AS lie detector test

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You're right, it was a room at Ronald's, not a hotel. But I seem to recall that it was actually even closer to the hospital than the hotel he stayed at the first night. Also seem to recall, or maybe I just read it again in Ann Rule's book these last few days, that Dina was nowhere to be seen on any of the hospital's surveillance videos either. (!)

If LE in fact used "triangulation", which I strongly doubt because to my knowledge both network and phone based triangulation as well as A-GPS can only be done in real time, then LE would've known the exact location of the phone that night, information the Zahau family could use in their line of questioning during the depositions to come if they have it.

On the other hand, if they merely narrowed it down to the nearest cell repeater, and called that triangulation, as evidenced by the fact that the best statement they can make is that it was "in the vicinity of the hospital", then Gore is either an idiot or a very smart man with reason to believe that most Americans wouldn't even know what triangulation really means. :floorlaugh: 110% agreeWe are all too accustomed to seeing reports of a suspects travels up/down certain roads and believe that came from after-the-fact triangulation. Wrong! That would have been based on merely drawing a line from nearest-repeater to nearest-repeater as the suspect moved along - usually providing enough information to also trace a street route. But that is not triangulation - and
LE cannot possibly prove Dina's exact whereabouts, would have not been able to find contradictions in her statements as to her whereabouts throughout the night if they'd even tried (!), and that would make it much harder to get additional information from her during the depositions. WOW! Double wow!Here is a really short and well-written, even illustrated, article on how triangulation really works:

Thank you STS-135! Fascinating information. You just keep reading Ann Rule's book and make notes on anything that you find curious...FRESH EYES never hurt an investigation. (Many posters have got your six and willing to help you with just ask.)

Thirty-plus years ago, a quadrapalegic woman, former ski champion (YES HER!) reminded me it was so much easier to "just ask for help with the small stuff" so that you had time to accomplish more important goals. (Of course ya'll know that is my excuse for never learning how to post a is so much easier to ask someone else to help me.:blushing:)
Oops, posted this on wrong thread, so have moved it here... Apologies.
Not easy to discern certain AS' words at times. His thoughts often jump nonsensically. All corrections welcome:

News 8 Exclusive - The polygraph examination of Adam Shacknai

Date: 7/13/2011
Time video begins: 7:33:17PM

AS: I think.. I got to reach her and realized I wasn't going to be able to get her off without a knife. You know I tried -- I realized -- quite quickly. You know I realized this thing will happen like this. I went around the back into the house which the door was open. I got a knife with the butcher block thing -- came back out -- cut her down -- and tried called 9-1-1 shortly thereafter -- if not before.

PR: OK. Did you at any point think she was alive?

AS: I'm well.. you know. Call me a can-do person or something -- but -- probably not. But I thought, how would I answer -- for this if I didn't try something. I'm a responsible person.

PR: OK. Tried some CPR?

AS: Yeah

PR: OK. Have you been trained in that? With the boat stuff?

AS: Years and years ago. Not enough to amount to anything.

PR: OK. So, tried some CPR. Now -- and so -- was there anything else unusual? What kind of chain (unintelligible?) was it, like a bed sheet or what?

AS: It was a ******ing rope, man. Red rope. Unless my memory is failing me, you know, something -- it wasn't just something that you would be laying around, somewhere. I wouldn't think.

PR: Alright. So could you tell whether it was a material or something?

AS: Kinda like a Kevlar, synthetic

PR: OK. Like nylon...

AS: Yeah

PR: Or something like that?

PR: OK, and -- so what, there were no shoes, not a stitch on?

AS: Not that I recall

PR: So her hands were hanging down by her side then?

AS: I don't know because here's the thing. I don't remember about her hands. Because after I cut her down I went to take her pulse -- you know -- at some point, which I didn't even do at first. I remember having to get something out of the way -- of her hands -- and that's why I've been asking these detectives and stuff if she was tied up or what. I mean I'm like, I'm kind of in all a blur [cross talk]...

PR: Blur yeah.

AS: You know but -- but I remember having to move something to try to get her pulse out of the way -- you know very much [cross talk]

PR: You don't remember anything unusual?

