Ariel Castro: Convicted Cleveland kidnapper/rapist found dead in cell

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I know you're joking around, but I'm going to use your post as a segue to say that it is absolutely RIDICULOUS that it took 34 min for the ambulance to arrive on scene. I know that an AED was placed prior to EMS arrival, but I'm not sure whether Castro was shocked. If not, an earier arrival time would likely not have made a difference. If so, there is a chance he could have survived if he was shocked within a few minutes of going into a shockable rhythm and effective continuous chest compressions were administered. Anyone know? I would like to see the autopsy report, but I don't think it is available to the public.

I know most people are happy Castro is dead.... but I'm not. I do not wish death on anyone. I wanted him to spend life in prison until he died of natural causes. That would have been the best form of legal justice.

Well let's put it this way; he's dead, good bye, good riddance. "If" EMS had gotten there in time to save him, chances are likely he may have ended up with brain damage and likely to spend the rest of his life in a comfy hospital ward instead of prison. I believe he was manipulating enough he may have even faked brain damage kwim. Maybe that was his plan but he didn't know his own strength and it went a bit to far.

Also, his journal writing, notice how it's all about him; his wants, needs, feelings, the pity party for himself. He saved the tax payers some money. Rot in hell AC. JMHO.
Well let's put it this way; he's dead, good bye, good riddance. "If" EMS had gotten there in time to save him, chances are likely he may have ended up with brain damage and likely to spend the rest of his life in a comfy hospital ward instead of prison. I believe he was manipulating enough he may have even faked brain damage kwim. Maybe that was his plan but he didn't know his own strength and it went a bit to far.

Also, his journal writing, notice how it's all about him; his wants, needs, feelings, the pity party for himself. He saved the tax payers some money. Rot in hell AC. JMHO.

Yes, I agree re: EMS... but only because he was likely down for more than 5 min (i.e., brain damage, like you said) before prison staff found him & I doubt he had a shockable rhythm anyway.

As far as the other discussion goes, I actually do think that -- in Ariel Castro's case -- he truly had zero chance of getting out. This case was unprecedented. Not a chance he ever would have gotten out. I don't care about taxpayer $ though; I wish he were alive to pay for his crimes AND so that his family wouldn't be grieving.

I, too, noticed how self-absorbed his journal entries were. We only got to read miscellaneous quotes though, so hopefully he talked about his family and his victims....... but probably not much. Hope all of Castro's belonging go to his son (who was, understandably, upset to find out about the journal, pics, etc. through the analytical document released to the public).
Yes, I agree re: EMS... but only because he was likely down for more than 5 min (i.e., brain damage, like you said) before prison staff found him & I doubt he had a shockable rhythm anyway.

As far as the other discussion goes, I actually do think that -- in Ariel Castro's case -- he truly had zero chance of getting out. This case was unprecedented. Not a chance he ever would have gotten out. I don't care about taxpayer $ though; I wish he were alive to pay for his crimes AND so that his family wouldn't be grieving.

I, too, noticed how self-absorbed his journal entries were. We only got to read miscellaneous quotes though, so hopefully he talked about his family and his victims....... but probably not much. Hope all of Castro's belonging go to his son (who was, understandably, upset to find out about the journal, pics, etc. through the analytical document released to the public).

BBM: I can't help but think of all the "grief" that he caused his family while he was alive. The things he did to their mother, the things they must have witnessed, the crimes he committed and the taking of his own life.

These were all choices that AC made that caused an enormous amount of grief on a lot of people. Even though I would have liked to see him pay for his crimes behind bars, now that he took his own life, he no longer can continue to cause anymore additional grief.
Yes, I agree re: EMS... but only because he was likely down for more than 5 min (i.e., brain damage, like you said) before prison staff found him & I doubt he had a shockable rhythm anyway.

As far as the other discussion goes, I actually do think that -- in Ariel Castro's case -- he truly had zero chance of getting out. This case was unprecedented. Not a chance he ever would have gotten out. I don't care about taxpayer $ though; I wish he were alive to pay for his crimes AND so that his family wouldn't be grieving.

I, too, noticed how self-absorbed his journal entries were. We only got to read miscellaneous quotes though, so hopefully he talked about his family and his victims....... but probably not much. Hope all of Castro's belonging go to his son (who was, understandably, upset to find out about the journal, pics, etc. through the analytical document released to the public).

JMO but I don't think it matters which way you slice it; his family were also victims and maybe now after the fact that he is dead and gone, they could be relieved and do not feel that sense of obligation the might have felt when he was alive. Of course finding out a family member has committed suicide is very traumatic and I believe that is what his family was showing in those first initial weeks post death. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if they are now relieved especially knowing what he did to his victims and knowing he suffered from a horrible mental illness.

