Arrest Made in JB Murder - Aug 16th, 2006

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Please, oh please let this be the end...Aside from feeling like a pretty terrible person for accusing Patsy for 10 years, I am nothing but thrilled to have this horror come to some sort of an end.

As a side note, there was a young boy (maybe this guy's son) posing on My Space (the popular teen-gathering spot) as 'John Mark Karr.' He was from Petaluma and claimed to be 15-years-old. I gathered this info from a Google-search.

My question is this: could this be John Jr.? (Karr, I mean). Or, could it be this guy posing as a kid???? In any case, the account has been deleted in the last few hours.

I hope it wasn't this guy's kid. I have no doubts he has been through enough if that is the case. This boy would be about Jonbenet's age, by the way.

Just some random thoughts...
otto said:
But could it be this guy:

--->>>Otto, your link did not work for me, but what I understood as an authentic bit of information from MSNBC was that John Mark Karr, was IN COLORADO in 1996.

Someone posted earlier that his DNA was a match for the murder panty dna, I have NOT heard that, and my face has been glued to the TV forever.

Still have 8 pages to read.

IF this is the man, he must be a case study for being a MAJOR nut case!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stealth must be a genetic part of him.


CherokeeKid said:
Dr. Baden just said on Greta's show that the brother sounded quite convincing why he was in touch with the Ramsey's family via email (research for writing a book). He said he just has to see who things develop. It's too early to say anything else.

Dr. Lee was also on Greta's show. And Dr. Spitz from Arizona. Both confirmed there was NO sperm found in JonBenet's underwear. Only some male DNA blood.

The underwear was made in Thailand.

Mark Fuhrman was careful in his conclusions, IMO. He said John Karr is NOT charged with anything yet. Just a suspect.

I think it's really too soon to jump to any conclusions! The arrest sounds promising. However, I think it still has to be seen if there is enough to connect John Karr to this crime. I'm just skeptical. As much as I wish for a solution in this case.
The underwear was made in Thailand? Whoa, that is REAl evidence....
JBean said:
On another thread, it is thought that the confession came through those emails, at least in part.

aahh, ok.....this is just wild!!! much going on in the news w/this & the March trial coming to a close soon, & then to top it off, i just heard today is the 29th anniversary of Elvis' death...dang, how time really does fly...29 years, doesn't seem right..
JBean said:
On another thread, it is thought that the confession came through those emails, at least in part.
I believe that the exchanges with a Colorado University professor/documentary maker named Tracy (last name; not sure of spelling.)

At the risk of seemingly terribly unknowledgable about this case (which I am), what underwear?
close_enough said:
Also, a law enforcement source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the AP that Karr had been communicating periodically with somebody in Boulder who had been following the case and cooperating with law enforcement officials.

hmmmm, that's interesting...(from the link that Buzz posted above)
close_enough, on the news it said that Karr knew facts about the case that were never released by the investigators, and that is why his Colorado friend informed LE, and began cooperating with them.
Nehemiah said:
I just heard it reported that he had lived in Petaluma, Calif. I won't call any names, however, there were several California connections in a roundabout way to the Ramseys. It will be interesting to see if he is connected to any of these.

You're thinking the way I am, Nehemiah.
Buzzm1 said:
close_enough, on the news it said that Karr knew facts about the case that were never released by the investigators, and that is why his Colorado friend informed LE, and began cooperating with them.
Yes I heard that too.

U-S officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the American was being held in Bangkok on unrelated sex charges.But Suwat, who heads the country's immigration police, said he was unaware of any criminal charges facing the suspect in Thailand.Another senior police officer, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said that when Karr was informed that he has been accused of committing a crime in the U-S, he denied all accusations.Suwat said he expected the American officials would take Karr -- who has been in Thailand four times over the past two years -- back to the United States in the next few days.

I hope there's some physical connection - otherwise, how do you place a guy celebrating Christmas in Alabama in Colorado with JonBenet -- strange...
I think I figured it out.


Seriously, the initials are probably giberish.
Buzzm1 said:
close_enough, on the news it said that Karr knew facts about the case that were never released by the investigators, and that is why his Colorado friend informed LE, and began cooperating with them.

You probably know things that weren't released by the investigators... seeing as how everyone and their brother has written books including the parents it isn't a stretch of imagination that lots and lots of info is out there that hasn't officially been released.
Buzzm1 said:
close_enough, on the news it said that Karr knew facts about the case that were never released by the investigators, and that is why his Colorado friend informed LE, and began cooperating with them.

ok....i understand first i took it that this guy was helping with the helping LE...(guess, he was in a round about way, huh?).....

i bet i don't sleep good mind will be running in circles...

I believe that the exchanges with a Colorado University professor/documentary maker named Tracy (last name; not sure of spelling.)
Is that idiot Jay Tracy they're talking about? He's the one that did the documentary years ago on the Ramsey's.
despite the fact there has been heaps leaks to the press in this case i still think theyre a few pieces of evidence that thankfully have been tucked away. Although i would just looooove to know what this private evidence is!
Boggles the mind. Who cares if it makes sense. If the underwear was made in Thailand, and the man was arrested in Thailand.

Hmm, very suspicious.

Do you know where YOUR underwear was made?
HeartofTexas said:
Is that idiot Jay Tracy they're talking about? He's the one that did the documentary years ago on the Ramsey's.
If this guy is The One, that's probably what got him to email Tracy to begin with... to point out how wrong he was about everything!!!
englishleigh said:
I remember something about a guy in CO at the time whose girlfriend suspected him b/c he could not account for his movements the night JB was killed, returned home the next morning dazed and disheveled and then promptly became obsessed with the case. I could have sworn his last name was CARR. Any chance this is the guy?


JOHN MARK KARRis 'the' name of the man that has been arrested!

I am thinking, speculatively that IF IF IF Susannah Chase semen DNA is in the file, and that LE recently had new technology for testing results on other ethnic samples, THAT since Karr has been arrested for a sexual crime in Tailand would that have been entered into the data base already? IF IF IF it were matched to the Chase case, that may have alerted LE to test against the JonBonet DNA, ya think?

Sandi, Jayelles, SuperDave ??? It could be that Karr could have a different nationality in his birth past, a mother perhaps, that would show a different ethnic strain, am I nuts?

Maybe we can solve two murders with one guy???!!

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