GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 6

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Could you see CL becoming violent if she felt it was needed to protect her ability to parent her children or to protect herself?

That is almost not a fair question. I think most mothers would protect their children. Most humans would protect themselves. So I guess the answer for all of us is a resounding yes.
My problem with it is I dont see what anyone would see in AL even if he wasnt a criminal.

Especially not Beverly.

I don't think she knew who she was meeting. I think she thought she was going to show up to 3 locations to a possible cash buyer and then was going to pick up dinner for Carl and herself and go home. Just like she told her husband.

Sleeveless blouses and dressy shorts would have been appropriate dress that hot September day when she went missing.
I haven't said or even implied in any way that it is about anyone "wanting" AL or CL just to be clear. That thought is disgusting.

That was my take from AL not you. He was insinuating that or another reason which I also interpreted could be to get something from him.The reason I tend to lean to the first interpretation is because he said she went willingly. But I dont believe him at all. He had already confessed to kidnapping and this was his second story. I believe LE got it right.
I don't think any woman hanky pankying on the side would tell their hubs exact times and locations, nor would they be that close to their own home to plan a secret meeting. However, if AL did arrange the meeting through online forms, emails, calls, texts and try to pose as a rich good looking guy...then maybe (big maybe) she might've fallen for that. I'm just not getting any funkywunk feelings in this case, but could be wrong!
Although I am not privy to all the local rumors, I have come to my own conclusions and that's where I am with it. I do think things are going to come out at trial that will cause a collective gasp out of most here. But I think we will all be relieved to have some of the gaps filled in because we are all trying so hard to understand what occurred.

Yes, collective gasp. I fully expect the same.
Well if anything like that came out Id be the first to admit I didnt see that coming.
Sorry had to grab a bite and let my puppy out. On the online yard sale listing...

Cl was posting on some things to sale. I saw them but don't remember which site, or time frame of the postings. Just wondering out loud, if possible she or AL saw the listing posted and maybe came up with there scheme/whatever it was. When it was first posted by the owner, Sept 15th, it had a link on her page that took you to her agent. I don't remember who the agent was at that time. I saw the posting BEFORE I ever heard/read about BC being missing or anything about her. Hell this just a thinking out loud question type theory. Only way we would even know if CL was a member of that page is if someone screen captured but that wouldn't be able to link to. Anyways, when I looked it up it came to the agent that showed on the last link I posted. That agent is friend and fb friend of both BC and the owner of property. When I read about BC supposed to have been showing a couple diff properties, then the REFERRAL word (so much has been said) I was thinking maybe if say AL made appointment to go see the listing (from fb) and the agent was in same office as BC, maybe she was doing the co worker a favor since she BC lived close to the (fb listing). Sorry to be so confusing. Maybe I should just lurk for a lil bit.
I don't think any woman hanky pankying on the side would tell their hubs exact times and locations, nor would they be that close to their own home to plan a secret meeting. However, if AL did arrange the meeting through online forms, emails, calls, texts and try to pose as a rich good looking guy...then maybe (big maybe) she might've fallen for that. I'm just not getting any funkywunk feelings in this case, but could be wrong!

Telling him the time and locations of the showings and that close to home are what keep me from thinking that BC knew she was meeting AL. That doesn't mean she didn't know him, I have NO idea. But I don't think he met her there to buy/look at the house, so he was telling the truth. We just don't know what his plan was, but it does appear to be kidnapping and ransom. There's a little bit of truth in lies.
I don't expect either attorney to let AL or CL testify for themselves. Possibly CL, but definitely not loose lips AL. I would say it's a safe bet his attorney won't let him on the stand. I don't think AL could keep his stories straight no matter how much coaching he had from his attorney.
i thought I saw an angle that maybe she thought she was meeting someone she knew versus someone she didn't know. valid point and question. my intentions are the same as everyone else.
IIRC it seems she was not wearing shorts but red Capri pants and a black sleeveless shirt. I would say casual yet classy enough for a realtor in very hot weather.
ETA: I'm in OK and our realtor showed up in sleeveless tshirt and short floweredy skirt.

Thanks. So, the police report description he gave wasn't correct, post 500, shorts? She actually was wearing capris? Makes sense then. Thanks for letting me know.
Im wondering if they used someones real name to set up the meeting ? Someone that Beverly might have known?

