ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge;INTERPOL alert #6

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Hi Guys I am the admin over at, and I was told that our site was being discussed over here becuase Luka posted on the forum. I heard there was some confusion that I may have known him because I said " hi Luka" and I wanted to clear that up. The thread I believe that you guys were discussing was this one in which luka posted about his "crime" before he committed it.

I do NOT personally know Luka, I have tried to stay out of and away from Luka Magnotta and his drama since he killed the kittens 2 years ago and he sent a private message to me of the video. He wanted me to post it on my forum. that is how Luka is. I have had a few conversations with him ( but he pretended to not be himself) and he doesn't usually want to post things himself. He will post something deep in the web, and then will send you on a goose chase to go find it so that you will post it yourself. It keeps his trail down I guess.

Every time he has posted on my forum he has used a proxy. The only time he did not was 2 years ago when he was in New York City at a hotel, and probably on their Wifi.

I just wanted you all to know I do not know Luka at all, I have no association with him and I only know of him because he liked to come to my forum and try to get me and others to post about his disgusting sick videos. If anyone has a question or anything please feel free to pm me over on my forum.

Thanks =)
Has anyone been able to find anything out about his biological father, Don or Donald Newman ?
For anyone interested in the current happenings of Jun Lin's family, and what they are going through, here is a sad indication. :(

Jun Lin family's Montreal arrival 'heartbreaking'

Luka Rocco Magnotta, 29, accused of first-degree-murder in Lin's death

CBC News

Posted: Jun 6, 2012 10:34 AM ET

Last Updated: Jun 6, 2012 6:31 PM ET

He described their "heartbreaking" arrival as Lin's mother openly struggled with her grief.

"She was not even able to even walk straight, so we had to carry her," Shi said.

"When we tried to understand what she was saying, all we could make out it was 'we come here to take you home.'"

Community fundraising efforts are underway to help alleviate the possible financial burden related to the tragedy.

Chinese students at Concordia have set up a fund – the Lin Jun Rest In Peace Foundation – to help defray family's expenses while they're here, which is expected to be two or three weeks.
Apologies if this has been posted before. Heartbreaking article...

***DIFFICULT TO READ (not necessarily graphic)***

"Jun Lin's mother could barely be understood amid her sobs but Shi said one message for her murdered son came out clear as a bell — "We come to bring you home now."

Read it on Global News: Global BC | Stricken with grief, family of dismembered man says: 'We come to take you home'"
You are 100% correct. If I had a do-over, I should have just done a facebook page. It did not occur to me as this is not my profession, just something I feel stongly about.

I'm a little scared to see how many "supporters" he'll get on your site. I think that kind of site is encouraging this type of behavior and not necessariy a good idea. All those little dead kittens don't have anyone to speak up for them.

Why not set up a site to defend animal abuse or senseless killings? I don't get your logic? LRM has done enough damage why encourage more of this behavior? Please enough is enough. I think I need to move to another thread now. :banghead:
yea but the justice system does seem to fail with inadequate sentences.. and every year it seems the VPD have atleast 1 incident where lethal force SHOULD NOT have been used..

I know, I know. Canada's not perfect, nor is my own country. But you still have a better system than all the alternatives so far offered by any human civilisation, and so do we.

Anyway, back to Luka the Maggot....I really wish someone could work out where he put Jun Lin's head before it gets found by whoever he mailed it to, or planted it for.
What we can say for certain is this case certainly brought the freaks out of the woodworks. From the guy raising legal funds for him to the animal rights group pretending to be him and posting glamorizing videos. Really makes you shake your head. :banghead: No wonder police take tips from the internet with a grain of salt. They know it can be a freak show.
Universal health care and lack of death penalty in Canada is considered an insult about the U.S.? I certainly didn't read his/her post that way.

Not all Americans support socialized medicine and things like taking away a citizens right to bear arms but that isnt what was at issue, the comment was Canada is superior to the US for such things and that is a bit of an insult yes because most Americans do not want that here. But it is well within that posters right to express herself and how she feels, I just didnt want to take the thread in that direction since it is not about socialized medicine etc. Hence the decision to ignore which I will go back to doing.
What we can say for certain is this case certainly brought the freaks out of the woodworks. From the guy raising legal funds for him to the animal right group pretending to be him and posting glamorizing videos. Really makes you shake your head. :banghead: No wonder police take tips from the internet with a grain of salt. They know it can be a freak show.

