April 29 weekend of Sleuthiness

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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A) How do you know what the CPD investigated? Apparently, they even searched the golf course looking through drain pipes based on some "psychic's tip". That sounds open-minded to me.
B) They questioned BC 4 days in a row and continually found inconsistencies in his testimony....then he lawyered up. Scratches on neck, said he was cleaning all day but house was a mess, said he went to sleep at 8:30pm, computer activity at 9:30pm, said NC went jogging, no running shoes missing and NC had plans to paint, etc, etc, etc. Those are red flags.
C) Name another viable suspect...someone with means, motive and opportunity.
D) I'm an IT professional who knows much about VPNs, etc. The files that were updated came through the Cisco VPN....which, if you work in a corporate environment, you know happens constantly for security updates, program updates, etc. Not that menacing as the defense would have you believe.
E) How does a Meat department trainer at a Food Lion (not NC/BCs regular grocery store) know NC so well he can identify her while travelling 45 mph on Kildaire Farm Rd...at the same time he's watching 2 hispanic men in a van.
F) Why do suspects and defense attorney's strive to introduce either alibis or other possible suspects? They create reasonable doubt.
G) You need to watch more Crime TV. How did Scott Peterson get convicted? People get convicted every day based on circumstantial evidence. Each person's definition of reasonable doubt is unique. Each jury is imperfect.

To me this is the most compelling fact:

Why were her running shoes not missing? Serious runners wear their shoes out, so you would fully expect her to be wearing her newest shoes that her running partner said she runs in. She didn't rotate.

A. I know by what has come out in testimony during the trial.
B. There were no scratches on his neck, DD said they were red marks, yet no one made mention of them in their notes until a later date, and no pictures of them were taken. Her running shoes are missing; CPD tried to say they were returned to the store but were able to find absolutely any evidence of that happening. They found some mismatched shoes that were not her size and were different colors. I think he may have been cleaning, but your clean does not mean someone else’s clean. The house was so cluttered that without unpacking all the boxes I think we have to discount that they moved those when cleaning. The only evidence of the painting plans is JA, and I doubt her testimony on that. Not one other friend knew about them and NC told RL at the party she was going jogging in the am.
C. JP and JA
D. Please excuse me if I discount your expertise as fact when you haven’t even had the opportunity to examine the evidence and there is no way for me to know what you actually do for a living.
E. You made a statement that she would not shop for meat at FL. Explain to me how you would know that as fact? If she had, she may have had previous conversations with him and he recalled her face.
F. It is up to the Prosecution to prove their case, the Defense’s role is to discount the Prosecution case.
G. What does watching crime shows have to do with any of this? Or Scott Peterson, every case is different.
H. You missed explaining to me what a coincidence is in this case? You brought it up in your original post, I questioned it, but you have failed to respond. A lot of the coincidences seem to be over inflation of everyday tasks to me. This is your original comment that I questioned, “D) How many "coincidences" or mismatching facts must it take before one says "ok, that's one too many"”

Her running shoes are missing! Her newest ones.
FWIW, I can never get a complete answer to an entire alternate theory. As soon as a question pops up, we go back to someone else lying on the stand. Or what a heinous individual BZ must be. Or something that was eaten. Or not eaten. Or ducks. Or Facebook. At this point, the best I can work out from the SODDI folks is that JP did it to avoid child support although there seem to be no DNA test results in existence to support this - he either met her at Java Jive where she brought a child to prove its existence, or he abducted her into a van when no one was looking and made a beeline for Fielding. JA covered for him because she was mad at NC for having a friend who had the same name as her own husband and didn't get invited to the same party.

Can't help but giggle at your post. You have summarized it well.
You are right about the 22 seconds but I also remember some discussion around the 1 second seizure time. Chris had no idea about seizure time and some people thought that 1 + 22 could account for the 23 second call.

iirc, it was 32 not 23.

Her running shoes are missing! Her newest ones.

Are you sure of that??? My memory is a bit different...they were saying some she purchased earlier may have been missing but the ones she used all the time and the ones she used when on vacation were not missing.

However HIS shoes were missing!!
We don't know if she was killed at 12:30am when she walked in the door or at 4am or at 7:30am via some stalker. Do you know what she drank at the party (Diet Coke, Coffee)? Do you know the exact time she had her last (if any at all) alcoholic drink? Do you know if she drank something when she got home? That is not irrefutable.

