Armchair psych profile and personal background

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What are people's thoughts on this...
Do you think LM regrets what he has done? Not a freakin' chance.
Do you think if he could go back, he would do it all again?YES, again and again and again........

My responses are BOLDED and COLOURED in the quote.
My responses are BOLDED and COLOURED in the quote.

Thanks for your thoughts. It's hard to understand why someone would want to spend the rest of their life in jail + in solitary confinement at that, and in LM's case of course without the internet and make-up, I wonder if he really thought all that through... was that something he didn't plan for? like he seemingly planned everything else in this grisly case! :jail:
Is this going to turn into a drugs made him do it trial?
Crown prosecutor Louis Bouthillier asked for, and was granted, a publication ban on the type of medication, explaining that “it might become important eventually, I think it might be part of the evidence.”
I think he regrets getting caught.IMO he really thought he could get away with it.

I'm thinking he really didn't think things through at all. He got the idea in his head, shopped it around for reactions, and did it. I think he likely has impulse control issues so that once the idea was firmly planted in his mind, he couldn't step back from the implimentation of the crime. This would fit into him having an antisocial/narssisistic personality. Not sure if he is even capable of remorse as we understand it.
RE :But his pride about always being misunderstood will keep him from wanting to share that with anyone.

I am not sure if his new "audience" (!) is gonna want to listen to him much! IMO he will be isolated in jail, in terms of socially within the facility, another loss and something for which ,again, he has lost CONTROL over!
Yes, and keep in mind that technology has also thwarted our attention spans. His "fans" are going to forget about him quite quickly as soon as something more odd and interesting comes along.
The National Post article talks about his "facebook" fans. The only facebook page I came across has some really nasty stuff posted about the accused killer. Where is his fan page? :waitasec:
Thanks for your thoughts. It's hard to understand why someone would want to spend the rest of their life in jail + in solitary confinement at that, and in LM's case of course without the internet and make-up, I wonder if he really thought all that through... was that something he didn't plan for? like he seemingly planned everything else in this grisly case! :jail:

I've thought about this too! OK my train of thought is based in a theory that Luka is a true narcissist. Remember that most narcissists think they are above the law, entitled of special treatment, so maybe he thought he wouldn't be arrested so soon, after all he was never punished for the animal cruelty. What do you think?

Also LM posted in some forum (board.freeones as marilynmonroe4) that he had sexual fantasies about being in prison :jail: and get gang raped by other inmates, so who knows what goes on in his mind, lol, maybe he thinks it's better to be in prison and get fan letters than to turn tricks in the street in order to buy food and pay the rent. OR perhaps he expected to be considered legally insane and be sent to some psychiatric institution where he would have access to make-up and internet after a couple of years. OR he expected he would get a short sentence like Karla Homolka, his idol.
Is this going to turn into a drugs made him do it trial?
Crown prosecutor Louis Bouthillier asked for, and was granted, a publication ban on the type of medication, explaining that “it might become important eventually, I think it might be part of the evidence.”
I agree that this is a bit of foreshadowing. It's either they made him do it, or the lackthereof made him do it. Maybe not entirely, but they will use it to bolster the defense. Or it very well could have been used to sedate Jun. I was opposed to that argument at first, but after seeing this comment I think it's plausible.
Re: socio vs. psychopath

There is some disagreement in the field of psych about the differences between these. But using the link you posted, and based on a very limited view of LM....sociopath. The description given fits him better IMO then the one provided for psychopath. Mind you, there are likely multiple Axis II diagnoses for LM.

Maybe LM's the very first psychopathic sociopath?:waitasec:
Yes, and keep in mind that technology has also thwarted our attention spans. His "fans" are going to forget about him quite quickly as soon as something more odd and interesting comes along.
Yeh, I think that is so true - we have to be honest here - they are saying 8 months -there will be delay tactics (so weree now at what a year and ahalf away?). I already lost a little interest when found out nothing is gonna happen for half a year!
Would you happen to have a link? Morphine is used to dull pain, dull the senses, it's not really a 'fun drug'.
It's often used recreationally. It's very similar to Oxycontin, Percocet, heroin, etc., and all can be used interchangably to fend off withdrawal from another. However, he was looking for "liquid" morphine. I am not sure if he means IV or oral. Perhaps he thought that the oral liquid would be easier to spike a drink with because it would be sweet vs. very bitter (crushed tablets).
It is true that narcissists, sociopaths and/or psychopaths often have a very "charming" aspect to themselves. Perhaps it's a skill developed over time to help lure in those with higher levels of empathy/compassion so that they could be exploited for whatever is being sought by the perpetrator. IMO after viewing the various videos of LM in interviews I don't find him the least bit charming. He's strikingly odd to me and my "something is wrong gut feeling" screams "don't stick around to find out what is awry with this guy". This is one of the observations I've had that causes me to think he may be more of a sociopath then a psychopath. I believe his creepy style in part played a role in his unsucessful abilities to make and maintain relationships of any kind. Of course being a prostitute and creating a monster type personality online (cat killer, Holmka bf, serial killer....etc) only would scare off others who looked him up on facebook or other sites after meeting him. This part of him seems highly anti-social. I still believe he will have multiple Axis II diagnoses, including narcissism. Charming style may be one of the criteria for that diagnosis but then again not all criteria have to be met to have it.
The National Post article talks about his "facebook" fans. The only facebook page I came across has some really nasty stuff posted about the accused killer. Where is his fan page? :waitasec:
AH memory ,can not recall who sent this but it was amazing!
Just to see it instead of "reading" about it!
no one is a "fan" of lm unless they are equally mentally ill or a young person on the crazy social media train who doesn't really get the gravity of the situation, imo. Personally, I see no current inkling of good in him, although I can identify with what MAY have been a PART of his experience up to a certain point in time.

In short, imo, anyone who is romaticizing lm is either just as ill as he is or too young to know better, and NO ONE is finding any current good in him because they can relate. afaik, no one here has committed such a crime, so there would be no basis for empathy at that level. jmo
You should have edited that to read "social media train wreck". :)
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