AR - Clifton Kurk, 18 mos, dies in dishwasher, Romance, 30 May 2007

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Toddler death ‘accidental’

The child’s father, Michael Wayne Kurck, 37, called 911 at about 1:10 p.m. from the family’s home on Snowbird Lane near Romance.

The child was unaccounted for about 15 minutes, investigator Mark Jones said, before his 13-year-old brother, who had been playing video games, noticed he had left the room.

The father, who is unemployed, was asleep at the time of the accident, and the mother, Shelly Kurck, was at work. A three-year-old was also in the home at the time.

Nothing was in the Maytag dishwasher except the child’s body.

“What we have found so far is that we suggest this is a tragic accident,” Jeremy Clark, chief deputy for the WCSD, said. “However, the case is still open and we’re still investigating.”

Detectives have not ruled out foul play, and the investigation is normal for any unattended death.

I wonder if the 3 year old had anything to do with it... some of the posts above talk about youngsters being able to turn on dishwashers. :eek: :(
Now that I know there was a 3 year old around, I'm leaning more toward this scenario than the 13 year old.
Perhaps the 13 year old got tired of his little brother and put him in there?

This is so horrible.
I don't have any faith in the state of Arkansas to investigate anything.

I don't have a dishwasher so I have no idea if this could be an accident or not. Some things make my hinky meter go off though. The baby was missing for 15 minutes? Please........
My dishwasher is a Maytag, but I don't know if it's the same kind or not. Mine will start immediately when the door is closed if the dial is set to anything but off. When my son was around that age, he used to turn the dial and push the buttons all the time. He was always starting the dishwasher, or turning the heat on or off. For a few months it seemed like the dishwasher was running all the time, because he'd walk through the kitchen, give the dial a crank and a shove, and it would start. Fortunately the thrill of that wore off and he's left it alone ever since!

Also, my dishwasher has no latch to shut the door. You have to push a button in the handle to OPEN the door, but nothing in order to close. It just needs to click shut. So, if someone was inside, they couldn't get it open because of the button, but they could believably close the door from the inside and have the cycle start.

So, I can see this happening accidentally, if the toddler was playing with the buttons or dials, then any time later decided to climb in and hide or something. If he could snag the soap dispenser, he could pull it shut and it would start and he couldn't get out.

How awful! I can't even imagine! I hope this was an accident.
Safety experts say check your appliances after death of boy

One man who isn't surprised by this sad case is Keith Justice, the general manager of Safety Superstore, with locations in Mississauga, Brampton and North York. (Toronto, Canada)

"Children, they play hide and seek, they're inquisitive, I'm not surprised one would see if he could climb in there and manage to close the door," Justice said.

The company specializes in safety equipment and products to child-proof your home.

He told 680News, he often has to remind parents that children have an uncanny ability to get into appliances often in a matter of minutes.

"What it comes down to is you have to educate the parents as to what the potential hazards are," Justice said.

Justice also said you can buy specialized latches for stoves, fridges, ovens, driers and dishwashers for as little as $5 to $15.
Hmm. It still seems fishy to me. I have seen dishwashers that don't have to be "latched", per se, but you have to really close the dishwasher for it to operate. It's not like you just close it. You have to close it until it latches on the inside and you hear a click. It's not like closing a cabinet door or something.

What a tragedy.

This is how ours works too. You do have to push it a little harder to close it. It only "starts automatically" if it's already been running. I don't believe this was an accident either....

Maybe I missed it, but where were the trays inside? I can't get my stupid saucepan in there half the time, so I'm trying to figure out a little child....

How sad.
It must have been one jumbo sized dishwasher.
Infant Killed In Dishwasher Ruled Accident

In a THV update, investigators have ruled the death of a White County toddler, killed in a dishwasher, an accident.

However, charges are pending against his father. Police say he will likely face endangering the welfare of a minor charges.

Detectives say 18-month-old Clifton Kurk died from scalding burns in a dishwasher at his family’s mobile home in Romance. They say he climbed into the appliance after the dish racks were pulled out. They say it started running when his two-year-old brother shut the door.

Detectives say Kurk's mother was at work and his father was asleep when his 13-year-old brother made the gruesome discovery.

DHHS now has custody of the two-year-old and the couple's 13-year-old son.
I wonder if they pull the racks out to empty the dishwasher? Can't think of any other reason the racks would have been out of it.