AS: I don't remember that, but I just -- I fear -- I hope to God she wasn't tied up but -- and again -- I asked the detectives there -- you know -- I don't recall.

PR: Now as far as the CPR. You did the chest compressions and you did blow in her mouth, in her nose?

AS: I got the -- once I got 9-1-1 on the line, I went ahead and blew in her mouth.

PR: OK. And her mouth was open and clear and everything?

AS: I didn't even do all that at first. I should have. I didn't. I didn't do that tilt. I think they said tilt the head back and do that. I didn't do any of that stuff.


AS: I just put my mouth over hers and said **** it, it's my brother's girlfriend and I'll do it. And I did it.

PR: And there was no tape across her mouth or anything like this?

AS: No. There was a ******ing gag in her mouth though.

PR: A gag in her mouth?

AS: Yeah

PR: What was that?

AS: Something, yeah. I had to pull something out of her ****ing mouth. It was like a blue scarf.

[time stamp jumps from 7:36:54PM to 7:40:29PM]

PR: Does it seem to you like it's a suicide then at that point?

AS: YES ABSOLUTELY [AS sits forward in chair, then leans back]

PR: OK, and what makes you think that?

AS: It's just what crossed my mind you know -- just because -- I thought she was THERE, when Max got hurt,supposedly. UM UM -- you know maybe she just can't LIVE with it, you know. I've never been in that situation. I'm not going to -- I can't say that I could, especially if it was someone else's kid, you know.

PR: Did she seem suicidal or anything like that?

AS: No. I don't get -- you know, I mean -- you just don't ever think of that.

[time stamp jumps from 7:40:29PM to 8:11:49PM]

PR: Look straight ahead listen and concentrate on each question.


PR: Only respond yes or no


PR: But the most important thing of all is what?

AS: Be honest?

PR: That's it. Be honest, don't lie, be honest in your answers [unintelligible]

PR: Regarding the death of Rebecca, do you know for sure if anyone did anything to hurt her that resulted in her death?

AS: No

PR: Regarding the death of Rebecca, did you yourself do anything to her that resulted in her death?

AS: No

PR: Regarding the death of Rebecca, were you in that guest room that she was found hanging from at any time during the night?

AS: No

[time stamp jumps from 8:22:47PM to 8:40:19PM]

PR: These are hard tests to do when you're this close to what's going on here like you said...

AS: Yeah

PR: Because it's hard to get rid of that emotional factor

AS: Right

PR: Um, and you could have done a whole lot worse on the test (AS shakes head). And you could have done a whole lot better too.

AS: (makes a psshoo sound - snaps finger)

PR: Based on what I've got here -- we're kind of in the inconclusive range. But it clearly doesn't bother me that much, because I think that if you were (unintelligible) that close, there is no way I could prevent you from giving me SOME reaction. But as far as being involved in it, I am not INCLINED to believe that. Um, but you're definitely not flunking my test, so that's kinda -- somewhat of a good thing.

[Time stamp jumps from 8:41:44PM to 8:44:44PM]

PR: Appreciate your cooperation. I know it's a tough thing to do and certainly appreciate you working with us on this. Wasn't so bad, was it?

AS: It was.

PR: It wasn't as bad as you thought it was going to be though?

AS: It was.

PR: It was?

AS: Yeah.

[Time stamp ends 8:44:56PM]


There were 10 questions. The video only includes 3 of them. Within the first 12 hours Rebecca's death was being investigated as a homicide. AS discovered her body, thus any investigation would consider him a POI. Why is Mr Redden so darn appreciative and accommodating to AS?! Will comment more on this under separate comment.


His statements in bold red font above are not necessarily AH HA moments IMHO, but highly questionable to say the least. Not yours, Carioca. :floorlaugh:
I would like to look at this strange case from the point of view of it being a suicide, as it was finally ruled to be.

