Arias files motion to fire lead attorney Kirk Nurmi

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I'm sorry, but my hinky meter has been going off the charts with this one.

The handwritten motion circulating on the web certainly appears official, yet there is a history of fabrication/falsification of documents with the convicted killer.

There are some things that bother me:
  • The fact that there is no record of this motion on the court docket
  • The motion references a June 2013 motion for same which was denied, yet there is no court record of that motion either or the ruling.
  • How did Michael Kiefer get a copy of this? If this was filed under seal, then it could not have been released to the media. The online document includes a MCSO form certifying that the document was filed in Maricopa County Superior Court.

The timing of this 12 page gem dovetails nicely with her appeal fund. She signed her letter on October 17 and Auntie announced the very next day that Yay! The appellate fund is finally ready!

Things that make you go Hmmm!
Einstein must be proud of her esoteric knowledge of the law which enabled her to write a legal document contemporaneously de-edifying Nurmi.
I'm sorry, but my hinky meter has been going off the charts with this one.

The handwritten motion circulating on the web certainly appears official, yet there is a history of fabrication/falsification of documents with the convicted killer.

There are some things that bother me:
  • The fact that there is no record of this motion on the court docket
  • The motion references a June 2013 motion for same which was denied, yet there is no court record of that motion either or the ruling.
  • How did Michael Kiefer get a copy of this? If this was filed under seal, then it could not have been released to the media. The online document includes a MCSO form certifying that the document was filed in Maricopa County Superior Court.

The timing of this 12 page gem dovetails nicely with her appeal fund. She signed her letter on October 17 and Auntie announced the very next day that Yay! The appellate fund is finally ready!

I must say I wondered about that as well, but I guess we'll have to wait and see if it shows up in court records. (I still don't know how to access those.)
Maybe Tuba should send a copy of her post to all inmates as Inmate 101. :D

Minus any names or identifying data.

Nurmi may get whatever amount per hour, so will any attorney, but what is unknown is that there is a cap on how much they can charge, whenever the case is over. In this State, don't know about Arizona, no bill is submitted until the case is finished. So, while they are working the case, and usually if the attorneys are good, and Nurmi and Wilmott seem to be good to me (not the very best, but very good at what they are doing), they are not being paid. Even when it totals up, there will be so very many hours they have put into this that they cannot get paid for.

CMJA does not realize any of this nor care. The BIGGEST thing she does not realize is that at this moment she is not on death row. That is the VERY MOST Nurmi and Wilmott could provide given the heinousness, the evidence, and her own admission. Nothing more can be expected. She will never walk free.

The whining will continue as long as allowed, and some hand written not-legally by attorney things via jailhouse attorneys will make it into the file, not on the Court ledger. Just in the file, an attorney has to file appropriately, and believe me, they have copies of hot stuffs Motion and are told how to handle it via filing appropriately, or not at all.
Einstein must be proud of her esoteric knowledge of the law which enabled her to write a legal document contemporaneously de-edifying Nurmi.

Prisoners learn to use the law library, but in JA's case, I think she had help with the letter. This whole situation has me wondering if she isn't taking advice from those on "the outside" far more than she is from her attorneys--which was part of your initial point, no?
Einstein must be proud of her esoteric knowledge of the law which enabled her to write a legal document contemporaneously de-edifying Nurmi.

Please send her an American Heritage Dictionary that contains all of the word root origins, along with meanings, and a Thesaurus of your choice, via that donation to my over kill murdering behind. Wait until after the holidays, so it is a surprise. :)
Einstein must be proud of her esoteric knowledge of the law which enabled her to write a legal document contemporaneously de-edifying Nurmi.

This made me laugh out loud!

Prisoners learn to use the law library, but in JA's case, I think she had help with the letter. This whole situation has me wondering if she isn't taking advice from those on "the outside" far more than she is from her attorneys--which was part of your initial point, no?

If she has outside advise, or even some lacky attorney advising that is not counsel of record, it is bad advice.

Johnny Cochran can't be raised, and no amount of $$$ can hide the facts, evidence, and b.s.
Maybe Tuba should send a copy of her post to all inmates as Inmate 101. :D

Minus any names or identifying data.

Nurmi may get whatever amount per hour, so will any attorney, but what is unknown is that there is a cap on how much they can charge, whenever the case is over. In this State, don't know about Arizona, no bill is submitted until the case is finished. So, while they are working the case, and usually if the attorneys are good, and Nurmi and Wilmott seem to be good to me (not the very best, but very good at what they are doing), they are not being paid. Even when it totals up, there will be so very many hours they have put into this that they cannot get paid for.

CMJA does not realize any of this nor care. The BIGGEST thing she does not realize is that at this moment she is not on death row. That is the VERY MOST Nurmi and Wilmott could provide given the heinousness, the evidence, and her own admission. Nothing more can be expected. She will never walk free.

The whining will continue as long as allowed, and some hand written not-legally by attorney things via jailhouse attorneys will make it into the file, not on the Court ledger. Just in the file, an attorney has to file appropriately, and believe me, they have copies of hot stuffs Motion and are told how to handle it via filing appropriately, or not at all.

"Jailhouse attorneys"--who are these people? Are you referring to real attorneys or other inmates who get into the law library gig?

