Arias files motion to fire lead attorney Kirk Nurmi

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May 3, 2008
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Jodi Arias, who has been convicted of first-degree murder in the 2008 death of her boyfriend, Travis Alexander, but has not yet been sentenced, filed motions in Maricopa County Superior Court this week to fire her main defense attorney.

Arias said Tuesday in a 12-page handwritten narrative that her lead attorney, Kirk Nurmi, had not seen her since May23, the day the jury reached an impasse on whether to sentence her to life or death. She claimed that she attempted to fire him in June, as well, but Judge Sherry Stephens did not grant her request.

Bringing this over.

The entire letter is a Blame Game. It's not her fault. What's a girl to do.

We have JA complaining about everything and anything from the start of the trial to the finish, even putting the blame on Nurmi for adversely affecting her testimony at trial. Page 6

Complaining about the secretary hanging up on her 2.65 cent calls. I bet they were numerous, to the point of stalking, something we found out she does well.

The relations ship between her and Nurmi was destroyed before I STOPPED TALKING TO HIM. pg 2 And the brattyness continues

She is yaking about not investigating meaningful mitigation witnesses....and who might they be? She has none that will stand up for her and she knows it.

She is admitting she is tiched in the head, only because she thinks now it will be beneficial, where as before, she was fine, in her mind.

JA was very proud of the statement that Nurmi does't like her 9 out of 10 days, the time it was said. She even exposed a great big smile and giggle. What happened JA?

This whole letter seems to be, as usual, it is not JA's fault. She seems to be getting some of these ideas to pen from her supporters. Who else would try to help?

Where is the Juan song that was recorded, it's not her fault?
And this too.

Another interesting thing is the letter is, she tried to get books out to her friends with notes in the margin. She claims they were to explain the simularities between Christianity and Buddhism. I bet those books were riddled with instructions to follow but disguised as scripture.

Then she wanted all that supported her guilt, impeached.

No, it's not her fault,in her mind anyway. She is trying to coverup for all her short comings in this 12 page letter. Good luck Jodi.
And this too.

Another interesting thing is the letter is, she tried to get books out to her friends with notes in the margin. She claims they were to explain the simularities between Christianity and Buddhism. I bet those books were riddled with instructions to follow but disguised as scripture.

Then she wanted all that supported her guilt, impeached.

No, it's not her fault,in her mind anyway. She is trying to coverup for all her short comings in this 12 page letter. Good luck Jodi.

And, meanwhile, it was her OWN fault those books were confiscated, for writing in the margins...AGAIN!
She made me like Kirk Nurmi for a minute. How is that possible? I also love the unprofessional way she's listed "another attorney" I'm putting "want another job" on my resume.
Has this been filed with the court yet? I don't know how she expects this to fly with the previous letter from her and I believe her mom, wanting and pleading to keep Nurmi on when he wanted to leave. She is not going to give up and I believe she is scared.
The only serious charge in all that drivel is that Nurmi didn't zealously pursue mitigation witnesses. Either that charge is true --which I don't believe for a minute, or it is transparently false and likely to tick off Judge Stephens. Heh.

As for the rest. Thanks to the ex-waitress for continuing to be such a reliable source of amusement. It is laugh aloud funny that she still gets so lost in her fog of spite (talk about transference!) that she can't keep her facts straight. He didn't visit me for 5 months, I refused to see him for 5 months, I can't trust him because he didn't visit me, I didn't let him visit me because I didn't trust him. LMAO- that is Laurel & Hardy who's on first material.

The not funny but predictably spiteful aspect of her diatribe is her using it to once again smear Travis, and to once again go after Deanna. What's satisfying about her doing so, however, is that it shines light once again on the little bitter obssessed thing she is....years later she's still jealous of Deanna!!! Hahaha! She viciously murders Travis and that isn't satisfying enough- she still hates him! Pathetic.

Wish I could be there to see how many times Judge S. rolls her eyes and sighs while she reads this drivel.
Haven't read her self written Motion yet, just what you guys have posted.

Lol, lol, lol. Judges hate these self written Motions. At least Nurmi can file a proper one asking to withdraw, again...

The only thing I am seeing from what has been posted is someone that seems to think like most locked up criminals do, ones that have been through the system a few times. Many do just this kind of thing, with the absurd contradictions and poor me excuses. Can't believe what a criminal ticking mind she has.

