April 22 weekend of Sleuthiness

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I don't believe that. I think she confided to some of her closest "friends" and they were used as alibis.

So you think that even if Nancy had a recent affair....her close friends would not divulge the details? Not being snarky, serious question, trying to see your point.
The .bmp file is certainly unusual. In my research, I found that google earth uses jpeg and png files. I would be surprised if Brad had set his computer to interpret or save image files as bmp files as they tend to be mcuh larger files. The only advantage is that they include vector data, and I don't see any reason for Brad needing those file types in his work.

Just for clarity/accuracy--it was google maps satellite view, not google earth.
ETA--I appreciate your thoughtful posts, Otto. :)
There has been no testimony that has shown me that anyone tampered with BC's Cisco laptop. None. Nada.

The entire chain-of-command of that laptop was testified to by every cop who was in the Cooper house from the time the search warrant was served (and even before that), to when the equipment went into the locked evidence room at CPD and then handed to the FBI.

For some reason people are forgetting all of this testimony and dismissing it. Yes, I know Cooper's laptop was connected to the network and ON for 27 hrs, but it was locked and required a Ctrl-Alt-Del and password to get in it. No one accessed Cooper's IBM laptop. Not the CPD, not some random hacker in the 'hood, no one.

And until someone shows me exactly who tampered, rather than suggesting someone with madz hacking skillz could get into a WEP network, that's not going to cut it for me. I am not gullible nor do I subscribe to conspiracy theories, nor do I believe a bunch of people had it in for Brad Cooper. Nope.

Cooper was in his office at CSCO in RTP on July 11th and did the search himself. As stupid as that sounds and as pissed off as it makes people that he would do something so stupid, he did it. Himself.

Why is it that you require a level of proof from the defense that you don't require from the prosecution? They actually have the burden in this case.
Originally Posted by Wyn
Definitely. I'd love to know why she stayed.

I think she was enjoying the lifestyle of the neighborhood. She was a pool mom, as the witness said yesterday. She had the nice house, nice car, vacations and freedom to spend lots of time with friends doing whatever she wanted. Life with Brad was probably very exciting compared to life before Brad.

I think some of what you say, otto, is probably part of it -- a good life, she had started making some friends... Plus, she was an adult, not some silly 16-year-old, and who wants to admit making a mistake, especially after only one year?

Maybe she thought that they could both work on things, and that it would get better (don't we all think/hope that about so many things?). She wanted a family, and I feel that some part of her did love BC.

Oh, how "till death do us part" would be so true for her.
So, now we are to believe, Nancy, who has been criticized for telling too much of her personal life to friends or anyone that will listen......now, possibly was having an affair and kept it a complete secret, and ran off to see him on that deadly Sat. morning? Oy vey! No evidence she was having an affair prior to her death and any talk like that is inappropriate to the victim. JMO

In my opinion, you are wrong. There is evidence that she was re-connecting with men from her past. That doesn't necessarily mean that she was having an affair, but it doesn't eliminate it either. In her mind, she wasn't with Brad any more. The divorce was going to happen. But she was communicating with other men in some form.
Perhaps she viewed his affair differently from hers, early in their marriage, because they now had two children and she was thinking they were a family unit that would stay together? I'm sure it was devastating to learn that it was with someone she considered a friend. Double whammy!

NC and JP were naked on her living room couch in October 2005.

NC slept with her sister's husband to be.

Police found on 16 July 2008 that NC was tested for STDs that spring but she had not been intimate with BC since her second childbirth.

This is all in court documents.
Two of the witnesses yesterday testified that it was quite normal for Brad to be watching the chidren while Nancy had time for herself, although they acknowledged that while Brad was doing his MBA he was very busy. The earlier testimony painted Nancy as being solely responsible for the chidlren, but I think that testimony was selected to give that impression. Yesteday's witnesses also testified that Nancy exaggerated and embellished so much that they called her on it. Would any of those friends that testified in the beginning have said something if Nancy was having an affair? Perhaps, and perhaps not. They seemed to have made up their collective minds that Brad did it, and they did not seem interested in providing any information that pointed in a different direction.

