April 8th wknd of Sleuthing

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So how long do you guys think this trial will last? Will the Prosecution be done end of this coming week you think?

Anyone want to talk about their other theories that make BC innocent?
I like the idea!

My theory and it's based on a lot of little tiny details. I'll give the theory and if anyone wants the details, I'll lay them out.

I think that based on what she ate and drank at the party she was feeling sick. I think once she saw the lights out she hurried home because she was feeling nauseous. I think she went in the house and got sick to her stomach. (In a toilet, not on the floor) I think she fell into bed still in her dress. I do think that Katie started crying at 4 a.m. but I don't think Brad was in bed with her. I think that Nancy may have gotten up and yelled at him to get up and take care of her because it was "his weekend" to take care of the girls. During that confrontation I think she ended up being strangled by her husband and I do think it ended up down in the foyer. That's my theory.
I like the idea!

My theory and it's based on a lot of little tiny details. I'll give the theory and if anyone wants the details, I'll lay them out.

I think that based on what she ate and drank at the party she was feeling sick. I think once she saw the lights out she hurried home because she was feeling nauseous. I think she went in the house and got sick to her stomach. (In a toilet, not on the floor) I think she fell into bed still in her dress. I do think that Katie started crying at 4 a.m. but I don't think Brad was in bed with her. I think that Nancy may have gotten up and yelled at him to get up and take care of her because it was "his weekend" to take care of the girls. During that confrontation I think she ended up being strangled by her husband and I do think it ended up down in the foyer. That's my theory.

That makes a lot of sense. I picture her not going to bed though and getting a diet coke, he heard her and they had a confrontation and she headed over to the stairs to get up to bed and he pulled her back. I do believe it all happened in the foyer too.. Those decorative sticks and ducks missing is just weird.. so he tossed them... he knew he had to get rid of her before the kids woke up and sat around thinking about it and then left around 530 and drove to find somewhere..
That makes a lot of sense. I picture her not going to bed though and getting a diet coke, he heard her and they had a confrontation and she headed over to the stairs to get up to bed and he pulled her back. I do believe it all happened in the foyer too.. Those decorative sticks and ducks missing is just weird.. so he tossed them... he knew he had to get rid of her before the kids woke up and sat around thinking about it and then left around 530 and drove to find somewhere..

My brain keeps wanting to put the 4 a.m. time in there for a reason. I don't think he pulled that out of thin air. There is always small points of truth even in the biggest lies. I'm thinking that 4:00-4:30 was significant for some reason.
My brain keeps wanting to put the 4 a.m. time in there for a reason. I don't think he pulled that out of thin air. There is always small points of truth even in the biggest lies. I'm thinking that 4:00-4:30 was significant for some reason.

I totally think so too! I think that was when the lights were on and he was cleaning up the foyer.. definitely was worried someone in the neighborhood would see that light on!
Reading through the affidavits, watching the testimony, seeing the overly involved behavior and putting all the pieces together I believe that JA lied and she knows more than she is telling about the crime. Too many parts of her story do not make sense.
That makes a lot of sense. I picture her not going to bed though and getting a diet coke, he heard her and they had a confrontation and she headed over to the stairs to get up to bed and he pulled her back. I do believe it all happened in the foyer too.. Those decorative sticks and ducks missing is just weird.. so he tossed them... he knew he had to get rid of her before the kids woke up and sat around thinking about it and then left around 530 and drove to find somewhere..

I am going to have to wait for closing arguments..for the pros to put it all together for me. I have no doubt that he did it. I can't figure out if she was getting dressed or undressed at the time of death. I want to hear the computer evidence
I totally think so too! I think that was when the lights were on and he was cleaning up the foyer.. definitely was worried someone in the neighborhood would see that light on!

