Area Body Found in "Too Strange" Was it Searched?

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The question of if the area where Caylee was found was underwater during the times in question will be answered soon enough by anecdotal testimony of long-time residents, school kids, Orlando road maintenance people, flood control people, etc. As a resident of a neighborhood, you know which areas in your neighborhood flood and how long they normally hold the water.
I"m not convinced that body was there this whole time, but you better believe LE can tell. We're wasting our time on this.

Plus, I think we're forgetting that it was mid/late June when all of this occurred and kids were not walking to and from school. Had it been during the school year, then perhaps her little body would have been found much sooner by curious kids. (I'm so glad that's not the case)
Texas Equisearch LOST a 4x4 back in that area when it sank under the water. That is part of teh reason TM called off the search originally. A submerged plastic bag in 2'+ of muddy still swamp water. That is extremely dificult to find. basically every square inch would need to be searched by hand with people wading crawling through the mud and water. It is impossible to maintain safety for the searchers, and the chances of finding anything, and not damaging or destroying it in the process is slim. Perhaps TM's wisest move was to call off the search until the waters receded.

As far as why LE was not searching this area more heavily.There is some legitimate criticism there, but not as much as some would have. I think they relied too much on cell phone pings and high tech tracking, and not enough on basic old school policing, where they almost always drop the body close to home or somewhere familiar. As soon as KC made that "I feel she;s near" comment they probably should have looked more closely near the home. But because of various witness statements they did not seem to be viewing the house as a primary location in the crime, except for the vague cadaver dog hit in the back yard. They assumed that Caylee died elsewhere, was driven around until the smell became unbearable, and finally dumped somewhere during KC's travels. However I get the impression that this theory may have changed drastically based on what they found with the body. I think they are now believing the child died at that house, and KC left to flee that fact.

I was wondering if that was the same area the 4 wheeler went under. Thanks for that info. I was thinking the reason TES pulled out of that area was because if they used the 4 wheelers and the horses, they might destroy any evidence.
Sorry if all this has been posted and discussed, but I just got here this morning and here are my random thoughts:

All along Casey had been planning to stick to her story, and said so, about the nanny being responsible. She even covered her tracks by floating the "fact" that she had given Zanny a key to their house.

She was adament that couldn't say anything in detail about where Caylee was because the kidnappers told her harm could come to Caylee. The duct tape was applied to Caylee post-mortem by Casey to make it look like an abduction.

The abandoned car at Amscot was also Zanny's doing after she stole the car from Casey and drove it around with Caylee in the trunk.

I think all the pings everyone was so excited about were Casey's doing to throw everyone off. Caylee was right under our noses the whole time - hiding in plain sight so to speak.

The way I see it, the only way to definitively pin this on Casey beyond a reasonable doubt is if they find her prints on the duct tape.

But with this (above in bold, by me) you assume that KC was smart enough to know what phone pings are, and that they can be tracked! No way Jose. :)
Quite honestly, I'm not so sure in my own mind that KC is responsible for Caylee's death. I would say I'm 98% convinced that she is, but...consider this.

1. Cindy is the last known person to be physically with Caylee. Yes, yes, I know George says he saw KC and Caylee leave the house on the 16th of June but do we know for sure that he did? NO!
2. Cindy has proven herself to be very unstable through her actions throughout this whole ordeal and we know from sworn statements that she became physically aggressive with KC, grabbing her by the throat on the June 15th.
3. KC is reportedly a mess emotionally in prison.
4. Cindy is living it up at the Ritz and eating $100.00 dinners at fancy restaurant's.
5. Cindy was Caylee's primary caregiver and aren't most murdered children killed by their primary caregivers?
I think there is definite potential here for
1. KC really did not commit the murder
2. KC to get the ultimate revenge on Cindy by throwing her under the bus.

