Armchair psych profile and personal background

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Catching up with the thread here...

1. Someone on the thread asked if a 7 year old child would fit into diapers and into a highchair. My gut instinct is to say that yes, a waif-like androgynous, undersized little boy could fit into both diapers and a highchair, depending on the size since some are built larger than others. My mother forced me and my sister to wear diapers once when we wet the bed at age 3 or 4 and I remember the sides cutting into our flesh slightly, so I'm thinking his diapers would have had to be larger or built differently than ours were. Here's an image of high chair plans, showing dimensions:


2. As for studies that show largely genetic influence for mental disorders, it's true that we have to keep in mind epigenetics. But there's also the fact that what might appear to be genetic, since it runs in a family line, might actually be cultural since cultural patterns tend to also be handed down through generations. Scientific researchers are not without bias and meanwhile we are within a hyper-scientific age and a materialist paradigm which seeks to define everything according to the strictly physical. All it takes is a review of the Standford Prison Experiment or the studies of wolf children, to see that environmental factors can render personal genetics largely insignificant. If a person's childhood is severe enough it may very well override their inner blueprint if such a thing should exist in as detailed a form as we assume. Luka's descriptions of his childhood and his boyfriend troubles sound real unlike the trolling he does on boards. When he discusses his emotional life he writes more carefully, with long paragraphs and human-sounding expression. There is a force to the writing that carries through, as if he feels compelled to engage in catharsis, whereas in his trollish posts there is more a feeling of little dirty nuggets being dropped--feels more staccato and absurd, like something no intelligent person would pay heed to.

3. I was home taught so I know that it allows for severe abuse and neglect under a veil of secrecy, though I am grateful that the abuse was not severe at home. I also knew someone who grew up in a dysfunctional home environment like the one Luka claims to have come from; I met his family and even lived with one family member for a while so I know he told me the truth about his life. ...I can see the imprint of abuse in Luka just as I could in that other person. I can also tell you that each sibling in a family has a very different experience though in some ways they will parallel. Some siblings have it much easier if they are their parent's favorite and so forth. You can't chalk up their mental health and success to their own moral fiber necessarily. And while someone might appear more successful outwardly a lot can be hidden from view. It's not my place to pry into his family's life but his sister has really sad eyes in that one photo on myspace. And her personal blog entry showed that she has experienced some definite emotional disturbance.

4. It's not impossible that Luka had sex with a lot of his relatives--just throwing that out there. There is a case in the news right now about a family with three male relatives who were involved in a sex ring. Didn't Luka's Aunt say the family lacked boundaries?

5. Maybe the killing was part of a vendetta against his mother, whom he seems to hate even more than his father. He might have incorporated elements into the video that she would recognize. For instance, maybe she likes the movie Casablanca and had a fascination with serial killers (she watched violent movies with him?). Maybe he's saying indirectly, "Here's what I'd like to do to you."
Your situation seems to parallel mine. I haven't spoken to my brother in so long it's hard to say what I would do if he was in this muck. It's very difficult for me to view Luka's family MySpace page. It seems like a very desperate attempt by a mentally ill person to connect to his family - to have a family.

And keep in mind he did lie about a lot of stuff, but we do see many pictures of him and his mom on nice vacations together. It's amazing to me how people suddenly don't care how you make your money when they are spending it.

I have an ex who I thought came from a perfect little midwest family. I visited them in Colorado and his dad was a well-respected Sheriff and his mom was remarried to a college professor. He played football in High School and seemed to have had the perfect childhood. We moved in together when I was in college and we were in our early 20s. I never ever had a reason not to trust him, but I just had a strong gut feeling something was not right. I eventually discovered that he was bisexual and cheating on me with multiple men he was meeting on a gay hookup site. When I confronted him the truth about his childhood came out. When he was about 7 he was playing hide and seek unattended and his little brother hid in an old freezer and suffocated, and his parents blamed him for it. When he was about 8 years old his parents said they couldn't handle him anymore and he was put into a group home and then foster care. IDK if this was true - I am guessing CPS took him away after his brother dies, but whatever. He was repeatedly raped in the group home and then molested by a friend's foster father who would use his foster child to lure in more kids for him. He had a twin sister I didn't even know about and when his parents divorced neither of them wanted the twins, so at the age of 14 the parents rented a rundown apartment for them and left them to their own devices. Somehow he graduated HS and joined the military, but he was never able to control his compulsion for sexual deviency which he attributes to the sexual abuse. There is no doubt in my mind that if he had ever done anything to uncover these abuses his family would have disowned him and done everything in their power to destroy and discredit him, especially since they were trying so hard to create an illusion of normalcy.

