***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #32

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I don't really like saying this but, without this case being front & center in the media every day ... it is basically falling by the wayside sadly enough. I mentioned the case the other night at a large gathering I was at and almost everyone I mentioned it to looked at me with a "what are you talking about" look on their face. When I went into a bit more detail they were like "oh yeah, I heard about that" and unfortunately, the conversation moved quickly on to another topic. I'm a voracious crime follower but ... most folks are not even if the crime is in their own backyard.

mahmoo, careful, you may get labelled by your friends.. Most folks that don't follow missing persons cases, or are not involved, become very suspicious of those that care. You can ask the same folks to name a serial killer and they can name a few. Then ask them to name one victim and only get silence...
I am not surprised that some people think that Mickey deserved what happened to her. We have a huge victim-blaming problem in this country.
mahmoo, careful, you may get labelled by your friends.. Most folks that don't follow missing persons cases, or are not involved, become very suspicious of those that care. You can ask the same folks to name a serial killer and they can name a few. Then ask them to name one victim and only get silence...

There are definitely some victims who are household names, but you're correct that killers tend to get a lot more notoriety, and more of them are well-known to the public.

There was an Op-Ed written about it recently: http://www.smdailyjournal.com/article_preview.php?id=233147&title=The other side of the equation

However, I have noticed in recent past years, people are more likely to know the victim than the killer, and if they don't know the victim, they don't know the killer either. I can't think of a case in the past 10 years where everyone knows the killer, but the victim was forgotten. I think that's because we haven't had a big serial killer story in a while...I think there are "victim-centric" cases and "killer-centric" cases and some that are both.
I beg to differ. Our bars close at 2am (3am if they pay LE). I worked at a 24 gas station for 3 years when I was 19-22. People run ALL THE TIME, especially at 2a.m. and even more when they are drunk, especially when they are younger!! I run drunk and sober at 2a.m. I've RAN in to pre-pay for other people and I've RAN when I've been by myself b/c I was nervous or just b/c I wanted to get home/to the next party. Also, when someone says "RUN"....people tend to start running lol

Does Circle K sell liquor? Do they have a time they have to quit selling (and do they abide)?!

I notice people running in and out of gas stations all the time any time of day as well. I didn't take that as a warning sign when I saw that because its so common

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There are definitely some victims who are household names, but you're correct that killers tend to get a lot more notoriety, and more of them are well-known to the public.

There was an Op-Ed written about it recently: http://www.smdailyjournal.com/article_preview.php?id=233147&title=The other side of the equation

However, I have noticed in recent past years, people are more likely to know the victim than the killer, and if they don't know the victim, they don't know the killer either. I can't think of a case in the past 10 years where everyone knows the killer, but the victim was forgotten. I think that's because we haven't had a big serial killer story in a while...I think there are "victim-centric" cases and "killer-centric" cases and some that are both.

I think it is partly because trials are always referred to by the name of the suspect, and not the victim. I mean, I know it has to be that way, but it is the thing that gets remembered the most, the name of the person on trial, who is always in the news. Especially in cases with multiple victims, the victims get lost in the details.

On another note, I do not feel the Shunicks are hiding anything, JMO. I am sure LE knows all the details about Mickey that we would like to, but do not. And why should we know? Chances are we are not going to solve the case, as much as we'd like to, and as long as those who are charged with solving it have all of the details, that is really all that can be asked. Besides, every possible theory has been hashed out anyway, everything from Mickey being gay to her possible pot use. So why should they have to come out and talk about these things, when people feel free to do so anyway?

In the very small town where I grew up, there was a woman found murdered in a ditch in 1991. Her parents have run an ad in the local paper every week since she was found asking for information. In addition to this, they have rented out gigantic billboards going in both directions along I-10 for years and years and years. Their story was aired on an episode of Unsolved Mysteries.

They speak out about their daughter every chance they get!!