Fire away but remember I'm just the messenger.

it does not make sense at all. Why then would Cindy stomp over to TonE's, grab KC and demand to know where Caylee had been the last month?
Why wouldnt KC scream bloody murder to the cops: My Mother did this I left Caylee with her and now shes dead? doesnt make sense, no way.
KC has never said she left Caylee wth cindy and I DO think when she left on the 16th, she took Caylee with her.
How did casey move the body after the searches began? She was under arrest.

Not at first she wasn't... I think LE searched the first week in the woods near the home before Tim was involved (when Caylee was out by the airport), and then KC moved her near the house (before her arrest for child neglect).
The question of if the area where Caylee was found was underwater during the times in question will be answered soon enough by anecdotal testimony of long-time residents, school kids, Orlando road maintenance people, flood control people, etc. As a resident of a neighborhood, you know which areas in your neighborhood flood and how long they normally hold the water.

I don't even think that will be necessary, because they can tell in forensics.
Hear me out before moving this post or commenting. This has been driving me nutz since she was found. IT IS TOO STRANGE that her body was found less than 1/3 mile away from their house.

Cadaver dogs can hit and actually follow a trail once they do. RE: Scott Peterson for example. They actually followed from the Petersons' driveway, all the way to the Interstate.

Ok now there were two sets of dogs that hit. Also there were more dogs that were brought in to search, many searches done by very qualified people.
Little bones are hard to find in deeply wooded areas. A BLACK GARBAGE BAG ISN'T that hard to see.

She actually was preserved and not discarded as many of us thought, thus the protection of the plastic bag. The alligators didn't get her etc etc.
The A's were conveniently out of town when she was found, Lee hasn't shown his face.

Chickasaw Trail is a trail kids and others travel !! SHE WASN'T BURIED, SHE WAS IN PLAIN SIGHT WHERE A FENCE HAD BEEN ERECTED EVEN !!

GA said this needs to STOP !! He's been trying to tell LE in his own way, without CA interferring.

Obstruction charges being bantered about, directly from the Sheriff. What does this leave to the imagination?? Not too much when you put it all together. :rolleyes:
I agree! When Caylee was killed the area was dry for a while before the rains hit. I think the body was moved there not to long ago. TE said it had been there for a while but it doesn't take long for a mark to be made in the grass. I had a large flower pot on my backyard and in a week I went to move it and the grass was dead already. The dent in the yard is still there.
Could she have had someone do this or did someone have it in for her and took her child ? Cayce knows and she needs to talk.
She was under arrest but that doesn't mean that there may have been an accomplice all along and that the person didn't move the body. It's not out of the realm of possibility in this crazy case.

An accomplice - yes - but I thought the poster was saying Casey moved the body. Unless it was a fmaily member, I don't see how she would have contacted an accomplice to ask them to move the body. She was being watched and monitored constantly. And you can bet her phone records and computer usage was monitored.
I haven't posted here in a while but have been reading this thread and was wondering if anyone remembers I believe it was Beary say and he was mad that we will find out what is going on and someone is going to have to pay back for all the money that has been spent searching for Caylee. He said this at the scene the day the body was found I am going to try to find the video of him saying this and I believe there was something at the scene that made them go to the house immediately.
Yes, she did.

And please, look at this video. This judge has read the search warrant and from that he thinks the police think the body was moved to the spot!

Respectfully to the judge, I don't think he's considering the area being covered in water. This was the area TM lost a 10K ATV in. It sunk out of site. This ATV was probably a six wheeled amphibious type of vehicle. If that type of vehicle got stuck, the area was definitely not searchable. Which would explain why Caylee was missed.
I think Casey's well known laziness is to blame for the spot. I think the day she ran out of gas she had to get rid of the body quickly because boyfriends tend to run for the hills when they find dead bodies in your trunk.

I still don't get why she called him at all that day, other than come save me syndrome.
I agree. wouldn't you think he would have brought her a can of gas ????
When I first heard that they are searching the A home again my first thought was that they wanna prove that something happened recently and it's related to the crime.

I mean,why seize the vaccums etc after so much time?