It is extremely rare for a suicide to die naked and bound in such a public way. But it does happen. I remember the case of Bill Sparkman, who's suicide perplexed many as it at first seemed a homicide for sure. He was found bound to a tree, hands and feet duct taped, his mouth covered with duct tape, and naked except for his socks. The word "FED" was scrawled on his chest (he was a US Government census taker). He staged his death to look like a homicide so his life insurance payoff would pay to his son, which would not happen if it was ruled a suicide.

Perhaps RZ staged her own suicide to look like a homicide. Perhaps she thought her "good" life was over after the accident, that she would be moved out of the mansion,and out of her boyfriend's life, or be blamed for the accident herself. Who knows what thoughts she had during those last dark hours of her life?

Re: AS's LDT - two things come to mind. First, since he found the body, LE would look long and hard at him as a POI in this bizarre case. Many good defense lawyers would counsel a client to not take a LTD right away! They are unreliable and subject to interpretation and not admissible in court.

Re: AS's jumping on the "suicide" bandwagon so fast. Let's look at the alternative for him: if it was not suicide, then it was a murder; if a murder then that would require LE to look at him, his brother, and everyone in his family circle as possible perpetrators. He went into overdrive to protect his family, as an almost automatic response. It's like asking a Mom if they think their son committed a murder, the first instinct is to say "NO! He wouldn't do that!" Family self preservation response.

This is such a bizarre case, I frankly do not know what to believe for sure.

Wow! Until I read your post I had not ever even thought about such a possibility. Great insight. Disturbing too. Do you or anyone else here know or have any reason to believe that RZ had a private life insurance policy at the time she died? (She wasn't working anymore)?

If she had a life insurance policy that included such a clause, or one that she had only recently acquired and was thus still subject to such a clause (many policies will pay even in the event of suicide but only after X amount of time), it would make me very, very sad if the Zahau family was not completely honest and forthcoming about it.

If she did have a policy, and such info has just not yet been disclosed by LE nor is likely to ever be disclosed by the Zahau family, it could explain (but not in and of itself justify) why LE so quickly arrived at the conclusion that it was suicide.

Did they think she might've sloppily (If we believe no other fingerprints or DNA was recovered.) tried to make it look like murder only so that her family would be able to collect? Or was the policy perhaps in Jonah's name, especially if purchased by Jonah, and that was her way to make reparations to Jonah for allowing his son to die while under her care and watch - and at the same time put Dina in jail?

Didn't Rebecca (and Jonah) practically support her parents and sister/daughter by the time she died? And didn't she also understandably have strong reasons to be mad-as-heck at Dina for interfering so much in her life with Jonah?

If RZ then learned that not only were they both ignoring her those last two days, but now they were both even staying in the same hotel room, could she have tried to pin it on Dina by painting that seemingly tell-tale sign on the door? And on her brother-in-law with the use of the rat-tail stopper knots to bind her arms and legs?

Rebecca wasn't only beautiful and sweet. She was apparently also quite intelligent herself as evidenced by a number of things I've read, some new at least to me - like the quite beautiful and eloquent but sad musings in her journal entries as quoted by Ann Rule.

My sincere apologies to those who might be offended by this post. My intention is only to remain as objective as I possibly can, in spite of strongly believing that it was murder; and, to be able to do so, particularly because I so strongly still believe that it was murder, I must at least entertain all other possibilities too - just like we'd all want LE to do themselves.


Why would Becky be out and about watering the garden? It is my understanding the mansion has/had a sprinkler system.
My wife and I water our flower beds because they were added after the sprinkler system was installed and our potted plants because we are too cheap and lazy to install an irrigation system - and also because we enjoy and find very relaxing the time we spend outside the house watering with a glass of wine in our hand, chatting with neighbors, and generally just enjoying a cool ocean breeze - especially after a long hot summer day. Or maybe she was just out for a walk on the beach across the street and had just returned home to take a shower and go to sleep.

To be perfectly frank, I haven't really spent any time even thinking about the dirt on her feet, let alone researching it. Would you like to please help me do that? Would she have to cross a dirt area when returning from the beach, for example? Were there any dirt areas she could have crossed while walking around the house or in the yard? Or, and I'm gonna really go out on a limb here, could she have been burying something if she in fact committed suicide? Or any dirt areas she would've had to cross if running away from AS if he tried to sexually or otherwise assault her in the guest house?

