AR - Josh Duggar Admits Molesting Girls As A Teenager - #2

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I agree. What they are saying seems very rehearsed.

The part where the two daughters said (more than once) that Family Services said that their parents were excellent (paraphrasing) was almost certainly coached. I don't know that they would have heard that during the investigation, or remembered it.
Right and Fox has a huge audience and mostly ( speculative ) conservative Christian types. So do we really need all of those viewers thinking less than rape is not really molesting?

Their core/target viewership is 65 and over, according to the statistics out there. Maybe that's why all the anchors and guests are yelling instead of talking (for hearing aids that might be on the fritz). It's that group that can be split into either "those stuck in their ways" (Faux viewers) and "those embracing change with the 60's, 70's, 80's, etc". From personal experience, my BF, who's 13 years older than me fits in that group..........and after 11 years, he's definitely in that "stuck in their ways" group, and he watches Faux. But he's got dementia coming on, so he tends do dwell in the 50's, and Viet Nam (veteran).......and everything that was stuck on stupid back then.
He wasn't like that when I met him. He's developed this streak of racism, bigotry, and sexism that I've got to just ignore. I wasn't raised that way.:gaah:

If another adult had pulled that same "mild molestation" in the work place, you can bet someone would be out of a job, and facing charges. Well, unless it happened at the Faux News station.
So why should it be any different for children?:thinking:
I find that really confusing as well. It could be that he knew she would he avoided her. She is the oldest girl and has the most responsibility...correct?

I've wondered if it might be because the eldest girl has a twin brother who may be extra-protective of her, and in whom she might confide. I've only ever watched half of one episode of the show, so this is pure speculation on my part.
I believe that MD said that "this sort of thing was very common and that they had spoken to other families who had experienced this" (paraphrasing). Considering their rather constricted world of acquaintances, how did they know these families, and how do you ever start a conversation like that?

"Our son molested his sisters- anything like that going on in your family?" And why in the world would you confide something like that to someone else?

Or was this a big roundtable discussion at the Big Sandy conference? Conference Room 3, 11am, Sibling Molestation in Super-Sized Families....

Or was it just another fib in an attempt to downplay what happened? "Everybody does it."
I believe that MD said that "this sort of thing was very common and that they had spoken to other families who had experienced this" (paraphrasing). Considering their rather constricted world of acquaintances, how did they know these families, and how do you ever start a conversation like that?

rsbm --

In Jim Bob and Michelle's interview, Jim Bob spoke quite authoritatively on how (paraphrasing) the conventional, professional treatment centers were not effective in dealing with teenagers having Josh's problem(s). Now, where, I wonder, would he have ever heard this (I've never heard anything of the sort)? Further, why would he assume that helping someone with construction would have a higher success rate? IMO, it's a self-serving, uninformed, and hence idiotic conclusion to draw.
The part where the two daughters said (more than once) that Family Services said that their parents were excellent (paraphrasing) was almost certainly coached. I don't know that they would have heard that during the investigation, or remembered it.

Family Services isn't going to say that in front of children. Specially in this circumstance. That gives power to the parents (right or wrong) and no safety net for the children if things go south. Cuz like their parents are all that and a bag of chips.

The more I think about it, the more it sounds like a load of garbage. Multiple victims, multiple incidents, failure to report, oh, yeah, the Duggar ma and pa got the ol' "Seal of Excellence" from Family Services.
So, I wonder if there is a lock being installed on Josh's daughters rooms?
rsbm --

In Jim Bob and Michelle's interview, Jim Bob spoke quite authoritatively on how (paraphrasing) the conventional, professional treatment centers were not effective in dealing with teenagers having Josh's problem(s). Now, where, I wonder, would he have ever heard this (I've never heard anything of the sort)? Further, why would he assume that helping someone with construction would have a higher success rate? IMO, it's a self-serving, uninformed, and hence idiotic conclusion to draw.

