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Don't you mean webbsleuths?? Did SkankySue own Cybersleuths?

Hir income from the boards, the 40k from the NE....(heaven knows how much more the NE payed her for her "inside knowledge".

Still practicing law GSquared?

No, I meant cybersleuths. :) Cybersleuths sold for 40k around the time Mr. and Mrs. Bennett filed for bankruptcy. Mrs. Bennett's website, webbsleuths, and her files, and all her information on the Ramsey case are worth something, imho, at least more than the $200 their computer was valued at. They didn't report that a website was owned, or the income from it, or copyrighted material which she had at that time, or any of the other crapola she sells online or off, on the bankruptcy forms.

The forms specifically asked for trade names. They did not report "jameson."

I wish gsquared would report this! I should have. I used to have the web address for where to report suspected bankbrupcy fraud for jameson's area, but don't anymore. And after three years, it may be too late. Maybe AMES can find out more about it.

But it would be cool if someone reported it.
Thanks, Ames. PM me. I printed out the terms of service on Jam's site yesterday. It clearly states her policy on charging for the right to post prior to 2008. She accepted payment by check or paypal. If she did not declare that income to the IRS or declare it on her bankruptcy filing, she could be in a big pile of trouble.

Check your pm's, I gave you a link to click on, to fill out a form and send in by mail, or fax....BUT...if you want the Tax Fraud Tip Hotline number..I am going to post it here for anyone else that is interested. Any of the ones that you decide to can remain anonymous...of course.

I did a little research...

Jammy can get fined and up to five years in the slammer if she did not declare her forum income on her bankruptcy filing. And don't even get me started on the trouble she will be in with the IRS if she failed to declare her forum income with them.

Could you please let me know how you otained the info on the bankrupcy It has nothing to do with this case but we know someone who lied out their behinds about assets of their and they were worth actually quite a bit then when all that mass filing took place suddenly they were worth nothing had nothing etc. Yet I know they did not claim all their time shares and well lots of stuff. Now honest hard working people who have had grave misfortune occur cannot file even under dire circumstance. That does not seem right as they are lounging over in Hawaii right now in one of those time shares. Not sure Id do anything with the information but itd be nice to know how to go about things if we ever had justification to do so.
Could you please let me know how you otained the info on the bankrupcy It has nothing to do with this case but we know someone who lied out their behinds about assets of their and they were worth actually quite a bit then when all that mass filing took place suddenly they were worth nothing had nothing etc. Yet I know they did not claim all their time shares and well lots of stuff. Now honest hard working people who have had grave misfortune occur cannot file even under dire circumstance. That does not seem right as they are lounging over in Hawaii right now in one of those time shares. Not sure Id do anything with the information but itd be nice to know how to go about things if we ever had justification to do so.

My husband deals with this in his job. Alot of people will put all of their assets in just one person's name...husband OR wife...and the other will file bankruptcy. That is just one way that people do it.
No, I meant cybersleuths. :) Cybersleuths sold for 40k around the time Mr. and Mrs. Bennett filed for bankruptcy. Mrs. Bennett's website, webbsleuths, and her files, and all her information on the Ramsey case are worth something, imho, at least more than the $200 their computer was valued at. They didn't report that a website was owned, or the income from it, or copyrighted material which she had at that time, or any of the other crapola she sells online or off, on the bankruptcy forms.

The forms specifically asked for trade names. They did not report "jameson."

I wish gsquared would report this! I should have. I used to have the web address for where to report suspected bankbrupcy fraud for jameson's area, but don't anymore. And after three years, it may be too late. Maybe AMES can find out more about it.

But it would be cool if someone reported it.

Yes, it can be reported either by fax, mail or hotline number...and whoever can be done anonymously. BUT..there HAS to be proof. The caller will not get into trouble if there is NOT any proof, but for there to be a followup..there has to be proof of fraud.
My husband deals with this in his job. Alot of people will put all of their assets in just one person's name...husband OR wife...and the other will file bankruptcy. That is just one way that people do it.

Ames I will go PM to you tommorow. I will keep it as brief as possible.
Yes, I am still working. If I win the lottery I will retire, move to France, and eat foie gras every day. Wishful thinking...

Jams made a reference to me as "an attorney at one point." I don't know what she meant by that but perhaps she was inferring that I had been disbarred or something. No such thing has happened. I am in good standing in the states where I am admitted to practice.

I don't wish to get too wrapped up in this. I haven't been to the forums in quite a while and I only popped in because I googled my own name and discovered that Jams was back on the warpath. I have done nothing to her and have not posted for years so I don't understand why she had her outburst.

Just FYI, if you suspect bankruptcy fraud of anyone, you can google the bankruptcy court where they filed and there will be a link to email tips about fraud.
Yes, I am still working. If I win the lottery I will retire, move to France, and eat foie gras every day. Wishful thinking...

Jams made a reference to me as "an attorney at one point." I don't know what she meant by that but perhaps she was inferring that I had been disbarred or something. No such thing has happened. I am in good standing in the states where I am admitted to practice.

I don't wish to get too wrapped up in this. I haven't been to the forums in quite a while and I only popped in because I googled my own name and discovered that Jams was back on the warpath. I have done nothing to her and have not posted for years so I don't understand why she had her outburst.

Just FYI, if you suspect bankruptcy fraud of anyone, you can google the bankruptcy court where they filed and there will be a link to email tips about fraud.