IMHO the best thing to do is to just let your imagination run wild, ask yourself all the questions you possibly can, even if they don't seem to make any sense at all, then do your absolute best to answer each of them as honestly as you can and in as simple a way as possible. Good luck. Let me know if I can help in some way. Private message would be fine too if you just want to compare notes or fully develop new ideas.
Not only that but it was AFTER 8pm at night on Tuesday. Why would anyone be watering plants in the middle of the night even if they didn't have a sprinkler system? That makes NO sense. To me, it is obvious someone's trying to throw curve balls and everything including the kitchen sink into the mix in order to obfuscate the facts and confuse peeps who are not familiar with the evidence in this case. I also believe this person is attempting to mock and taunt some gullible peeps. All IMO.
To you and the team at large, please keep in mind, as I've already posted before, that I am practically completely new to Rebecca's case, having spent a comparatively insignificant amount of time even trying to stay current on the case when it happened two years ago. I have only recently made a commitment, as surely I have already demonstrated by now, to spend as much time as I possibly can coming up to speed and shedding light where I can. Isn't that why we are all here, to analyze and discuss all the facts, all the evidence known to us, to look for more clues, regardless of where it might lead?

If you can't handle the fear of discovering that the truth might not be what any of us on Rebecca's board want it to be, nor apparently the heavy burden of doing anything meaningful to assist in some small way, then please just put me on ignore. I've been and will continue to work my a$$ off to collaboratively find that one small clue we (or should I say you?) might've all missed these last two years. It is up to you whether you want to be a part of the team or work against it instigating discord with your childish accusations.
"Where you came and got the kid the other day"
"Got a girl, hung herself."

Adam was in a panicky state when he made the 911 call. Perhaps that accounts for his wording. When I say the words in those 2 sentences, I feel a complete emotional disconnect
from both of those human beings. Their humanity disappears. I find it interesting if nothing else.

Adam TEXTS Jonah after 'finding' Rebecca. Jonah does not return the communication. Wow.

Dina is making a lot of noise. It is easy to focus mostly on her. When I look at the bare bones/ basic facts about Adam, I am suspicious about why he flew there in the first place.
I am keeping an open mind about it. JMO

According to Ann Rule's book and various other sources, they spoke on the phone - twice, if I recall correctly. Where did the aforementioned theory originate? If you can please point me to it, I'd really appreciate it.
I have been here from the beginning and even though may have speculated on AS's part in this, after taking time out and listening to his 911 call don't feel he had anything to do with this and I think he was just thrown into this unsuspectingly. I wouldn't quote Ann Rule as an expert on this as there were factually wrong things in her book. To be honest I don't know what to make of his interview, I think if we saw the whole thing it would make all the difference in the world, but in this case we only get bits and pieces and I find it hard to find him involved, now the twin sisters that's a different story. IMO
It's difficult to make an assessment about someone from a few brief comments made under the stress of a polygraph and a gruesome death scene. It's best to have a complete picture of someone's functioning when making assessments about their interpersonal interactions, language, syntax, etc.

Having said this, I (and many others) agree that at a minimum, AS's public statements and polygraph interactions are quite odd-- EVEN in the face of such a stressful situation. I have personally wondered if AS has some type of emotional/ behavioral disability (high functioning) such as being on the autism spectrum. I wonder how large the crew is on his tugboat job, and how much he has to interact in that environment. He may have gravitated to a type of job where he doesn't have to have much interaction with others, due to his odd personality and interactive habits. Just speculation.

All of his comments, including the blunt admission about his masturbation activities, and the comments to LE about his "bedside manner", demonstrate a rather flat, socially inappropriate, and disconnected pattern of interaction, IMO. His syntax is peculiar. He may communicate more appropriately in less stressful situations, and deteriorate to this flat and disconnected inappropriate pattern under stress. I personally cannot attribute this odd pattern of interaction to Ambien use.

