AR AR - Malvern, WhtMale 1415UMAR, 25-35, hitchhiker in submerged car, p/u Louisville, Oct'84

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
wow, I had not even seen the BB reference nor had I noticed the dimple.

they could be one in the same and yes that was an unusual style for the early 80's so it might have been cover for a wound.

It would be nice to close two cases - CT and AR but who knows? Kenneth is as good a match as any and this one's been a mystery for them for 26 years.
... and yes that was an unusual style for the early 80's so it might have been cover for a wound.

Also, in addition to the dimpled chin, Kenneth had a fairly weak looking chin, and the chin-beard would be a way to make his face look longer. Also, the hairstyle is a good cover for big ears.
I emailed the contact person listed in the Doe Network page with the possible match.

I'm not sure which contact you e-mailed, but since I have dealt with Chris Edwards (State of Arkansas ME) on other cases, I called him regarding this case to increase the possibility that this will get looked at from one end or the other.

I caught him while he was on his way home. He said that he didn't have any autopsies scheduled tommorow, so he said he would look at it tomorrow. He does recall this case from memory. He said that the problem is that for this UID, they have fingerprints, and possibly dentals, but they don't have DNA, and he is not sure that they still have access to the body.

He did take down Kenneth LaManna's name though, and will check into it tomorrow.

ETA: I also e-mailed him a link to the YouTube video.
thanks Carl. I'm glad you have no problem getting on the phone and calling these people. I suppose with your background you have a better handle on the subject matter than I do.

by the way, the email address I had was for Chris Edwards. who knows how many they get in a day or whether it wound up in some spam box.

thanks again for the follow up.
I received an e-mail from Chris Edwards:

I contacted the PD today and their missing person investigator is out until tomorrow. I will contact him tomorrow and ask about dental and fingerprints of the missing person. Just letting you know.
I received an e-mail from Chris Edwards:

at least one of us got an email from Mr. Edwards. I checked my spam box to see if anything arrived there, but zilch.

let's see what the final outcome is on this potential match.
While looking at his picture again during the BB gun discussion I noticed he definetely had what could be described as wavy hair. Was wondering if our potential match had this type of hair. In his picture no but it was much shorter and probrably easier to straighten if he wanted to. By the way I have what could be described as wavy hair (according to others including the ones that trim my hair, not really to me) and when longer can kinda see it. Can anyone locate another picture which may show longer hair. Wavy and or curly hair especially on men kinda stand out, this is coming from a female perspective. Its possible I missed it but would like to see potential match with another hair style.
He looks sort of Breton to me, but then again I'm in Australia and seeing less Hispanic faces day to day than the Americans here do, so I've got less of a full image in my mind of what Hispanic can mean appearance-wise. His hair, although wavy, looks very fine and flyaway in texture compared to the images in my mind that go along with Hispanic.
Another update from Chris Edwards

I talked with Waterbury PD with a detective and he is going to check about fingerprints on his missing person. He thinks that the missing person has a print card somewhere. If he finds one he will get the card to me so I can compare to my John Doe.
Update from Chris Edwards:

Waterbury PD has prints on the missing person and is mailing them to me. I will let you know the outcome.
Update from Chris Edwards - No Match :banghead:


Our Chief Latent Prints Examiner compared fingerprints of John Doe and prints of MP Kenneth LaManna. The results were negative findings for ID.
wow. with that bb thing and the scar on Kenny's chin I thought we had a match there!
Why do they think he's from Conneticut? If that has been explained sorry but don't recall reading the information.
Why do they think he's from Conneticut? If that has been explained sorry but don't recall reading the information.

In all likelihood, he probably told the guy who picked him up hitchhiking (and whose car he drove into the water), that he was from New Haven and was heading for California.
there is this fellow Gary Mullinax who is not on the rule-out list. he was originally from Arkansas, and was 21 years old when last seen in 1976. his height is estimated between 5'4" and 5'6" (so he is a bit shorter than the UID), had brown hair and eyes. interestingly under body hair he was described as "Not a hairy man" and the UID seemed to lack chest hair. also Gary is described as white with ethnicity of "other", whatever that is supposed to mean.

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The exclusions:

Mark Clarke 1954 North Carolina
Keith Lalima 1969 Connecticut
Kenneth LaManna 1949 Connecticut
Thomas Scott 1956 Texas
Randolph Sedlack 1960 Virginia
:bump: Bump for image revision.

Hi there, does anyone know if mark weisman was checked for this John Doe? He was from Harris county texas and would have been about 28 -30 in 1984. Similar hair just missing the chin patch. Similar in height too. He had a mental illness :(

I just stumbled across this John Doe and thought yep I will check in websleuths and once again I'm not disappointed ;)

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