AR - Josh Duggar Admits Molesting Girls As A Teenager - #3

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Are they certified? Has anyone ever heard of them?

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I've never heard of them but I did notice they have at least one Christian recovery program, Celebrate Recovery, on their long list of alternatives to numerous recovery programs

Anither thing tbat struck me as questionable is this Rockford organizations mentjon of 350 graduates. Does that mean only 350 people have successfully recovered through their treztment program?

I saw nothing regarding underlying causes for addiction mentioned anywhere within their website (unless I missed it) and that is a huge red flag giving me reservations on successful recovery.

Though, I'll always hope for recovery, I can only pray if Josh is genuine about his recovery he'll continue seeking the right recovery program if this one isn't the right fit.

ETA. Sorry about the typo's, on a tablet.

I don't understand why people are suggested that "rough sex" may refer to anal sex.
I am quite sure a *advertiser censored* star doesn't consider anal sex to be rough sex.
If a *advertiser censored* star says rough sex, she is probably referring to something worse.
Especially if she called Josh "terrifying". :twocents:
Anna's brother was raised the same way but he sees that Josh is a pig.

There is hope!
I've never heard of them but I did notice they have at least one Christian recovery program, Celebrate Recovery, on their long list of alternatives to numerous recovery programs

Anither thing tbat struck me as questionable is this Rockford organizations mentjon of 350 graduates. Does that mean only 350 people have successfully recovered through their treztment program?

I saw nothing regarding underlying causes for addiction mentioned anywhere within their website (unless I missed it) and that is a huge red flag giving me reservations on successful recovery.

Though, I'll always hope for recovery, I can only pray if Josh is genuine about his recovery he'll continue seeking the right recovery program if this one isn't the right fit.

Here's some info:

And the most likely candidate by far is the Christian-based, North Love Baptist Church-affiliated Reformers Unanimous recovery center. A place that’s little more than a glorified, bible-based labor camp.

Should this indeed be Josh’s home for the coming months, he just paid $7,500 to study the Bible and work for free for the next six months. Not at all unlike the time he spent at the facility that supposedly “cured” him of the perversions that caused him to molest five young girls in his teens.
But—surely he must mean as part of a larger, therapy-inclusive program monitored by trained psychologists, right?

Not quite. The housing application alone makes its lack of medically licensed credentials painfully clear.
Update 5:51 p.m.: Shane Nicholson at the Rock River Times has been able to confirm for us that Josh Duggar is indeed at Reformers Unanimous.

The link has the men's daily work schedule and much more. :facepalm:
Which is exactly why there should never be what the Dominionists refer to as a "Christian" nation, nor should any other religion be declared the "official" religion of the United States. Separation of Church and State is a Good thing - it helps to protect spiritual freedom for ALL people.

Exactly. Everyone would love the nation to espouse their faith. When Christians talk about the nation being a Christian nation and the laws should reflect Christian laws , rules, etc.. They are seeing it, as they way it is taught in THEIR church. Not even considering that it would be different in some other Church. Or, that it would be some sort of compromise. Hmmm.. No. The groups pushing this, they do not believe in compromise. They believe it should be exactly as taught in their church, all others are going to hell.

AFter watching a few videos that has been posting on this thread, it was kinda flash backs. Wow. One video even said that the purpose of having all the kids, was to be a political force. So their kids could be heads of everything. So which version of Christianity would everyone else be expected to follow, if THAT happened??
Exactly. Everyone would love the nation to espouse their faith. When Christians talk about the nation being a Christian nation and the laws should reflect Christian laws , rules, etc.. They are seeing it, as they way it is taught in THEIR church. Not even considering that it would be different in some other Church. Or, that it would be some sort of compromise. Hmmm.. No. The groups pushing this, they do not believe in compromise. They believe it should be exactly as taught in their church, all others are going to hell.