One of the things that nags at me when I think of AS and something like the possibility high functioning autism, or some other Axis II disorder, is the potential for someone like this to be manipulated by others. Even very odd people can be "vulnerable adults". And when I think of Dina's and Jonah's involvement and interest with the autism population and therapy programs, I wonder if AS fits into that interest somewhere. It also would make sense to me why Jonah immediately kicked into "protect Adam" mode the day of Rebecca's death, when he urgently called Paul Pfingst. PP essentially dropped whatever he was doing to attend to Jonah's request to vigorously protect Adam from questioning, and PP even showed up at the death scene inside the crime tape- many hours before the ME arrived. (Huge conflict of interest, IMO.) Jonah didn't hire PP to protect himself-- he hired PP for Adam's interests. That speaks volumes to me about what Jonah's concerns were that day. And I think Jonah did not answer that strange text from Adam on purpose-- Jonah knew how odd it was to get a text like that, IMO.

IMO, Adam could be vulnerable to being manipulated by someone with Dina's background in social skills training for people with autism. Jonah may have suspected this as well. Particularly in a crisis or emergency situation, or a murder.

And AS has always seemed to be very "scripted" when he has been discussing Rebecca's hanging-- he is very vague and wishy washy about EVERYTHING except his "certainty" that Rebecca "hung herself". That alone is VERY odd and suspicious, IMO. From the very first 911 call, he is the one who started the "hung herself" narrative.

Adam has never sought out the media. He has been pretty much entirely silent since Rebecca's death. He had no ax to grind with Rebecca. But Dina most certainly did. IMO.

The THANKS button alone would not do your professional opinion justice.

While reading your post I remembered having read a reference somewhere, no idea where or how long ago, to the effect that Maxie might've suffered from some form of autism. Do such disorders run in families? Is it possible that, if Maxie suffered such a disability, it could've in fact played a role in his accident? And, if the answer to that is 'yes, do you care and have the time to please speculate as to how?

If this has already been asked and/or discussed before, please just point me in the right direction because I sure don't want to waste your valuable time.

Thank you STS-135! Fascinating information. You just keep reading Ann Rule's book and make notes on anything that you find curious...FRESH EYES never hurt an investigation. (Many posters have got your six and willing to help you with just ask.)

Thirty-plus years ago, a quadrapalegic woman, former ski champion (YES HER!) reminded me it was so much easier to "just ask for help with the small stuff" so that you had time to accomplish more important goals. (Of course ya'll know that is my excuse for never learning how to post a is so much easier to ask someone else to help me.:blushing:)

DAMN IT, iQuestion, you've made a grown man cry. If only I'd known you then... Then again, it probably would not have made a difference because I lacked the backbone and persistence of the Zahau family... Yes, you are absolutely right, we need to work on this case together - or dare I say both cases?

We need to get organized. We need to list and prioritize all the red flags, all the clues, be it inconsistencies or just odd behavior. Learn from all the experts. Help them apply their knowledge. Collectively and efficiently look for answers, in a methodical and thorough fashion. And, then, if and only if and when the team agrees that we might be on to something; and that it's been already fully developed and confirmed to a reasonable extent, share it with the Zahau family and/or their legal team. If we are not willing to do all of the above, and no doubt much more that I've missed and the experts can please point out, then why even be here? Either we want to make a real difference or we are indeed just gloating. Are we no better than all them A$$H013S who slow down just to catch a glimpse of the victims?!

On the other hand, my wife is probably right, it's doubtful that the Zahaus and/or their legal team would have the time or even the inclination to truly examine any information we provide for themselves. Given the notoriety of the case, they must no doubt be already bored out of their minds with the myriad so-called tips they've likely already received from quacks the like of - never mind, in addition to all of the above, Rebecca and Maxie both also need us all to please, please remain civil.

Back to the case(s), my wife's other concern is as follows: Would I (and I really do mean 'we' but she is of course only talking to me!) potentially be only wasting their valuable time and precious few resources pursuing any so-called leads we might be able to provide - if any?! And, even if they did, could I (we) not potentially inadvertently lead them astray somehow if they do research and also end up erroneously believing what we provide?