I don't mean this to be snarky, but are you following the case? She drank and ate all night. She drank an assortment of beer and wine, wine before even going to the party. She obviously had quite a high tolerance because people said she was not drunk but there is evidence of her drinking first with JA from about 3:30 in the afternoon until she left the party. She also was eating throughout the night. There were no sodas at the party to drink. No one knows when she was killed, it was between 1 am and 11 am the next morning according to the ME and the Bug guy. It is assumed it was later since she had no contents in her stomach but a piece of onion.
I agree with you. If this board is any indication then the Prosecution has done an very ineffective job. Heck...people that were sure he was guilty don't think he is now. I too am worried that a guilty man will walk,

I will always believe he is guilty. I am worried that there is so little evidence. There are many, many inconsistencies and coincidences that will never make sense other than Brad did it, regardless of the router and computer and phone call evidence, or lack of. There seem to be too many variables so far in the testimony about that, at least in my understanding, so I don't have a good feeling about any of it.
FWIW, I can never get a complete answer to an entire alternate theory. As soon as a question pops up, we go back to someone else lying on the stand. Or what a heinous individual BZ must be. Or something that was eaten. Or not eaten. Or ducks. Or Facebook. At this point, the best I can work out from the SODDI folks is that JP did it to avoid child support although there seem to be no DNA test results in existence to support this - he either met her at Java Jive where she brought a child to prove its existence, or he abducted her into a van when no one was looking and made a beeline for Fielding. JA covered for him because she was mad at NC for having a friend who had the same name as her own husband and didn't get invited to the same party.

Twisting words to make it seem as though alternate theories do not make sense is not the same as alternate theories not being posted.

ETA: from what I have been reading there are those who believe JP could be a suspect and those who believe JA could be a suspect. There are also those who believe it could be random.
Stated a few days ago: KP sued HM for alienation of affection. We know NC could have been sued too (would have been BC's $). Then BC could sue JP and get his $ back.
We don't know if she was killed at 12:30am when she walked in the door or at 4am or at 7:30am via some stalker. Do you know what she drank at the party (Diet Coke, Coffee)? Do you know the exact time she had her last (if any at all) alcoholic drink? Do you know if she drank something when she got home? That is not irrefutable.

Were you able to watch some of the trial footage?

At the party, Nancy had about 6 drinks including beer and wine (per early testimony). No coffee. She snacked through the evening.

Where would we find information about what Nancy ate or drank when she got home?

Nancy typically drank coffee in the morning and ran on an empty stomach.

Stomach contents - nothing but some onion (which typically takes longer to digest).

Medical examiner placed time of death as late as 7 in the morning in part because food was digested.
I agree...I am sure the medical examiner could not really pinpoint the time of death either. I did not take from his testimony that the evidence was consistant with her being alive at 7:00 am. I rather thought it was inconclusive.

The medical examiner gave a window of time, and on cross he agreed that the time of death could be as late as 7 AM.
I don't mean this to be snarky, but are you following the case? She drank and ate all night. She drank an assortment of beer and wine, wine before even going to the party. She obviously had quite a high tolerance because people said she was not drunk but there is evidence of her drinking first with JA from about 3:30 in the afternoon until she left the party. She also was eating throughout the night. There were no sodas at the party to drink. No one knows when she was killed, it was between 1 am and 11 am the next morning according to the ME and the Bug guy. It is assumed it was later since she had no contents in her stomach but a piece of onion.

Not sure it was assumed by everyone that it was later ...testimony indicates that the stomach empties in four hours....we don't know when she last ate. Also there was testimony that caffeine remains in the system for many hours and she had a diet soda in the afternoon. So, some may assume she was killed later and some are assuming she wasn't....depends what side of the fence you are on and whether it fits into your theory I imagine.
The testimony also included other ways to have the call automated. There was one method where the call length could be as long as you desired.

Not being snarky but who's testimony are you referring to I'd like to go back and listen to it again?

I recall discussion (perhaps testimony) about different methods to spoof calls and I remember testimony about the call manager method (i.e. 22 seconds) but I don't recall there being actual testimony about how long the calls could/would last using the other methods.
What I said is that Brad would have to be completely stupid to commit murder for $75k. I don't think he is completely stupid, and I don't believe that he would risk his freedom and life for that amount of money. The life insurance is not a motive.

Nobody said the $75k was the sole reason he murdered Nancy - I brought up the life insurance money. I said it sure didn't hurt to have an additional $75k. Never did I say that was THE reason he murdered her.

My husband's grandfather was murdered for $27. That is 27 - not 27,000 - $27. Three people murdered him for $27. Murder is stupid. If someone will murder for $27, then I'm pretty sure they wouldn't turn down $75,000 if they had gotten away with it and could have collected.
I think the police think that this in fact was not a test call but was supposed to be the real thing.....however his cell phone was either set so all calls went to voice mail or not turned on. This per Detective Daniels testimony that the first two spoofed calls failed.

That wouldn't make sense since he wasn't at or near HT at that time. However, since the call worked other than the cell phone part, why wouldn't he redo this scenario?
The medical examiner gave a window of time, and on cross he agreed that the time of death could be as late as 7 AM.

Didn't he say on cross it could have been later than 7 am? And, the bug guy said up to 11 am.
No body fluids on the boxed ducks
Body fluids were on the floors...the floors he decided to clean for some reason.

I'm not convinced that BC didn't clean the ducks and put them in the box. Just like stowing the necklace in a box and in a drawer his mother was using. Just like Nancy's personal items/journals stowed in the Master bedroom closet. Maybe there was no way to clean the sticks so they had to go. Mrs. Cooper knew about those ducks. Odd that she kept that under her hat for such a long time. Just one of those things that make you go hmmmmmmm.
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