AR AR - Morgan Nick, 6, Alma, 9 Jun 1995

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
An ABC News Studios docuseries now streaming on Hulu,"Still Missing Morgan," chronicles the investigation into the missing child and features exclusive interviews with local detectives and FBI agents, and offers new key evidence that may lead to a suspect in the case.

Nick, who runs the Morgan Nick Foundation, an organization that helps find missing children, said she has never given up hope that Morgan would be found and her family would get justice.
PHOTO: Colleen Nick speaks about the night her daughter, Morgan, went missing.

Colleen Nick speaks about the night her daughter, Morgan, went missing.

"I think the part that bothers me the most is that the [alleged] perpetrator is deceased, which means at the end of the day, at the end of the day, it means there's no justice," Nick said. "That no one is held accountable. No one has to stand and face us for what they did, that there's just no justice for Morgan in this. And that's something I have a really hard time getting my head around."
FBI: Fibers found in red truck match type of shirt Morgan Nick wore when she disappeared

Lab technicians found the blood and the blonde hair did not have enough DNA information for a conclusive match. However, they were able to match the fiber on a microscopic level to a Girl Scout shirt of the type Morgan wore when she disappeared.
I've been following this case for quite some time. I spoke on the phone with Colleen years ago back and forth (unrelated to the case - the foundation has a position I was applying for. The position was pending a grant they planned to receive but the grant fell through) but ever since then I have felt for her and wanted to see this case solved so badly.

Some thing that was mentioned and I was wondering if anyone here my have answers for - did they look in to the family of Billy Lincks at all? I have searched his sons online a bit. One son is in jail in MT for sex offenses charges. One is living (seemingly) quietly in Van Buren, AR and the other there is barely a trace of but last known address is in Fort Smith, AR. The son who is currently locked up would have been in his early twenties at the time of the abduction. Van Buren son would hav been somewhere in his 30's and I believe the Fort Smith son would have been as well.

I know the composites are deemed "not accurate" to some but if you find a picture of the MT inmate son, they have strikingly similar features. MT son would have been in Hot Springs at the time though (unless he was in town visiting) and Hot Springs is about 3 hours away from Alma.

The Van Buren son has similarities to the composite as well - and this one wears glasses (it was stated that witnesses saw the man wearing glasses). VB son was a concrete layer for years and, form what I could tell, this was his occupation at the time of Morgan's disappearance. I found it odd that one of the suspects (can't remember his name but they covered him the the documentary) was in jail for something else, tried to "admit to" Morgan's disappearance and also mentioned something about putting bodies in concrete. He was ruled out eventually but I wonder if someone talked to him to put that in his head?

I hate to bring anyone in who might be innocent but these similarities and coincidences are something I can't get over.

I think I also have hope for Colleen that maybe someone who is living has some answers for her. Someone must know something. Whoever took Morgan must have said something to someone at some point?
I know the police have seen his family photos. But I wish they would of shown others photos of him. It’ weird his obituary didn’t have a different photo of him. Especially since his wife thinks he’s innocent.
Also, didn’t other people see him that day and night. I forget if the other witnesses said he had hair. And I agree eyewitness testimonies are unreliable.
I was thinking the same about pictures. He was arrested in 1996; were any of the witnesses shown his mug shots along with any other family photos at anytime during the investigation? So much emphasis on the truck in the beginning… and the 911 operator in Jacob’s case was practically feeding the answers to Jacob’s friend during the 911 call (did he have a deep voice?). Of course not blaming anyone - just trying to make more sense of how these cases were investigated in the beginning. I remember 1995 and personal computers in every home wasn’t anywhere like it is now (only the kids with well-off parents had a computer or laptop in my old college dorms). So yeah very limited as to what can be done.
The Hulu documentary was excellent - every time I watch documentaries like these I’m left in a state of shock at how prevalent violence against children was and still is. These shows keep the victims’ names in the conversation and we help by watching and asking/answering questions in forums like these. I hope the Nick family finds their baby girl.
It does seem unlikely that a man in his fifties would suddenly choose to abduct and murder a child. And if one of his sons is in jail for sex offenses, he should be looked at first. Framing your father for child abduction is horrific, but some people are so vile that I wouldn't rule this out yet.
Recently heard about this tragic/horrific MN case & then watched the 4-part doc. Still Missing Morgan. Extremely well-put together doc. that did an excellent job commingling modern interviews, re-enactments, and '90's-era video footage related to the case. It was sad to note the passage of time re: MN's parents/those investigating the case having gotten so much older in the new footage (when compared to the original '90's video footage)....and to understand that MN almost certainly never had the opportunity to get older herself. If she had, she would probably have had a family/kids of her own by now, etc.

Though you do hear about cases where children who were abducted being found alive years later (sometimes as adults), I would be surprised if that were to happen in this case.

