Astrology itself is 5 thousand years old and the rulerships of the days of the week are ancient too, although not THAT old. So when you work with the days and plan your own day around the planet who is in charge, feel comfort and history in the fact that you are following a very, very old tradition. Centuries and centuries old.
Sunday is, no surprise, ruled by the Sun. It is good for promoting a search for a missing person because it lends significance and publicity to your Websleuth cause. It is also a fairly good choice for interrogations because it puts the spotlight on the respondent. You can watch his or her body language too. Obtain permission or favors from those in authority.
Monday is ruled by the Moon, abbreviated to "Mon" in the name we give the day in English. It is good for dealing with female witnesses and defendants and also, victims. If you want to make an essential change in your strategy or the location you are searching or in a procedure you are following, Monday is choice. It is a good day to examine fluids connected with a case or to search ponds and lakes.
Tuesday is ruled by Mars; in fact in France it is known as mardi. Optimal day for investigation of a crime scene or motives, means and opportunity. You can pierce the impenetrable on the day given to Mars. It is an appropriate day to combat your adversaries' claims with vigor but go over all your arguments for errors. Any action under Mars may be error prone if one rushes and fails to double check sources. Sadly, many acts of violence occur on Tuesday and in courts across the land, criminal matters are heard on Tuesdays.
Wednesday or Woden's Day is under Mercury and in France is called mercredi. This is a good day to file or release documents and to talk to the media or submit reports to the media. Wednesday is an excellent day to bend your mind to the case, ponder and sort out details and how these details fit together or do not. It is a good day to reach people who may have witnessed a crime. Ask involved parties if they are sure of their statements or need to make a change. Go over documents to try to assemble all pertinent facts into a reasoned whole. You can find mistakes and ambiguities on Wednesdays and correct them. It's fine to take statements from persons of interest or witnesses but realize that theirs may not be the final word or true. Memory is farther reaching, so press for recall.
Thursdays are under Jupiter. Luck is with you! Some findings yield more evidence than ever expected, greater results. What is in prepared documents has heavier impact among the readers on Thursday. Judgment is superior on Thursday to what it might have been on a hung-over Monday. Resources that you use are more reliable and richer in detail or history. Thursdays are days when you can put your experience and book knowledge to better use and see more connections. If you have to travel to a site that is pertinent to the case or to a new crime scene, Thursdays are excellent. Testimony is more dependable on Thursday.
Friday is ruled by Venus. Many matters are polished and completed on Friday. Some trivia is rounded off so as not to exhaust the audience or readers. If you need to ask a favor or exert compassionate pressure on someone tangentially involved in a crime, you draw better results on a Friday. You can judge how various parties feel toward one another with more than your usual sensitivity on Fridays. There is a keeness about how much money or energy to expend on a pursuit that is necessary to the case--or not. If you have to appeal to someone's emotions to gain cooperation, choose Friday.
Plea bargains are achieved on this day and compromise is in the air. Chat people up and see what falls out.
Saturdays are, no surprise, under Saturn. This is the day to devote yourself to structure, system and organisation, also the deadly serious facets of a case. If you sense that a particular figure is feeling guilt or should be, approach from that angle today. Someone who is fearful may be induced to spill information. This is also a good day to assess how resistant and defiant a suspect is and how possible it might be to "crack" his or her defenses. If there is a plug ugly, dirty job to do relative to a case, tackle it on Saturn's day.
Overall, rake up physical evidence on Tuesdays, gather oral and written information on Wednesday, submit it to your comprehensive examination on Thursday and sort it into order on Saturday.