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UPDATED: Bounty Hunter “Not Invited” To Caylee Memorial
Sunday, February 08, 2009 7:34:52 AM

When News 13 asked why Cindy Anthony would not want Padilla there, he replied, "It's a battle of the titans. She figures it's Cindy's memorial, not Caylee's, so she can invite and disinvite who she wants. If she wants to disinvite me, I've got no problem with that."
"I'll probably be over on Suburban [Drive], at that particular location, and pay my respects there to Caylee," Padilla said, referring to the spot where Caylee's remains were discovered in December.

Padilla &#8220;Disinvited&#8221;: VIDEO &#8220;Disinvited&#8221;

IN HER OWN WORDS: Cindy Anthony says Caylee 'will be watching over so many other children'
February 8, 2009

Cindy Anthony wrote this eulogy to her slain granddaughter Caylee Marie Anthony for publication in the Orlando Sentinel &#8212; her first public comments since the toddler's death was confirmed in December. A public memorial service is Tuesday.

<snipped respectfully>
Caylee Marie Anthony has captivated the hearts of so many people over the course of the last several months. Many feel a great loss for a beautiful child that they never had the opportunity to meet. They quickly fell in love with her beauty and her charming ways, as she read a story to her ailing great-grandfather, whom she loved very much.
For those who fell in love with Caylee Marie on national TV, their grief is only temporary, their hearts will soon mend, and their memory of her may eventually fade. But for those who actually had the honor to meet Caylee Marie, it will be much more difficult for them to say goodbye, and their hearts may never heal.

Caylee's life may have been short-lived on this earth, but her life will not have ended without a purpose. She will be sadly missed but never forgotten. Caylee Marie Anthony now has her angel wings and will be watching over so many other children.

Caylee Anthony service: Nancy Grace to provide coverage
posted by halboedeker on Feb 7, 2009 6:37:23 PM

The Caylee Anthony memorial will receive national attention on HLN -- formerly known as Headline News.
The channel, which is owned by CNN, will offer coverage from 10 a.m. to noon. The plan is for Nancy Grace to follow with a half-hour at noon, a channel spokeswoman said Saturday night.

*NOTE: Poll is in the middle of the website page of the link!
Should Leonard Padilla be allowed to attend Caylee's memorial?
February 8, 2009

A. Yes B. No C. Not Sure
Tell us what you think! Send News 13 your comments to . Please be sure to include your first name and home city then watch News 13. We may use your comment on air!
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SUBJECT: Should+Leonard+Padilla+be+allowed+to+attend+Caylee's+memorial?

Caylee Anthony service: Will focus be on the victim?
posted by halboedeker on Feb 8, 2009 11:21:15 AM

Padilla said he hasn't spoken with the family, but that Cindy Anthony told his nephew that he was not supposed to be present at the First Baptist Church of Orlando.
Padilla has never been shy about sharing his views in the case, and he remained true to form in the WMKG report. Padilla predicted the memorial will be "a Cindy show," and he said the defense team is looking for a patsy to blame instead of Casey Anthony, who is charged with daughter Caylee's murder.
"I don't believe that any of this stuff is real," Padilla told WKMG. "What's real is Caylee is dead and somebody has to pay for it."
Khalili noted that the Anthonys might not want Padilla, but attorneys for Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez do. Padilla met with them last week about her defamation suit against Casey Anthony.

Caylee Anthony service: MSNBC plans to cover it
posted by halboedeker on Feb 8, 2009 2:22:49 PM

There's more national exposure for the Caylee Anthony memorial service.
MSNBC says it plans to cover the event at 10 a.m. Tuesday. The service is expected to last two hours.
HLN -- formerly Headline News -- says it will cover the memorial at First Baptist Church of Orlando.

The service will be covered by WESH-Channel 2, WKMG-Channel 6, WFTV-Channel 9 and WOFL-Channel 35 and their Web sites. Bright House Networks' Central Florida News 13 will cover the public memorial, too.