I don't have a real strong opinion on who the perp. was here. The two kids (playing with MN the night she vanished) didn't seem to have a good idea of what he looked like. It's also worth noting that this occurred @ night when visibility was poor anyway....and the kids probably weren't really paying a lot of attention to him at that point, given that they were playing & they probably didn't seem him as a threat ATT, etc.

Though a lot of attention was paid to the red truck w/the white camper....and though it seemed some evidence may have been found in a similar truck belonging to one of the P.O.I.'s years later...there obviously wasn't enough evidence to come to any kind of definitive conclusion regarding this.

If the young people driving past a similar truck near those thick woods (on the night MN vanished) did actually see MN with the perp. parked there - then I agree it's possible he put her in the woods. However, if that happened - I also agree that due to the flooding/rain that occurred in the area right after she vanished - there's a good possibility that she & any possible evidence were washed away.

It's also possible that the perp. (whoever he was, presuming it was only one person) took her somewhere else, etc.

Hopefully this case will be solved & bring closure to the family.
Watched the whole documentary last night. Looking at everything the police department and FBI did to help solve this case. I agree with the investigators it was more then likely Lincks who did this especially after he tried to get the eleven year old girl to go with him and he had raped his granddaughter prior to Morgan abduction but was let out of prison after paying $500 bail i believe which is disgusting to allow someone out on that low of bail. I really feel for Coleen and she made me shed a few tears especially after she said she wouldn’t allow Morgan a second grill cheese after she had her first one and how something as little as that still hurts her inside. I also felt for Morgan dad you can tell he loves his daughter and wants her found but it’s still hard for him to talk about because of people accusing him of her abduction which was completely unfair to him and his family. I also agree that when Ty left to go back down the hill that Morgan abduction was more then likely a snatch and go abduction similar to Michaela Garetcht or Jaycee Dugards abduction. I’m glad they brought in Jacob mom and Coleen has her as a friend to lean on. I know Colleen wants Morgan found alive and for many years similar to Michaela and Jacob abduction i thought she would be found alive but i just don’t believe that anymore no offence it’s just very hard for me to believe that she could survive this long but anything is possible. I just hope her family can find some comfort in knowing Morgan is in a better place free of the pain and evil of this world.
Does anyone know if Lincks had a record prior to 1995?

I definitely think that his living relatives (as well as anyone who had access to his vehicle in 1995) should be looked into. It doesn't seem at all likely to me that a man in his fifties would suddenly decide to take a young child. Besides, the suspect sketch looks much younger than he was. I understand that children are terrible with ages, but even in the dark I presume that they can tell the difference between someone parent-aged and someone grandparent-aged.

I still have hope for Morgan, but that's just my optimism. Whatever happened, I am not entirely sure that Lincks was involved, or at least he had help.
Does anyone know if Lincks had a record prior to 1995?

I definitely think that his living relatives (as well as anyone who had access to his vehicle in 1995) should be looked into. It doesn't seem at all likely to me that a man in his fifties would suddenly decide to take a young child. Besides, the suspect sketch looks much younger than he was. I understand that children are terrible with ages, but even in the dark I presume that they can tell the difference between someone parent-aged and someone grandparent-aged.

I still have hope for Morgan, but that's just my optimism. Whatever happened, I am not entirely sure that Lincks was involved, or at least he had help.
He was 70. And I also still have hope for Morgan and that they will find her one day.
How does blood evidence, the spot on Linck's truck car seat, after the truck goes into a state crime lab go missing? Has anyone looked into the chain of that evidence and seen if there was anyone related to Linck's family or friends of family? Was evidence regularly destroyed and that's what happened? There must be a last known location of this blood evidence that would have been preserved. Was it just a purge happened after so many years? But why wouldn't someone who collected it ir known it had been collected inquired as to the results at some point soon after? It was blood evidence!
How does blood evidence, the spot on Linck's truck car seat, after the truck goes into a state crime lab go missing? Has anyone looked into the chain of that evidence and seen if there was anyone related to Linck's family or friends of family? Was evidence regularly destroyed and that's what happened? There must be a last known location of this blood evidence that would have been preserved. Was it just a purge happened after so many years? But why wouldn't someone who collected it ir known it had been collected inquired as to the results at some point soon after? It was blood evidence!
Underfunded police department with a small town forensics lab is my guess. Unfortunately it was a common theme with these types of department/labs especially back in the 1990s. A number of missing persons cases from the same time period in country towns in the US had evidence go bad, or missing. Improper storage, or small minded cops who lacked the smarts to acknowledge the significance of trace evidence in certain cases.
Underfunded police department with a small town forensics lab is my guess. Unfortunately it was a common theme with these types of department/labs especially back in the 1990s. A number of missing persons cases from the same time period in country towns in the US had evidence go bad, or missing. Improper storage, or small minded cops who lacked the smarts to acknowledge the significance of trace evidence in certain cases.
It was a state lab, not small town, that the truck was brought to process it.

