GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 5

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I misspoke earlier on the 10 time. I was guessing. I know she told me she was home between 10 and 11 and he was home playing video games.

Oh, ok. Let me just say that I don't believe what she told you. No matter what happened that night between about 5:30 and whenever he supposedly was playing video games...well, I just can't believe he would just be sitting at home playing video games after what went down. He says he panicked. If he intended to kill her or it was an accident, I just can't see him home at 10, 10:30, 11 playing video games. I guess it's not impossible, but highly improbable that he killed someone however it happened and then just hung out at his house playing video games. Obviously on Sunday he was in panic mode crashing his vehicle. And then on Monday he was acting strange on Green Mountain Drive and cops were called and he was arrested. He wasn't acting calm days after the incident, but that night just hours or minutes after he kidnapped and perhaps killed someone he was just playing videos. Nope. I don't for one second believe that. Nothing against you, NJ. Just not something that is plausible.
Oh, ok. Let me just say that I don't believe what she told you. No matter what happened that night between about 5:30 and whenever he supposedly was playing video games...well, I just can't believe he would just be sitting at home playing video games after what went down. He says he panicked. If he intended to kill her or it was an accident, I just can't see him home at 10, 10:30, 11 playing video games. I guess it's not impossible, but highly improbable that he killed someone however it happened and then just hung out at his house playing video games. Obviously on Sunday he was in panic mode crashing his vehicle. And then on Monday he was acting strange on Green Mountain Drive and cops were called and he was arrested. He wasn't acting calm days after the incident, but that night just hours or minutes after he kidnapped and perhaps killed someone he was just playing videos. Nope. I don't for one second believe that. Nothing against you, NJ. Just not something that is plausible.

I totally agree. I believe this is what NJ was told by CL, but I think CL was lying about it.
I have pondered if maybe he was going to make her go to the ATM and withdraw money but then something went wrong and the "accident" occurred. With her purse being left behind maybe he had to get out of there fast? Maybe after the "accident" he was unable to find the key to her car to get her purse?

I still go back to the silver/gray truck that was seen at the scene. I believe the car that was at the scene was AL's. The Ford Fusion he had could be considered dark silver in color by some but it was on the darker side. His other car was black. The truck still has me confused. It seems there were two people at the scene. Who is the other person? We know CL was not at the scene because she was at clinicals (which I understand some of you do not believe but I've done enough snooping on this one to believe she was at the VA from 4:30-10:30 that evening on a 6 hour clinical. I know some have speculated she could have arrived late or left early. From what I have learned there would be no way to do this as she would have been missing in her group.)

I 100% believe AL did this while CL was gone. He knew she would be gone for 6 hours that evening. It was his window of opportunity. Most likely the reason he made the appointment time for shortly after he knew CL would be in clinicals.

That would make sense about the robbery turning into murder.
No one has mentioned seeing a woman. I too am very troubled by the two vehicles and always have been and I feel like there is at least one more arrest coming and it's a male.
Here is my working theory at the moment (but it has lots of speculation and holes):

Someone else was at the kidnapping scene with AL (beat up truck and the dark silver sedan both there, along with BC's SUV).

The scam was related to finding tenants, or collecting deposits for rental, for propterties that he had no business renting (there was an earlier post listing a variety of real estate scams that have been done).

AL's intention was to get ahold of the house key - perhaps he planned to get an impression of it and have no-one the wiser (there are kits and youtube videos on how to make a key impression -

Perhaps he incapacitated BC (with a Tazor?) in order to make the key impression without her knowing what he was doing, but things went wrong and she became critically ill or died then and there.

But, if he did not intend to kill her, how did he think he could get away with incapacitating her? She would identify him eventually. Was he in a disguise? Did he jump her from behind while some unsuspecting accomplice met her first?

The ATM theory or access to a safe in husband's office could also be motives....
Great theory Machiado! One more arrest and I will feel like this case is getting it's due justice.
I think I may go to these court appearances if possible. But are spectators allowed in a sealed case? Maybe I need to go ask ole Richard for a job just so I can get in. [emoji21]
Here is my working theory at the moment (but it has lots of speculation and holes):

Someone else was at the kidnapping scene with AL (beat up truck and the dark silver sedan both there, along with BC's SUV).

