April 8th wknd of Sleuthing

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Hey sunshine, you have a response to Cheyenne?
Wonder why the SBI didn't find even a trace of wine on the dress?
I guess Brad lied when he said Nancy told him she spilled wine on the dress???

He may have washed it after the fact. That doesn't mean he knew that's what she was wearing that night.

I'll say it again, why lie about the wine stain if your not going to use that excuse as to the reason you washed the dress.

He says he doesn't remember if he washed it because he doesn't know what dress it was in the first place.
And the FXO port was not designed for enterprise use...it was a 2 port card used in a home VOIP environment. In fact, we heard just yesterday he had such a home system installed that required this FXO port.
Think he just decided to toss it?
I do.

That is a good point and a detail I missed. I can see no reason to get rid of a perfectly good piece of equipment that is only 6 or so months old. Wasn't it ordered early 2008? I do believe it was thrown out sometime after 6:40am on July 12 2008.
I've seen a few people asking about the court reporter's mask. Thought this was interesting:


A stenomask or voice silencer covers a court reporter's mouth and has a built-in microphone. The stenomask allows the court reporter to repeat everything the parties are saying without anyone else hearing it and also keeps background noise away from the microphone. The reporter can also dictate instructions to the person who will transcribe the audio. Stenomask court reporters can exceed 180 words a minute with very little inaccuracy.

Originally Posted by sunshine05
Not DD. I still don't have proof that BC lied about anything.

Yet you have *proof* JA and CC did.


.she had no choice but to stay she did not have the means to leave.

So her family didn't have the means to give her the money? I think they did; they gave her a lot of money in the past, and they paid her attorney. They could have sent money to her attorney and the attorney could have given her cash. There were other options, too.

I do not believe she had no choice unless her family refused to give her the money to leave.
He may have washed it after the fact. That doesn't mean he knew that's what she was wearing that night.

I'll say it again, why lie about the wine stain if your not going to use that excuse as to the reason you washed the dress.

He says he doesn't remember if he washed it because he doesn't know what dress it was in the first place.

Washed it after the fact:waitasec:

The dress she actually wore was cleared up fairly quickly. He told CPD he washed the dress then he said 3 months later he didn't remember.
How much does an FXO port cost for Cisco employees? There's a 2 port FXO cisco device for $400. Even with an employee discount this device must have cost over $100, yes? I cannot imagine losing or deciding to toss a piece of equipment that costs $400 and is 6 months old. Not unless I need to to keep myself from being the suspect in a murder.


I am getting kind of tired of plowing this same ground.

1. BC had access to routers of all kinds as part of his job.

2. His employer MAKES routers.

3. There was sworn, documented proof introduced into evidence that a device which would enable some models of routers to interface with the TWC connection were procured by the lab BC worked in.

4. BC had access to all of the equipment required to make the connection, and had done so previously in their shared domicile.

5. BC had access to the router, and the software needed to set up his very own PBX type of managed call center. He did not NEED for it to run through the managed Cisco setup.

6. BC is an EXPERT at setting this stuff up.

7. There are a pattern of phone calls, some of which are not explained on the morning that his wife is missing, subsequently found to have been murdered.

- Now, on the topic of their being "a ton of shoes in that house" OK, Immelda Marcos had a ton of shoes in her house too, but I'll bet they all had both left and right ones! :great:

Well worth repeating.
So her family didn't have the means to give her the money? I think they did; they gave her a lot of money in the past, and they paid her attorney. They could have sent money to her attorney and the attorney could have given her cash. There were other options, too.

I do not believe she had no choice unless her family refused to give her the money to leave.

She also was advised by her attorney to stay in the home. He could have used "abandonment" of the marriage and home in the divorce suit. She was advised by her attorney to stay in the home - the idea was to get him to leave the home after it became apparent he was not going to be agreeable to a separation agreement that would have allowed Nancy to leave and take the children.
He may have washed it after the fact. That doesn't mean he knew that's what she was wearing that night.

I'll say it again, why lie about the wine stain if your not going to use that excuse as to the reason you washed the dress.

He says he doesn't remember if he washed it because he doesn't know what dress it was in the first place.

I'm not sure that he planned his stories out that well. He told the police initially that he met Nancy in the hallway upstairs when he was coming out of the room with Katie. He later changed that story to he was already downstairs with Katie when Nancy came down 10-15 minutes later. So he may have changed his story about washing the dress as well.
Washed it after the fact:waitasec:

The dress she actually wore was cleared up fairly quickly. He told CPD he washed the dress then he said 3 months later he didn't remember.

When did he tell CPD he washed the dress?
She also was advised by her attorney to stay in the home. He could have used "abandonment" of the marriage and home in the divorce suit. She was advised by her attorney to stay in the home - the idea was to get him to leave the home after it became apparent he was not going to be agreeable to a separation agreement that would have allowed Nancy to leave and take the children.

Now there's a law that should be changed.
I don't know. I just don't know.

I am still on the fence because I have not seen any concrete proof. However, I totally "get it" on the CE that has been shown. Yes, it does add up, but does it actually add up to BC committing murder? Again, I don't know.

I can see both sides of the coin here. I do think that we are splitting hairs though. In most instances, it would not matter whatsoever. In this instance, we have a murder so it does matter.

For example, with the dress -- I can totally relate to the fact that BC may have just not listened to WHAT NC was saying was spilled on the dress. For that matter, I could totally relate to BC even being confused on WHICH dress was actually worn. My husband would have just heard me say something spilled (dropped, yadda, yadda, whatever), and I can guarantee that he would most probably not even remember what I was wearing the night before.

I know it goes much deeper than a dress, but I'm just trying to point out that even little discrepancies become major points when something terrible happens.
Theory 3. I think he found out about the painting date via the stolen emails and he bought the drop cloth as a way to "prove" he knew about the paint date via some other way (i.e. NC told me). Why tho? I don't know.

I think it might be just another form of control of NC by BC -- just to very subtly let her know that he knew everything she was doing. A "psych" job on her. He hated her, certainly, and he was trying to break her just because he could. AND he was succeeding. JMO...
When did he tell CPD he washed the dress?

Check 18:21 of opening statement.
Brad produced the dress the next day and told the cops in a documented interview he washed it because there was a wine stain on the dress.
Regarding the dress. Why did Cooper put the exact dress his wife was wearing the night of the party over the dining room chair, after he washed it, but then claimed in his deposition he didn't know what she was wearing? I can't understand why he told police it was blue but said light green or orange in the deposition. He found the dress and laid it out the day or 2 after the murder.
Check 18:21 of opening statement.
Brad produced the dress the next day and told the cops in a documented interview he washed it because there was a wine stain on the dress.

Thank you JTF - I knew he told the police when he turned over the dress, but knowing where it is documented helps.
She also was advised by her attorney to stay in the home.

Did she say, "I can't stay there. I'm afraid Brad is going to kill me."

No! She wasn't afraid. I think she exaggerated a lot of her stories and made sure not to tell about the good things so that her friends would take her side and hate Brad right along with her.

I don't know whether Brad killed her or not.
I cannot get beyond the fact that there are missing items and it makes no sense how all these things went missing.

Brad's shoes, 2 right shoes of Nancy's, tech equipment that would prove the ability to spoof a home phone call, decorative items from the foyer. The shoes alone are beyond suspicious to me.

You're quite right, Mad74 -- and my mind is obviously too filled with this stuff to remember everything, so let me ask:
Did CPD or Stubbs or anyone ask BC about the ducks and the sticks? If so, what did he say? (Sorry to be so dense.)
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