Because lint from the Anthony carpet on the adhesive side of the duct tape would show Caylee was gagged in her own home.
They went to the house immediately and I remember seeing John Allen question Mallory. We later found out that Mallory was feeding the dogs. They took cars and they blocked the driveway, ect. I too think something was found at that scene that implicated someone there or exposed someone's "lies". They had never before done anything as severe as this. Prior to this the A's called the shots, now LE is doing so. It's about time!
Quite honestly, I'm not so sure in my own mind that KC is responsible for Caylee's death. I would say I'm 98% convinced that she is, but...consider this.

1. Cindy is the last known person to be physically with Caylee. Yes, yes, I know George says he saw KC and Caylee leave the house on the 16th of June but do we know for sure that he did? NO!
2. Cindy has proven herself to be very unstable through her actions throughout this whole ordeal and we know from sworn statements that she became physically aggressive with KC, grabbing her by the throat on the June 15th.
3. KC is reportedly a mess emotionally in prison.
4. Cindy is living it up at the Ritz and eating $100.00 dinners at fancy restaurant's.
5. Cindy was Caylee's primary caregiver and aren't most murdered children killed by their primary caregivers?
I think there is definite potential here for
1. KC really did not commit the murder
2. KC to get the ultimate revenge on Cindy by throwing her under the bus.

Fire away but remember I'm just the messenger.

WHY wouldn't Casey have told the truth that it was Cindy? if I really loved my child, and my abusive mom murdered her, I would be screaming from the rooftops. She would never be taking all of this heat for Cindy.

Also, if she perhaps didn't know that Cindy killed her, she would have never have made up the work/nanny stories, etc. She wouldn't just make that up out of the blue. She would point to the Father's Day tape and say, See? THEY had her last. I never saw her.

Also, how would the body get in Casey's trunk, when friends saw Casey driving the car?

Also, Casey admits to having her last (except for the...uh..."babysitter")

We don't know that Cindy's dinner cost $100.00. We don't know that the dinner and hotel weren't paid for by someone what sympathized with the family, after hearing the findings. We don't know that they didn't go to those places for the high security and privacy- not that I'm condoning anything the Anthony's have done. But if I had been covering for my murderous child, and very possible proof of her remains had surfaced, I'd know that I did not want to face any reporters or angry protesters, and I'd feel a lot safer in a nice large hotel than in a freakin' motel 8 and at McDonalds.

I hope you don't think I'm being disagreeable, I really do appreciate the fresh viewpoint of your post. I like considering the different possibilities...this is just my thoughts after considering that...

Respectfully to the judge, I don't think he's considering the area being covered in water. This was the area TM lost a 10K ATV in. It sunk out of site. This ATV was probably a six wheeled amphibious type of vehicle. If that type of vehicle got stuck, the area was definitely not searchable. Which would explain why Caylee was missed.
do you think she waded through water and buried Caylee? I hear that the area is underwater most of the time. or do you think she jjust threw her in? or do you think it was dry at that time?
I haven't posted here in a while but have been reading this thread and was wondering if anyone remembers I believe it was Beary say and he was mad that we will find out what is going on and someone is going to have to pay back for all the money that has been spent searching for Caylee. He said this at the scene the day the body was found I am going to try to find the video of him saying this and I believe there was something at the scene that made them go to the house immediately.

Please post it if you find it. Boy - wouldn't that be something if they found something that incriminated the A's. Like something from the house that they spotted earlier in the investigation. Wow - now that would be something. But it could also just mean he is mad they spent all that time and money searching when it was clear Casey was lying from the beginning about the child being alive.
Yes, she did.

And please, look at this video. This judge has read the search warrant and from that he thinks the police think the body was moved to the spot!

I did not get that from watching the video, he is speculating (his words, not mine)!!!

I also don't believe he has seen the actual search warrant either!

It is just a theory, the Fox news guy even says that.

Judge: A unwitting accomplice throwing a bag of garbage in the woods for Casey ... WTH???? ... Come on, would someone really be that stoopid?

This video is a waste HUGE waste!! :crazy:
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