AFter watching a few videos that has been posting on this thread, it was kinda flash backs. Wow. One video even said that the purpose of having all the kids, was to be a political force. So their kids could be heads of everything. So which version of Christianity would everyone else be expected to follow, if THAT happened??

I am going to own the swimsuit store
Anna's brother was raised the same way but he sees that Josh is a pig.

There is hope!

Yes. But he's a man. Easier for a man to have choice in that culture. Although, I do think she may have a sister who is not as entrenched.

ETA: Anna Duggar has three siblings that have left the faith for other denominations that are less conservative. One, Rebekah Keller has not been ostracized because she followed her husband and his faith. Daniel is shunned by most of the family (he called Josh a "pig"). But he still has a relationship with Anna.

Susannah left the faith and had a child out of wedlock. She is also shunned and also has encouraged Anna that she would help her if she wanted to leave.

More very detailed info can be found on the free jinger site by googling "free jinger Keller family".
Here's some info:

And the most likely candidate by far is the Christian-based, North Love Baptist Church-affiliated Reformers Unanimous recovery center. A place that’s little more than a glorified, bible-based labor camp.

Should this indeed be Josh’s home for the coming months, he just paid $7,500 to study the Bible and work for free for the next six months. Not at all unlike the time he spent at the facility that supposedly “cured” him of the perversions that caused him to molest five young girls in his teens.
But—surely he must mean as part of a larger, therapy-inclusive program monitored by trained psychologists, right?

Not quite. The housing application alone makes its lack of medically licensed credentials painfully clear.
Update 5:51 p.m.: Shane Nicholson at the Rock River Times has been able to confirm for us that Josh Duggar is indeed at Reformers Unanimous.

The link has the men's daily work schedule and much more. :facepalm:

Dear god. This family never learns!!! I was actually hoping that they would see how useless his original therapy was and go for some legitimate help this time. I know, I'm an idiot.

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Here's some info:

And the most likely candidate by far is the Christian-based, North Love Baptist Church-affiliated Reformers Unanimous recovery center. A place that’s little more than a glorified, bible-based labor camp.

Should this indeed be Josh’s home for the coming months, he just paid $7,500 to study the Bible and work for free for the next six months. Not at all unlike the time he spent at the facility that supposedly “cured” him of the perversions that caused him to molest five young girls in his teens.
But—surely he must mean as part of a larger, therapy-inclusive program monitored by trained psychologists, right?

Not quite. The housing application alone makes its lack of medically licensed credentials painfully clear.
Update 5:51 p.m.: Shane Nicholson at the Rock River Times has been able to confirm for us that Josh Duggar is indeed at Reformers Unanimous.

The link has the men's daily work schedule and much more. :facepalm:

Thank you. looks lime a whole lot of more of the same o,d, same old. Did anyone notice in their list of rules they do not allow talk about past lifestyles because it is against God's will? So much for James 5:16.

I guess there won't be any 4th step personal inventory and 5th step confessing of the exact nature of the addicts wrongs.

What exactly can Josh learn from this type of prpgram that he doesn't already know?
I may be wrong, but I don't think Josh has a *advertiser censored* or sex addiction.

I believe he's a full blown narcissistic sociopath, who has been trained mentally to say the "right" answers according to his belief system. I think the *advertiser censored* and affairs are just symptoms of the above. He thinks so grandiose of himself and thought he was incapable of getting caught. Now that he is caught, he's really not sorry, but he knows he's supposed to say that he is.

I don't have any way to prove it, but years ago when the show had been on a couple of years, I told my mom that something wasn't right with Josh. He gave me the willies even back then.
Dear god. This family never learns!!! I was actually hoping that they would see how useless his original therapy was and go for some legitimate help this time. I know, I'm an idiot.

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Should this indeed be Josh’s home for the coming months, he just paid $7,500 to study the Bible and work for free for the next six months.

Somewhere legitimate would probably cost more... Unless he has investments he will have no income while he's there.
Dear god. This family never learns!!! I was actually hoping that they would see how useless his original therapy was and go for some legitimate help this time. I know, I'm an idiot.