Would you think his son would even want his father's belongings? What belonging could you be suggesting if I may ask? JMHO but I personally wouldn't want anything belonging to AC if I was a family member. I may give all of his journals and writings to a psychiatrist to analyse and let me know what's been garnered from them. Even that would be a big MAYBE as it's apparent AC did what he did because he was a very sick, deviant, torturous man. I wouldn't want anything hanging around my home reminding me my father was a very evil person. Bad enough he has to live with the memories. No matter what could be further learnt about AC bottom line is, it won't change anything as what's done is done. But that's just all MOO.
I think AC would have continued to try and garner sympathy by playing on any ones emotions that he could make contact with. He would try and push buttons. Probably try and get people to do things from the outside and tell people he was being mistreated.

I imagine it would be quite the emotional roller coaster for a family member.
JMO but I don't think it matters which way you slice it; his family were also victims and maybe now after the fact that he is dead and gone, they could be relieved and do not feel that sense of obligation the might have felt when he was alive. Of course finding out a family member has committed suicide is very traumatic and I believe that is what his family was showing in those first initial weeks post death. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if they are now relieved especially knowing what he did to his victims and knowing he suffered from a horrible mental illness.

Would you think his son would even want his father's belongings? What belonging could you be suggesting if I may ask? JMHO but I personally wouldn't want anything belonging to AC if I was a family member. I may give all of his journals and writings to a psychiatrist to analyse and let me know what's been garnered from them. Even that would be a big MAYBE as it's apparent AC did what he did because he was a very sick, deviant, torturous man. I wouldn't want anything hanging around my home reminding me my father was a very evil person. Bad enough he has to live with the memories. No matter what could be further learnt about AC bottom line is, it won't change anything as what's done is done. But that's just all MOO.

I can certainly understand and respect that you wouldn't want your father's belongings if he had done what Ariel Castro did. I honestly have no idea whether I would want my father's belongings if I were in Anthony's shoes. It is such a unique situation to be in; I cannot fathom it.

Anthony wants the photos and journals. I'll copy and paste a quote from him and link the article below.

“I was never made aware there were more items that I’d never been given. I’ve never been given the opportunity to see them. I think my father wrote the diary with the intention of someone else seeing it... That’s something that belongs to the family. It’s something he would have wanted us to read.”
I think I'd take all that junk and make a bonfire !
Just coming across this article:

Ariel Castro neighbor admits to raping children, killing women

"A sex offender accused of killing two women more than 15 years ago and raping children pleaded guilty on Monday to hundreds of charges, crying when some of his surviving victims addressed him."

<snipped to comply with 10% copyright rule>

"The prosecutor's office said Acevedo most recently lived about a block away from Castro, who kidnapped the three women when they were in their teens or early 20s, imprisoned them in his home and raped them repeatedly, fathering a child with one of them."
Just coming across this article:

Ariel Castro neighbor admits to raping children, killing women

"A sex offender accused of killing two women more than 15 years ago and raping children pleaded guilty on Monday to hundreds of charges, crying when some of his surviving victims addressed him."

<snipped to comply with 10% copyright rule>

"The prosecutor's office said Acevedo most recently lived about a block away from Castro, who kidnapped the three women when they were in their teens or early 20s, imprisoned them in his home and raped them repeatedly, fathering a child with one of them."

Two horrific monsters within a block of each other, what a scary neighborhood to live in while they lived there. It seems almost improbable of the odds of that happening in such close proximity.
Just coming across this article:

Ariel Castro neighbor admits to raping children, killing women

"A sex offender accused of killing two women more than 15 years ago and raping children pleaded guilty on Monday to hundreds of charges, crying when some of his surviving victims addressed him."

<snipped to comply with 10% copyright rule>

"The prosecutor's office said Acevedo most recently lived about a block away from Castro, who kidnapped the three women when they were in their teens or early 20s, imprisoned them in his home and raped them repeatedly, fathering a child with one of them."

This makes me so angry when convicts do this. It's from the article;

..."I'm not a monster. I feel a lot of remorse," Elias Acevedo said in the hushed courtroom as some of his child-rape victims, now adults, and relatives of the women watched, some wiping away tears. "I love you all, and God bless you....

