ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#23

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This posts lands at random.

From here forth, all posts directed at telling other posters what they need to do, think, type, etc. will earn a time out. There will no longer be any excuses. The personalizing posts toward one member and the generalization toward other members is over.

We are getting dozens of complaints from regulars and from those who are afraid to post. It's going to stop now.

If you are about to post about another member, all members, this forum or anything else that might sound negative towards this group, be ready to lose your posting privileges.

I will add this to the opening post.
Is it usual to release information before a trial? I am wondering if we will not be told anything now, until he is in court.
Is it usual to release information before a trial? I am wondering if we will not be told anything now, until he is in court.

In my experience it is unusual for any new information to be released by the police who will now start preparing their case. If there are further arrests or charges these may be released, however.
In my experience it is unusual for any new information to be released by the police who will now start preparing their case. If there are further arrests or charges these may be released, however.

I should clarify -- what I mean is that the police are unlikely to release any further information about what evidence they have against GBC until the trial.
Is it usual to release information before a trial? I am wondering if we will not be told anything now, until he is in court.

I think the media will be told bits here and there as things progress, in particular between now and his June 9 court appearance. After that, who knows.

Also, with your earlier question about law enforcement posting on forums like this. Police have been known to set all sorts of traps to make someone come forward or reveal details, but I don't think they would be posting on forums. But, you never know!
I should clarify -- what I mean is that the police are unlikely to release any further information about what evidence they have against GBC until the trial.

Does this mean along the lines of......They can say, "It is believed that GBC was at Kholo Creek".....But they cannot say how they know this was the footprint or whatever. ?
I should clarify -- what I mean is that the police are unlikely to release any further information about what evidence they have against GBC until the trial.

I was thinking about the Sica trial...there was loads of info reported long before that case got anywhere near the trial.
I should clarify -- what I mean is that the police are unlikely to release any further information about what evidence they have against GBC until the trial.

They have though released the info about blood found in one of the cars, and this was after he was charged.
I was thinking more along the avenue of where the murder took place, why and who else was involved, also how she died. I am watching for any news about further arrests due to today being the day the arrest of GBC was planned. I thought it was reasonable to suppose someone else is an accessory at the very least.
Does this mean along the lines of......They can say, "It is believed that GBC was at Kholo Creek".....But they cannot say how they know this was the footprint or whatever. ?

I don't think there are any hard and fast rules, but in my experience once all of the preliminary procedural stages are met (first appearance, bail application etc) the police tend to shut down in terms of releasing of further information until the trial begins. There may be pre-trial admissibility hearings or a hearing to determine whether an accused is fit to stand trial, which might result in the release of tidbits, but usually the public doesn't find out about the police case until the trial proper.
They have though released the info about blood found in one of the cars, and this was after he was charged.

I think that certain tidbits are released at around the time of an arrest/charge but the bulk of the police evidence will not be disclosed until they have to present it to prove their case against him i.e. at trial or perhaps at a bail application hearing or something like that.
I think that certain tidbits are released at around the time of an arrest/charge but the bulk of the police evidence will not be disclosed until they have to present it to prove their case against him i.e. at trial or perhaps at a bail application hearing or something like that.

Still looking but back in 2010 it was a "committal hearing" in which it was decided Sica would go to trial....& this was soo long after the killings took place...2003.

October 13, 2010

Accused triple killer Max Sica will face a murder trial after one of the longest committal hearings in Queensland history.
Thank you Sheldor..."thankyaverymuchindeed :) "....I dont know anything about this aspect. I wonder if the defense team, get the knowledge of what the evidence pieces are before trial.....or whether this is completely kept under wraps by the prosecutor. Then the defense team must on the spot find answers....Hmmmmmm My hubby is good with all this stuff.....and I wouldnt know my bum from my
I've always been sus on a few posters in here, in regards to the spin they put on information.
Wouldn't be surprised if it becomes part of the case.
I've always been sus on a few posters in here, in regards to the spin they put on information.
Wouldn't be surprised if it becomes part of the case.

I have wondered whether the gossip vs rumour vs fact situations, may become an issue in the case. Then I think surely, so many more cases have had this..Most places where an unusual murder has taken place would be gossiping, rumour mongering and so forth....Hmm

Oh, PS : love your fireworks avatar....Tis beautiful lovey xx
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