Armchair psych profile and personal background

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Whoohoo, Cariis! I knew you could do it! ;)

Anyway, where did you read that he was doing meth (specifically)? Meth causes schitzophrenia; sometimes it goes away after quitting, sometimes it doesn't. It really depends on how much you injest and for how long. This is compounded in people who already display signs of schitzophrenia. Some people really do lose their minds from this drug. However, he doesn't look like a tweaker at all. He seems a bit too pretentious for that drug.
Thank you that is funny ! I took a nap after the spell check - only kidding!

I got meth angle from transgender X. Early on , and I felt she was being truthful, she stated (in more than one interview) something akin to there was a lot of meth around back then.

And it just fits LM, speed like stuff , keep rocking etc etc!
Thanx again for your "support" as it relates to my keyboard, fingers, and I before E crap!
Anyway, where did you read that he was doing meth (specifically)? Meth causes schitzophrenia; sometimes it goes away after quitting, sometimes it doesn't. It really depends on how much you injest and for how long. This is compounded in people who already display signs of schitzophrenia. Some people really do lose their minds from this drug. However, he doesn't look like a tweaker at all. He seems a bit too pretentious for that drug.

ok I'm not CARIIS but I guess Nina Arsenalt or Barbie Swallows said he did drugs and LM himself wrote an article about being a prostitute in order to pay for his cocaine addiction (google “My Former Life as a Male Prostitute” ).
I don't know if he was being honest or was just fiction to make his story interesting, he said that he did sex with a stranger because he knew he would get money to sustain his addiction.

Now, I'm not saying he is a meth head but did anyone notice how quickly Luka lost his youthful model looks in the last years? could be drugs...
I know he has no make-up in the mugshot but he looks so different from any earlier pictures, something definitely changed and I'm not talking about aging, I compared to his reality show audition (coverguy, plastic) and naked news interview videos and even to this picture:
he lost any sparkle he had, I think he aged a bit too fast in the last years, he is only 29! Maybe he started to panic that he was not as young as before, could be the final straw to him: he was a nobody, no family, no fame, no glamour, no perspective for the future and now losing his looks. He wasn't a real *advertiser censored* star, wasn't a model from Elite or Ford agency, he only got negative attention from the kitten videos, everyone hated him online. A nightmare for a narcissist person like him to perceive he was flawed, they can't accept it, they are perfect people!
Remember his words in the plastic surgery audition?

"If I don't have my body, if I don't have my looks, then I don't have any life. My looks and my body are my life."

his interview about his *advertiser censored* career:

"This is a great business and you can make alot of money, however you have to realise that after age 30 your career is basically over. In the end, unfortunately we all must realise that when your face is your fortune, time is your biggest enemy"
"have a back up plan for when the party is over, because noone can stay young forever, this has been my biggest issue in life, I have made my career on my looks, I get alot of attention because of how I look and once thats gone, people can lose it, alot of people just cant handle getting old"

He also stated on naked news that he knew his career as a model was over at 30 and his escort jobs would also slow down after 30.

Reminds me of Dorian Gray!:

"Realizing that one day his beauty will fade, Dorian (whimsically) expresses a desire to sell his soul to ensure the portrait Basil has painted would age rather than he. Dorian's wish is fulfilled, plunging him into debauched acts"
The portrait serves as a reminder of the effect each act has upon his soul, with each sin displayed as a disfigurement of his form, or through a sign of aging."

Desperate times call for desperate measures, the movie was his last shot to fame in his narcissist mind, IDK...
There has been much speculation in here about LM's level of relationship with Lin Jun. I recall reading about how one of LM's neighbors shared that LM had invited him up to his apartment in the days around the murder. I fully believe this man likely saved his own life by declining. This report suggests to me that LM was looking for a victim and that it was less likely as personally of an attack on Lin Jun. Having said that, and not meaning to contradict myself, I can't help but feel maybe LM felt jealous of Lin Jun. Here was a guy who was becoming something, making straight A's, had a part-time job, real friends and even a pet...despite the fact that he was a foreigner! Lin Jun did not have it easy, but he knew who he was and was in pursuit of things that would create him a comfortable and fulfilling life. Additionally, Lin Jun was seemingly so much more pure of heart and significantly less tainted by life. Perhaps some of the wrath and depravity imparted to Lin Jun had NOTHING to do with him at all, but instead of what he represented.
I concur! I do not think J was "target" - more wrong place/time. LM tensions and compulsion to show the world were just boiling over.

I firmly believe that if the actor / neighbor went up - it would have been his body parts going through the mail.

AND both , neighbor and J, were aquaintances, nothing more.

IMO J, was not a lover. There was one tweet,reported in the news, right about the time they identified J , that went something like, I go to school with J, J and LM were not lovers, they had just met, and had gone out 2x.

Just wrong place, time to be around LM.......................
Something occurred to me:
LM always lists himself as "bisexual", yet has he ever really had a sexual relationship (not counting alleged abuse) with a woman? Does he even find them sexually attractive? All his *advertiser censored* has been gay *advertiser censored*, gay escort, and his relationships have been either with men, or transgendered individuals.
So he isn't really "bisexual", then, is he? But he seems to have a problem with identifying himself as "just" gay.