:stormingmad: NO YOU DON'T HAVE REMORSE!!!! If you had remorse you'd have turned yourself in after the first act. The cops wouldn't have had to track you down after ALL of the stuff you did. :banghead: I know it's not surprising that someone like this would lie, but it's almost as bad as the crime itself to tell the survivors you feel bad about it, but y'know I wasn't gonna stop on my own.
This makes me so angry when convicts do this. It's from the article;

..."I'm not a monster. I feel a lot of remorse," Elias Acevedo said in the hushed courtroom as some of his child-rape victims, now adults, and relatives of the women watched, some wiping away tears. "I love you all, and God bless you....

:stormingmad: NO YOU DON'T HAVE REMORSE!!!! If you had remorse you'd have turned yourself in after the first act. The cops wouldn't have had to track you down after ALL of the stuff you did. :banghead: I know it's not surprising that someone like this would lie, but it's almost as bad as the crime itself to tell the survivors you feel bad about it, but y'know I wasn't gonna stop on my own.

To put it another way, the monster was only sorry he got caught.
I really don't think it's appropriate for his lawyer to be bringing all this up.
Oh please! What a self serving :butthead: Nice way to get your name in the paper. This should never have been printed. Just because someone holds a press conference doesn't mean you have to print it. JMO
Don't know what the newspaper is trying to accomplish my publishing this article. Ariel Castro wanted victims to escape Cleveland house of horrors: lawyer

Read more:

Sounds like he did the interview for the child; so that at some point down the line she will know her "father" got caught because of the love he felt for her. I guess he felt he had to say something at the 1 year anniversary. I'm not saying I agree with the interview being published.

I also do not know why Dateline would have a model of the house made to use while speaking to Michelle. Coldpizza posted the article in the Amanda Berry, Gina deJesus & Michelle Knight thread.

Michelle Knight walks Savannah Guthrie through a model of Castro&#8217;s home and describes the relentless abuse she suffered for more than a decade.
I really don't think it's appropriate for his lawyer to be bringing all this up.

And it seem to be a complete speculation on lawyer's part. And even if Castro told it to his lawyer, I don't buy it for a second. The door was locked and they had to break it down for women to escape. Castro seemed to be upset at being called a monster, and made claims in his interviews amounting to "I am not so bad."
And it seem to be a complete speculation on lawyer's part. And even if Castro told it to his lawyer, I don't buy it for a second. The door was locked and they had to break it down for women to escape. Castro seemed to be upset at being called a monster, and made claims in his interviews amounting to "I am not so bad."

And if Castro did tell him, attorney-client privilege doesn't vanish when a client dies. He's clearly fishing for air time with this junk, with no regard to the victims' feelings.
Per "Finding Me" A.C. died as a result of Erotic asphyxiation. Doesn't surprise me one bit.
Per "Finding Me" A.C. died as a result of Erotic asphyxiation. Doesn't surprise me one bit.

Some things should be kept private; for his mother; siblings; especially for his children. My heart breaks for them!
Per "Finding Me" A.C. died as a result of Erotic asphyxiation. Doesn't surprise me one bit.

Ariel Castro did not die of *autoerotic* asphyxiation. The cause of death was hanging; the manner of death was suicide. Namely, there was nothing sexual about his asphyxiation. Castro intended to kill himself.

Unfortunately, because corrections officers noted that Castro's pants and underwear were around his ankles when they found his body, non-medical professionals -- who had no business raising the possibility of autoerotic asphyxiation to the public -- overstepped.


"The correctional officer who discovered the inmate hanging wrote an incident report stating that upon arrival at the cell, he observed that the inmate’s “shorts were around his ankles.” A subsequent DRC review noted that “the relevance of this finding is unclear. These facts, however, were related to the Ohio State Highway Patrol for consideration of the possibility of auto-erotic asphyxiation.” The fact that the inmate was a sex offender and selfproclaimed an addiction to *advertiser censored* might lend to an initial suggestion that the incident was an accidental death. Yet, the simple mention of clothing around the inmate’s ankles in one incident report should not be considered conclusory of anything. A subsequent review by the OSHP, as well as the Franklin County’s Coroner’s Office, determined that all available evidence indicated that the death was a suicide."

The autopsy report and DRC review of Castro's death are both available to our website members here:

Franklin County coroner Jan Gorniak has been adamant about the fact that Castro's death was a suicide and was (rightfully) upset by the DRC.

"I did the autopsy myself. I saw the ligature. I saw the pictures of the cell. It was a suicide...
They were outside of their lane ... I don't think anyone else should have an opinion on what the cause of death was." - Gorniak

So, yeah, I'm gonna believe the forensic pathologist who cut Castro's body open over some COs with wild imaginations.

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