***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #32

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Guys, a word to the wise about sleuthing the person who was given BW's bike after it was found:

A lot of people got long timeouts way back in the threads for sleuthing this person, and I see the exact chain of comments happening again.

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If anyone ever has an issue with a post there is an alert in the top right hand corner that you can alert a moderator with. :)

Erm, I was just giving a general TOS reminder, without having to bother a mod with alerting each post.
Some do and some don't. Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy come to mind.

This is a very interesting article on serial killer myths. Read through the whole article:


A couple of things that stood out:

Outside of dumb luck, the number one way serial killers are caught is through the help of the public.

The typical scenario in a serial homicide investigation follows a well trodden path. First, the police try not to let the public know there is a serial killer out there. If they get lucky, there will be only a small paragraph in the local paper and within a short time, everyone will forget about the murder. Then, hopefully the killer will move to another jurisdiction. If he doesnt stop killing in your jurisdiction, just keep denying that the string of murders in your community are linked. Before DNA actually linked the death of five women in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in 2002 the police steadfastly told the community there was no serial killer on the loose. This was rather hard to believe considering how many women were dead. The words of victim Pam Kinamores brother-in-law, Ed White, sum it up rather well. The truth is I dont care how many of these cases have been linked by DNA evidence. The truth is either we have one serial killer in Baton Rouge or we have a lot of killers in Baton Rouge, and either way weve got a serious problem here.

Why would LE not want the public to know about a suspected serial kilter? To prevent panic? Sounds like awareness could help save lives...

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Just my opinion, but a lot of little things add up for me to point toward the idea that the family/LE think they're onto a lead solid enough that public assistance is no longer required. This could mean one of many things - alive/not alive - maybe building a case against someone - maybe having already cut a deal with someone - maybe several other things.

But the silence is deafening, and I pair that with what I consider a notable lack of requests from the family, the PI, or LE for any more public input than they already have.

I am hoping/thinking that the silence may be building to some sort of resolution.

I disagree - if this were the case, why would they still be having fund raisers? If they know either where she is, or who "did" the deed, why would they be planning fund raisers for the end of July?

Also - IMO - that is not MS on the bike at the Circle K. Look closely at the bike. The handlebars are much wider on the bike in the picture than in the pictures of MS on her bike with the gold grips. This is just MO and I could be wrong. I think it is just another small blonde on a bike. Like many locals have said, there are a lot of people riding their bikes at 2 a.m.
Charlie has been posting pictures of a car that had Mickey's photo and info painted on it...and is posting about a benefit later in July, as well as other info and requests for help on her FB all week. I don't think they are any further along, even if LE does have something brewing (which I doubt) the family is not always filled in until the last moment.

I don't think they would be working on a benefit event four weeks off if they had info and were just waiting for an arrest.

The "social-media team" and the P.R. machine have taken on a life of their own... they have momentum that may not always trace the facts of the case, I'll bet. I am not taking future planned events as definitive evidence of anything. A homegrown operation has grown up around the family, and also the members of it may not be privy to what members of the family may know.

Were the family to know something important, but be required by LE to keep it quiet, then they would have to keep the PR thing going, just to keep the secret.
After everything, I still go back to the beginning here. I still believe it is important that someone stoled B's bike and left it in the graveyard. To me, something was going on before MS was taken. The simplest answer is the best. Sure, it could be a random and serial killer, but given the number of people who disappear and who are later accounted for by a random serial killer, it would lead me logically to believe it was not a random serial killer. The next place to look is the last person who saw her or the last place we know she was. Then we have to look at interests of either her or the people she hung out with. We know that she bicycled, rode horses and was a college student in anthropology. But we really don't know about her friends who hung out late at night and rode bicycles across town at 2 a.m. I still find that a little odd. I lived and live in a couple of college towns and that is rare where I lived. I understand the culture may be different in Lafayette. I have a locals question then. If I was at the local Circle K at 2 a.m. on a Saturday night this weekend how many bicyclists would I see? Last year at the same time, on a Saturday night at 2 a.m. -- how many bicyclists would I see? I guess what I am trying to understand is -- I do not believe this was random. I believe the perp was somewhat local. The perp is connected in with either friends or their friends. In my opinion this case will be solved when some other deal goes bad and the perps friends squawk. That is why the case needs to be in the media. Unfortunately I do not believe this case has a happy ending for anyone.

