Are you planning on attending Caylee's public memorial?

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Will you attend Caylee's public memorial?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 3.5%
  • No

    Votes: 295 94.6%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 6 1.9%

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i'm unfortunately on the wrong coast...

Im on the wrong continent. lol

Personally even if I was in Orlando I don't know if I would go, Just because it will be a complete circus and frankly I might throw up if people carry on like they have in other things to do with this Case
and NO I am not talking about the Anthonys here ! Im talking about the public
My feelings exactly!

There's a lot of debate about that among higher ups in the church - but of course this isn't the place for that. I find it rather shocking myself.
If that is the case then they are not churches, they are social clubs. JMHO

Amen, then Amen some more!
I recommend anyone who is turned away at the steps of any church contact their local news station!
That is the most absurd thing I have ever heard!
I have to pass by there later in the day and could easily go but I can't bring myself to participate in yet another attempt to exploit the memory of that poor little girl.

True dignity would have been a private family service and that's it.

I'm disgusted that this public event is going to happen and I heard through the local grapevine (I do business with an elder of the church) that there are some airing rights currently being negotiated.

Poor little Caylee is nothing but an ATM card to that family and its nauseating.


I could go but won't. Nor will I be watching the live stream. And this was something I knew before reading your post about using even this memorial as a money scheme. (Wish I could say I was surprised to read that.)

It appears to me to be much ado about CA with poor Caylee little more than a bargaining chip or afterthought. I doubt Caylee would have forbade anyone from attending, much less anyone that tried to help her when her own family refused.
Im on the wrong continent. lol

Personally even if I was in Orlando I don't know if I would go, Just because it will be a complete circus and frankly I might throw up if people carry on like they have in other things to do with this Case
and NO I am not talking about the Anthonys here ! Im talking about the public

that is what I am talking about too, Jane. I don't even have a problem that CA was the one setting this all up, I really don't. However she and GA and LA want this to be done is up to them. Unfortunately, by opening it up to the general public they are taking the risk that 'vermin' will come up out of their underground burrows and cause havoc. We have seen this behavior before. I know most of the people who will go are going just to honor Caylee and say their good byes. I can only hope that LP has the sense to stay away, along with the woman whose granddaughter set up a vigil - was it Dakota? If either of these two people show up - it is going to set the stage for some ugly confrontations and the vermin will jump right in and make it worse.

I am not kidding when I saw I am worried about what might happen on Tuesday and don't want to be anywhere near that church.
If that is the case then they are not churches, they are social clubs. JMHO

Which is what started me on my path to atheism many years ago, but that's another story.

No, I will not be going and would not even if I lived in the area. I mourn the loss of our Caylee from our physical existence. I also believe the light of her soul has never left our collective embrace.

I have never been one much for wakes and the such, however I do not disparage their purpose for others. I participate when I feel I can be of some help and comfort. My physical presence at this memorial would do no good.

I also do not plan on watching it. I am at peace with Caylee but not unfortunately, with her family, and this is about Caylee.
I posted my thoughts before reading others. After reading a few posts, I would like to point out that the Anthonys are in a catch 22 situation. If they only had a private one, folks would have complaiend. Might even orginized a public one. But they did make one public, now folks are saying it's going to be a circus. Sigh...

What ever they do, it's for "Them" the family. Their grief, their what ever. What they do, will be to make themselves feel better. That may include feeding the need to help their other daughter they feel like they are loosing. It may included part fantasy of what they believe at this momment to be true. What ever they say or do, it will be wrong in someone's eyes. No way around it.

I am not planning on discussing what happens at that memorial, because what they do, they will be doing in the mist of grief. Who am I to judge THAT ???

You seem to be such a kind hearted person to have such compassion for the A's in spite of everything. But I must point out that the grief you seem to feel should excuse a lot doesn't prevent them from seeing the $$ signs and going after them.
What would be really nice...if the ones who DO go, maybe start a thread here and tell their feelings about the memorial. That way it WOULD be about Caylee. I know I would love to hear how everyone felt from their hearts.:)
I'll be at work a few thousand miles away but Caylee will be in my thoughts and prayers on Tuesday as she is today and everyday since the 31st day after she went missing.
I wouldn't go even if I lived nearby.

I said my goodbyes to Caylee and regrets that I would never know her, the day they identified the remains. I had to have some time alone on that day... I already thought she was gone, but I couldn't bring myself to say an actual 'goodbye' until I knew for certain that it was her.

My presence at a memorial wouldn't do anyone any good. I've already said my goodbyes and I don't think the Anthony's would want my sympathy right now because I don't believe their daughter is innocent. I'd feel like a fake offering them, knowing what they would think if they knew all that I thought.
I agree. I'm afraid it's going to be used to draw attention to the other Anthonys, instead of a true memorial. I hope I'm wrong.

EXACTLY! That is how I am CA is having a party.........
I have seen enough of those people.........this should be a burial service for CAYLEE, with love..............I think I'll just light acandle in honor of all abused and murdered children. IMO
I am in Orlando and I will not attend the memorial. Something about this planned public memorial just seems commercial to me. I am sure there will be clips played for days afterward in the media, especially here in Orlando, so it will be hard to avoid.

What a sad, sad event. :(
I live close enough to attend but wouldn't dream of it.

I'm afraid there are *many* people attending who are only hoping to catch a glimpse of the A family or one of the many others involved in this case that they've seen on TV. (But none of the "Sleuthers"! That goes without saying. :blushing: )
I live close enough to attend, I've thought long and hard about it, I'm not going to attend, nor am I going to watch, should it be aired.

I searched, I was there, I saw the amount of people who just wanted this child laid to rest, this isn't about rest, this isn't about grief, this public memorial is about "show", when the child has a final resting place, then there should be a memorial, a celebration of her life and the lives she may change due to having been part of this world.

I agree that GA and CA will be vilified no matter what they do in this matter, but I believe that a private memorial would have been more fitting.

Then a public acknowledgement of how Caylee has touched so many lives.

<stepping down now>
Just wanted to add: I'd go because I'd feel close to Caylee, I'd love to give George a big hug ... maybe Cindy too, not sure how I feel about her, yet I know she's grieving.

I'd also like to visit the funeral home, just so I'd know I was close to Caylee, to pray, probably break down, and say good-bye.
I used to live in Orlando, have 5 days off, transportation to/from, a place to stay, etc. and I will NOT be going. IMO this is all about CA and not Caylee. I think Caylee deserves an appropriate memorial and I have all the respect for her but this is not it.

IMO and ready for the flames...

PS: No disrespect to those who go from WS or anyone who disagrees with me. :)
Due to distance, I won't be attending. But if I lived there, I would not be attending either. I remember when the memorial was held at BP. I watched it, I prayed for little Caylee, my heart was heavy with sadness. To me, that was the day that I began to experience closure. I can only grieve so much - reality has set in now as hard as it was to accept. It's time for justice now.

I might be wrong but I don't think the attendance will be as big as they are expecting - probably due to the attitude of the grandmother. I think anyone should be allow to attend because it is all about Caylee and those that care should be allow to attend.
I live close enough to attend, I've thought long and hard about it, I'm not going to attend, nor am I going to watch, should it be aired.

I searched, I was there, I saw the amount of people who just wanted this child laid to rest, this isn't about rest, this isn't about grief, this public memorial is about "show", when the child has a final resting place, then there should be a memorial, a celebration of her life and the lives she may change due to having been part of this world.

I agree that GA and CA will be vilified no matter what they do in this matter, but I believe that a private memorial would have been more fitting.

Then a public acknowledgement of how Caylee has touched so many lives.

<stepping down now>

I agree.
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