Identified! AR - Whitehall Motel in El Dorado, WhtFem, 81UFAR, 18-21, Jul'91 - #1 - Kelly from VA

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Her NamUs file has a short list of rule outs. I'm posting the link for her, but when you click, a morgue pic comes up- just letting you know. Her morgue pics aren't bad, but they are still morgue pics.

Rule Outs per NamUs page
Melinda Creech
Kim Leggett
Staci Madison
Michelle Mulcahy
Lisa Sexton
So Michelle was ruled out. I think the key is posting a profile on various websites like craigslist and kijiji. Someone has got to remember her and tons of people go through them,
Her NamUs file has a short list of rule outs. I'm posting the link for her, but when you click, a morgue pic comes up- just letting you know. Her morgue pics aren't bad, but they are still morgue pics.

Rule Outs per NamUs page
Melinda Creech
Kim Leggett
Staci Madison
Michelle Mulcahy
Lisa Sexton

IIRC, there are more rule-outs than what's listed here.
OK, I've come to terms with the fact I Am Doomed in hoping I'll have a restfull sleep tonight. Just read about the girl who baked her kitty at 500 degrees then saw the horrific pic of the blood on the murdered couples walls. I went into both threads thinking the title's wouldn't result in their being as horrific as the 10, and likely counting bodies from the Ohio guys house & while that's worse than both of these...the word morgue just set me over the edge.

So tonight, the girls gonna come for my kitties, Manson's escaped prison & has hitched a ride to CT to paint my walls & I'm a medial examiner pulling my own body out the roll'y thing for examination :nerves:



dyed blonde hair
if a little firl ran away or was taken
that child would be hard to connect to this case
due to the height

plus some blonde children[ like my sisters]
as children have very white blonde hair
as they grew older their hair became more of a dishwater blonde to light brown/dark blonde

looking for a missing tall young lady?
I have and still no matches:angel:
I agree this is the best chance, there has to be records somewhere if they were a foster family.

They were not a foster family they are the family of her killer James Roy Mcalphin, I got a friend who has lived in Irving to ask around since we are all the same age and she knew one of the cousins in high school, Madea BecBec figured this out a while back also. They wont be any help from what i understand
I think that I found a match for a Jane Doe found dead in a motel room in Arkansas.

She bears a striking resemblance to Lori Julian, who disappeared from Scottsdale AZ in July 1991.

Lori Julian is not among the excluded names for this Jane Doe.

I am submitting this to the Union City Arkansas Coroner's office to see if it is a match, and I will call the Scottsdale PD tomorrow.
I think that I found a match for a Jane Doe found dead in a motel room in Arkansas.

She bears a striking resemblance to Lori Julian, who disappeared from Scottsdale AZ in July 1991.

Lori Julian is not among the excluded names for this Jane Doe.

I am submitting this to the Union City Arkansas Coroner's office to see if it is a match, and I will call the Scottsdale PD tomorrow.

Hi Carlk,
Interesting image comparison. Have yoiu found another photo of the missing person for comparison? Am interested on criteria you used to submit this case. For example the medical examiner would know if the UID gave birth and sometimes if it was recent as in Lori's case.
Here is the thread on the UID: AR-Could you know this girl? - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Her doenetwork page:

I don't think that the UID is Lori Julian. She went missing in July 1991, but the UID obviously wasn't a person that went missing recently:

"The victim came to El Dorado from Dallas in early 1991 where she used the name "Kelly Carr/Karr". She had worked as a prostitute at the Carousel in Dallas. After leaving Dallas, she stopped off in Shreveport and then arrived in El Dorado. The victim was frequently at the hospital emergency room from beating and was arrested in May of 1991 for bad checks and she gave the name "Cheryl Ann Wick" from Minneapolis. Previous to her death, she worked as a topless dancer in Little Rock and that is where she told her "friends" she was originally from Florida."

I think, as is stated on her doenetwork page, that she was was a runaway who went missing a couple of years before her death.
Here is the thread on the UID: AR-Could you know this girl? - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Her doenetwork page:

I don't think that the UID is Lori Julian. She went missing in July 1991, but the UID obviously wasn't a person that went missing recently:

"The victim came to El Dorado from Dallas in early 1991 where she used the name "Kelly Carr/Karr". She had worked as a prostitute at the Carousel in Dallas. After leaving Dallas, she stopped off in Shreveport and then arrived in El Dorado. The victim was frequently at the hospital emergency room from beating and was arrested in May of 1991 for bad checks and she gave the name "Cheryl Ann Wick" from Minneapolis. Previous to her death, she worked as a topless dancer in Little Rock and that is where she told her "friends" she was originally from Florida."