I agree 110%!!! I find the BW bike scenario very odd w/ it being reported missing and found so quickly; also, the mystery surrounding who found it and how it was returned! There has been more than one story for the simpleness of a missing bike IMO

I also find it interesting that she was studying anthropology, but have yet to find a local studying the same thing. I have a friend who lives in Northern California and an anthropology major. The students (for homework) have to travel to remote parts of the state to discover and collect "work" and not w/ a class---on their own time. She has stated (b/c of where she lives) they have a very hard time finding good remote areas b/c of all the illegal marijuana growers....she found herself stuck in a booby trap at 9pm at night and luckily spoke spanish, explained her situation, and was let go. Other college classes require this kind of after school work as well; photography, art, botany, etc.

I know that seemed off-topic, but if the anthropology students in LA do something of the same, there could be places she has visited (along w/ people she knew) that know one has even thought of b/c it was for "class" or what not. Other students would also know of these places. Just a thought! IMO the perp new MS, but of course you can't let the other options go either.

HAPPY 4TH TO ALL---STAY COOL! It's over 105 here already :-/
I disagree - if this were the case, why would they still be having fund raisers? If they know either where she is, or who "did" the deed, why would they be planning fund raisers for the end of July?

Also - IMO - that is not MS on the bike at the Circle K. Look closely at the bike. The handlebars are much wider on the bike in the picture than in the pictures of MS on her bike with the gold grips. This is just MO and I could be wrong. I think it is just another small blonde on a bike. Like many locals have said, there are a lot of people riding their bikes at 2 a.m.

I will have to look at the picture again.
Be aware that that picture has a lot of horizontal stretching/distortion, which may make the handlebars look significantly wider.
You should all know by now that it's against TOS to copy and paste from posts on social networking pages, i.e., Facebook.

Secondly, many theories can be explored when we exercise discretion. We're not discrete when we post identifying information about an individual and then proceed to speculate about his/her involvement in a crime.


My vision is not what it used to be.
Could this be LEOs?
Or persons fishing?

False alarm.
They had a boat.


Can anyone make out this vehicle. Its just setting there?

Never-mind. Its gone now.
Thank you anyways.
i'm sure this has been discussed but i haven't read every single post in every single thread (i have to sleep sometime!) so my question is, have we determined whether or not the DWT has a front license plate? IIRC, LA is a state that requires front and rear plates, so if the DWT is missing the front plate, it would give pretty good reason to believe it's from out of state (not TX, since they also require both). obviously, someone from LA could be just not using both plates, but that would draw more attention the perp wouldn't want if he were trying to get away with a crime. i admit, i could be remembering incorrectly and LA may only require one. someone let me know? i will mention that Arkansas only requires one plate, and i think Mississippi is the same.
i'm sure this has been discussed but i haven't read every single post in every single thread (i have to sleep sometime!) so my question is, have we determined whether or not the DWT has a front license plate? IIRC, LA is a state that requires front and rear plates, so if the DWT is missing the front plate, it would give pretty good reason to believe it's from out of state (not TX, since they also require both). obviously, someone from LA could be just not using both plates, but that would draw more attention the perp wouldn't want if he were trying to get away with a crime. i admit, i could be remembering incorrectly and LA may only require one. someone let me know? i will mention that Arkansas only requires one plate, and i think Mississippi is the same.

