Armchair psych profile and personal background, #2

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Someone got yukky, er, lucky!
""Thank you for your service. I found what I was looking for," Fazzina said in a telephone interview Monday, as she read from the 33-year-old's letter.

Fazzina, who declined to release the letter because Magnotta had labelled it "confidential," said the note offered no additional details on why he decided to remove his profile.

But she's sure many people will be relieved he's no longer on the website".

" Exclusive special report Monday: Inside Luka Magnotta's life behind bars
October 31, 2015"

"What’s life like in prison for Luka Magnotta, one of Canada’s most notorious killers?

Is the *advertiser censored* actor who filmed himself hacking a 33-year-old Chinese student to pieces moping in a cold jail cell and eating slop three times a day?"

"Luka Magnotta's having good time doing hard time"


"MONTREAL - Smoothies, suntanning, pizza parties, music, movies, fitness, facials, and fantasies about sex with British royalty and Hollywood hunks.

Hard time seems to suit murderer Luka Magnotta just fine -- at least according to his jailhouse letters.

"Our doors are open 90% of the time so for me I feel like I'm in a university setting," he wrote in one of many letters to a friend."
Sickening!! And how have these new photos of him been released??

He wants things. He expects things. And he'll be upset if he doesn't get them.

Sometimes he's passive aggressive, other times very direct.

"If he refuses his meds, there is bad Luka," the friend said. "He is a whole different person when he is on his medication."

He's always working an angle, and what he's most interested in is money. Inmates can buy a variety of goods at the prison store, including clothes, food, movies and phone cards...

I n one case, Magnotta said he needed money for dental work, so the friend deposited $1,200 in his prison account.

"I am not sure if it was used for the dentist," the friend told the Sun.

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with these people?? I hope Jun Lin's family don't see these articles :(

"Luka Magnotta's having good time doing hard time"

View attachment 83745

"MONTREAL - Smoothies, suntanning, pizza parties, music, movies, fitness, facials, and fantasies about sex with British royalty and Hollywood hunks.

Hard time seems to suit murderer Luka Magnotta just fine -- at least according to his jailhouse letters.

"Our doors are open 90% of the time so for me I feel like I'm in a university setting," he wrote in one of many letters to a friend."

Goodness; Magnotta makes Archambault Institution sound like Club Med... I realize that he's a sick, twisted, sociopath but how accurate do you think Magnotta's description of life at Archambault Institution is to reality?
I'm a little shocked by all of this!! Not how prison is supposed to be at all and now he's all over the internet again like he wants to be. ppfftt. And this makes it look like he's having conjugal visits??????

Nice to "see you" maxfactor!
LM finally got the attention he so craved, wonder if he ever gets nightmares, he certainly does not seem to have lost his appetite(s), imo.
Goodness; Magnotta makes Archambault Institution sound like Club Med... I realize that he's a sick, twisted, sociopath but how accurate do you think Magnotta's description of life at Archambault Institution is to reality?

Nice to see you too HastingsChi!
Good point about LM's reality compared to actuality, but thinking that although he may have a twisted interpretation of why he is in there, the perks he describes, are probably true to life, imo.

"MONTREAL - Luka Magnotta sketches, paints, writes and reads, and is "obsessed" with schoolgirl killer Karla Homolka, according to a friend.

The Canadian flag and a courthouse are on the right and three Quebec fleurs-delis to the left. But in the centre of the piece of art is Magnotta depicted as blind Lady Justice in a white sleeveless dress with a sword in one hand and scales in the other.

A common theme in Luka Magnotta's drawings and paintings is ... Luka Magnotta.

His works are in demand among his friends and family and the locked-up killer produces lots of them"


"He tells friends he isn't a "sick" person and gets quite hurt when people suggest otherwise.

Yet he regularly mentions Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka in phone conversations.

"He is obsessed with her and has said he is hopeful she will visit him in prison," the friend said. "I told him that is not going to happen."
Thank goodness he'll never get out. He hasn't changed at all since the murder and has no remorse, IMO.
LM is a narcissistic psychopath. Of course he would get butthurt when people say he's a sick person. The only emotion he probably ever feels is narcissistic rage.