Somebody did that? Yikes, that is tasteless indeed.
Apologies if this has been posted before. Heartbreaking article...

***DIFFICULT TO READ (not necessarily graphic)***

"Jun Lin's mother could barely be understood amid her sobs but Shi said one message for her murdered son came out clear as a bell — "We come to bring you home now."

Read it on Global News: Global BC | Stricken with grief, family of dismembered man says: 'We come to take you home'"

Oh, that's heartbreaking. That poor mother, and that should bring us right back to the topic of this thread. Never mind arguments about politics, this should be about the victim and how do we best find justice for him and his family?
Somebody did that? Yikes, that is tasteless indeed.

Yup "HollywoodLoveLetters" and some others were actually an animal rights group purporting to lure him out. Get this... they said they got hits in France and Germany after the fact. Countries with tens of millions of people. :floorlaugh:
That's exactly what I was thinking. I'm wondering now though if the head is destined to be found differently. While everybody is looking at the postal service, he might have found some other way for the head to be discovered?

Not sure if that makes sense, but I'm just trying to think like the Montreal Maggot and frankly nothing he thinks makes any sense.
His choice of destinations for the body parts is the most puzzling to me.

Sending them to political headquarters? I really can't see Magnotta being the least bit astute when it comes to politics, but Jun was a student at Concordia, and the student body certainly has a beef with Quebec politics.

As for sending more parts to two schools in B.C., that's even more puzzling.
Hmmm, I actually see quite a bit of discussion going on both here and other places for people trying to find the truth in this matter, even if that does call into question some of the evidence. And unfortunately, most of the evidence has been brought forth by LM himself.

Shane, can I ask why you feel that LM might not be given fair representation?

True he may be given a legal aid lawyer, but with all the attention that is going to be focused on this case and the trial, LE had better do a complete and comprehensive job PROVING his guilt.

Magnotta wants us to believe he is a millionaire playborn "*advertiser censored*-star." I think its evident thats not the case. Most likely, He will be given a public defender. I think its pretty well-known a public defender is not equal to having a private team of attorneys. With the publicity in this case, the prosecutor will be given unlimited funds and Magnotta will get stuck with an inexperienced lawyer.

Despite what we may think of Magnotta, he deserves to have adequate representation or it will just give him reason to appeal the outcome later. I do NOT want to see some slick lawyer getting him off on a technicality. I just want a fair trial where everything is documented and the truth comes out.
Yup "HollywoodLoveLetters" and some others were actually an animal rights group purporting to lure him out. Get this... they said they got hits in France and Germany after the fact. Countries with tens of millions of people. :floorlaugh:
WOW first I have heard of that, weirdness!
Magnotta wants us to believe he is a millionaire playborn "*advertiser censored*-star." I think its evident thats not the case. Most likely, He will be given a public defender. I think its pretty well-known a public defender is not equal to having a private team of attorneys. With the publicity in this case, the prosecutor will be given unlimited funds and Magnotta will get stuck with an inexperienced lawyer.

Despite what we may think of Magnotta, he deserves to have adequate representation or it will just give him reason to appeal the outcome later. I do NOT want to see some slick lawyer getting him off on a technicality. I just want a fair trial where everything is documented and the truth comes out.

Are you his cousin or something? Maybe an uncle?
What we can say for certain is this case certainly brought the freaks out of the woodworks. From the guy raising legal funds for him to the animal rights group pretending to be him and posting glamorizing videos. Really makes you shake your head. :banghead: No wonder police take tips from the internet with a grain of salt. They know it can be a freak show.

What animal rights group? JVM had a Man on from I think "Alliance for Animals" not sure, but he said they helped in tracking this murderer down by baiting him. He's been killing kittens and who knows what other animals for years, videotaping it and putting it on the internet. Disgusting to say the least. If what they did helped stop his killing of innocent creatures, I totally support it. I don't support setting up a site to collect funds for the creep.
It would really be nice if we could get back to what we should be doing in this thread for....uncovering anything that might help authorities at this point. Do we have some computer savy individuals here who would be able to navigate the deep web and uncover new material as I am certain after the admin from the other site mentioned that this is where Luka spent most of his time.
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