That being said, if there is anyone I trust less than Luka, it's the members of his family.

Completely agree, I feel whether they overindulged Luka or abused and ignored him (more likely), there is no way family did not play into him turning out the way he did. I say this because there is not an adult I know with issues who was not either 1) spoiled and overindulged to bits and cannot cope with adversity or 2) emotionally and otherwise neglected to the point where the wiring in the brain creates a bottomless pit of need for attention OR creates the opposite, a complete distrust in human intentions.

Very dysfunctional people often know how to display a shallow presentation that they are normal...I can only speak to my experiences, which are many. After my mom remarried, my 'nice' stepfather ended up being a verbally abusive, emotionally shallow alcoholic. However, everyone at church always thought he was a kick in the pants and would often comment about how great it must be having him for a dad. Us kids would roll our eyes but we would not, of course, ever contradict the nice people at church. They thought we were a big family, but never knew anything more about the behind-the-scenes stuff.

I also find it odd that Luka's mom helps at risk youth and yet has said she is ashamed of her son and wants nothing to do with him...I feel there is a bit of hypocrisy there that is very telling.
This is craigs list stuff :
As we all know much info on LM NO LINKS here
Here is what I remember again no links - about the craigs list stuff - which really creeped me out

Lm was doing (the craigs list posting you put up I wont pay you part ) some responded (2) on the site, then when they did not meet LM , classic narcissist LM raged (percieved rejection - you do not reject a severly pathological narc - you are in grave danger if you reject a narciss like LM Danger )
so............... he started sending these guys (there were 2 I think ) like tons of whatever twitters emails whatever they are called with pictures of both beatuful young boys or really gross old men, according to the one that posted the caution, LM was sending him like 35-45 pics a day the guy was freaked dont blame him

one of them, posted on cragis list " to be really careful of this dude LM or whatever he was doing this under
When I mentioned an article about that possibly craigslist activity of Luka's people here thought it was just a sensational story posted early in the case for a media outlet to make money off of--or something like that. But it seems very legitimate that he might have used this free site since he could easily find people to prey upon there.

By the way, I often really have to strain to understand what you've typed here. Is English your first language? No offense meant.

This is craigs list stuff :
As we all know much info on LM NO LINKS here
Here is what I remember again no links - about the craigs list stuff - which really creeped me out

Lm was doing (the craigs list posting you put up I wont pay you part ) some responded (2) on the site, then when they did not meet LM , classic narcissist LM raged (percieved rejection - you do not reject a severly pathological narc - you are in grave danger if you reject a narciss like LM Danger )
so............... he started sending these guys (there were 2 I think ) like tons of whatever twitters emails whatever they are called with pictures of both beatuful young boys or really gross old men, according to the one that posted the caution, LM was sending him like 35-45 pics a day the guy was freaked dont blame him

one of them, posted on cragis list " to be really careful of this dude LM or whatever he was doing this under
Lets do it this way , we all have done car family trips right? We are 6. We say I need to go to the bathroom. We are told to wait. We wait until we get scared that we are going to lose control.

So we declare our need again. We know we ought not to. But, when it gets so intense, we say I am going to pee on the seat if you do not help me.
Noone pulled over, or got us to a restroom - and guess what happened --
we urinated all over the car.
it's hard to believe anything Magnotta says (its on tape - he had been screaming I am killing animals , I am depressed and I shall escalate to humans for months - classic mental illiness) other than the claims they are on video? that he has documented for the world (these would include sexual claims,( 4.2 million people know what his penis looks like is that a untrue "claim" ? threatening claimsagain the word "claims" its online == he chopped someone up just like he had been asking someone to (stop him --- is that a unfounded "claim" is that a untruth ? I am going to kill a human....did he lie to any of us no he said I am going to kill. he is lying? its recorded he did just like he said he was afraid that he was going to do it if someone did not stop him because he is mentally ill.. Somebody stop me please. If I really wanted to get away with murder I would not be telling people for 8 months that I have a need for blood. This is classic mental illiness from a very , very bright mentally ill individual, so scared that his impluses woudl result in him not being able to control his mental illiness) he was honest he said I am having urges to kill people , and he did - just like his reports of childhood trauma he stated I shall kill people he did he recorded doing so ---he said my mom kept my baby brother in his room--- both are true),[/[/COLOR]COLOR] [/COLOR]killing of human & animals, etc).