The reason I ask is that I met a guy who had been in jail more than once, and during a lengthy stay at one point he was always in the law library and fancied himself his own attorney, etc.., probably out of desperation.
Please send her an American Heritage Dictionary that contains all of the word root origins, along with meanings, and a Thesaurus of your choice, via that donation to my over kill murdering behind. Wait until after the holidays, so it is a surprise. :)

She already has access to both, from what I see from this mess. They just make it worse. The overuse of relative pronouns makes my head spin.

It would not be surprising that she had some editing help as well, for what good it did.
just reading over this just now...

1. she claims nurmi took her down a peg or 2 infront of the jury in court, by saying he didn't like her, she clearly laughed at that and there is plenty of proof of this.

2. she was horrified with playing the sex tape in open court? really. laughable. she relished it.

3. her books,that she wrote notes in to be given to someone (doesn't matter what the notes were about to me) were confiscated and are now collecting dust according to her in evidence @ mesa police... boo freaking hoo poor jodi

4. she asked to change counsel in june 13? where is that motion in the court files? hmmmm?

5. three state witness' perjured themselves in trial and he failed to impeach? really? the only person that impeached themselves was ALV!

6. 'with the exception of my obsessed haters' (page 8) i can't take a court document seriously when something like that is written in it.

7. i don't really see what 'a bond' between her and nurmi could have changed....would it have magically made the photographic evidence,the gas cans disappear?

8. she is complaining she hasn't seen nurmi for months but when he attempts to visit her she refuses to see him? contradictory much?

9. shes left feeling crap about herself and her future? well she should have thought about her future before brutally murdering poor travis. i wish,i really do..that she had no future.

10. shes saying nurmi doesn't want to withdraw because of the $$ he is earning...has she forgotten the countless times the guy has pretty much begged to be rid of her?

the whole motion,her writing skills are laughable.

the only half nice thing i will ever say about her,is that she has very neat handwriting.

if i,someone who is not the slightest bit educated on law (and a foreign legal system to me) can rip the carp apart,i can't see JSS even considering it.

her and her 'team' are completely laughable.

i dunno what else to say apart from she pizzes me right off :facepalm:

this is possibly the longest post i have every written? :floorlaugh:
"Jailhouse attorneys"--who are these people? Are you referring to real attorneys or other inmates who get into the law library gig?

The reason I ask is that I met a guy who had been in jail more than once, and during a lengthy stay at one point he was always in the law library and fancied himself his own attorney, etc.., probably out of desperation.

Jailhouse attorneys = inmates that spend time in the Law Library looking for a way to interpret law to their benefit, and anyone that will toss them some goodies or favor for their advice. Usually, it is incorrect. Inmates in the library should cover it though.
Prisoners learn to use the law library, but in JA's case, I think she had help with the letter. This whole situation has me wondering if she isn't taking advice from those on "the outside" far more than she is from her attorneys--which was part of your initial point, no?

Nah, I was mocking her by recycling some of her fav vocab words. :floorlaugh:
Nah, I was mocking her by recycling some of her fav vocab words. :floorlaugh:

Something just occurred to me: Is this what Aunt Sue was referring to when she said that the "chit will hit the fan" ?! :floorlaugh::scared::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

in all honesty, I believe she is pretty spot on in her complaint and totally believe the feelings and situations she describes in regards to nurmi. nurmi made it obvious every second that he hated JA. he also came off as a lemon lot used car salesman who lives in his mom's basement.....creepy, gross and sketchy.

however, it is hard for me to feel sorry for her. part of me actually laughs at her suffering and complete diss by nurmi. still reading it, but those are my thoughts thus far.
in all honesty, I believe she is pretty spot on in her complaint and totally believe the feelings and situations she describes. nurmi made it obvious every second that he hated JA. he also came off as a lemon lot used car salesman who lives in his mom's basement.....creepy, gross and sketchy.

however, it is hard for me to feel sorry for her. part of me actually laughs at her suffering and complete diss by nurmi.

Not that I feel sorry (or really anything) for her either, but all you have to do is look at Nurmi's posture during opening statements, he checked out of the case long before trial started. I believe she's trying to lay a foundation for ineffective counsel in her appeal and if there's much truth to what she says (ignoring her confessing she's sent him away) she may have a chance.

I doubt it escaped her (or a podmate's) notice that his happened recently:

All the wah wah about her emotional condition and incapacities just shows which way she's heading, she's not very good at holding her cards to her chest.
Something just occurred to me: Is this what Aunt Sue was referring to when she said that the "chit will hit the fan" ?! :floorlaugh::scared::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

That is what I have been thinking.

Still trying to sniff this one out to see if the motion was really filed.

Kiefer keeps tweeting to me that the June motion must be under seal, that it did make news, etc.

Absolutely no news reports whatsoever about a prior motion in June.

DT did not get really careful about sealed documents until mid-July, when some documents from June were ordered sealed.
Einstein must be proud of her esoteric knowledge of the law which enabled her to write a legal document contemporaneously de-edifying Nurmi.

what else is there for a prisoner to do? might as well visit the library and earn a law degree so you can write fancy letters. lol
oh btw. the document has NOT been filed. it has only been DELIVERED in order to be filed. ;) so in reality, it is not a legal document. its just her diary ramblings.

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