I still think there is more to this. As I said previously, if - and I cannot stress enough - IF Licnks' vehicle was involved and IF the sketch of the suspect is not a red herring, I don't know if he was entirely involved. He doesn't look much like the sketch and was significantly older. Yes, children have trouble working out an adults' age, but I think even they could tell the difference in the semi-darkness between a 30-year-old and a 60-something.
<modsnip> Unless the police are investigating and haven't told us, I would ask if they are going to look into Lincks' family and associates who may have had access to the vehicle. If so, Morgan's family might see a conviction.
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I think the age range is a red herring here. I've been working criminal investigations and prosecutions in the Army for 19 years and I learned very early on that eyewitness testimony is super unreliable. It's even worse with younger folks who are easily swayed by the situation and the way you ask the questions. That's why we use very specific forensic interrogators with young children. Also the children were busy having fun. The police were going on a description by 2 young children who briefly saw a man in the dark. Also the only pic we have ever seen if lincks is clearly his drivers license photo. I grew up in Crawford county before I joined the Army and got my driver's license at the same revenue office he did in downtown Van Buren not far from where he lived. I'd recognize that background anywhere. I know in the 25 years or so I've been driving very few of my driver's license photos have been a telling pic of who I am especially after a few years have passed. Also in the write up for the August case behind the Sonic the witnesses describe him as having a mix of gray and dark hair. I keep hoping maybe we'll see better pics of the guy someday. He may have started dying his hair at some point which to kids in the dark would make him appear younger.
So true. Maybe it would bring more of a lesser doubt I they did an age progression on the initial sketch of the suspect and compare it to the photo on his dl to see if there is a resemblance.
On the evening of June 9, 1995, Morgan Nick was at the Wofford baseball field in Alma with her mother and a family friend for a little league game.

Colleen Nick told Dateline in a 2018 interview that her daughter asked if she could go to the parking lot to catch fireflies with some older children.

“I originally told her no, but she really wanted to go,” Colleen recalled. “The other parents told me that it was a really safe area and the kids play in the parking lot all the time. I had been told I was always too overprotective, and that was one of the things that played in my decision-making that night.”

But when the game was ending, Colleen couldn’t find Morgan.
“[The other children] didn’t seem alarmed at all, and they said that Morgan was emptying sand out of her shoes at their car,” Colleen said. “Already, when I couldn’t see Morgan, my heart started to beat really fast. We were somewhere we hadn’t been before.”

According to the mother, Morgan wouldn’t just venture off on her own. Colleen explained to Dateline that “there wasn’t even anywhere to go” because “there was no concessions stand, no bathrooms.”

The mother said “major panic set in at that point” and a little league coach called 911.
The last two links have Sevier's mug shot after his 1996 arrest, and another of him whilst in prison, I've never seen them before.
Here's some food for thought about Sevier. He was a deputy in the River Valley (Sebastian County, I believe) during the time of Morgan's disappearance. Several years later he left that job when he was charged for the child-sex crime.... interesting. Proof of anything? Probably not. BUT Colleen Nick has said herself on multiple occasions at speaking events and to the media that Morgan WOULD HAVE TRUSTED a police officer, or someone with a badge. She gave the example that she had a police officder pick up Morgan from school at one point because she couldn't leave her daycare to go get her. It certainly makes me take pause.
Just finished the four episodes, finding it difficult to put into words my opinion, I definitely think Lincks was responsible, seemed a little tunnel vision that they focussed so hard on him in the last two episodes, makes me wonder if there's evidence against him they chose to not to make publicly known.
I don't believe there is more evidence than that regarding Lincks. The doc seems very slanted toward Lincks and that says more about the filmmaker than it does about this case.
Feb 3, 2024 article mentions Morgan


“Recovering a missing person really happens collectively with a lot of agents at the table,” Nick said.

For more information on the foundation, click here.

June 11, 2024 article


Lab technicians found the blood and the blonde hair did not have enough DNA information for a conclusive match.

A new documentary revealed that law enforcement also found blue-green cotton fiber in the mat under the seats and in metal pieces of the truck.

FBI technicians were able to match the fiber on a microscopic level to a Girl Scout shirt of the type Morgan wore when she disappeared.

June 11, 2024 article


Lab technicians found the blood and the blonde hair did not have enough DNA information for a conclusive match.

A new documentary revealed that law enforcement also found blue-green cotton fiber in the mat under the seats and in metal pieces of the truck.

FBI technicians were able to match the fiber on a microscopic level to a Girl Scout shirt of the type Morgan wore when she disappeared.

Thank you for posting this.
Morgan’s MP case is one of the most widely known disappearance in our state.

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