In the past 3 years we have read many msm investigations of corruption and incompetency in the TN justice system. I could literally fill the page up with examples. Here is only one;
District attorney, sheriff cited for misuse of confiscated items
Posted: Aug 17, 2011 10:32 AM EDT
Updated: Sep 14, 2011 10:45 AM EDT
BMW Z-3 improperly used by officials, said the report
The state of Tennessee's Comptroller's office released a report Wednesday morning citing that a District Attorney General, who serves five western Middle Tennessee counties, misused several items confiscated during drug cases.
Officials who were supposed to oversee drugs, cash, weapons and other items confiscated during drug cases in Benton, Carroll, Decatur, Hardin and Henry Counties, failed to provide adequate oversight.
The report says this led to some of the items being stolen or misused, according to the Comptroller's Division of County Audit. The report was released following a review conducted with assistance from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.
The report says the local drug task force staff did not follow adequate record-keeping or inventory management practices.
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