I guess he never ran into this study on recidivism of juvenile sexual offenders:






Sounds pretty effective to me.
He wouldn't have wanted Josh to go somewhere that wasn't of their cultish religious beliefs IMO as with everything else they've said the explanation is just a lie ..
There are actually levels in criminal statutes re sex abuse. First through third degree. Just like there is in murder.

It so amazes me that people want to give Josh a pass. I bet if it was a Muslim neighbor, we would be hearing about nuking the kid.

BTW, the NY Times article that was posted above says 14 is the most common age of starting this hobby.

When I was in college, a friend had a window peeper. At the time, 40 years ago, she reported to police. They said it was no big deal.

Now we know they start with peeping and move up the ladder to more and more actions.

I really don't think we are talking law. I'm talking moral, ethical, etc. There is no MORE wrong molestation morally. It's all wrong, period. It's not more okay, because he was just fondling.
I've wondered if it might be because the eldest girl has a twin brother who may be extra-protective of her, and in whom she might confide. I've only ever watched half of one episode of the show, so this is pure speculation on my part.

Way creepy...but I bet you're the part where she is in charge of everyone...
i believe that md said that "this sort of thing was very common and that they had spoken to other families who had experienced this" (paraphrasing). Considering their rather constricted world of acquaintances, how did they know these families, and how do you ever start a conversation like that?

"our son molested his sisters- anything like that going on in your family?" and why in the world would you confide something like that to someone else?

Or was this a big roundtable discussion at the big sandy conference? Conference room 3, 11am, sibling molestation in super-sized families....

Or was it just another fib in an attempt to downplay what happened? "everybody does it."

Excellent post !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Way creepy...but I bet you're the part where she is in charge of everyone...

I also wonder if she was given the option of counseling (for whatever that was worth). She could be dealing with a kind of survivors guilt for being the only girl in the house at the time that he didn't mess with.

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OT or is it ? Just saw this go across the local news and it's relevant. ( omg I just realized spell check is not on ws anymore , so sorry for whatever I have written )

''B*** and *advertiser censored*** Cook of Cleburne say they were molested by the same 13-year-old boy in one of the Waxahachie foster homes run by the Baptist agency, and their cries for help were repeatedly ignored. The same boy they accused of fondling them was later arrested and accused of sexually assaulting 6-year-old and 9-year-old girls.'''

This is why they need help asap!!!!!!! And to be away from other children asap !!!
'No diapering of babies by the boys'

To me, this singular restriction reveals a lot about the apparently perverted mindset of the adults/parents in this extremist, self-proclaimed culture of "purity".

IMO, anyone who thinks it's necessary to prohibit a teen male from changing a baby girl's diaper (because that person believes it might incite 'lust' in the teen male's heart) has some serious, scary issues. A baby is not an object of lust to a healthy minded adult/parent/person. So why should that adult/parent/person ever think that a teen boy changing a baby girl's diaper would be anything to be concerned about? Perhaps that adult/parent/person has some disturbing issues they're projecting onto others.

I've never watched the Duggar's TV show (I detest all the pseudo-reality shows), but I've been following this case.

I don't believe for a minute that the parents sought professional counseling for anyone involved. IMO, they knew if they took their molester son or any of their victimized daughters to a licensed therapist, it would have been reported posthaste. IMO, they wanted to keep it under the radar, which was why they sent their molester son to do his penance with their contractor friend, and was also why they had their pedophile child *advertiser censored* buddy give him a "stern talking-to".

I think the parents are so enamored of their distorted sense of self-importance in their extremist culture that they believed this filthy secret would never see the light of day.

They have the audacity to cry foul over the records being released (via FOIA), while they simultaneously go to great lengths to minimize the serial, incestuous sexual abuse, as if the legal release of the records was the crime, all the while trying to convince the public that the serial, incestuous sexual abuse was merely a "mistake" that should be forgiven and forgotten.

IMO, these parents are dangerous snake-oil salesmen. They're obsessed with sex (I wanted to vomit when I watched the mini-golf humping clip), all the while they promote a so-called "pure" lifestyle and condemn anyone who doesn't adhere to their hypocritical, sanctimonious teachings.
The part where the two daughters said (more than once) that Family Services said that their parents were excellent (paraphrasing) was almost certainly coached. I don't know that they would have heard that during the investigation, or remembered it.