These are not possibilities to be taken lightly. The first two (possible lack of interest and wasting resources) I had already discussed with my wife several times these last few days. But I had not given any thought to the third one (inadvertently leading them astray) until I read Bourne's post. At least in that regards, he does have a very valid point. It does seem a bit arrogant on my (our too?!) part(s) to believe that I (we) can provide any help at all, or at least help that they surely must already have. Maybe I better take him off ignore...
STS -135, We 've already discussed many of these theories here. You may want to go back and read some of the discussions in previous threads.

If RZ had any kind of life insurance, SDSO would have mentioned that fact, sinces it would have helped their theory of suicide as the COD. SDSO had no reason to hide any information that might put RZ in a bad light.
TO WEBSLEUTHS ADMINS/MODERATORS: Please consider requiring that all new-comers first read literally thousands of posts spread across dozens of threads over two years, before we are allowed to post to this or any forum. BTW, while I have your attention, can you please point me to the USELESS button?
STS -135, We 've already discussed many of these theories here. You may want to go back and read some of the discussions in previous threads.

If RZ had any kind of life insurance, SDSO would have mentioned that fact, sinces it would have helped their theory of suicide as the COD. SDSO had no reason to hide any information that might put RZ in a bad light.

I have to believe that you either never read or already forgot the arrogant and outright threatening letter that wannabe cop Gore sent the Zahau family - or was it their attorney?

Please try searching all those same threads you referred me to earlier using an explicit query like "letter and Gore". If it doesn't return any valid results, then try using only the term "letter". If that returns far more posts than you wanted to have to read, then try looking only at the posts with file attachments.

As an alternative, of course, I personally wouldn't see anything wrong with just posting your request for assistance here to save time. Surely a number of self-respecting sleuths out there either have the letter handy or saved the URL to their case files. Or should we all just ignore your request and refer you to all them threads and wait for you to come back next year? You decide.
To you and the team at large, please keep in mind, as I've already posted before, that I am practically completely new to Rebecca's case, having spent a comparatively insignificant amount of time even trying to stay current on the case when it happened two years ago. I have only recently made a commitment, as surely I have already demonstrated by now, to spend as much time as I possibly can coming up to speed and shedding light where I can. Isn't that why we are all here, to analyze and discuss all the facts, all the evidence known to us, to look for more clues, regardless of where it might lead?

If you can't handle the fear of discovering that the truth might not be what any of us on Rebecca's board want it to be, nor apparently the heavy burden of doing anything meaningful to assist in some small way, then please just put me on ignore. I've been and will continue to work my a$$ off to collaboratively find that one small clue we (or should I say you?) might've all missed these last two years. It is up to you whether you want to be a part of the team or work against it instigating discord with your childish accusations.

Frankly speaking, there are many clues (or facts) that have been enumerated on various lists on this forum over the last two years. The problem is that SDSO stonewalled the questioning by the Zahau family repeatedly when they brought up those many clues/facts. And having followed this myself for two years, THAT is the problem with this non-investigation. Seems that San Diego has more dirty issues with its government bureaus than just the Mayor's office. It sickens me.
The THANKS button alone would not do your professional opinion justice.

While reading your post I remembered having read a reference somewhere, no idea where or how long ago, to the effect that Maxie might've suffered from some form of autism.

(Snipped for relevance.)

I don't want to get off topic on the Adam Shacknai thread, but I'll respond to your question.

I have read that speculation as well, but I personally don't believe Max displayed any evidence of autism from what has been shared about him. He was, from all indications, a very bright, loving, active, little boy, and displayed precocious soccer ability. Dina and Jonah took him everywhere-- including, as Dina has boasted, to the floor of the stock exchange. No one has reported inappropriate social interactions from him-- and he played soccer with kids a year older than he was. That requires at least appropriate social skills. He was in regular classes at an exclusive private school-- typically small private schools cannot provide the resources that autistic and EBD children require. It seems very unlikely that Max was on the autism spectrum, IMO.