And this is a family that has a body that they have buried and have won a civil suit against her husband. They basically have the answers to what happened to their daughter, yet they still relentlessly seek the public's help.

Mickey's family does not do this. Why? I will never, ever understand as a parent why you wouldn't want everyone hearing about your daughter's disappearance. I don't understand why you wouldn't want answers.
Kidnappng for Ransom in the US
Kidnapping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kidnapping for ransom is a common occurrence in various parts of the world today, and certain cities and countries are often described as the "Kidnapping Capital of the World." As of 2007, that title belongs to Iraq with possibly 1,500 foreigners kidnapped.[22][23] In 2004, it was Mexico,[24] and in 2001, it was Colombia.[25] Statistics are harder to come by. Reports suggest a world total of 12,500-25,500/year with 3,600/year in Colombia and 3,000/year in Mexico around the year 2000.[26] However by 2006, the number of kidnappings in Colombia had declined to 687 and it continues to decline.[27] Mexican numbers are hard to confirm because of fears of police involvement in kidnapping.[28] "Kidnapping seems to flourish particularly in fragile states and conflict countries, as politically motivated militias, organized crime and the drugs mafia fill the vacuum left by government."[21]

In 2009, the Los Angeles Times named Phoenix, Arizona[29] as America's kidnapping capital, reporting that every year hundreds of ransom kidnappings occur there, virtually all within the underworld associated with human and drug smuggling from Mexico, and often done as a way of collecting unpaid debts. Other major U.S. cities that are hotbeds for kidnappings are Detroit, Atlanta, New Orleans, Houston, and Chicago.[29] Many of them are done by major street gangs near tourist attractions.

And if this was the case why would they be holding her for 6 weeks before saying anything at all? I wonder what the average time frame us for communication is between kidnapper and LE for ransom?

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In the very small town where I grew up, there was a woman found murdered in a ditch in 1991. Her parents have run an ad in the local paper every week since she was found asking for information. In addition to this, they have rented out gigantic billboards going in both directions along I-10 for years and years and years. Their story was aired on an episode of Unsolved Mysteries.

They speak out about their daughter every chance they get!!

And this is a family that has a body that they have buried and have won a civil suit against her husband. They basically have the answers to what happened to their daughter, yet they still relentlessly seek the public's help.

Mickey's family does not do this. Why? I will never, ever understand as a parent why you wouldn't want everyone hearing about your daughter's disappearance. I don't understand why you wouldn't want answers.

They are still in the stage of working with, and trusting LE to do their job, IMO. Maybe months and years from now you will be seeing them trying everything they can think of, I am sure LE is telling them the case is not at all cold, etc...

And how do we know they are not trying to get some attention from the media? It is not always that easy. I don't blame them for not coming on the WS radio, if that is what you mean. But we've heard of plenty of families who have tried to get media and not been able to do so, unless there is news, or a vigil or an anniversary.

Just not sure what people want them to be doing. Charlie seems to have abandoned her life toward finding her sister, for the most part. And she seems to have taken on that role on behalf of the family. She spends most days at the headquarters, apparently.

Anyway JMO, and I am usually right there, saying families should do more, but I think they are doing what they can, as opposed to say, Isabel's parents.
In the very small town where I grew up, there was a woman found murdered in a ditch in 1991. Her parents have run an ad in the local paper every week since she was found asking for information. In addition to this, they have rented out gigantic billboards going in both directions along I-10 for years and years and years. Their story was aired on an episode of Unsolved Mysteries.

They speak out about their daughter every chance they get!!

And this is a family that has a body that they have buried and have won a civil suit against her husband. They basically have the answers to what happened to their daughter, yet they still relentlessly seek the public's help.

I've seen a similar thing (or maybe the exact same, for that matter) in the Vidor area, where a husband was widely thought to have been responsible for the wife's death, but due to some monkey business in LE quarters, he walks free today. Huge billboards hung along I-10 calling out various LE and governmental officials for the fact that there was no arrest, etc.