A big part of his process seems to be start with an outrageous claim( I am a narciss personality disorder severe- I crave attention) that peaks his curiosity(when I engage in my pathology it "releives the tension, depression, anxiety, rage because I am sick ) , begin to share these claims to gauge response,( am I getting the attention I crave because I suffer with a severe perosnality disorder? does the attn I just got calm me down? If not I escalate my behavior to get that attn that my mental illiness demands I get to make my bad feeling states calm down) then fulfill the claim and f document this fulfillment, share claim with the world,(yes that last one releived me from my pressures now i am going to exaggerate it and boast about it which takes care of my other narcissitc need to be powerfuland great and beautiful and rich and loved and just awesome) receive the attention he craves; repeat with new claim.(and the cycle goes on and on just like domestic violence without intervention
~n/t~ I appreciate what you wrote and find myself wanting to completely agree with you but my hesitation is based on one question: Is Magnotta someone that would share past crimes/skeletons with a shrink knowing that he wouldn't receive the positive/negative attention/feedback he craves and that such information could be used against him?

Appreciate insights anyone might have to share.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II
No fear here : the world saw me chopping someone up I am done. If I told you I did the same thing to 48 other people in the last 8 years , what will change for me . I will never be free again. There is no fear of revealing anything. LM knows he will never be free again and IMO will kill himself in the next 3 months. Its, imo simple.
Catching up with the thread here...

1. Someone on the thread asked if a 7 year old child would fit into diapers and into a highchair. My gut instinct is to say that yes, a waif-like androgynous, undersized little boy could fit into both diapers and a highchair, depending on the size since some are built larger than others. My mother forced me and my sister to wear diapers once when we wet the bed at age 3 or 4 and I remember the sides cutting into our flesh slightly, so I'm thinking his diapers would have had to be larger or built differently than ours were. Here's an image of high chair plans, showing dimensions:


2. As for studies that show largely genetic influence for mental disorders, it's true that we have to keep in mind epigenetics. But there's also the fact that what might appear to be genetic, since it runs in a family line, might actually be cultural since cultural patterns tend to also be handed down through generations. Scientific researchers are not without bias and meanwhile we are within a hyper-scientific age and a materialist paradigm which seeks to define everything according to the strictly physical. All it takes is a review of the Standford Prison Experiment or the studies of wolf children, to see that environmental factors can render personal genetics largely insignificant. If a person's childhood is severe enough it may very well override their inner blueprint if such a thing should exist in as detailed a form as we assume. Luka's descriptions of his childhood and his boyfriend troubles sound real unlike the trolling he does on boards. When he discusses his emotional life he writes more carefully, with long paragraphs and human-sounding expression. There is a force to the writing that carries through, as if he feels compelled to engage in catharsis, whereas in his trollish posts there is more a feeling of little dirty nuggets being dropped--feels more staccato and absurd, like something no intelligent person would pay heed to.

3. I was home taught so I know that it allows for severe abuse and neglect under a veil of secrecy, though I am grateful that the abuse was not severe at home. I also knew someone who grew up in a dysfunctional home environment like the one Luka claims to have come from; I met his family and even lived with one family member for a while so I know he told me the truth about his life. ...I can see the imprint of abuse in Luka just as I could in that other person. I can also tell you that each sibling in a family has a very different experience though in some ways they will parallel. Some siblings have it much easier if they are their parent's favorite and so forth. You can't chalk up their mental health and success to their own moral fiber necessarily. And while someone might appear more successful outwardly a lot can be hidden from view. It's not my place to pry into his family's life but his sister has really sad eyes in that one photo on myspace. And her personal blog entry showed that she has experienced some definite emotional disturbance.

