Armchair psych profile and personal background

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I think this may be where some less aware parents fail to notice their child is abnormal and intervene early, they start small and then hide the bigger stuff when they become more aware of how outside of society's norms they are.

(Snipped by me)

I think you are spot on with this.
Certainly is an interesting choice to photographically convey a frustrated computer user. It begs the question: Did the photog editor just choose a stock photo from Reuters or did he/she have this photo specifically in mind?

Yeah I don't think they realise exactly where that photo came from!!! :lol:
Yes it makes sense totally.
So do you think the family are in hiding since this happened? I'm sure they can not believe what has gone on, that it was their brother, son, cousin that did this etc!!!

Well, *I* would be in hiding and I'm reasonably :biggrin: normal. I guess we won't know for a long time.....will they be called to trial? Will his childhood play a large part in the trial? We really don't know at this point. It's all guess-work on our part.

That's not normal childhood behavior, I mean the insect experimenting thing? I think that might be a little boy (and some girls) curiosity thing and not necessarily a sign things will escalate to larger animals or a seed for psychopathic behavior. I would guess that if you gave a magnifying glass to a boy in the sun around ants, he would probably both burn his own finger and then see if it works on ants. As an adult, I would sit a kid down and explain why this behavior is wrong, but I wouldn't see the behavior as a precursor to larger scale problems to come. But i also agree that a child who grows up to be a psychopath, probably did start with something small like an insect.

I recall when I was a small child and at a wedding outdoors - I was wearing white gloves (my mom wanted me to look lady-like!). There was a huge garden and the guests went to the garden. I saw a pretty, yellow butterfly and I reached out to catch it. (I was THREE!!) Well, the butterfly left its yellow powder on my white gloves. To this day I wonder if I accidentally harmed that butterfly.

So, what I'm getting at here is that it's not unusual for young children to try to touch insects/animals which intrigue them. SOME children will go on to harm those insects. Sadly.
Will his childhood play a large part in the trial?

IMO his childhood is more relevant to his psychological profile then to the trial. Most abused children don't grow up to butcher a human and kill animals. He's far removed from his childhood and hasn't even been in contact with his family for years. Even if he has a traumatic childhood and it's brought up in court, I don't see it being too much of a defense because he is not insane. He clearly understood right from wrong, he also demonstrates premeditation in an extreme manner by the way he clearly planned out all the details, additionally he demonstrates guilt by going on the run after the crime. I don't see him being able to claim insanity and although any possible historical child abuse may be revealed in court, I don't see that impacting things much.
Well, *I* would be in hiding and I'm reasonably :biggrin: normal. I guess we won't know for a long time.....will they be called to trial? Will his childhood play a large part in the trial? We really don't know at this point. It's all guess-work on our part.


I'm sure that family have lots to discuss at the dinner table these days :what:
So if they are not called to trial hopefully they will do some reporter interviews or write a book!!
Hey there!

I'm brand new here and consider myself a bit of a true crime buff in my free time, but this case has, for lack of a better word, terrorized my mind since day one. It's just disturbing and bewildering on a level unlike anything I've ever heard of in my life. Anyways, I'm so impressed with all the sleuthing everyone has been doing here and I came across this video about a week ago and have been meaning to chime in. I've been trying to make my way through all the various threads here and I haven't seen anyone post this, but if it's already been discussed and dismissed, my apologies for wasting your time. Also if this is in the wrong thread, I'm sorry for that as well. I'm still trying to learn the ropes here. :)

It appears to be some guy who calls Luka's cell number while he's on the run in Europe, obviously to harass him. The pertinent part is between the 5:00 minute mark and the 6:15 ish mark. If you compare the voice who answers to the voice in the older Sun interview, it (to me) definitely sounds like him. Also, it might make sense for him to answer his cell phone since I am pretty sure he did have his phone on him in Europe for a couple days there until he knew he was being tracked and dumped the cell into the subway bin in Paris (I think?)

The voice who answers at first is the typical Luka "deep" voice which he said on his Cover Guy interview came from practice, but the second he is threatened by the caller, it changes to what I believe is his more natural, higher pitched voice. The reason I post this here is to possibly add a miniscule amount of insight into his psyche. He seems to flip into a bit of a rage at the flip of a switch. At any rate, I just thought it was creepy and would throw this out there.

I'm sorry for the super long introduction post here. I just wanted to share this strange clip. Keep up the awesome sleuthing! :seeya:

Hopefully I can 100% put this to rest for you. Myself and a couple of others looked into this guys posting when it first broke. I can tell you with 100% certainty it is NOT Luka on the phone at any point.

Two irrefutable reasons : #1 :The phone # he is calling is the old escort # attached to Munro St in Toronto which is a landline and is still active to this day by the owner, who apparently is still running an escort house out of there. Luka briefly was associated with that address a few years back but had long since moved on

Reason #2 : He was calling him Sat night June 2nd from 5pm onwards which would have been 11pm onwards in Paris/Berlin. Luka had already ditched his personal cellphone hours earlier that day before boarding the bus for Berlin, so even if he was calling his cell it wouldn't have gone through. Anybody who tries to post comments on that guys upload telling him of this, he just deletes it. We all personally thought it sounded NOTHING like him anyways, compared to the Sun interview or anywhere else. Finally, as if he would answer his phone in Europe and carry on an argument with some phony gangster wanna-be in toronto! Just load of bunk from some punk!
Ex-girlfriend Nina Arsenault two-part interview with Bruce LaBruce. Pretty strange and interesting stuff and some BS in there too, I suspect. I'll let you guys pick out the BS.