The scam was related to finding tenants, or collecting deposits for rental, for propterties that he had no business renting (there was an earlier post listing a variety of real estate scams that have been done).

AL's intention was to get ahold of the house key - perhaps he planned to get an impression of it and have no-one the wiser (there are kits and youtube videos on how to make a key impression -

Perhaps he incapacitated BC (with a Tazor?) in order to make the key impression without her knowing what he was doing, but things went wrong and she became critically ill or died then and there.

But, if he did not intend to kill her, how did he think he could get away with incapacitating her? She would identify him eventually. Was he in a disguise? Did he jump her from behind while some unsuspecting accomplice met her first?

The ATM theory or access to a safe in husband's office could also be motives....

It would have been much easier to just steal the key and lockbox.
I really cant phantom a motive either. I dont think robbery for sure. Common sense says there wouldnt have been much with her to commit such a crime of kidnapping even if murder was an accident. (I dont think that was supposed to be part of it either.)
Ladies, please steer clear of repeat offenders. There is a reason they are repeat.

And when you lay down with the dogs, you are likely to wake up with fleas.
Oh, ok. Let me just say that I don't believe what she told you. No matter what happened that night between about 5:30 and whenever he supposedly was playing video games...well, I just can't believe he would just be sitting at home playing video games after what went down. He says he panicked. If he intended to kill her or it was an accident, I just can't see him home at 10, 10:30, 11 playing video games. I guess it's not impossible, but highly improbable that he killed someone however it happened and then just hung out at his house playing video games. Obviously on Sunday he was in panic mode crashing his vehicle. And then on Monday he was acting strange on Green Mountain Drive and cops were called and he was arrested. He wasn't acting calm days after the incident, but that night just hours or minutes after he kidnapped and perhaps killed someone he was just playing videos. Nope. I don't for one second believe that. Nothing against you, NJ. Just not something that is plausible.

There is no account of AL behaving stranger than normal until the accident Sunday morning. MHO is that he either found out she was dead shortly before this accident, which caused him to actually have the accident... or he had killed her shortly before this and attempted to stage an accident to cover the marks on his face.... or something happened in the vehicle that caused this accident. So I could see it feasible that he was acting perfectly normal and playing video games when CL arrived home. I mean, this wasn't exactly his first rodeo committing a crime, right? He is only a criminal on days that end in Y. :notgood:
Here is my working theory at the moment (but it has lots of speculation and holes):

The scam was related to finding tenants, or collecting deposits for rental, for propterties that he had no business renting (there was an earlier post listing a variety of real estate scams that have been done).

AL's intention was to get ahold of the house key - perhaps he planned to get an impression of it and have no-one the wiser (there are kits and youtube videos on how to make a key impression -

This is my theory as well. After reading about scams on foreclosed properties, I think that AL plotted a scam to run via Craigslist. I think CL was a part of this as well; however, I don't think murder was figured into it. Because of CL's involvement with the scam, whatever happened after that-- she inherited, too. In this situation, it was capital murder and kidnapping. I also believe that he picked a savvy realtor, who recognized his inability to pull off a scam, and that is where something went wrong with his plan. I haven't put all that together in my mind yet.

JMO of course.
It would have been much easier to just steal the key and lockbox.

JMO--I think he needed something signed...or in some way had to convince a realtor to believe what he was saying (scamming). He needed something from Beverly in order to be able to go through with posting the property for lease/rent on Craigslist. Any ideas what he may have needed?
Random thoughts:
AL had been in prison.. there holds the possibility someone he met in prison who possibly was released was part of this plan ~ whatever the PLAN was. Or gave AL the idea. I am sure LEO has looked into who he had contact with, who visitors and such. Possible that AL part was the kidnapping and was to get $ from someone else, for his part.

Did AL have his phone with him when he went to the hosp after the accident? If so he could have called someone at that time to pick him up at hosp. EMT would know that. I truly believe he was taken to Baptist in LR because of ER diversion, that happens A LOT, very common especially on weekends so many go there due to no insurance the fill up. So they -close/divert- to another hospital. The owners request in the accident was for tow truck. And the picture being taken, that is not unusual. Recently friends dtr was in an accident and I was closer and she asked me to go be with her til she could get there. They were injured and I am not sure if it was the EMT or Police officer but someone was taking pictures of the injuries when I arrived. They also take of the veh and scene. (Gotta love the digital age lol). She got these pictures as part of the report when she got the police report for her insurance.

