Are the Ramseys involved or not?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Are the Ramseys involved or not?

  • The Ramseys are somehow involved in the crime and/or cover-up

    Votes: 883 75.3%
  • The Ramseys are not involved at all in the crime or cover-up

    Votes: 291 24.8%

  • Total voters
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Yeah but whats behind this conspiracy is more and greed. i wish we could look at the banking activities of the prominent they would tell a tale. Of course there are other ways to pay off people other than direct payments..and there are other ways to coerce people to do your bidding other than money. The minions of the ramseys maybe have found dirt on people.

That would be my guess as well. Money is too easy to track (should anyone involved have wanted to do it). But the threat of an expensive lawsuit filed in a legal system that may have been in the pocket of the suspects and/or their attorneys would be enough to stop most people.
That would be my guess as well. Money is too easy to track (should anyone involved have wanted to do it). But the threat of an expensive lawsuit filed in a legal system that may have been in the pocket of the suspects and/or their attorneys would be enough to stop most people.

I was thinking more they were threatening to expose someone in power like a DA...not sure but it seemed the DA back then and the current one are real concerned about the Ramsey's being "ruled out." its either by hook or crook my guess.
JonBenet's murder is a constant in my mind. I catch myself hoping that it will be in my lifetime that she will receive justice. SuperDave, and others, have pretty much solved this case time and time again, which leads me to this question to you; SD: Don't you get tired of having the same conversation over and over and over, year after year after year with new crops of IDIs? I don't know how you do it. Keep trucking, sending you some patience, tolerance and stamina :)

I thank you for the kind words, Tessa.

Frankly, yes, I DO get tired of it! But it's not just the new ones. It's the old ones who can't be bothered to listen and think that REALLY torks me off!

Glad you feel the case is solved.

See what I mean, Tessa?

Pilgrim, she ain't the ONLY one!

Roy, since we're getting so close to the holidays, I'm feeling more generous than usual. In that spirit, let me say that you might not find the atmosphere so hostile if you were willing to actually talk about important points instead of trashing them with rehearsed platitudes from creeps like John Douglas.

Good God, and they have the nerve to call US the BORG!
I am sure lots of people feel the case is solved, including the BPD. But they can't actually close the case or admit it is solved because they know the case cannot be prosecuted.

I'm sure a lot of people feel that way, too. I'm one of 'em.
Maybe somehow this HAS become a DNA case.
First time I heard Lou Smit saying in one of his tv appearances that maybe in 20 or 30 years they will be able to clone (or something) the dna owner based on that sample I laughed and rolled my eyes.

That's understandable, maddy. For God's sake, THIS was the guy the DA's office pinned its hopes on! Pretty much says it all, doesn't it?

Cause I don't hope for a confession anymore.

Me, neither. The best hope this case had for a confession was to put the Rs in separate holding cells until one of them cracked.

And don't anybody tell me that it wouldn't have worked. Police use it EVERY DAY in this country and it DOES work. So much so, in fact, that JR has stated publically that his lawyers were expecting them to do it. And it doesn't involve beatings or waterboarding either.
it is IMO if a match can prove once and for all whether it's related to the murder or totally irrelevant (transfer) it would actually be a huge thing, if it matches a factory worker for ex then the intruder theory becomes totally ridiculous so they would have to start all over and the Ramseys would be top suspects again.

That's sort of the point I've been trying to make for a while now, maddy: IDI has really shot themselves in the foot. We talked about this on the radio program back in August. By playing up the DNA and not allowing for the possibility of innocent transfer, they have effectively closed off all other avenues of investigation.

That means that if, in the future, a suspect is arrested who matches up in every other way and his DNA is not a match, that's IT. Game over. Cut him loose. LE can't suddenly backpeddle and adopt the approach that the police took, because they've spent too much time and effort trying to REFUTE the police's holistic approach!

And they TRIED to backpeddle on it! When JMK was arrested, everyone was ready to close the book...UNTIL his DNA didn't match. At that point, ML and her cronies briefly attempted to downplay the DNA's importance. I'm convinced that they would have gone ahead with a prosecution of JMK even AFTER the DNA results came back if they thought they could have gotten away with it. Except they couldn't. By then, it had all unraveled anyway.

Kind of makes you see the value of pursuing a case based on the TOTALITY of evidence, doesn't it? :grin:
The untold story and the one that will one day make a compelling documentary is how John engineered the prosecution to do his bidding!

That it will, my friend. Except, it's not exactly "untold," is it? ST told us PLENTY about it! As did Lin Wood, perhaps not intentionally.
The minions of the ramseys maybe have found dirt on people.

What happened to Tom Miller was only ONE incident we know about. And even then, only because the target had the werewithal and the guts to fight back. How many do we NOT know about?
Me, neither. The best hope this case had for a confession was to put the Rs in separate holding cells until one of them cracked.

And don't anybody tell me that it wouldn't have worked. Police use it EVERY DAY in this country and it DOES work. So much so, in fact, that JR has stated publically that his lawyers were expecting them to do it. And it doesn't involve beatings or waterboarding either.