I think, as is stated on her doenetwork page, that she was was a runaway who went missing a couple of years before her death.
Thanks lady Stardust,
I thought this information was what I remembered from looking into this case. It is a reasonable conclustion that the UID lived a lengthy high-risk lyfestyle resulting in her demise. I am always interested in how others 'conect' the missing with the UID - how they conclude it is a possible match. As we have seen many times, a photo alone rarely ends in a match. I guess we will know soon, depending on the cooperation and interest *sigh* of LE. They really irritate me with their lack of interest (generally).
Just looking from the NamUs coroner photo to Lori's Doe Network missing person profile, I was 90% sure that it was the same person. The noses, foreheads, high hairlines and freckles were perfect matches, and the chin, eyebrows, and hair color were pretty close.

I did not realize that Doe Network UID profile 81UFAR was the same case as that NamUS profile 2813, but upon looking at it, I am much more doubtful that she is Lori Julian. However, if it was Lori, it wouldn't be unreasonable to think that a woman working as a prostitute would not want to tell her family in Arizona what she was up to with her frequent disappearances, nor would she tell her aquaintances in Texas and Arkansas where her family really lived.
Just looking from the NamUs coroner photo to Lori's Doe Network missing person profile, I was 90% sure that it was the same person. The nose was a perfect match, and the chin, eyebrows, hair color were pretty close.

I did not realize that Doe Network UID profile 81UFAR was the same case as that NamUS profile 2813, but upon looking at it, I am much more doubtful that she is Lori Julian.
Don't give up CarlK. She hasn't been ruled out yet. Just a tip for anyone interested: I take all photos I am working with to 'photo shop'. There you can adjust lighting, conrast, etc. This helps define the major characteristics of bone structure, nose and sometimes shows scars and other markings not included in the demoraphics. But for the most part, I find it helpful to determine bone structure.
Please keep us posted. The photo and coloring does look very close.
I received a call from Detective Paxson from Scottsdale AZ P.D. regarding the possible match. I spoke with her by telephone and followed up with a couple of e-mails. Here is the second e-mail that I sent to her.

Ms. Paxson:

Just a follow-up to yesterday’s conversation and e-mail communication regarding the resemblance of the Eldorado AK Jane Doe coroner’s photo to the only available photo of Lori Julian. I am not sure of whether you have access to the website, as it requires users to register for access. Therefore, I have attached the photos that I was looking at that prompted me to think that there may be a match.

Lori bears a strong resemblance to the Jane Doe in noses, Shape of eyebrows (and area in between), shape of forehead and hairline, cheekbone area, chin, and freckled complexion. She also had a history of frequent disappearances, employment in bars, drug use, and a habit of drifting around throughout the country, all of which are consistent with this Jane Doe. Also the date of Jane Doe’s death corresponds to the date of the last sighting of Ms. Julian.

There are a few details in the Doe Network profile for the Jane Doe (See Link below) that raise doubt, but none of which would positively exclude Lori as a match. The Jane Doe had mentioned to friends that she was originally from Florida but it is quite possible that she was lying, given her history of using numerous aliases. The Photo of Lori bears less resemblance to the photos of the living Jane Doe, but the lack of resemblance could be due to Jane Doe’s makeup and bleached hair.

I have very few details regarding Lori Julian’s physical attributes (e.g., height and weight), but one item would provide a strong verification or exclusion. The Jane Doe was approximately 5 feet 11 inches tall, which is unusually tall for a woman. You probably have access to Lori Julian’s physical attributes in the case file, so I suggest that you check this info to help you decide whether to go forward, or positively exclude her as a match.

Thank you for looking into this matter.

I will keep everyone posted as to Detective Paxson's reply.


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I just got an e-mail from Detective Paxson:

The Jan Doe in AR is not related to our missing person case involving Lori Julian. She has been ruled out by fingerprints. Thanks for your assistance.

Jennifer Paxson

Scottsdale AZ PD has indicated that Lori Julian has been ruled out as a match.
Here is a side by side of penny and jane doe. Only thing is, jane doe has green or blue eyes and penny had obviously brown.


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I thought of this Elizabeth Miller who may be possibly linked to Tiffany Sessions disappearence. In the mid 90's someone called a hot line and left a tip saying that Tiffany, Elizabeth and Tracy Kroh were all being held against their will and being forced to work as prostitutes.
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