IME, CPS would have interviewed the children and the parents separately. I think the girls' claim that the social worker praised her parents has come entirely from the parents, i.e. After the social worker left, the parents told the kids "She/He said there's nuthin' to worry about! She/He said we're amazing parents! But you already know that cuz we've told ya that so many times!"
When I was 9 yrs old , the police came to our house one night, to talk to my parent's and brother about a neighbor reporting that my 14 yr old brother had molested their 7 yr old daughter. This was 40 years ago, and other than not being able to be friends with the little girl anymore, " talking " to my brother and parents was all that happened. Neither the police or my parents , asked me or my 10 yr old sister any questions. Maybe talking was all that happened because my dad was a corrections officer and the Warden of the Federal Penn was a frequent visitor at our house. Even if they had asked us questions, we wouldn't of said anything because my dad was physically abusing my mom and we had learned long ago not to talk about what happened behind closed doors. My sister and I were both molested by my brother , we have never talked about it. About 10 years ago, our younger sister asked why we didn't talk to our brother and we both blurted out because he molested me and we have never mentioned it again.
I have a ton of childhood memories from before I was 9 and a ton of memomories after I turned 14 and started working afterschool and on weekends and I wasn't home that much. I remember the molestation that occured around the same time as the neighbor girl , but I don't remember birthdays or Christmas or school friends for the 5 years after that. And even though I remembered what my brother had done when I was 9 , I got along fine with my brother from when I was 14 until I was 29. I didn't like him but I didn't dislike him either..he was my brother . Then my oldest daughter was about to turn 9 and I suddenly developed a strong dislike to my brother. I would literally get sick if I saw him or heard his voice or just thought of him. I cut off all connection with him. I did not want him anywhere near my daughters . And I suddenly devolped a repulsion to my husband going more than 2 days without shaving. I couldn't stand to be near my husband if he had whiskers , have no idea why since my brother did not have whiskers when I was 9 but am thankful I can't remember why I hate whiskers.
I have never told my mom what happened, I don't think she failed me then because at the time , she was pretty busy trying to keep my dad from beating her every week or trying to get groceries before all the money went to beer. For the last 20 years, she has known I didn't want anything to do with my brother, she never asked why and I have never had the heart to tell her because I have never thought it was her fault. A few years ago, my brother was very ill and wasn't expected to live . He asked my mom for my phone number to tell me goodbye and my mom gave it to him. I am still upset with her for not asking my permission first because he didn't call to apologize or ask forgiveness. ( he put emphasis on the bolded words ) I said hello, he said " Hi xxxxxx( childhood pet name ) I just called to LOVE ON you one last time. Just wanted to reach out and STROKE my little sister one last time " I hung up the phone, threw up all over the floor and then called and had my phone number changed . It was several weeks before I spoke to my mom again .

I don't think the Duggar girls know what Josh did is wrong because they have been told it has happened in alot of other families. I never realized how dysfunctional my childhood was until I met my 2nd husband and met a family without alcoholics and physical abusers. All my uncles were alcoholics, my first husband's family were alcoholics and physical abusers. etc etc

I believe they will be in denial until their daughters are about the same age they were when the abuse happened. Only if they break away from the cult and come to realize women are not second class citizens and they do not want their daughters to be treated as man's possession.

I do not think they will ever blame Michelle because she wasn't the one abusing them .

I find JB to be very disturbing and would not be surprised to read one day of abuse allegations against him .

Josh is a pedophile..I am certain there are more victims and I am certain his daughters are in danger. I do not believe sexual abusers ever stop..they are manipulative, predatory animals. Always looking for their next victim.

I always felt bad for not talking to my brother all those years. There was always the thought that he was a victim of our childhood too, that he was just a " boy" when he molested me. Well that phone call from him sure took care of that. He knew what he was doing at 14 and he sure as hell knew what he was doing when he said those things to me in that phone call. Disgusting evil ..may he rot in hell
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