4. It's not impossible that Luka had sex with a lot of his relatives--just throwing that out there. There is a case in the news right now about a family with three male relatives who were involved in a sex ring. Didn't Luka's Aunt say the family lacked boundaries?

5. Maybe the killing was part of a vendetta against his mother, whom he seems to hate even more than his father. He might have incorporated elements into the video that she would recognize. For instance, maybe she likes the movie Casablanca and had a fascination with serial killers (she watched violent movies with him?). Maybe he's saying indirectly, "Here's what I'd like to do to you."
Your awesome!
While the media is usually allowed in the court room, I have never seen one criminal case in Canada that has been filmed and made public. Please provide some examples.

As for "they mostly film the judge (we dont have a jury)", where is that coming from? We absolutely do have jurys, and LRM has chosen trial by jury.

The accused may sit next to his attorney, but in high profile cases (i.e. Pickton, Rafferty, Russ Williams), they are in the prisoner's box for security reasons.

I'm not from Canada, I'm from The Netherlands. It was an answer to Cariis who asked about this, how we do things Dutch-style
When I mentioned an article about that possibly craigslist activity of Luka's people here thought it was just a sensational story posted early in the case for a media outlet to make money off of--or something like that. But it seems very legitimate that he might have used this free site since he could easily find people to prey upon there.

By the way, I often really have to strain to understand what you've typed here. Is English your first language? No offense meant.
None taken - brain very fast (too?) , typing very slow (and hate it) , spelling problem, navigation issue. Put em all together and BOOM! Commas and all that crap , FORGET it my mind was elsewhere - boring!

But like LM I take no repsonsiblity it is all each and everyone of you alls fault (I am messing here) its just stimulating notions ! I blame each one of you for my not running my errands!

HA and as the brain get tired it gets worse but the brain gets faster so double boom! HA
Misery lit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Literary hoaxes"

"Misery lit" has been proven to be a popular genre for literary hoaxes in which authors claim to reveal painful stories from their past.

Other, more recent memoirs, which tell of childhood miseries as a result of parental abuse, drug use, illness and the like, include Go Ask Alice (1971) by Beatrice Sparks, A Rock and a Hard Place: One Boy's Triumphant Story (1993) by "Anthony Godby Johnson", The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things (2001) by "JT LeRoy", Kathy's Story (2005) by Kathy O'Beirne[9] and Love and Consequences (2008) by Margaret Seltzer

Some memoirs of suffering have included elements of both truth and fiction. These include I, Rigoberta Menchú (1983) by Rigoberta Menchú (a book that won Menchú the Nobel Peace Prize in 1992) and A Million Little Pieces (2003) by James Frey.
Isn't living in any context both truth and fiction?
Catching up with the thread here...

1. Someone on the thread asked if a 7 year old child would fit into diapers and into a highchair. My gut instinct is to say that yes, a waif-like androgynous, undersized little boy could fit into both diapers and a highchair, depending on the size since some are built larger than others.


Just wanted to say that my son is neither waif-like nor androgynous, but I think he could easily have fit into a highchair at seven, especially if you took the tray off to get him into it and removed the foot rest. He is just SKINNY. In fact, when he was seven his waist was probably thinner than it was when he was two or three, as he was a very chunky baby and toddler.

As far as diapers, he could have fit in those, too, imo. When he was 7, the swim trunks he wore when he was 2/3 still fit him in the waist -- easily. It was the length that was, and remains, the problem. Today I have lots of trouble finding long pants to fit him. They have to be extra-slim and extra-long. It's hard to find both. I don't think it's that unusual for boys that age to be super-skinny. He is a little older than that now, and I can still almost fit my hands completely around his waist if he sucks his stomach in. It's almost disturbing! But, at that age, all they do is run around...and around...and around...LOUDLY...and grow taller. lol.
When I mentioned an article about that possibly craigslist activity of Luka's people here thought it was just a sensational story posted early in the case for a media outlet to make money off of--or something like that. But it seems very legitimate that he might have used this free site since he could easily find people to prey upon there.

By the way, I often really have to strain to understand what you've typed here. Is English your first language? No offense meant.
I am wondering the same thing, Cariis... You said you are from the US, but is English your first language?
The politician GW is a former BC politician. I live in BC and follow daily mainstream newspapers. Unless this is the best kept secret in BC's history, it is not the same person.