That's what I was wondering about the other day. We have heard the word Referral. I guess that means different things. I thought it ment someone referred BC to them as in she knows Jack and Jack tells Jill heygo see my friend or the agent I used BC. I was asking if we thought she may have her guard down knowing it was a person sent to her by someone she knew. (does that make sense?) Especially in her "neighborhood" so to speak. I don't know how the home purchasing goes now. I live in a condo and hate it. But I am not looking at real estate anytime soon.
I could see a guy calling capri shorts. Years ago they were called petal pushers. :)

And before that, my grandfather wore "shorts" which were just short pants.
I can see it either way. That he misspoke or she actually wore shorts.
Even "shorts " for Beverly would have been a longer length dressy short. It was hot! We are southern y'all. We can dress up some shorts. :)
I could see a guy calling capri shorts. Years ago they were called petal pushers. :)

Agree. I was late to this thread, so late to this conversation. People should understand everyone sleuths different and what is important to one...may not be important or relevant to another. I just ask that people be respectful to me trying to get the details, as I find these important, even though some of you may not. Here is my question, the police report states red shorts. Posters are saying capris. Where is that coming from? Was it updated at some point? I did find many articles stating both, but I just chalked it up to bad reporting and I go with the PR. Did the release what she was found in? I tried to find out and didn't see it? I appreciate anyone that can help me. It is helpful for me to have all the facts in every case. Sorry for those who have discussed this greatly. I wasn't here then.
Agree. I was late to this thread, so late to this conversation. People should understand everyone sleuths different and what is important to one...may not be important or relevant to another. I just ask that people be respectful to me trying to get the details, as I find these important, even though some of you may not. Here is my question, the police report states red shorts. Posters are saying capris. Where is that coming from? Was it updated at some point? I did find many articles stating both, but I just chalked it up to bad reporting and I go with the PR. Did the release what she was found in? I tried to find out and didn't see it? I appreciate anyone that can help me. It is helpful for me to have all the facts in every case. Sorry for those who have discussed this greatly. I wasn't here then.
I'm not sure. Maybe the clarification was on one of the Find Beverly fb pages her coworkers (I think) started. They would know what she was wearing since she was in the office that day. To my knowledge no reports have been released as to what she had on when found. Sorry I'm not more help.
Going back to the initial report

I guess I had thought she was home and left to run by and show this potential buyer a home. Reading the report again, I don't think that now. Also, and could be just how the report is written, but it doesn't appear that BC was concerned, or CC either, because he wasn't concerned til abt 9. So I take that as this was a pretty common thing (meeting with clients after they get off wk)

"Mr. Carter stated he had not been in contact with his wife, Beverly Carter since she had last called
him at 1730 hours.
Mr. Carter stated his wife works as a Realtor for Creye Leike Realtors. Mr. Carter stated during this
phone call his wife told him she was going to show the house at 14202 Old River Drive to an
unknown person"

Didn't He rec a text around 7ish? that was kinda odd? Wonder why he waited til after 9 to go drive by? Possible he was busy too and time got away from him and realized had been a while since heard from her.
Going back to the initial report

I guess I had thought she was home and left to run by and show this potential buyer a home. Reading the report again, I don't think that now. Also, and could be just how the report is written, but it doesn't appear that BC was concerned, or CC either, because he wasn't concerned til abt 9. So I take that as this was a pretty common thing (meeting with clients after they get off wk)

"Mr. Carter stated he had not been in contact with his wife, Beverly Carter since she had last called
him at 1730 hours.
Mr. Carter stated his wife works as a Realtor for Creye Leike Realtors. Mr. Carter stated during this
phone call his wife told him she was going to show the house at 14202 Old River Drive to an
unknown person"

Didn't He rec a text around 7ish? that was kinda odd? Wonder why he waited til after 9 to go drive by? Possible he was busy too and time got away from him and realized had been a while since heard from her.

One thing i can add about Realtors is ...they don't work any regular 9-5 hours at all, so there really isn't any "after hours" or getting off work time kind of thing. Reason being most people buying homes have jobs and need to do all their looking at properties in their off times -so Realtors can be commonly found showing properties at 8 am, or 8 pm, on Saturdays and sundays, and on most holidays. It's a very time consuming job even when you're not showing properties and just doing contracts and processing paperwork.

The other thing is it wouldn't be an uncommon thing to go for a showing (or 2 or 3) and be gone for hours in that sometimes people will love the house and say -Oh can I just call my wife and have her run by see it? Or sometimes they want to write an offer on the spot which takes some time. So CC was probably accustomed to that kind of irregularity in her work hours, I would imagine, and took longer to worry, IMO. It is most definitely NOT a 9-5 job though. Most of the time you're not in an office, you're on the road or in the field at properties.
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