It's interesting to me to see all the different ideas. I'm not sure that the minor details are as important as the bigger details that point to who is responsible. I actually wish that we could talk about the theories that people have that point to someone else without naming the someone else. The biggest thing for me when theories of "others" come up (including her jogging that morning) is that she should have driven her car under any scenario. If her car had not been at the home, I would be more inclined to believe it may have been someone else.
Reading through the affidavits, watching the testimony, seeing the overly involved behavior and putting all the pieces together I believe that JA lied and she knows more than she is telling about the crime. Too many parts of her story do not make sense.

Can you specify which parts do not make sense? And is CC involved in this as well?
It's interesting to me to see all the different ideas. I'm not sure that the minor details are as important as the bigger details that point to who is responsible. I actually wish that we could talk about the theories that people have that point to someone else without naming the someone else. The biggest thing for me when theories of "others" come up (including her jogging that morning) is that she should have driven her car under any scenario. If her car had not been at the home, I would be more inclined to believe it may have been someone else.

In his affidavit SH said that when he ran with with Nancy she walked up to Lochmere to meet him. her leaving the house to run without her car does not seem so far fetched to me after hearing that.
NC told her sister she was not "into" painting JA's house when they spoke on Friday (7/11). JA claims it was NC's idea to paint the DR on Saturday morning and that they would do a "swap". JA would help her organize her home and unpack some of the boxes...JA would help her paint her DR. The problem is...NC had called her RE agent the previous day and said she wanted to find a place ASAP. He said it sounded "urgent". So why would she need JA's help to organize and unpack if she was planning to move very soon?

Keep in mind that NC would not be receiving any money for this job and we already know that she didn't feel like painting JA's house. Why would NC have made plans to paint there on Saturday? She told not one person at the party that she was going to paint at JA's the next day and she was quite talkative that night. She even told people she planned to go to the pool the next day. No mention of the painting.
In his affidavit SH said that when he ran with with Nancy she walked up to Lochmere to meet him. her leaving the house to run without her car does not seem so far fetched to me after hearing that.

That is true but she also was running with a partner. Since she didn't use an ipod or mp3 player, it seems that she liked the company. She did run alone on the treadmill at LTF. I'm waiting for the witnesses for the defense that testify to seeing her running alone in Lochmere.
Can you specify which parts do not make sense? And is CC involved in this as well?

The painting story doesn't add up. Nobody knew about it but people did know about Brad's tennis plans. In his affidavit MH says he specifically asked JA if Nancy was planning to bring the girls with her to paint and JA said no.

The All detergent. She completely made up that story down to the details of them using it because on of the girls had allergies.

Going over to help NC organize the girls' room after Nancy calls the Realtor saying she needed to get out urgently.

Calling Nancy while she was at the party on the 11th to ask if she wanted to leave the party and come to her house to drink wine. No discussion of the painting plans on this call. Not even "OK, Ill see you in the morning"

There is more but I need to go back and look at her affidavit again.

ETA: I don't think CC was intentionally involved. I think JA subtly planted the idea of the painting plans which is why CC was off with the time she heard about the plans.
NC told her sister she was not "into" painting JA's house when they spoke on Friday (7/11). JA claims it was NC's idea to paint the DR on Saturday morning and that they would do a "swap". JA would help her organize her home and unpack some of the boxes...JA would help her paint her DR. The problem is...NC had called her RE agent the previous day and said she wanted to find a place ASAP. He said it sounded "urgent". So why would she need JA's help to organize and unpack if she was planning to move very soon?

Keep in mind that NC would not be receiving any money for this job and we already know that she didn't feel like painting JA's house. Why would NC have made plans to paint there on Saturday? She told not one person at the party that she was going to paint at JA's the next day and she was quite talkative that night. She even told people she planned to go to the pool the next day. No mention of the painting.

Do you believe that CC was lying when she said that Nancy told her on Friday morning that she would not be able to run on Saturday because she was going to be painting?
That is true but she also was running with a partner. Since she didn't use an ipod or mp3 player, it seems that she liked the company. She did run alone on the treadmill at LTF. I'm waiting for the witnesses for the defense that testify to seeing her running alone in Lochmere.