Regarding his transgender girlfriends--maybe he's attracted to the woman part (nurturing, love), but for sex, there has to be male anatomy.
I don't believe he has gender confusion regarding himself--I doubt he wanted to be a woman, or there would be more photographic evidence. Cross-dressing, full drag. Even hormones, to have breasts. Most transgendered people practice their life as the opposite gender for years before they do any permanent changes. He didn't seem to do any of that.

His stories of incest may not be a total lie, in his mind. They may be a fantasy of his--(his mother, his step-mother, aunt, sister).
This would make him feel shameful. He knows it's wrong, and it makes him feel really crazy.
He may really love the women in his life, but was in turmoil (especially in his teens, when his sexual identity was forming). Combine that with sexual abuse as a child...
Maybe he even molested his sister?

All just thoughts. So many little facts.
No! In the very beginning of our saga, I went to find his *advertiser censored* stuff. The only thing then, that came back were two (grainy) videos, wherein he was getting b***** (!) ah dont know how to do that ha- --by middle age, chubby, female..............
The notion of him being 24/7 - great media stuff, not reality. And IMO, the guards are going to have a lot of similair belief systems that have been posted here. Ie, ok I will go to the bathroom now as long as you promise me you will kill him and not tell -- that kinda of "stuff".

Along the same lines, most guards , would not, realistically "intervene" ,to rescue him , when he attempts suicide, for the same reasons outlined above.

Sad declaration on the state of human beings living in a civilized world huh.....

All an eye for an eye does, is result in two dead people..instead of one...........

IMO, his mental illiness, in conjunction with the basic feelings of the masses ... he will be dead, one way or the other in 3 months
imo, awful ......
and a sad reflection on the "state of afairs"....................................
He might have done a bit of *advertiser censored* but after a few years of footage and pics being online...since he did not create a name for himself in the industry, it would become very hard to find such film. It would be considered old, uninteresting *advertiser censored* with no fame attached to it--worthless. It seems to me that he did the *advertiser censored* when he still had his youthful looks and switched increasingly to escort service since he could always make money that way regardless. It will be hard to find the *advertiser censored* from his younger days since it has been about a decade.

No! In the very beginning of our saga, I went to find his *advertiser censored* stuff. The only thing then, that came back were two (grainy) videos, wherein he was getting b***** (!) ah dont know how to do that ha- --by middle age, chubby, female..............
My significant other just pulled this TedTalk up on video:

You don't have to watch, but the gist is that 80-percent of death row inmates come from the same type of background Magnotta has. Dow then goes on to State that statistically $1 put toward Early Childhood intervention saves $17 later in the criminal justice system for at risk individuals. Quite telling.
That's what I've noticed about Luka, he is a copycat.
He stole bits from fictional and real life serial killers just like he was doing patchwork. A sponge absorbing things from others. His acts are shocking because he decided to put everything that was done before together in just one single pot.
ps: let's add Hannibal Lecter to that list!

Someone over at Best Gore seems to capture the essence of LRM quite well. ;)

From what I’ve found, the guy has absolutely no sense of self: Take the films American Psycho, Basic Instinct, To Die For (which, if nobody knew, is about a narcissistic woman who will do anything to be on TV, including killing her husband), add obsessions with various other serial killers such as the Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, and Karla Homolka, combined with Nazism, Hitler, Stalin, the Russian mafia, a bit of Satanism, the Illuminati, a 1996 video game called Ripper, Madonna, James Dean, and finally throw in some claims to necrophilia, cannibalism, bi polar disorder and schizophrenia…..and you have Luka Magnotta. One big ****nut of tropes, clichés, and overall emptiness.
The notion of him being 24/7 - great media stuff, not reality. And IMO, the guards are going to have a lot of similair belief systems that have been posted here. Ie, ok I will go to the bathroom now as long as you promise me you will kill him and not tell -- that kinda of "stuff".

Along the same lines, most guards , would not, realistically "intervene" ,to rescue him , when he attempts suicide, for the same reasons outlined above.

Sad declaration on the state of human beings living in a civilized world huh.....

All an eye for an eye does, is result in two dead people..instead of one...........

IMO, his mental illiness, in conjunction with the basic feelings of the masses ... he will be dead, one way or the other in 3 months
imo, awful ......
and a sad reflection on the "state of afairs"....................................

I completely disagree - he'll be watched day in, day out. He will not commit suicide nor will he 'get got' like Jeffrey Dahmer did.

