Arias continues giving interviews to the media

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It is incredible that she continues to do this .. There is an argument here that her pathology is so severe she is almost impossible to defend .. You really have to feel for her lawyers and other professionals who have been left with whatever remained of this case to fight. No doubt she will take them all down with her. Whatever dirt she has on Nurmi, Wilmott or anyone else on her team will be revealed by Arias as soon as she has cut them loose.

There's a quote on her Facebook page she put up herself: A closed mouth gathers no foot. Advice Arias would be wise to listen to, but clearly listening to good advice is not one of her strengths.
Just finished watching Mikee's latest video and he ended with such a great point!!

Of course Juan knew about JA's "secret" little stunt all along. How could Jodi call a reporter and Juan NOT know. He just let her do it, it really is just another nail in her coffin (literally!)!! He knew she would NEVER say she was sorry and would continue to blame others and trash TA.

I just feel so much better because I think this totally fits!! I haven't been able to understand HOW this interview could happen without (at least) the jail knowing...this makes total sense now.

Only question I have is will JM play the whole thing or just the *best* parts at her aggravation trial!!

Jodi loses again.

Oh question: how does Arias call a reporters voicemail when she can only call collect from prison? Doesn't a live person on the other end of the line have to accept the charges? Did Donovan hold a second phone up while they were on a call to make this possible? Ideas?
Adding to my comment above...

I hope JM tells JA straight up he knew about her plan all along!!

Oh question: how does Arias call a reporters voicemail when she can only call collect from prison? Doesn't a live person on the other end of the line have to accept the charges? Did Donovan hold a second phone up while they were on a call to make this possible? Ideas?

That's what I thought, maybe they can use phone cards now??
She just doesn't get it, does she? I think there are "messages" in the interviews, which she hopes will lodge, splinter like, in the right ears. In the interview minutes after the verdict, she could not manage a lousy "sorry", but made sure she said she didn't think that the siblings would be able to find peace. Of course she is still trying to control everything, but I think some of her motivation is to cause further harm.
These interviews are for 'her jurors' .. They are the only people she doesn't throw under the wheels of the bus. She's hoping they're breaking the admonition IMO. The comments about Juan suppressing evidence then doubling down on the abuse AND pedophilia accusations says it all. Amusing that she has no perception of what people really think of her. Someone needs to burst that bubble .. I can't believe the verdict had such little effect. She is simply nuts.
JA is her own worst enemy. She should have stayed her lawyer at this point because I highly doubt that her real lawyers thought that interview was a good idea on any level. JW and KN are not my favorites with how they slandered the victim without a single ounce of proof. But, do you even defend someone like JA?

On a side note, where I work we do Western Unions. A lot of people send money via WU to Federal Prison system. The money goes on an account and the receiver (inmate) can put so much in the commissary fund as well as buy phone time. I am assuming phone cards. I know this from conversation with a woman who was attempting to send funds for this reason. She explained the process to me. So, my guess is that even though its not a Federal prison they probably have a similar set up.

These interviews are for 'her jurors' .. They are the only people she doesn't throw under the wheels of the bus. She's hoping they're breaking the admonition IMO. The comments about Juan suppressing evidence then doubling down on the abuse AND pedophilia accusations says it all. Amusing that she has no perception of what people really think of her. Someone needs to burst that bubble .. I can't believe the verdict had such little effect. She is simply nuts.

What I find interesting is that she gives an interview, slanders the victim yet again, throws Juan and the imaginary evidence that will save her (pedo letter) into the mix as being the proof and then has the gall to say she wants the DP.

Then I see a motion from her attny's to remove the death penalty. Am I seeing this right???? Why? If she wants the death penalty, get out of the hospital ward, go to court and save AZ taxpayers 4 more weeks of trail. Save the jury from having to lose 4 more weeks of their life. It really makes me mad that isn't going to happen.

These interviews are for 'her jurors' .. They are the only people she doesn't throw under the wheels of the bus. She's hoping they're breaking the admonition IMO. The comments about Juan suppressing evidence then doubling down on the abuse AND pedophilia accusations says it all. Amusing that she has no perception of what people really think of her. Someone needs to burst that bubble .. I can't believe the verdict had such little effect. She is simply nuts.

I have wondered the last few days what Dr. DeMarte would say if she could about JA and the days of drama after the verdict. Because to me, that is what it is. Drama with a capital D. JA can do nothing without a boatload of drama designed to make herself look like the victim. But it doesn't work. It makes her look NUTS.

It is incredible that she continues to do this .. There is an argument here that her pathology is so severe she is almost impossible to defend .. You really have to feel for her lawyers and other professionals who have been left with whatever remained of this case to fight. No doubt she will take them all down with her. Whatever dirt she has on Nurmi, Wilmott or anyone else on her team will be revealed by Arias as soon as she has cut them loose.

There's a quote on her Facebook page she put up herself: A closed mouth gathers no foot. Advice Arias would be wise to listen to, but clearly listening to good advice is not one of her strengths.

You gotta think..or her DT should be...if JA lies without proof..enough for 4 months of a trial..what exactly will she throw out there for them. I imagine it won't be good and maybe then they will be defending themselves against lies with no proof.

These interviews are for 'her jurors' .. They are the only people she doesn't throw under the wheels of the bus. She's hoping they're breaking the admonition IMO. The comments about Juan suppressing evidence then doubling down on the abuse AND pedophilia accusations says it all. Amusing that she has no perception of what people really think of her. Someone needs to burst that bubble .. I can't believe the verdict had such little effect. She is simply nuts.

Another very good thing is WHEN the jurors do see them, and most likely will, they will have confirmation and a clear conscience they had the absolutely correct verdict, good for them!

Did you see Geraldo? She comes up with a new piece of evidence we've never heard of. A photograph she took (as a joke but she thought it more sinister later) of Travis chasing a nude 4yo boy around while holding a bible and pretending to be a Catholic Priest! Naturally this awesome piece of evidence was suppressed along with witnesses who saw all the bruises. They need to shut her up .. Nurmi and Wilmott are lucky she's in the psyche ward .. imagine if she'd been able to talk until Wednesday? In the interviews you can almost see her concocting new lies and choosing to either say them or not as she talks. Never seen anything like it .. It's like Casey on performance enhancing drugs!
Question, did I miss something while gone? Did It do another interview after the Troy Whoever interview? Or was it recorded earlier w/Geraldo?
No Geraldo played more of the same interview last night .. Try for Fox for repeats .. We saw a lot of new snippets .. It's like every time Fox show it they show more of the tapes!
Did you see Geraldo? She comes up with a new piece of evidence we've never heard of. A photograph she took (as a joke but she thought it more sinister later) of Travis chasing a nude 4yo boy around while holding a bible and pretending to be a Catholic Priest! Naturally this awesome piece of evidence was suppressed along with witnesses who saw all the bruises. They need to shut her up .. Nurmi and Wilmott are lucky she's in the psyche ward .. imagine if she'd been able to talk until Wednesday? In the interviews you can almost see her concocting new lies and choosing to either say them or not as she talks. Never seen anything like it .. It's like Casey on performance enhancing drugs!

She really had a picture and witnesses? A bruised person?:stormingmad: Or is this just a story?
Her lies have become so ridiculous at this stage it's comical. If she takes the stand during the final stages of this trial people will get the church giggles in court and have to rush outside before they lose it completely.

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