Really ? Well... that is all i wanted to know. The rest is to decide if the courts allow you to keep all your property and wealth and clear all your debt if so I could be wrong.
I think that is it very informative from her paperwork that the lead mouthpiece for the Ramseys is not only a home schooling, bread-baking mother, but also a cashier down at the local convenience store!
I think that is it very informative from her paperwork that the lead mouthpiece for the Ramseys is not only a home schooling, bread-baking mother, but also a cashier down at the local convenience store! thinks that she must be bored, so she leads a double life.
Hello Posters-

I hope all of you are well. I have not posted in quite some time. I basically quit many years ago, dropped in briefly when the John Mark Karr mess hit the news, and dropped out again after that. I am here to ask a favor.

If any of you have old posts by "she-who-must-not-be-named" attacking me by reference to my real name or "hat" I would very much appreciate it if you could send those to me. You can reach me through a PM on this forum. I don't know how many of the old timers are still around. If you know of other forums where the old timers might be found, please PM the URLs to me. I would very much appreciate any info.

Best wishes to all-

Hi Gsquared,

good to hear from you again after such a long time. I have read every 'Patricia Letter' posted on the ACR site, and am convinced that "she-who-must-not-be-named" was behind the hoax.
You did some excellent sleuthing linking her to the letters.
Like for example:
"Please pass the following info to the group: At one point in all this "afriend" business, at about the time I went to Boulder in early September, Jameson made a big phone scene with Mike Tracey and said she couldn't talk to him anymore if he was going to be friends with me. So, for about three (blessed, LOL) weeks, Mike did not hear from Jams. After about three weeks, Jams couldn't stand it anymore, and called Mike. Shortly thereafter, Mike told me that someone else (whom I don't want to name as she does not wish it known that she was one of friend's pen pals) recevied an email from "afriend" wherein "afriend" said that she had recently spoken to Mike by phone. Mike had NOT talked to Patsy for many months at the time, but HAD JUST HEARD from Jams after what, for Jams, was a long absence.

It was eery that you got one more letter from one of the Patricia email addresses after Karr had beeen arrested and was in prison.
I wouldn't pout it post ScammySue to have made another sick joke there.
Yes, I am still working. If I win the lottery I will retire, move to France, and eat foie gras every day. Wishful thinking...

Jams made a reference to me as "an attorney at one point." I don't know what she meant by that but perhaps she was inferring that I had been disbarred or something. No such thing has happened. I am in good standing in the states where I am admitted to practice.

I don't wish to get too wrapped up in this. I haven't been to the forums in quite a while and I only popped in because I googled my own name and discovered that Jams was back on the warpath. I have done nothing to her and have not posted for years so I don't understand why she had her outburst.

Just FYI, if you suspect bankruptcy fraud of anyone, you can google the bankruptcy court where they filed and there will be a link to email tips about fraud.

Any updates? Hopefully, hir announcement of closing her HellHole had something you do with your efforts! Of course - In addition, to the trouble she caused to the Whites this year.......:furious:
Sky Dog Died??!!?? I met him many years ago at JBF picnic in Boulder. Shucks man, life sucks.
Mapek and Panico were there as well.
Mame and Masked Man were also there. They walked off to have a private chat. You could tell that when they came back they were itching for folks to ask them questions
I think that is it very informative from her paperwork that the lead mouthpiece for the Ramseys is not only a home schooling, bread-baking mother, but also a cashier down at the local convenience store!$,intere$ting,i$n't it....what this case has been all about to her.
Sky Dog Died??!!?? I met him many years ago at JBF picnic in Boulder. Shucks man, life sucks.
Mapek and Panico were there as well.
Mame and Masked Man were also there. They walked off to have a private chat. You could tell that when they came back they were itching for folks to ask them questions

If true, I am sorry that you had to find out this way, I was informed by Seeker instead of someone from CS and have no real details........

And I'm also sorry that you had to eyeball mame, but I do appreciate you making that connection for me! I would love to hear more about that first get-together from someone that was there though if you feel up to elaborating. Like - were they leading the Q&A's? I understand that fugative Lee Hill was also there......$,intere$ting,i$n't it....what this case has been all about to her.

She identifies with the Ramseys on some level.......why else would she be so devoted?! :snake:
RR see FF genuflecting. You are an icon to me when it comes to JFJBR. I have to shake the cobb webs out of my head about that day and will report back. Oh, Reporter was also there. There was also a woman there named Jane, had something to to do with Boulder County law.
Ring any bells? I didn't notice Limp Wad but Creg (Greg) Silverman was there with his wife and infant son. We shared salsa recipes.
River Rat,

While I am saddened by Sky Dog's demise I'm glad you posted it. What a gentle spirit with a bit of the elf. RIP.
River Rat,

My memories about that day...When MM and Mame walked off Mapek whispered they were having secret talks about the case. When they came back they and their answers were elusive. Like they were hoarding info while smurlking (sp) at us low lifes. They didn't stay long and I remember having non-case related chat with Panico and Reorter.
River Rat,

My memories about that day...When MM and Mame walked off Mapek whispered they were having secret talks about the case. When they came back they and their answers were elusive. Like they were hoarding info while smurlking (sp) at us low lifes. They didn't stay long and I remember having non-case related chat with Panico and Reorter.

I'm so jealous! Not about the Suma sighting of course, but to have been at the first Boulder gathering would have been another honor for me as I understand that there were plenty of fine folks there like yourself to make up for those there with an agenda besides Justice For JonBenet.....:clap:

I still have not had any further confirmation regarding SkyDog - only repeating what I was told by someone that was not a representative that took over CyberSleuths, so take it for what it's worth as I now have to. :(

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