Mind you, there are many who think GW the politician should be in rehab or some psyche ward, but that's a story for another day, LOL:floorlaugh:
FYI, I did delete my other posts. The last thing I want is for WS to lose credibility because of some stupid crap I posted.
I am wondering the same thing, Cariis... You said you are from the US, but is English your first language?
Yes (tried forced span 9th grade like spelling, commas bored me!)

Best way is ADD s*** - if we were face to face you would find me wildly fas verbily, articulate bright - same on paper with a pen. Cant spell - but my hand could keep up with my brain my typing does not so it is disjointed

folks i know and email like in personal life just read em and get it

you and have discussed this in terms of how I am hitting them (everyone on the board)
it is mentally fatiguing , ( I envsion you all just typing away!)
for me to make a reasonably perfect typed deal , first spell check then there is like one word (brain speed) missing but makes it totally , really not understandable for folks not used to the decifer my typing spelling issues does that make sense?
i comes before g but not after r bu tonly if g is before s and when r is before p pls .. b o r i n g
give me a pen and paper and I can write

type ugh.....

does that
Yes (tried forced span 9th grade like spelling, commas bored me!)

Best way is ADD s*** - if we were face to face you would find me wildly fas verbily, articulate bright - same on paper with a pen. Cant spell - but my hand could keep up with my brain my typing does not so it is disjointed

folks i know and email like in personal life just read em and get it

you and have discussed this in terms of how I am hitting them (everyone on the board)
it is mentally fatiguing , ( I envsion you all just typing away!)
for me to make a reasonably perfect typed deal , first spell check then there is like one word (brain speed) missing but makes it totally , really not understandable for folks not used to the decifer my typing spelling issues does that make sense?
i comes before g but not after r bu tonly if g is before s and when r is before p pls .. b o r i n g
give me a pen and paper and I can write

type ugh.....

does that
and spelling I got away (till first year college) not being able to spell by writing so sloppy noone could tell i was not spelling - but could read my stuff just based on sentence flow and thought...................................
whatever this is about , , there are many who think GW the politician should be in rehab or some psyche ward, but that's a story for another day, LO

ahhh you all are lucky 412 of our representaives fall into this cat count your blessings but the word choice funny
Friend from here sent me link .
The world , for the most part would call this lie. IMO It is , it is not true - but is a wish, delusion its 3 days before a Christmas - what do people, who do Christmas, do, Family friends.

He alone - hes got mental illiness so he makes up a story to his alleviate his anguish - lonliness , and while writing it and posting it he feels for a moment ...

Junior Member

Join Date: 12-21-11
Posts: 3 Yes lol, I have many friends with children and they CONSTANTLY bring their kids to our house, we have to run up and down the stairs all the time chasing the kids and animals.

I bought a childproof gate for my steps and another for my kitchen. It helps control where the animals and kids can go and restricts access to undesirable places.

The animals and children usually play on the third floor in a large room so us adults can have some peace and quiet. My goal in life is to have my own children in the very near future and anything I put my mind to I usually accomplish so wish me luck lol.

Friend from here sent me link .
The world , for the most part would call this lie. IMO It is , it is not true - but is a wish, delusion its 3 days before a Christmas - what do people, who do Christmas, do, Family friends.

He alone - hes got mental illiness so he makes up a story to his alleviate his anguish - lonliness , and while writing it and posting it he feels for a moment ...

Junior Member

Join Date: 12-21-11
Posts: 3 Yes lol, I have many friends with children and they CONSTANTLY bring their kids to our house, we have to run up and down the stairs all the time chasing the kids and animals.

I bought a childproof gate for my steps and another for my kitchen. It helps control where the animals and kids can go and restricts access to undesirable places.

The animals and children usually play on the third floor in a large room so us adults can have some peace and quiet. My goal in life is to have my own children in the very near future and anything I put my mind to I usually accomplish so wish me luck lol.

And just a few days later, minutes into Christmas Day, was on extreme bondage forums looking for a date to force him to eat ****, beat him up, rape him, dump him miles from their abode naked and humiliated then joke about it all when he got back home.

He felt nothing for nobody but himself.
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