Area Body Found in "Too Strange" Was it Searched?

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I keep hearing how ALL of KC's friends said she was a good mom..blah blah blah. Let us not forget there are a few interviews missing from the dump. Annie is one, Melina is the other off hand. I'm sure there are more, but I bet these 2 have some juicy details or wouldn't we have seen/heard their interviews? KC also told LA in jail to not trust Annie..she must have something on KC IMO, it sounded like KC did NOT want LA in contact with her. JMO.

Of the interviews we've been privy to yes it seems to paint KC in a positive light but lets not forget about the ones we have NOT been privy to.'s also ironic how KC acts differently dependant upon whom she is around..per many of her "friends".

MD Mommy, we also have to remember that most of these friends who said they were shocked at the prospect of Casey hurting or murdering Caylee were friends she had only known a very short time (a few months.) They had not even been in the presence of KC and Caylee but a few times. No one wants to believe a mother could harm their child, especially such a beautiful child as Caylee was.
Interesting you are mentioning that now. I read just today that the A's could be charged with obstruction. Those meetings you reference, orchestrated by Cindy at the A home with all the friends, in my opinion, could be construed as obstruction or witness tampering. I wonder if they will be charged.

Are you kidding? In that case, I wonder if JG would be charged, since he was adamant with Cindy that he wanted to organize the meeting and asked for access to their computer to gather info and contact everyone, etc? Well, I hope none of them will be charged with anything like that. Wouldn't it be normal for the family and friends to want to talk to each other and discuss where Caylee could be, etc?
I respectfully snipped some posts that made me think again:

Also remember all those walks GA took - I haven't seen him out for a walk since. Does anyone remember where he headed off to when he left the house?

Did you read this interesting info on the DB?
In October, Dr. Maurice Godwin used his Predator computerized system to identify specific areas of interest in the search for Casey Anthony's missing two-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony.

If the remains found today are proven to be Caylee, they could have been found sooner if his analysis of the case had been utilized.

The locations used in his analysis were: Casey Anthony's parent's house, the location where her car was found and a buffer area for cell phone pings at the airport.

Map 1 depicted the search area (anchor point area) showing the Predator computer results and map overlay of the predicted area. Map 2 depicted a more specific search area, highlighted by the light yellow circle. Map 3 depicted the specific area to search.

The profile showed a high probability that Caylee would be found within a 1.5 mile radius (North, South, East and West) from South Goldenrod Road.

"The location where the body was found is near my predicted area," Godwin said in an interview with Investigation Discovery. "If they had used the information I came up with, Caylee would have been found months ago. I have proven time and time again the value of the Predator system. When Will They Listen?"

Just me, but I think the searches for the neck breaking and all the rest were actually for a plot KC had to get rid of GA (and maybe CA, if she wasn't involved to get rid of GA), not Caylee - remember when KC was yapping to Amy about how she was getting the house? It would be interesting to know if these searches were at that time.

How weird is this?

Maybe LA did ask CA, and that's when his attitude went the other way in a hurry.

Hi Unsolved, Thanks for that interesting article on Dr Godwin. I didn't see a link, but that would be an excellent article for the Sticky Thread here on recent news.

We might hear allot more about or from this guy in the future, and the article is an excellent point of reference.

I just wanted to comment on the posts in ref to what has been proven vs. what has not. "Proven" is a very relative term, it can be easily argued b/c what one person may think has been substantially proven, may not meet the same requirements as the next person. There is no exact formula to come to the conclusion something has been proven. For instance, just the fact that she did not report her daughter missing, ever, is enough to prove to me she is heartless and evil......

see this is what gets me to, the only reason it was only 31 days before being reported was CA found her and reported it. it could have easily taken 45 days 90 days before CA nailed her down and what would the story have been then. she could have disappeared herself never to be heard from again and at this point the remains could have been found. she could have avoided her mom and others while still calling and texting her family about her fun new life with KLEE in some other city when these remains were stumbled upon. she only came up with this whole zanny thing on the fly on the 31st day in her bedroom when LA cornered her. she thought the cops would buy it to. really makes me wonder about that duct tape.
Hi Unsolved, Thanks for that interesting article on Dr Godwin. I didn't see a link, but that would be an excellent article for the Sticky Thread here on recent news.

