evidence that points to the Ramsey’s and remind you all that they are STILL under the umbrella of suspicion. Once again we have ODD comments on behalf of John Ramsey. It speaks VOLUMES when he wants to be LEFT ALONE when after 10 years a man comes forward claiming he murdered his daughter.

Keep watching…..

I'm not jumping to any conclusions about Karr, but I do think each individual should take responsibility for his own actions. We should acknowledge our mistakes, apologize, then move on.
Not true. He doesn't have the right to be on the streets like you and I. This guy was fired from 2 teaching jobs for inappropriate behavior.
Nedthan Johns said:
Pay close attention to the man behind the curtain. Pay close attention to what John Ramsey says or does not say.
My very first thought when this story broke was: How much did John Ramsey pay that perv to be the Patsy?

After several days my first thought hasn't changed.

I think The Karr Show would've opened sooner, but Ramsey and his co-producers had to wait for (the real) Patsy to die, not because she wasn't 100% behind the scam, but because it's way too risky to bring a fake perp onto the same stage as the real one. Can you imagine if Karr's defense attorneys got hold of her or, god forbid, got her on the witness stand in a criminal trial?
Nedthan Johns said:
Not true. He doesn't have the right to be on the streets like you and I. This guy was fired from 2 teaching jobs for inappropriate behavior.
Being fired from two jobs for inappropriate behavior does NOT take away his right to be on the streets.

If it did, he would have been put in prison for it back then.

We can't just decide that because WE don't like a person's looks or actions, that they have no right to "walk the streets".

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