I believe I also remember hearing that the family won a civil suit against the husband, and also that the husband was caught desecrating her grave.

Sick MF. :maddening:
Just curious: how often in a missing person case is the reward capped? I have not followed many, but I cannot find anything via google on this. I found a site explaining the reasoning behind this, an it makes sense. Just wondering how often this is actually done.

I've wondered the same thing. The reasoning makes sense but I dont think its that common our at least i haven't noticed it in other cases our it want so specifically emphasized.

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I've seen a similar thing (or maybe the exact same, for that matter) in the Vidor area, where a husband was widely thought to have been responsible for the wife's death, but due to some monkey business in LE quarters, he walks free today. Huge billboards hung along I-10 calling out various LE and governmental officials for the fact that there was no arrest, etc.

I believe I also remember hearing that the family won a civil suit against the husband, and also that the husband was caught desecrating her grave.

Sick MF. :maddening:

You are spot on.
After everything, I still go back to the beginning here. I still believe it is important that someone stoled B's bike and left it in the graveyard. To me, something was going on before MS was taken. The simplest answer is the best. Sure, it could be a random and serial killer, but given the number of people who disappear and who are later accounted for by a random serial killer, it would lead me logically to believe it was not a random serial killer. The next place to look is the last person who saw her or the last place we know she was. Then we have to look at interests of either her or the people she hung out with. We know that she bicycled, rode horses and was a college student in anthropology. But we really don't know about her friends who hung out late at night and rode bicycles across town at 2 a.m. I still find that a little odd. I lived and live in a couple of college towns and that is rare where I lived. I understand the culture may be different in Lafayette. I have a locals question then. If I was at the local Circle K at 2 a.m. on a Saturday night this weekend how many bicyclists would I see? Last year at the same time, on a Saturday night at 2 a.m. -- how many bicyclists would I see? I guess what I am trying to understand is -- I do not believe this was random. I believe the perp was somewhat local. The perp is connected in with either friends or their friends. In my opinion this case will be solved when some other deal goes bad and the perps friends squawk. That is why the case needs to be in the media. Unfortunately I do not believe this case has a happy ending for anyone.

How many people you would see on bicycles at 2 AM depends on if school is in session or not. Please keep in mind that this Circle K is about 0.4 miles from UL-Lafayette campus and there are student dorms,apartments,and houses all in this area. In 0.5 miles in another direction is a downtown area that has bars,clubs and music where students will also often go.
Rewards are hardly ever claimed in missing persons cases anyway; partly because so few, if anyone outside of the perp, have any info to share, IMO. I have seen a few murder cases when people came forward with info after an arrest, or after a body was found, but can't really think of any when the victim is still missing. I guess when the reward is "capped" early on, they are just trying to serve notice that if anyone does have info, might as well give it now.
They are still in the stage of working with, and trusting LE to do their job, IMO. Maybe months and years from now you will be seeing them trying everything they can think of, I am sure LE is telling them the case is not at all cold, etc...

And how do we know they are not trying to get some attention from the media? It is not always that easy. I don't blame them for not coming on the WS radio, if that is what you mean. But we've heard of plenty of families who have tried to get media and not been able to do so, unless there is news, or a vigil or an anniversary.

Just not sure what people want them to be doing. Charlie seems to have abandoned her life toward finding her sister, for the most part. And she seems to have taken on that role on behalf of the family. She spends most days at the headquarters, apparently.

Anyway JMO, and I am usually right there, saying families should do more, but I think they are doing what they can, as opposed to say, Isabel's parents.

If they trusted LE so much, why would they have hired their own PI? That in and of itself doesn't bother me. It is just adding everything else on top of it.

As far as WS radio goes, I'd do it no matter how ridiculous I might believe it to be. At least more people would have information about my child that might bring her home. Any chance I'd have to bring my child home, bury them, and have answers I would take. They just don't seem to have any urgency.
Lots of boats down here...they call is Sportmans paradise!