We might hear allot more about or from this guy in the future, and the article is an excellent point of reference.

Do we know if he actually sent these to TES and/or LE? Sorry if it's been discussed, too tired and too late to go back and look.
Hi Unsolved, Thanks for that interesting article on Dr Godwin. I didn't see a link, but that would be an excellent article for the Sticky Thread here on recent news.

We might hear allot more about or from this guy in the future, and the article is an excellent point of reference.


The place where Caylee was found - was it pinged from KC's cell phone?
KC told LA that Annie and Melinda were not to be trusted. This was in the recently released videos of her interview with her brother while she was in jail. Her actual comment about them was "don't bother".

my final impression of that discussion was that "don't bother" meant those were two that she was not suspicious of, she did not feel he needed to question or investigate. Though even Lee got confused with her responses, she kind of changed the way she was doing it midstream, he had to go through the list again. But I thought the final impression was "no suspicion" of Annie and Melina. Now I'm going to have to listen yet again :)
I believe it is a retention pond, don't thing they have names,there are homes behind the A's now.There is a retention pond behind the A's and there is one on Surburban dr.

Does anyone know if there's a culvert or pipe that connects the two ponds? Many are connected for flood control. The bag may have moved from one to the other during Fay...we had a LOT of water back then. Not likely, but hey...what is in this case?
we also have to remember that most of these friends who said they were shocked at the prospect of Casey hurting or murdering Caylee were friends she had only known a very short time (a few months.) They had not even been in the presence of KC and Caylee but a few times. No one wants to believe a mother could harm their child, especially such a beautiful child as Caylee was.

But old friends said the same thing. Both in LE interviews and here on Websleuths.

But it's true that surely none of us want to believe a mother would harm their child, or that anyone would harm any child.
Are you kidding? In that case, I wonder if JG would be charged, since he was adamant with Cindy that he wanted to organize the meeting and asked for access to their computer to gather info and contact everyone, etc? Well, I hope none of them will be charged with anything like that. Wouldn't it be normal for the family and friends to want to talk to each other and discuss where Caylee could be, etc?

Wasn't JG cleared by taking a polygraph test? I recall distinctly hearing that the meetings were called by Cindy and held at the A home. Since this was an on-going investigation, I would think it would have been more appropriate for all meetings and discussions pertaining to Casey and the timeline be conducted by the LE in order to maintain the integrity of the investigation.
Wasn't JG cleared by taking a polygraph test? I recall distinctly hearing that the meetings were called by Cindy and held at the A home. Since this was an on-going investigation, I would think it would have been more appropriate for all meetings and discussions pertaining to Casey and the timeline be conducted by the LE in order to maintain the integrity of the investigation.

Did the meetings at the A home happen before or after LE interviewed these people, or do we know off hand?
I don't find it odd at all!!! The area was SUBMERGED!!! Recently receded!! No hinkyness there!!!
(Uh, I still disagree that travel is a necessary component of someone experiencing fugue. Though if that happens it could certainly indicate fugue.)

Regarding your second paragraph there, since you raised the subject, equally troubling are the people who are so attached to the theory of KC as vicious, psychopathic, premeditated murderer of her own child that they state this over and over as if it were proven fact, even insulting the others who are still keeping an open mind pending the many unanswered questions, the evidence being presented at trial, etc (they just aren't intelligent or informed enough to get it, they say!) Please!

But anyway, back to the case.

I’ve quoted and replied to this post in the Psychology thread. I didn’t mean to derail the intended focus of this thread and invite you to read and reply here if interested. :)
Did the meetings at the A home happen before or after LE interviewed these people, or do we know off hand?