He might have done a bit of *advertiser censored* but after a few years of footage and pics being online...since he did not create a name for himself in the industry, it would become very hard to find such film. It would be considered old, uninteresting *advertiser censored* with no fame attached to it--worthless. It seems to me that he did the *advertiser censored* when he still had his youthful looks and switched increasingly to escort service since he could always make money that way regardless. It will be hard to find the *advertiser censored* from his younger days since it has been about a decade.
I found plenty of *advertiser censored* that I wish I hadn't! With a seedy, nasty young guy and another with a fat, hairy, sweaty old guy. Ga! No doubt that he could efficiently compartmentalize.
That's what I've noticed about Luka, he is a copycat.
He stole bits from fictional and real life serial killers just like he was doing patchwork. A sponge absorbing things from others. His acts are shocking because he decided to put everything that was done before together in just one single pot.
ps: let's add Hannibal Lecter to that list!
ALL killers borrow from one another. Just like narcissistic rock stars.
Yes, I agree with others that believe LM to be a copycat type of killer. However, I believe it goes beyond that. I've posted before that IMO he was/is a "patchwork" killer. What's relevant to me about this conceptualization is that he copied various parts of other killers' personalities and/or crimes. At a minimum some of the component parts of LM's perverted and ghastly creation ressonated with his own psychology. Somehow these parts spoke to him deeply... so much that he cut and pasted them into a bizarre menagerie persona much like a poorly done Picasso painting.
I am not in full agreement w the sex change idea either. He did not show enough indications, and I think w how forthright he was w other things that are outside the norm I think he would have had no issue stating his intention/ wanting to have a sex change.
My view too, he was gay , no want need desire to change or lose his "beast" of a penis.
I think his crap, follow me , when younger (bio dad hated homosexuality) that maybe he could "get away with bringing home trangender partner and pass , to dad, who is on psyc meds ,after being released from psyc hospital, that he was dating woman.

I have never seen LM with male, in *advertiser censored*.
Beast? That was no beast, unless you are referring to one of those little guys in Where the Wild Things Are. ;) Not that his penis size is relavent to anything. And I must add, I have seen much smaller. It's just not in the league of beasts.
My view too, he was gay , no want need desire to change or lose his "beast" of a penis.
I think his crap, follow me , when younger (bio dad hated homosexuality) that maybe he could "get away with bringing home trangender partner and pass , to dad, who is on psyc meds ,after being released from psyc hospital, that he was dating woman.

I have never seen LM with male, in *advertiser censored*.

Then you really haven't lived, have you? :floorlaugh:

Seriously, I have. It's out there. Just really low-rent stuff.
Reading his previous posts online helped me to reach the conclusion that the letter sent to Romeo Salta about Manny abuse is just another big joke


I found the number of alleged indecencies Manny carried out documented in the emails a bit far fetched as well... I mean over what period of time did he carry out all this abuse??? LM must have spent a heck of a lot of time with Manny for this to all be true and if it is true then why did LM keep going back for more??
I don't believe a word myself :moo:
He might have done a bit of *advertiser censored* but after a few years of footage and pics being online...since he did not create a name for himself in the industry, it would become very hard to find such film. It would be considered old, uninteresting *advertiser censored* with no fame attached to it--worthless. It seems to me that he did the *advertiser censored* when he still had his youthful looks and switched increasingly to escort service since he could always make money that way regardless. It will be hard to find the *advertiser censored* from his younger days since it has been about a decade.

There are apparently 8 *advertiser censored* videos out there, from 2003-2010, most of them done between 2003-2006. Not at all hard to find out there--I came across a couple myself, while browsing (did *not* watch). But I was surprised at the time how easy it was to bump into stuff like that. :what:
There are apparently 8 *advertiser censored* videos out there, from 2003-2010, most of them done between 2003-2006. Not at all hard to find out there--I came across a couple myself, while browsing (did *not* watch). But I was surprised at the time how easy it was to bump into stuff like that. :what:

And he made such an impact in the adult film industry that not one blog, film review site or message board highlights, mentions the name he used in *advertiser censored* or hyped his performance...

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It is so fascinating to me; yes he lied a lot, a lot more than most folks not suffering with NPD.......but the illness in and of itself makes it not lying! It is relentless efforts to be perfect great etc. etc
BUT, and again, moderators, I am not attacking, but have any of us not told white lies? All it is about, (I am making numbers up), is that for someone not suffering with NPD, we lie 9.8% of the time.

Does that mean that we are never honest? No it means we white lie 9.8% of the time!
His illness mandates that his % of lies is 89.4% of the time.
The point is:
No one, is ever , anything , always ....

It is a human impossibility...

There are so many truths in this guy’s stuff, , I will kill , I like bondage - all sorts of stuff - did he embellish yes NPD, did he cut and paste to appear smart, yes, NPD - but at the same time, was he not totally honest in declaring things that no killer has ever declared AHEAD of time.?.................I SHALL KILL.....

So, if I can online, for three years, tell the world I like killing, blood, feces etc., when he tells us his mother tied him up – no one believes him. How does this make sense?

Lying involves risk. If I can tell the world I am killing, who could possibly think me saying my parents kept my baby brother in the room for days is a LIE?
…..if that is not the ultimate example OF HONESTY I need you guys to help me see what I am missing!!!!!!!!!
Ok on some random note, is there footage of him actually stripping? I, for one, can't believe he was very succesfull. In the MSM footage where you can see him walk or move, he did come across as "stiff" ( esp. the upper body ). Not someone with fluid motions, which you should somewhat expect, since one is using music as a prop to discard certain clothing items.
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