I should have added that I do believe she was planning to meet somebody along the route of her run.
CC was very nervous on the stand. She was asked under cross about the conversation she had with NC the morning of 7/11 at 5AM. She was interviewed by police on 7/12 and *never* mentioned anything about the paint plans NC "allegedly" had with JA. It wasn't until August that she finally told police that yes, at 5AM on Friday 7/11, NC told her she had plans to paint at JA's the next day. The problem is, JA and NC supposedly did not make those arrangements until the evening of 7/11. WHY would she withhold that information the day Nancy went missing? This is very suspicious.
My brain keeps wanting to put the 4 a.m. time in there for a reason. I don't think he pulled that out of thin air. There is always small points of truth even in the biggest lies. I'm thinking that 4:00-4:30 was significant for some reason.

I think 4:00 or so is when he was trying to redress Nancy in the jogging attire. I think Katie did wake up at that time and he had to leave the dressing and attend to Katie. I don't think he had enough time to finish trying to get her dressed and figured what the hell, half-dressed looks like a sexual assault/rapist/killer, I'll just throw away the rest of the outfit. I agree that there is always a small portion of the truth in a big lie.
NC told her sister she was not "into" painting JA's house when they spoke on Friday (7/11). JA claims it was NC's idea to paint the DR on Saturday morning and that they would do a "swap". JA would help her organize her home and unpack some of the boxes...JA would help her paint her DR. The problem is...NC had called her RE agent the previous day and said she wanted to find a place ASAP. He said it sounded "urgent". So why would she need JA's help to organize and unpack if she was planning to move very soon?

Keep in mind that NC would not be receiving any money for this job and we already know that she didn't feel like painting JA's house. Why would NC have made plans to paint there on Saturday? She told not one person at the party that she was going to paint at JA's the next day and she was quite talkative that night. She even told people she planned to go to the pool the next day. No mention of the painting.

I am really trying to figure out if JA is lying about painting then why would she lie, what she she benefit out of worrying about her friend at 9am and calling the cops at 1pm? Interesting theory but I would like to know why, I just don't see the need to confirm and reconfirm a bunch of times that someone is coming over.

No one wants to do hard labor like painting even if its for money, but people (like NC) had to do it because she needs the money and then really knew she needed help organizing so they were trying to do a favor for a favor.
The painting story doesn't add up. Nobody knew about it but people did know about Brad's tennis plans. In his affidavit MH says he specifically asked JA if Nancy was planning to bring the girls with her to paint and JA said no.

The All detergent. She completely made up that story down to the details of them using it because on of the girls had allergies.

Going over to help NC organize the girls' room after Nancy calls the Realtor saying she needed to get out urgently.

Calling Nancy while she was at the party on the 11th to ask if she wanted to leave the party and come to her house to drink wine. No discussion of the painting plans on this call. Not even "OK, Ill see you in the morning"

There is more but I need to go back and look at her affidavit again.

ETA: I don't think CC was intentionally involved. I think JA subtly planted the idea of the painting plans which is why CC was off with the time she heard about the plans.

Either others embellished or MH embellished because he claims that he specifically asked Nancy's permission for Brad to play tennis the next day and she said it was O.K. Friends there said that he asked her if Brad could play tennis and she dialed a number and handed MH the phone without saying anything. Why did MH wait until Brad left to confirm plans for tennis when all three of them were at the Duncan's at the same time?

I think there was evidence that ALL detergent was purchased so it could have been a discussion at that moment in time and later they switched to the Tide HE.

Calling the realtor and still wanting to organize I don't see as mutually exclusive.

Calling and asking her to come over for wine without mentioning, "See you tomorrow" doesn't seem like a big deal to me.

I'm not trying to be contrary but that's coming from my perspective; not trying to make excuses. I just don't see anything nefarious.
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