I don't think the dad should have been arrested for anything. Who would have thought a little 18 month old baby would climb in there and the older baby would close the door? It isn't the father's fault and it could happen to anyone. This was two little kids probably playing and this horrible accident happened. Why take their children away from them. It is just wrong. Even if the dad had been up and heard the dishwasher running he might have thought that the older brother had loaded it and turned it on. Can you imagine how horrible that dad feels? And the poor mom coming home from work to a little boy who is dead because of his little brother. That has to be just horrible for the whole family. This was an accident. How do you blame the oldest baby and how do you blame the dad? No charges should come from this accident. The whole family will carry the guilt of that baby's death as it is.
I wonder why the mother does not have the children. Maybe there is more we don't know.
Speculation: being that it was a questionable nature of death, they may have removed them until an official ruling on the death was made... and now that the father is being investigated and may be brought up on charges, it might be a matter of that they won't give the children back to the mother while the father is still living in the house.
I wonder if they pull the racks out to empty the dishwasher? Can't think of any other reason the racks would have been out of it.

I don't think the dad should have been arrested for anything. Who would have thought a little 18 month old baby would climb in there and the older baby would close the door? It isn't the father's fault and it could happen to anyone. This was two little kids probably playing and this horrible accident happened. Why take their children away from them. It is just wrong. Even if the dad had been up and heard the dishwasher running he might have thought that the older brother had loaded it and turned it on. Can you imagine how horrible that dad feels? And the poor mom coming home from work to a little boy who is dead because of his little brother. That has to be just horrible for the whole family. This was an accident. How do you blame the oldest baby and how do you blame the dad? No charges should come from this accident. The whole family will carry the guilt of that baby's death as it is.

I actually completely agree with you. Although, I wonder if there is more they aren't telling us too. But as it stands, I agree that these children should not be taken away. If every parent had their children taken away for every accident (fatal or not) none of us would have kids. I feel horribly for this family. Imagine the 2 year old's feelings when he grows up and possibly figures out what happened.
I agree, awake or not, this is something that could have happened with the same outcome. I hope more details come out or this family gets their children back. I am sure they are grieving enough.
If two kids were playing around with the DW they could have pulled them out. Our botton rack is on wheels and can easily be pulled out with out any effort. I have no idea how to get the top rack out but with just the botttom rack out a child could easily fit. My only question is why was the dad sleeping if he had no job he should have either been out looking for a job or awake taking care of his kids.
Speculation: being that it was a questionable nature of death, they may have removed them until an official ruling on the death was made... and now that the father is being investigated and may be brought up on charges, it might be a matter of that they won't give the children back to the mother while the father is still living in the house.

If two kids were playing around with the DW they could have pulled them out. Our botton rack is on wheels and can easily be pulled out with out any effort. I have no idea how to get the top rack out but with just the botttom rack out a child could easily fit. My only question is why was the dad sleeping if he had no job he should have either been out looking for a job or awake taking care of his kids.
Spazkat, I agree the two tots were playing around and pulled them out...probably playing "house". This is such a terrible story, to hear about...nobody wins is this case. I too wonder why the dad was sleeping, especially with such young children in a home together.
Prayers for this family is definitely needed...much healing.

Marie, thanks for posting an update to this story.
I have 2 kids those exact ages (3 and 18 months old and oddly enough 13 years old too) I can see the 3 year old and the 18 months old playing with the dishwasher and the 3 year old turning it on and closing it without giving it another thought. Without knowing the family of course or the 13 year old, I'd probably rule him out only because even though kids that age are generally moody and don't like little kids hanging around I just don't see them putting a baby in a dishwasher. Much to risky that they get hurt and then they'd have to answer to mom and dad. It's much easier to just ignore them when you're supposed to be "watching" them.
You have to be kidding me why would someone be so stupid to put a helpless chil din a dishwasher! People today just need to stop being ignorant!
I believe the 13 yo was zoned on his video game. I have seen teenagers into a video game and they may as well be on another planet.

As for the father he sounds like a deadbeat loser!! IMO He deserves the charges.

Jobless and napping all afternoon. Why do women put up with such men??
I believe the 13 yo was zoned on his video game. I have seen teenagers into a video game and they may as well be on another planet.

As for the father he sounds like a deadbeat loser!! IMO He deserves the charges.

Jobless and napping all afternoon. Why do women put up with such men??

I agree with you amra on all of this.....and women can do so much better than guys like that!

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