LA only uses a rear plate. This makes it likely that it was a LA truck, though as you mention, other states - especially Mississippi have only one as well. Lots of Mississippi trucks in Lafayette.
LA only uses a rear plate. This makes it likely that it was a LA truck, though as you mention, other states - especially Mississippi have only one as well. Lots of Mississippi trucks in Lafayette.

thanks for clearing that up! i have long felt that every state should require two, even if it is a PITA for vehicle owners, because in cases like this, it could help to have more than one option for seeing the plate and tracking down the POI.
Just my opinion, but a lot of little things add up for me to point toward the idea that the family/LE think they're onto a lead solid enough that public assistance is no longer required. This could mean one of many things - alive/not alive - maybe building a case against someone - maybe having already cut a deal with someone - maybe several other things.

But the silence is deafening, and I pair that with what I consider a notable lack of requests from the family, the PI, or LE for any more public input than they already have.

I am hoping/thinking that the silence may be building to some sort of resolution.

:please: I pray that you're correct; the silence is toward a resolution to bringing Mickey home real soon.
The "social-media team" and the P.R. machine have taken on a life of their own... they have momentum that may not always trace the facts of the case, I'll bet. I am not taking future planned events as definitive evidence of anything. A homegrown operation has grown up around the family, and also the members of it may not be privy to what members of the family may know.

Were the family to know something important, but be required by LE to keep it quiet, then they would have to keep the PR thing going, just to keep the secret.

BBM Not necessarily, They could just clam up, Seems to be working for LE. JMO
BBM Not necessarily, They could just clam up, Seemes to be working for LE. JMO

Agreed. Or, the family could have updates where they tell us there is no new news, but please keep looking for Mickey. So far, the only message we are getting is to send money - support the fundraisers.

And now I'm gonna duck cause I know some people are not going to like that comment. But it is MO - and I don't believe it is against TOS to say it.
Just my opinion, but a lot of little things add up for me to point toward the idea that the family/LE think they're onto a lead solid enough that public assistance is no longer required. This could mean one of many things - alive/not alive - maybe building a case against someone - maybe having already cut a deal with someone - maybe several other things.

But the silence is deafening, and I pair that with what I consider a notable lack of requests from the family, the PI, or LE for any more public input than they already have.

I am hoping/thinking that the silence may be building to some sort of resolution.

You, being a verified local - I value and find your posts most interesting/informative - thanks!

I find it interesting to compare the way LE acted in Sierra Lamar's case to this one...
LE has not been out in front of Mickey's case (but a local may have a different sense of this).

Even while LE in Sierra's case their suspect under surveillance, they when ahead with pressers, and appeared on America's Most Wanted, without letting on..

To me, this is a case of Mickey being in the wrong place at the wrong time; the more irregular/infrequent her trips at night, the more random her attack.
The other thing that bothers me is the fact that right as our suspect truck goes by the Circle K someone is running. I find that odd. I would presume that most people at 2 a.m. are probably more staggering or mellow and not running into a Circle K. If i staked out that particular Circle K on Saturday night at 2 a.m. I wonder how many bicyclists I would see and how many people running across the parking lot I could count. If I lived in Lafayette, I would walk into that Circle K at 2 a.m. on a Saturday night and ask the clerk who was working that night and what they say they saw. Most likely their answer is going to be they cannot talk about it -- but I have a hunch something was going on outside with that white truck and with the person running across that parking lot. I don't work at a Circle k, but I have done security work at 2 a.m. and ain't nobody runnin nowhere. Most of the time I have to prod them to get moving.

I beg to differ. Our bars close at 2am (3am if they pay LE). I worked at a 24 gas station for 3 years when I was 19-22. People run ALL THE TIME, especially at 2a.m. and even more when they are drunk, especially when they are younger!! I run drunk and sober at 2a.m. I've RAN in to pre-pay for other people and I've RAN when I've been by myself b/c I was nervous or just b/c I wanted to get home/to the next party. Also, when someone says "RUN"....people tend to start running lol

Does Circle K sell liquor? Do they have a time they have to quit selling (and do they abide)?!
Praying that this independence day will bring freedom to Mickey from her abductor.
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