It would seem, from Dina's descriptions, and others, that he was accustomed to rough and tumble play (like many, if not most 6 yo boys), and Dina has said that it was common for "outside" toys to be all over inside of her home, as they were in the Coronado home. It appears that he was allowed to ride an outdoor scooter inside the Coronado home upstairs, with the knowledge and consent of the adults (Jonah, in particular). I think it's possible that he was a very indulged child, with fairly lax parenting and safety rules that may have contributed to his very sad and unfortunate accident. I think it's also possible other kids were involved or knew what happened with his fall--- and it's just as possible he fell alone doing whatever he was doing. I don't think anyone tried to intentionally hurt him. I think that is beyond preposterous.
Because that's what most women would do when about to take a shower. Why would she also need to take off her rubber bracelets? If she was out and about watering the garden that hot, brightly lit (almost a full moon with 98% illumination) summer evening, taking a shower when finished is to me perfectly reasonable and would also explain the mud on her feet.

If she took a shower, SHE WOULD NOT HAVE MUD ON HER FEET! And, even if she did do the gardening, SHE WOULDN'T DO IT BAREFOOT. And, if she did have "muddy feet", why aren't there muddy "bare" foot prints across the kitchen floor?

RZ's feet were, IMO, muddied when she was trying to get away. Also, women do not take off their earrings and rings to take a shower. As for the black plastic "Bionic band" on her wrist, would it surprise anyone to know JS also wears the SAME band on his wrist? I have seen photos with it on his wrist with RZ and MS. The black Bionic band, btw, is distributed nationwide by a man who has his business in Phoenix! (I have researched lots and lots, but tend not to share all of it....always keeping little details in a notebook, just in case the subject comes up. And, NOW the subject came up.)

Some people "mock" or ridicule individuals who purchase those magnetic bands. I think the person who kept it on RZ's wrist, left them on to "mock & riducule the wearer(s). Just as I have felt the $300+ "sushi" knives left in the room were also chosen to "mock and ridicule." (Check out the prices on the Mako knives....more like something one might receive as a high-end wedding gift. hmmm)

Do I think the killer was sending/leaving lots of sick clues? betcha!

I'm trying very hard to organize my thoughts...and I take "no offense" to being told I write in "code.":blushing: It is my personal failing, and I want more than anything for my posts to be thought provoking...not confusiing. Nite to all of you dear posters. I think you are so smart, so caring and only want to add to the collective process. Not take anything away. IQ
If she took a shower, SHE WOULD NOT HAVE MUD ON HER FEET! And, even if she did do the gardening, SHE WOULDN'T DO IT BAREFOOT. And, if she did have "muddy feet", why aren't there muddy "bare" foot prints across the kitchen floor?

RZ's feet were, IMO, muddied when she was trying to get away. Also, women do not take off their earrings and rings to take a shower. As for the black plastic "Bionic band" on her wrist, would it surprise anyone to know JS also wears the SAME band on his wrist? I have seen photos with it on his wrist with RZ and MS. The black Bionic band, btw, is distributed nationwide by a man who has his business in Phoenix! (I have researched lots and lots, but tend not to share all of it....always keeping little details in a notebook, just in case the subject comes up. And, NOW the subject came up.)

Some people "mock" or ridicule individuals who purchase those magnetic bands. I think the person who kept it on RZ's wrist, left them on to "mock & riducule the wearer(s). Just as I have felt the $300+ "sushi" knives left in the room were also chosen to "mock and ridicule." (Check out the prices on the Mako knives....more like something one might receive as a high-end wedding gift. hmmm)

Do I think the killer was sending/leaving lots of sick clues? betcha!

I'm trying very hard to organize my thoughts...and I take "no offense" to being told I write in "code.":blushing: It is my personal failing, and I want more than anything for my posts to be thought provoking...not confusiing. Nite to all of you dear posters. I think you are so smart, so caring and only want to add to the collective process. Not take anything away. IQ

What if she'd just barely made it into the bathroom as Dina walked in on her? That would explain why the mud was there, no? I often work in my garden barefooted, don't wear gloves, or dust masks either, I like the feel of the soil against the soles of my feet, the smell of the plants and flowers, etc. As for the lack of fooprints in the kitchen, she woud've no doubt wiped her feet before entering the house, which might explain why the mud is more visible around the edges of her soles.