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You're not an idiot.

But I don't think they will ever "learn," because I don't believe they would ever seek out what most of the rest of us would consider legitimate help.

That's because in their minds, seeking aid from more mainstream sources, however well qualified they might be, who operate outside Duggar religious beliefs would be tantamount to admitting that that belief system might not have all the answers.

IMO of course
I may be wrong, but I don't think Josh has a *advertiser censored* or sex addiction.

I believe he's a full blown narcissistic sociopath, who has been trained mentally to say the "right" answers according to his belief system. I think the *advertiser censored* and affairs are just symptoms of the above. He thinks so grandiose of himself and thought he was incapable of getting caught. Now that he is caught, he's really not sorry, but he knows he's supposed to say that he is.

I don't have any way to prove it, but years ago when the show had been on a couple of years, I told my mom that something wasn't right with Josh. He gave me the willies even back then.

You don't have to prove it to me. A friend of a friend of mine says someone he worked with who came in contact with Jared Fogle semi-regularly claimed Fogle always gave him the creeps, although apparently no one else got that vibe and thought my FOAF's coworker was full of it.

Yet whaddya know, the coworker was the one who was right on the money.

A lot of times our guts are smarter than our brains, if only we were trained to listen just as carefully to them.
Somewhere legitimate would probably cost more... Unless he has investments he will have no income while he's there.

I think another issue is that Josh and the Duggars have painted themselves into a corner because of their fundamental belief system. For him to check into a more traditional facility is tantamount to admitting that faith-based therapy doesn't work. To go to an actual psychologist or psychiatrist undermines their fundamentalist concept that God heals all.

Not that it matters. Personally, I think Josh doesn't give a damn and is putting on a little show for everyone. He'll come back a new man - until the next time.

I'm more concerned for Anna. Last we heard she's in that house in Arkansas with her kids. Will her family or the Duggars give her support while Josh is away? I don't mean financially, more like emotionally. Will any of them travel to see her and help her out with the kids? Will they just leave her on her own to cope the best she can? The time away from Josh could be a turning point for her, depending on what happens and who's there for her in the next few months.
I think another issue is that Josh and the Duggars have painted themselves into a corner because of their fundamental belief system. For him to check into a more traditional facility is tantamount to admitting that faith-based therapy doesn't work. To go to an actual psychologist or psychiatrist undermines their fundamentalist concept that God heals all.

Not that it matters. Personally, I think Josh doesn't give a damn and is putting on a little show for everyone. He'll come back a new man - until the next time.

I'm more concerned for Anna. Last we heard she's in that house in Arkansas with her kids. Will her family or the Duggars give her support while Josh is away? I don't mean financially, more like emotionally. Will any of them travel to see her and help her out with the kids? Will they just leave her on her own to cope the best she can? The time away from Josh could be a turning point for her, depending on what happens and who's there for her in the next few months.

BBM for focus

Hey, are you plagiarizing me?

Just kidding, jinx! Great minds etc. :seeya:
You're not an idiot.

But I don't think they will ever "learn," because I don't believe they would ever seek out what most of the rest of us would consider legitimate help.

That's because in their minds, seeking aid from more mainstream sources, however well qualified they might be, who operate outside Duggar religious beliefs would be tantamount to admitting that that belief system might not have all the answers.

IMO of course

Ha, cross posted with you - even used similar phrases. It just shows how sad this situation is.
BBM for focus

Hey, are you plagiarizing me?

Just kidding, jinx! Great minds etc. :seeya:

Very impressive -- I think you both hit the nail on the head.

(Oh, and without a doubt, the religious 'therapy' that these charlatans offer is doubtlessly far, far cheaper than conventional rehabilitation.)
Another reason Josh would never go to, say, a 12 step based recovery program is this. In AA, we CHOOSE OUR OWN CONCEPTION OF GOD. <modsnip>
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