ITA it would have worked,Kane was so close but it was too late and they never should have accepted those interview formats.There is such a big difference for ex between the first LE interview (I've never heard so many non relevant and stupid questions like those ever in a police interview) and the one with Kane.
That it will, my friend. Except, it's not exactly "untold," is it? ST told us PLENTY about it! As did Lin Wood, perhaps not intentionally.

Sure, not for us that know the case well. But for Joe Public the manipulation of the BPD and the DA's office, whilst not rare, would open a few eyes.

ITA it would have worked,Kane was so close but it was too late and they never should have accepted those interview formats.There is such a big difference for ex between the first LE interview (I've never heard so many non relevant and stupid questions like those ever in a police interview) and the one with Kane.

Just shows you the difference between how Boulder does things and how the REST of the country does them, doesn't it?

But, as you say, by then, the grave was already dug.
Sure, not for us that know the case well. But for Joe Public the manipulation of the BPD and the DA's office, whilst not rare, would open a few eyes.


UKGuy, you must have read my mind!
UKGuy, you must have read my mind!


This would be a good theme running through any JonBenet book. Similar to, but acting as a counterpoint to Steve Thomas' opaque references to corruption running through his book, culminating in his resignation rationale. If I was penning it I might be tempted to place a who did not do it and why letter addressed to the DA or ST at the end, simply as a rhetorical device.


This would be a good theme running through any JonBenet book. Similar to, but acting as a counterpoint to Steve Thomas' opaque references to corruption running through his book, culminating in his resignation rationale. If I was penning it I might be tempted to place a who did not do it and why letter addressed to the DA or ST at the end, simply as a rhetorical device.


Oh, sort of twisting the knife? Believe me, if it were possible at this stage, I would without hesitation! But then, I've already included so many jabs, digs and insults that it would almost be like piling on.
was watching "The Double" with Richard Gere (watching tons of movies lately since I am "arrested" by my baby lol) and there is this guy who order to prove that X did it you have start by trying to prove it the other way around/that X DIDN'T do it....if you can't do that this probably means that X DID it.....interesting.....

was thinking of this,can we 100% prove that the R's DIDN'T do it when we have their statements,the fibers and the autopsy report? (and some might add the RN,I almost never do cause I have my doubts re all those "experts" but whatever)...kinda hard IMO>>>which,following this logic,means probably RDI,right?
was watching "The Double" with Richard Gere (watching tons of movies lately since I am "arrested" by my baby lol) and there is this guy who order to prove that X did it you have start by trying to prove it the other way around/that X DIDN'T do it....if you can't do that this probably means that X DID it.....interesting.....

was thinking of this,can we 100% prove that the R's DIDN'T do it when we have their statements,the fibers and the autopsy report? (and some might add the RN,I almost never do cause I have my doubts re all those "experts" but whatever)...kinda hard IMO>>>which,following this logic,means probably RDI,right?

Which is why any other suspect has the Ramseys as his defense.
was watching "The Double" with Richard Gere (watching tons of movies lately since I am "arrested" by my baby lol) and there is this guy who order to prove that X did it you have start by trying to prove it the other way around/that X DIDN'T do it....if you can't do that this probably means that X DID it.....interesting.....

was thinking of this,can we 100% prove that the R's DIDN'T do it when we have their statements,the fibers and the autopsy report? (and some might add the RN,I almost never do cause I have my doubts re all those "experts" but whatever)...kinda hard IMO>>>which,following this logic,means probably RDI,right?

in order to prove that X did it you have start by trying to prove it the other way around/that X DIDN'T do it....if you can't do that this probably means that X DID it.....interesting.....
Yes, this is sometimes done. Also known as an indirect proof or proof by contradiction. Its not foolproof, since the user can make elementary errors, this method also goes by its old name of Reductio Ad Absurdum or reducing things to the absurd.

was thinking of this,can we 100% prove that the R's DIDN'T do it when we have their statements,the fibers and the autopsy report? (and some might add the RN,I almost never do cause I have my doubts re all those "experts" but whatever)...kinda hard IMO>>>which,following this logic,means probably RDI,right?
The fibers, size-12's, garrote, nightgown, paintbrush-handle link the Ramsey's with the wine-cellar crime-scene, which they allegedly knew nothing about? How can this be, did an intruder attempt to fake a crime-scene in an obscure cellar deep in the Ramsey household? e.g. Reductio Ad Absurdum

Yes you have to explain away all the evidence before you can give the Ramsey's a Get Out Of Jail Card!

IMO the DA should have charged Patsy with asphyxiating JonBenet and John Ramsey as an accomplice to homicide.

IMO the DA should have charged Patsy with asphyxiating JonBenet and John Ramsey as an accomplice to homicide.


I think it would have been easier to prove sexual abuse and who did it(would have probably lead also to the murder motive) than who killed her ,why and how or who covered it up.
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