Since some of these friends were interviewd more than once by LE, my guess would be before and after (or around the same time frame.)
what I do find interesting is that of all the areas searched and all the manpower used to find this baby, KC picked one spot that no one could search. Obviously it wasn't flooded when Caylee was buried.
was that area prone to flooding?
why did so many of us think she was confident the body wouldn't be found when it was right in "her own backyard" and it wouldn't stay flooded forver? Surely that wasn't a good spot.

You know, hearing myself post, I am going to reverse mysaelf and agree it was a very careless and strange spot. I think it would actually lend itself to her kidnapping defense (assuming that will happen)

Bean! Thank you for this post because it really hits it for me. I have been away because it got to a point where I had to step back for a minute so that I could be fresh minded for the trial and I am sure that similar things have been stated but I can't possibly catch up through 800 posts but I have been giving all of this a lot of thought over the last few days and I have my own theory and comment on this.

I believe that she did as LP had said and packaged the body and was riding around with it in the trunk for a loooong time. I believe that the day she was home and George came in and startled her and there was the bit about the trunk and her bloing past him and shoving the gas cans at him and pealed off she freaked out after that because that was the closest she had come to being caught. I believe that Caylee was still in the trunk and I have fron the moment I heard about this incident. I believe that she was so freaked out at coming that close to being caught that she drove to the end of the road as fast as she could, and once out of sight ((Sorry, for this)) jumped out and threw her, like I throw a garbage bag full of my kids clothes up into the attic because I am too lazy to climb the stairs. I believe she didn't even leave the street.

There was an incident mentioned where GA followed her when she took her moms car. I think she was afraid he might and got rid of that bag as quickly as possible in the first place she could. I am I ANGRY!! I am more disgusted than I have been since the very beginning of this mess after hearing about the duct tape---which will hang her on the fibers and fingerprints. No one can hold just the non adhesive side of duct tape and it blows all thoughts of an accident out of the water for me. No mother leaves a baby in a car in Florida in JUNE and expects to come back to the alive, and no mother puts duct tape on the brand new facial skin of a two year old with the intention of taking it off. Duct tape tells me premeditated, swift and violent. And I am ANGRY that she strutted around all this time like it was going to be impossible to find her when she didn't even take the time to hide her. To me the area is not strange. She was just getting rid of a problem the fastest way she could and treated that baby like so much trash and I don't even know what to say! She really didn't and still doesn't care at all about what she has done. I just may vomit...AGAIN!! Like I did when I found out about the duct tape!
Hear me out before moving this post or commenting. This has been driving me nutz since she was found. IT IS TOO STRANGE that her body was found less than 1/3 mile away from their house.

Cadaver dogs can hit and actually follow a trail once they do. RE: Scott Peterson for example. They actually followed from the Petersons' driveway, all the way to the Interstate.

Ok now there were two sets of dogs that hit. Also there were more dogs that were brought in to search, many searches done by very qualified people.
Little bones are hard to find in deeply wooded areas. A BLACK GARBAGE BAG ISN'T that hard to see.

She actually was preserved and not discarded as many of us thought, thus the protection of the plastic bag. The alligators didn't get her etc etc.
The A's were conveniently out of town when she was found, Lee hasn't shown his face.

Chickasaw Trail is a trail kids and others travel !! SHE WASN'T BURIED, SHE WAS IN PLAIN SIGHT WHERE A FENCE HAD BEEN ERECTED EVEN !!

GA said this needs to STOP !! He's been trying to tell LE in his own way, without CA interferring.