He might have certain privileges but he's still living in a prison. Where he will remain for the next 20ish years. No matter how glorified LM tries to make it sound, he still lives in jail. The guy is so delusional, he's talking about pizza parties with friends. More like jail pizza once a month, at a table with the inmates whom LM is least threatened by. Eventually people will stop writing, visiting & sending money. It might be fun & games now but people like him get bored easily.

I also read that LM had recently been transferred from that prison to a different facility? Sorry if this link has already been posted:


(from link above)
"Sources say he was recently transferred from the medium-security prison to the maximum-security Port-Cartier prison"
Nice to see you too HastingsChi!
Good point about LM's reality compared to actuality, but thinking that although he may have a twisted interpretation of why he is in there, the perks he describes, are probably true to life, imo.
Nice to see you too Dotr :)

Magnotta is delusional and I'm confident that each person he interacts with is presented with a "reality" designed to manipulate them into helping fulfill his needs/wants/desires.

We have come to recognize that Magnotta is incredibly skilled at organizing/compartmentalizing his various schemes; the key to his success has always been preventing those that he interacts with from interacting with each other.

Frankly, publicity like this which reveal his correspondence with various individuals will be his downfall because those who he's presented a different "reality" will turn against him once they realize they've been used and lied to.
^ HastingsChi: The keeping friends from interacting from each other, is sometimes referred to as triangulation (when discussing Narcissistic Personality Disorder, triangulation is a classic NPD "move"). NPD parents are known for pitting their children against each other & playing favorites. In relationships with NPD partners that involve cheating, the N simply plays one partner off the other.

LM has obviously found a few desperate, empathetic shells that he can manipulate for narcissistic supply (N/ego supply). Those people also probably have their own complexes about being the "rescuer" & feel they need LM & he needs them. Co-dependency. They share a psychopathic bond.

There's still hope for those "friends" though. On the outside, LM might have been able to placate his associates but in jail, how can he reciprocate? Words will only go so far. I doubt LM is skilled enough to keep those people around for the duration of his sentence. If he manages to do so, I'd be much more willing to believe LM had a partner afterall.
Boy is he homely.

Anyway, keep in mind he tried to sell his lifestyle as rich and famous online while he was living in that tiny, dumpy apartment. I wouldn't be surprised if he was doing the same thing here. Delusional? Who knows. But I don't really see much in these pictures that would suggest an amazing life behind bars. Posters? Allowed in most prisons, as far as I know. Hanging out with that pedo/any other activities? Probably during his allotted hour outside of his cell. He'd leave that part out, you know.

Or maybe I'm just a victim of wishful thinking. I know some legal systems focus more on rehabilitation than punishment, but you have to draw a line somewhere. Where would pizza parties factor into that? And just that terminology - 'pizza parties' - pure Magnotta. Never heard of it.
Boy is he homely.

Anyway, keep in mind he tried to sell his lifestyle as rich and famous online while he was living in that tiny, dumpy apartment. I wouldn't be surprised if he was doing the same thing here. Delusional? Who knows. But I don't really see much in these pictures that would suggest an amazing life behind bars. Posters? Allowed in most prisons, as far as I know. Hanging out with that pedo/any other activities? Probably during his allotted hour outside of his cell. He'd leave that part out, you know.

Or maybe I'm just a victim of wishful thinking. I know some legal systems focus more on rehabilitation than punishment, but you have to draw a line somewhere. Where would pizza parties factor into that? And just that terminology - 'pizza parties' - pure Magnotta. Never heard of it.