Also, we have the "alibi" comment from another friend, one that was uncomfortable with the fact that Nancy used her to explain to Brad what she was doing with her time. That suggests that Nancy had claimed, in the past, that she was doing one thing when she was in fact doing something else. According to Brad, Nancy went for a run. Perhaps she was meeting with someone, but Brad was given a line that "she was going for a run".

Which witness had the "alibi" comment yesterday? I haven't listed to all of yesterday yet.
Why is it that you require a level of proof from the defense that you don't require from the prosecution? They actually have the burden in this case.

Actually, the defense is making the claim that someone tampered with the computers, so thereby they have to prove it.
If NC did have a current "thing" going and none of her friends knew, and apparently BC did not know, how would the police have had any idea of where or for whom to begin to chase this facet of the case? She certainly had no way to meet him -- she had the kids all the time and even her gasoline was controlled. And I don't see him picking her up or just going to her house.

They might start by asking why one witness testimony indicates NC was running at Lake Johnston on Thursday morning and another indicates she was at the gym and lunch with HP on Thursday.
So you think that even if Nancy had a recent affair....her close friends would not divulge the details? Not being snarky, serious question, trying to see your point.

I honestly do not believe they would.
In my opinion, you are wrong. There is evidence that she was re-connecting with men from her past. That doesn't necessarily mean that she was having an affair, but it doesn't eliminate it either. In her mind, she wasn't with Brad any more. The divorce was going to happen. But she was communicating with other men in some form.

Well, I have missed this...when was she communicating with other men? TIA
They might start by asking why one witness testimony indicates NC was running at Lake Johnston on Thursday morning and another indicates she was at the gym and lunch with HP on Thursday.

They have evidence of cell phone pings from her phone. Were there any in the area of Lake Johnson or possibly a large gap in time when there were no pings at all?
Actually, the defense is making the claim that someone tampered with the computers, so thereby they have to prove it.

But the prosecution made a claim that Brad spoofed the 6:40 call, yet they did not prove it. In fact, the lead detective testified that they had no evidence proving he spoofed that call. Yet people that believe he is guilty dismiss the lack of evidence that he did it and say he knew how to do it so he did it.
Well, I have missed this...when was she communicating with other men? TIA

She was sending and receiving emails to/from BW, a former boyfriend in Canada. That was in evidence when he asked if she was afraid or something to that effect and she had replied something about him just being "mad" and saying that he would get over it.
Well, I have missed this...when was she communicating with other men? TIA

I might be mistaken, but I believe KL testified she was emailing with a past boyfriend. Also, she was making plans with someone in Canada as well.

ETA: I think they were the same person
But the prosecution made a claim that Brad spoofed the 6:40 call, yet they did not prove it. In fact, the lead detective testified that they had no evidence proving he spoofed that call. Yet people that believe he is guilty dismiss the lack of evidence that he did it and say he knew how to do it so he did it.

Yes, but don't you think those are two different claims? Prosecution did their best to try and show Brad used the calls as an alibi. Now, defense is trying to say that someone else got on Brad's computer to explain things....so isn't it up to them to prove that claim? I'll listen to both explanations.
I might be mistaken, but I believe KL testified she was emailing with a past boyfriend. Also, she was making plans with someone in Canada as well.

ETA: I think they were the same person

I'm sure the reason that this is confusing is because the information came in through the undercover agent when he was going over the emails found on Brad's laptop computer. I think.
I might be mistaken, but I believe KL testified she was emailing with a past boyfriend. Also, she was making plans with someone in Canada as well.

ETA: I think they were the same person

Oh, right! I remember now....I guess I just took that in a different way. It seemed benign to me......not romantic. Thanks though.....too many details in this case!!!
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