Obstruction charges being bantered about, directly from the Sheriff. What does this leave to the imagination?? Not too much when you put it all together. :rolleyes:

I haven't read through all of this thread so this was probably answered. First of all most bodies are found within a 5 mile radius of where they were murdered. Secondly this area was previously covered with water and had been searched. Not unusual at all. If Casey drove her there and dumped her the dogs would not have picked up on Caylee's scent, only the car. I am more convinced now however that Caylee at one time was buried in the sandbox or backyard of Cindy and George's house and then moved.
I've said it before and I will continue to say this.
KC did this ALONE.
CA and GA had no knowledge before or AFTER as to what happened to Caylee. They have made many, many mistakes, especially CA *opening her mouth far too often*. I even posted today how I was losing my "support" of them, HOWEVER, I do not for one second believe they had anything to do with this at all. I also do NOT believe they INTENTIONALLY covered up their granddaughters murder. I think they just handled things wrong and continue to do so. I believe they loved this baby more then life itself and would never harm her. JMO

Oh and as for the spot, I don't think it strange at all.
Hidden in plain site.
Like a lot of people, I'm not sure we have the first idea of what happened. KC could certainly be involved in many different ways, in anything from accident, to coverup, to direct involvement in a violent crime. She could be out to lunch and doesn't know what happened. For all we know, this could have been a crime against her or her family. Could have been a crime by a stranger against Caylee. Someone could have taken advantage of KC to get to Caylee. Her strange affect and apparent detachment from the situation, her inability to realize the seriousness of Caylee being missing, her inability to support hte nanny story, could have everything to do with what happened to Caylee, or could just be a red herring, i.e. if she's delusional or unable to give a coherent account of what happened but still did not harm Caylee herself. Could be almost anyone or anything at this stage, imo, so little is known. Hopefully a lot more evidence is going to come out in court. The body being found now (if it is Caylee of course) in an area that had almost certainly been previously searched, in a findable, visible location, not a remote location, not concealed, in the Anthony's own neighborhood, tends if anything to make me reconsider the possibility that it wasn't KC. Style of disposal also. Still too many unanswered questions for me to be able to reach a conclusion. How about you?

Hi Seagull,

You said it could be a crime against Caylee by a stranger, and I disagree with that point as the smell of death was in Casey's car as I understand. We never heard of Casey's car being stolen that I know of.

Also, I read here on Thursday that the bag was partially buried and was somehow trapped by some common tree or foliage. Tim from Equisearch said that. So even if she left it there carelessly, it somehow ended up in that position, partially buried by the movement of the water and dirt.

We have also learned that mothers who kill their children and hide their bodies usually do it in their comfort zone which is less than 2 miles from their home.

I too want to keep an open mind, but if I were to hear of something indicating another person being involved I would be open to searching it out. There just seems so much to every aspect of the case about Casey's involvement, even to where before they had a body, the prosecutor was able to give just cause to arrest her for the murder. That doesn't happen that often IMO. xox
I've said it before and I will continue to say this.
KC did this ALONE.
CA and GA had no knowledge before or AFTER as to what happened to Caylee. They have made many, many mistakes, especially CA *opening her mouth far too often*. I even posted today how I was losing my "support" of them, HOWEVER, I do not for one second believe they had anything to do with this at all. I also do NOT believe they INTENTIONALLY covered up their granddaughters murder. I think they just handled things wrong and continue to do so. I believe they loved this baby more then life itself and would never harm her. JMO

I 100% agree. I don't care how foolishly they (ahem....CA) has acted. They had no part and I believe that.
I've said it before and I will continue to say this.
KC did this ALONE.
CA and GA had no knowledge before or AFTER as to what happened to Caylee. They have made many, many mistakes, especially CA *opening her mouth far too often*. I even posted today how I was losing my "support" of them, HOWEVER, I do not for one second believe they had anything to do with this at all. I also do NOT believe they INTENTIONALLY covered up their granddaughters murder. I think they just handled things wrong and continue to do so. I believe they loved this baby more then life itself and would never harm her. JMO

Oh and as for the spot, I don't think it strange at all.
Hidden in plain site.
Sorry, I disagree! Cindy's washing the pants is enough alone to convince me that at least she, if not George and Lee as well are covering up for Casey!
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