Don't hold back, what do you really think about his looks, lol!!
As for the " pizza party " sounds very middle school, pedo, imo.
Ita, homely is an understatement lol

Let's not forget movie night & overnight trips to "the cottage" (which I'm pretty sure is slang for the trailers used in conjugal visits). Also agree again, pizza parties are a juvenile activity. He seems to be stuck on the idea of being eternally young. He reeks of self loathing imo. To be a fly on the wall of his therapy sessions...!
Ita, homely is an understatement lol

Let's not forget movie night & overnight trips to "the cottage" (which I'm pretty sure is slang for the trailers used in conjugal visits). Also agree again, pizza parties are a juvenile activity. He seems to be stuck on the idea of being eternally young. He reeks of self loathing imo. To be a fly on the wall of his therapy sessions...!

Why would an unmarried inmate be given access to conjugal visits?
Why would an unmarried inmate be given access to conjugal visits?

This is Luka Magnotta we're talking about. He's FOS for the most part but doesn't have to be married, just common law. But we know he had no common law partner so I don't think he's entitled to conjugal visits?

Here's a link to Correctional Service Canada outlining the criteria inmates have to meet in order to be allowed visitors: (not sure exactly what LMs' conditions are)

Monday June 20, 2016
Forensic psychiatrist opens up on months spent analyzing killer Luka Magnotta

Watts has recently written about his experience working on the Magnotta case for Shrunk: Crime and Disorders of the Mind, a new book that goes behind such cases through the forensic psychologists and psychiatrists who worked on them.

"[Magnotta] was talking about someone looking at him through the window, being persecuted by a woman named Debbie, he was talking about Stephen Harper persecuting him."
- Dr. Joel Watts, forensic psychiatrist

Looking back on their first meeting, Watts says he was struck by how unwell Magnotta looked and that he appeared to be "genuinely quite psychotic."


Partial radio interview transcript.

LL: What was it like being on that plane flying back to Canada from Berlin with Luka Magnotta?

JOEL WATTS: It was kind of a surreal experience. It was something that I had never done before, obviously. It was, in fact, a first for anybody in my profession to do anything like that, so there were a lot of things going on in my mind at that time.

LL: Tell me what was going through your mind.

JOEL WATTS: Well, it was initially a very hot flight because we were stuck on the tarmac in Berlin where we had a jet engine malfunction that needed to be fixed. And so it was a sweltering day and we were sweating quite profusely. And then as the plane took off and we realized that we were going to be flying back into a media frenzy and we didn't know where we were going to be landing. It was tense. Personally, I was feeling exhausted because I had been up for a long period of time and was jet lagged and had not gotten a lot of sleep since leaving Montreal only about a day and a half before. I was trying to be alert and thinking carefully about my role and what I was supposed to be doing.

LL: Okay, well let's just back up for a second. Tell me how you first came to be involved in the story of Luka Magnotta and in his case.

JOEL WATTS: I started out by being asked by a colleague of mine who is the clinical director in our department at the hospital where I was working at the time in Montreal. She asked me if I would be willing to accompany the Montreal police to go and pick him up and bring him back. The Montreal police had been asked by the German authorities and specifically by the psychiatrist who was treating Mr. Magnotta over in Berlin in the jail; that he would need to be accompanied by a doctor. They had reached out to my hospital and they specifically asked me if I was available and interested.

LL: And why did you decide to say yes?

JOEL WATTS: [laughs] Good question. I wasn't seeking this sort of experience. I couldn't predict in advance exactly what it was going to entail obviously, but I was intrigued by this and I did know that this was not a usual sort of request and would be challenging and interesting from a professional standpoint. I was available and I thought I could do it, so I agreed.

Monday June 20, 2016
Forensic psychiatrist opens up on months spent analyzing killer Luka Magnotta

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Partial radio interview transcript.
"he appeared to be genuinely quite psychotic"

You're kidding? Yes, only someone who took years and years of postgraduate education could reach the conclusion that a man who murdered someone, cannibalized the corpse, decapitated the victim and mailed body parts to the Prime Minister is "quite psychotic."

Thanks for the insight doc because many of us here thought he was just eccentric or a practical joker.

Dotr I appreciate you sharing this article. I just wish this wasn't another case of "man utters lot's of words but says nothing."

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