Did AL take a pic that he had BC and text it to some one as in he had her.. now what? Was CL in the pic or took some how? LEO has something, to charge her with the same crime as AL... I cant stop thinking about what AL said about ... texts... during his perp walk... and the part of hasn't seen her in 2 days. He was I sure running low on sleep, had hit his head, been on the run < we know for sure and possibly coming down off drugs. His days could have been messed up. Could the 2 days been Friday?

How long after the accident did LEO go to CL home? Did AL call her? << JMHO, if LEO went to CL home soon after and she there, that would blow a huge hole in her alibi of being with her ex boyfriend. Didn't LEO speak to CL on that Sunday the 28th?

Not that ANY of this makes sense, but it has never made sense to me, why AL would leave from LR go back to Jacksonville area, then GO BACK to the area not far from the hospital he left from. Of all the places he could have gone... was he meeting someone in LR? Something brought him back to that area if he ever left it. And I don't feel in my gut it was to use the restroom. Has it been established from where exactly the dump truck was stolen from? (I have read many diff places) Has anyone been charged with the theft of that dump truck? I would think FOR SURE, for insurance purposes that the company would have to make a report.... possible AL wasn't who stole it? LEO holding back that?

I don't think BC was at CL/AL home, nor do I don't think CL buried BC.. she doesn't have the body strength to do, at least not alone.

Did they take CL dtrs phone too? IIRC NJ said sometimes CL would have to use dtr phone.

Some of AL "friends" on fb make me go hmm, who were and who weren't at the time he came to be known to most of us. Some were "friends" or whatever on other social media but not on fb (when we found out who AL was). LEO can get the info from FB thru subpoena, for activity of who was friends and unfriended history. I do not believe that CL had not seen AL fb, therefore she had to have seen his post on his criminal history.

NoJusticenusa, do you know how/where AL and CL met? Sorry if this has already been discussed.

I have no doubt in my mind, by all the ~ not at this time ~ comments at the first press conf after AL arrest that they are still looking at other stuff. If you think about it.. LEO uses play on words. Whomever they are looking at or for, at least in this case they know... so when it was said at the Press Conf that they weren't looking for anyone else (paraphrasing) to us -the public- we are thinking/ment for us to think.. they have their man.. tying up loose ends. But in reality, they KNOW who they are looking at (as proves with the arrest a month later of CL). I also fell like there are others they are looking at and waiting for concrete facts (sorry for the pun) giving people time to let their guard down. JMHO
It would have been much easier to just steal the key and lockbox.

I agree! And with his prior criminal experience, he could have probably done just that without making an appointment.....
That would make sense about the robbery turning into murder.
No one has mentioned seeing a woman. I too am very troubled by the two vehicles and always have been and I feel like there is at least one more arrest coming and it's a male.

Robbery ... What's the max you can withdraw at an ATM? it's not going to be enough to warrant kidnapping someone.
No matter what happened that night between about 5:30 and whenever he supposedly was playing video games...well, I just can't believe he would just be sitting at home playing video games after what went down. He says he panicked. If he intended to kill her or it was an accident, I just can't see him home at 10, 10:30, 11 playing video games. I guess it's not impossible, but highly improbable that he killed someone however it happened and then just hung out at his house playing video games.

Heck, he was hitting on women on Plenty of Fish right after she disappeared! What day was it? Anyone remember? Day of? Day after?
Is it possible that AL was hired to kill Beverly because of a bad real estate investment someone made and blamed her or they lost out on a deal and think it's because of her? It would be interesting to know if anyone has ever had a claim against her or if she's ever been sued.
Robbery ... What's the max you can withdraw at an ATM? it's not going to be enough to warrant kidnapping someone.

Just had this discussion at a family gathering. Banks set a max of $500, unless you let them know the amount you want. Typically most people select $500. At the gathering there was about 10 people and everyone had their amount at $500. Oh, and this is per day. You can still use your card for purchases, though.
Robbery ... What's the max you can withdraw at an ATM? it's not going to be enough to warrant kidnapping someone.

But if you held them for days you could get money each day. Nobody said AL is smart. I agree this is a stretch and that there may be some other reason he took her but regardless I believe it was some sort of scam for money not a murder for hire. Maybe ransom?
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