Maybe she just needs a penpal to get attention from. Maybe her supportive family can be just that. <snicker>

I could use an Irish Coffee just to get it out of my mind now. Ridiculous!
She is boring. I hope she gets life, so this is finally over, and then we never hear from her again. IMO - she is a garden variety murder, and our prisons are filled to the rafters with other murders just like her. Thankfully, this was written and I did not have to hear the sound of her voice.

p.s. I hope she never gets those books :>)
She is seriously cray-cray. Just another one of her ridiculous temper tantrums.
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Page 8 - "or what suspiciously looks like selective memory" in reference to KN

Um, HELLO? Maybe he learned that trick from YOU :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Adding...I was laughing so much about her whine that Nurmi refused to investigate the "leads" she demanded he goose chase that I had to re-read that part. Wonder what pen pal she us referring to, and why the whole team investigated a pen pal--if that's even true. Sure seems to have peed her off.
The only serious charge in all that drivel is that Nurmi didn't zealously pursue mitigation witnesses. Either that charge is true --which I don't believe for a minute, or it is transparently false and likely to tick off Judge Stephens. Heh.

As for the rest. Thanks to the ex-waitress for continuing to be such a reliable source of amusement. It is laugh aloud funny that she still gets so lost in her fog of spite (talk about transference!) that she can't keep her facts straight. He didn't visit me for 5 months, I refused to see him for 5 months, I can't trust him because he didn't visit me, I didn't let him visit me because I didn't trust him. LMAO- that is Laurel & Hardy whi's on first material.

The not funny but predictably spiteful aspect of her diatribe is her using it to once again smear Travis, and to once again go after Deanna. What's satisfying about her doing so, however, is that it shines light once again on the little bitter obssessed thing she is....years later she's still jealous of Deanna!!! Hahaha! She viciously murders Travis and that isn't satisfying enough- she still hates him! Pathetic.

Wish I could be there to see how many times Judge S. rolls her eyes and sighs while she reads this drivel.
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Page 8 - "or what suspiciously looks like selective memory" in reference to KN

Um, HELLO? Maybe he learned that trick from YOU :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

I got a huge chuckle out of that. I have no idea what she thinks she's going to accomplish? She is never going to be free again.

Guess this gives her something to do with all that free time.
Adding...I was laughing so much about her whine that Nurmi refused to investigate the "leads" she demanded he goose chase that I had to re-read that part. Wonder what pen pal she us referring to, and why the whole team investigated a pen pal--if that's even true. Sure seems to have peed her off.

Yes.... want to know about the pen pal!
Bringing this over.

The entire letter is a Blame Game. It's not her fault. What's a girl to do.

We have JA complaining about everything and anything from the start of the trial to the finish, even putting the blame on Nurmi for adversely affecting her testimony at trial. Page 6

Complaining about the secretary hanging up on her 2.65 cent calls. I bet they were numerous, to the point of stalking, something we found out she does well.

The relations ship between her and Nurmi was destroyed before I STOPPED TALKING TO HIM. pg 2 And the brattyness continues

She is yaking about not investigating meaningful mitigation witnesses....and who might they be? She has none that will stand up for her and she knows it.

She is admitting she is tiched in the head, only because she thinks now it will be beneficial, where as before, she was fine, in her mind.

JA was very proud of the statement that Nurmi does't like her 9 out of 10 days, the time it was said. She even exposed a great big smile and giggle. What happened JA?

This whole letter seems to be, as usual, it is not JA's fault. She seems to be getting some of these ideas to pen from her supporters. Who else would try to help?

Where is the Juan song that was recorded, it's not her fault?

What I found so odd was the way those admissions snuck in there, she's merrily bashing along and then bam, a truth spills out, there's no flow to it, just admission, like some like honest alien cell still lives within and can force her hand at times.

Does anyone think the judge will deny her motion?
Page 9 - What "developments in the case" is KN keeping her in the dark about, lol? There ARE no developments dingbat, the trial is over - you are a convicted murderer, and a cruel one at that...

ETA - page 10 - "it is easy to see why he has not yet moved to withdraw" - Um, He has been BEGGING for YEARS to withdraw. :floorlaugh:
I wonder if Judge Stephens will :floorlaugh: while she reads the Borderline's Bull@#$% :angel:

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