Part One (warning, disturbing art photo):

Part Two

I hate this person by now. It seems to me that this "Nina" is really using this horrific murder as a way to promote herself. Those pictures of her are probably included because she wants the attention on herself, NOT on LM, and obviously NOT on Jun Lin, as she does not mention him in any way. She sure got a lot of money for those interviews, plus the promotion and being famous. I can see why she seemed to get along with LM!
In addition, she doesnt really answer the questions raised in the interview, she evades them and keeps turning the topic into another direction: herself. I have heard this name so many times now and I am sick of her.
She seems to enjoy all the spotlight on her - and just because she "dated" LM a long time ago for a couple of weeks.

Sorry, but I really really dislike her, based on what I have heard from her.
I hate this person by now. It seems to me that this "Nina" is really using this horrific murder as a way to promote herself. Those pictures of her are probably included because she wants the attention on herself, NOT on LM, and obviously NOT on Jun Lin, as she does not mention him in any way.
In addition, she doesnt really answer the questions raised in the interview, she evades them and keeps turning the topic into another direction: herself. I have heard this name so many times now and I am sick of her.
She seems to enjoy all the spotlight on her - and just because she "dated" LM a long time ago for a couple of weeks.

Sorry, but I really really dislike her, based on what I have heard from her.

I see where you are coming from. Can't believe there is ANOTHER interview with her after she only knew him such a short time... I mean she didn't even recognise him when he came to audition in front of her lol. The pictures here are weird!!! And it certainly can not be seen as compassionate for the JL family what with her posing with all fake the blood down the walls, its pretty sick!!! Is she trying to glorify the horrific event???
I understand where you guys are coming from with your dislike of people cashing in on this crime. But wait till the trial is over......there will be 812 million books and films written about him. UGH!
I hate this person by now. It seems to me that this "Nina" is really using this horrific murder as a way to promote herself. Those pictures of her are probably included because she wants the attention on herself, NOT on LM, and obviously NOT on Jun Lin, as she does not mention him in any way. She sure got a lot of money for those interviews, plus the promotion and being famous. I can see why she seemed to get along with LM!
In addition, she doesnt really answer the questions raised in the interview, she evades them and keeps turning the topic into another direction: herself. I have heard this name so many times now and I am sick of her.
She seems to enjoy all the spotlight on her - and just because she "dated" LM a long time ago for a couple of weeks.

Sorry, but I really really dislike her, based on what I have heard from her.

He is a narcissistic person herself. And yes, i write he, cuz he still has a trunkie between zhe leggies. So technically Nina is a she-male or still a he. Funny is that she is approached to do interviews about a person she dated for 3 weeks 10 years ago....and that the interviewers portrait Mr. Arsenault as a credible source. With lack of any better i suppose.....
I have to disagree.I have to say I totally adore her.she's very candid about being a "fame monster" as well but she shows the other ,the positive side of it.Yes,she is promoting herself through a horrible tragedy but she seems deeply aware of it and only shares what IMO is important and makes sense not only for her self promotion but also in understanding the part of society LM was part of....where sex is a commodity and looks are everything.I like how she differentiates between narcissistic personality disorder and that new kind of narcissism where you re-invent yourself into your own reality show,your own avatar...I think she's spot on...
I understand where you guys are coming from with your dislike of people cashing in on this crime. But wait till the trial is over......there will be 812 million books and films written about him. UGH!


But if there is a film to be made, better it is done by someone like Ridley Scott.... ;)
He is a narcissistic person herself. And yes, i write he, cuz he still has a trunkie between zhe leggies. So technically Nina is a she-male or still a he. Funny is that she is approached to do interviews about a person she dated for 3 weeks 10 years ago....and that the interviewers portrait Mr. Arsenault as a credible source. With lack of any better i suppose.....

....and whether or not you like her choices of giving interviews I think it's incredibly rude and disrespectful to question her sexuality.As a transgender ed female she is obviously SHE no matter what parts she does or doesn't have.
I like how she differentiates between narcissistic personality disorder and that new kind of narcissism where you re-invent yourself into your own reality show,your own avatar

I agree with you on how her point about this is interesting. On the other hand, I don't personally care for her...I find her to be a grotesque caricature and her pursuit of narcissism pathologically misguided and soul-less. It really highlights the malignant level narcissism is reaching in our society. Needless to say, it's pretty easy to see how LM and her gravitated to one another.
I understand where you guys are coming from with your dislike of people cashing in on this crime. But wait till the trial is over......there will be 812 million books and films written about him. UGH!

I'm torn because I feel we do need more insight from people who actually knew him, but the only question and answer I found helpful or insightful in this interview was the downfall of both *advertiser censored* stars named Eric...
I did not like the photos here.
He is a narcissistic person herself. And yes, i write he, cuz he still has a trunkie between zhe leggies. So technically Nina is a she-male or still a he. Funny is that she is approached to do interviews about a person she dated for 3 weeks 10 years ago....and that the interviewers portrait Mr. Arsenault as a credible source. With lack of any better i suppose.....

It's a serious disorder and would be a kind of hell on earth to be born in a body you don't identify with, imho. It's terribly insensitive to not try to understand what it must be like.

This may be a good time to remind folks, too, that 'tranny' is not a word the general population should use, unless you don't mind being seen as rude about the subject. And yes, call someone by what they identify as if you are aware of it, like 'she' for Nina.
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