I'm not saying that's how it went down, only that I still don't see why it would not be possible that she too walked barefooted as she tended to the garden. It was apparently a beautiful summer evening with a moon only one day short of a full moon (98% illumination); I can easily see me out there watering some plants or otherwise tending to them, while I dring some wine and unwind - even after dark, in fact, long after dark.

Heck, we have a neighbor who prefers to do his own lawn and, do you care to guess when he normally does it? Anywhere from around 9 PM when he normally gets home all the way up until on rare occasions closer to midnight. I am well aware that it probably sounds like BS and you might think that I'm making it up; but, no, that's exactly what he does. And, to my knowledge, no one in the neighborhood has ever complained - he's just such a nice guy (otherwise).

But back to the case, why do we all seem to believe that it was dry mud anyway? Only because LE said it? Really, I mean, really?!... If it's been discussed already, somebody please cut me a break and tell me where. But please don't insult me by simply reminding me of all the old threads. By where I mean the actual posts, or approximate dates, because the search capabilities on this site are HORRIBLE, practically useless.

No results, no results, no results, even after having already verified that such posts do in fact exist by manually and very inefficiently searching them. And why must we wait 15 seconds between searches? I need to be able to do at least five or more searches in 15 seconds as I refine my queries, not one every 15 seconds. I'm having better luck finding posts on this site using Google. Any Websleuths SYS ADMINS reading this? Please don't give me an answer, just lift the 15 second limiter ASAP, or at least please reduce it to 3 to 5 seconds if you must (for reasons which, yes, of course I understand).

Now back to the case again, my wife says that is so true, she does not remove her earrings to take a shower. She does, however, remove her rings when she's wearing them (No, we've never once wore wedding bands in 30 years!). Wow, for some reason it seems as thought it might be helpful if we could make sense of those dirty feet, agree to make it the next priority?

And, on that note, iQuestion, what are you still doing at the doughnut shop apologizing for your fabulously insightful and helpful posts? Didn't you offer to help?... Well, how soon can you please get started?!...


I'm only kidding, iQuestion. BTW, I love your alias. Yes, question indeed. Now I really have to get some sleep or I'm going to lose my sanity, or my wife. See you all again when she allows me to get near a computer again.

Good luck with the recruiting, iQuestion.

Good night, or rather, good morning everybody!
I strongly disagree with both of the statements above. Adam wasn't shaking his head. One second he's moving his head forward as his body language actually emphasizes the word "no". The video then jumps to a point much later in time when his head is already in a different position. It happens again each time. And when he's shaking his head in regards to running into the house, please keep in mind that by then he's already been under questioning for at least an hour and probably already answered the exact same questions twice if not three time. In all fairness to Adam, I would've probably have also been shaking my head in frustration by then.

For me the only two AH HA moments in such a short video excerpt, unlikely to prove truly representative of the full length two-hour video, are when he states matter-of-factly that he believes it to be a suicide and not remembering anything about Rebecca being tied. He seems desperate to convince LE that it was a suicide, to the extent of readily agreeing to take the poly because he is such a can-do kind-of-guy, yet claims that he can't even remember if Rebecca was bound.

And why does he keep fidgeting in the chair so much, did he keep forgetting that he probably put his keys or other sharp objects in his back pockets to defeat the poly?

Where's the 'puke' smiley when you need it?!...

And let's not forsake the obvious crucified hero shot(s) (for all you actors out there).
Not only that but it was AFTER 8pm at night on Tuesday. Why would anyone be watering plants in the middle of the night even if they didn't have a sprinkler system? That makes NO sense. To me, it is obvious someone's trying to throw curve balls and everything including the kitchen sink into the mix in order to obfuscate the facts and confuse peeps who are not familiar with the evidence in this case. I also believe this person is attempting to mock and taunt some gullible peeps. All IMO.


Yep. Interesting how Rebecca Zahau Nalepa's forum attracts and draws in the freaks. It never ceases to amaze me.

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