Thank you for the information.
I sent them an email asking about the area myself and have not received a response. It could be they have already in one way or the other searched those areas just have not released that information.

The picture I posted asking about fishing.
I seen a truck with a speed boat attached coming from that area, that is why I asked. Take 135 exit, make a right go under the bridge theirs the area. Close to an interstate system.

As far as my interest in the area along the I10 135 exit.

It looks as if I wanted to turn around and go back west, the 135 exit would be my first opportunity to do so. Unless there is another option that i cannot see on the map. Thinking along the lines if the perp wanted to give the impression she was taken further east he may have gotten off there to drop other items and than got back on I10 to go back west. It reminds me of WB. The area. And if the perp knew about WB, than perhaps he knew of the isolation at 135 and took it. Though just guessing.

All just speculation on what Ive read and seen so far. In the meantime while waiting for update. Ill watch the cams, reread some threads in the beginning, watch some YouTube videos etc, just to keep the case fresh in my mind. One thing Ive learned in reading cold cases especially, waiting for long period of time for any updates is part of the sleuthing we do.
mahmoo, careful, you may get labelled by your friends.. Most folks that don't follow missing persons cases, or are not involved, become very suspicious of those that care. You can ask the same folks to name a serial killer and they can name a few. Then ask them to name one victim and only get silence...

So very true. I can't talk too much to my family about missing person cases because they look at me like I'm strange that I care about that kind of stuff. And they tell me they dont want to hear about it. I guess its upsetting and its easier to live thinking those things wont happen to you. I just dont understand apathy to matters of such importance.

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In the very small town where I grew up, there was a woman found murdered in a ditch in 1991. Her parents have run an ad in the local paper every week since she was found asking for information. In addition to this, they have rented out gigantic billboards going in both directions along I-10 for years and years and years. Their story was aired on an episode of Unsolved Mysteries.

They speak out about their daughter every chance they get!!

And this is a family that has a body that they have buried and have won a civil suit against her husband. They basically have the answers to what happened to their daughter, yet they still relentlessly seek the public's help.

Mickey's family does not do this. Why? I will never, ever understand as a parent why you wouldn't want everyone hearing about your daughter's disappearance. I don't understand why you wouldn't want answers.

Yeah, I don't understand why I see posts that talk about how the Shunicks have worked so hard to get Mickey media coverage, and their persistence is why she has so much. But Mickey doesn't have much national coverage at all. And from what locals say, the Lafayette media isn't all over the case either...
Yeah, I don't understand why I see posts that talk about how the Shunicks have worked so hard to get Mickey media coverage, and their persistence is why she has so much. But Mickey doesn't have much national coverage at all. And from what locals say, the Lafayette media isn't all over the case either...

Very few people know about it at all here in NC and in VA

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I tell everyone who will listen about abduction and murder, especially parents I see in stores who aren't watching their children.

If they think I am strange, so be it. But, if it causes one person to pay closer attention to the people around them, it is worth it.

Estimates say that 4% of the population or 1 in 25 people are sociopaths. That doesn't mean they are serial killers or murderers or rapists, but the potential is there. They are your co-workers, neighbors, parents of your kids' friends....
If they trusted LE so much, why would they have hired their own PI? That in and of itself doesn't bother me. It is just adding everything else on top of it.

As far as WS radio goes, I'd do it no matter how ridiculous I might believe it to be. At least more people would have information about my child that might bring her home. Any chance I'd have to bring my child home, bury them, and have answers I would take. They just don't seem to have any urgency.

My gosh, in every case on here, people say "why didn't they hire a PI sooner, etc?"

As far as WS radio...people here already know about Mickey and are already looking for her. They have no reason to come on here, it is preaching to the choir. And they probably do not have any other info to give that would be helpful-they seem pretty much at a loss to me.
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