UPDATED: Cindy Anthony Writes Obituary For Caylee Marie
Sunday, February 8, 2009 &#8211; updated: 9:03 am EST February 9, 2009

The growing Caylee Anthony memorial is a sign that the community is still grieving. Sunday night, residents came together to see and read the words of a grandmother who's come to terms that her granddaughter is gone.
"Bless her heart. I can only imagine what her and her family is going through right now," said Orlando resident Sherilyn Shavings.
"Even though it was a short life lived, just to celebrate the things she brought into the world," said Orlando resident Leanna Ramos.

READ IT:Full Obituary For Caylee Marie Anthony
VIDEO REPORT: Residents React To Service
WATCH LIVE: Tuesday's Memorial In Full On
UPDATED: Family Prepares For Caylee's Memorial Service
Casey Anthony Has Not Asked To Watch Service
POSTED: 6:11 am EST February 9, 2009
UPDATED: 4:08 pm EST February 9, 2009

Family members of Caylee Anthony will say their final goodbyes to the slain toddler on Tuesday.
Caylee's grandmother, Cindy Anthony, is expected to speak at the 10 a.m. service at First Baptist Church of Orlando.
Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, is in the Orange County Jail, and so far has not asked for permission to watch her daughter's memorial service on television.
Corrections spokesman Allen Moore said there's nothing in its policy to prevent Casey Anthony from watching the memorial Tuesday, but she has to ask for that access. Moore said Casey Anthony also has access to a radio and could listen to a simulcast in her protective custody cell.

A Kansas-based group is planning to protest Tuesday's service. The Web site for members of the Tokepa-based Westboro Baptist Church said they plan to picket outside Caylee's memorial from 9:15 a.m. to 10 a.m. The group gained national notoriety in 1998 when they picketed the funeral of hate crime victim Matthew Sheperd.

Memorial Service Planned For Caylee: VIDEO
First Baptist Church No Stranger To Notable Services: VIDEO
UPDATED: Casey Anthony Does Not Want Public Service For Caylee
Memorial To Be Held For Slain Toddler
POSTED: Monday, February 9, 2009
UPDATED: 4:44 pm EST February 9, 2009

In a statement read by her attorney, Casey Anthony said she does not want a public memorial service held for her slain daughter, Caylee.
The full statement, which was read by Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, Monday afternoon said:
"I miss Caylee every day and every minute of every day. I can't be there for Caylee's funeral, but some day I want to go and visit her grave and tell her how much I miss her.
"I love my parents to be in charge of the funeral for Caylee. I told them I wanted her buried in a casket, and I wanted there to be a gravestone so I can go and visit her. I asked them if there could only be a private funeral for just the family. I know they cremated her. I still don't want a public event with cameras and everybody around for Caylee's service, but I can't stop my parents from doing what they want. I truly hope that it will help them."

Orange County corrections officials said if Anthony wants to watch the service on television, she has to submit a request, which has not yet happened. Anthony does have access to a transistor radio and could listen to the service, which will be aired on Local 6 News and 87.7 FM. The service will also be streamed live on
Local 6 News will air the memorial service with coverage beginning at 9 a.m.

Casey Anthony Does Not Want Public Service For Caylee: VIDEO
Casey Anthony Has Not Asked To Watch Caylee Memorial: Video
Bounty Hunter Not Welcome At Caylee Memorial: VIDEO

Rev. Grund new blog post on MySpace.
Thursday, February 05, 2009 3:36 PM
Thank you to the good people out there!
Someone forwarded my wife this link and then she forwarded it to me.
Team Jesse Grund. He's not guilty!! We support you Jesse!

Blog link:
Caylee Memorial Updates Blog from Caylee's Myspace page:
February 8, 2009 4:35 PM
Blog link:
An Idea from one of Caylee's Myspace Friends: Caylee's Myspace Blog:
February 8, 2009 4:58 PM
Just an idea in memory of Caylee.....I and my family will tie purple and pink ribbons on our car antennas. We cant be there for her service...but our hearts,thoughts and prayers will be there. We love u Caylee!
Blog link:
A Note from Michelle
Current mood: sad

February 6, 2009 2:28 AM
Dear Caylee friends!
As the time approaches to say our so-longs to our little angel Caylee Marie, thousands of you have come to her Myspace site and millions to her other site to send prayers, comments, and well wishes to the family. All of these wishes are appreciated and the family does read this site and at times personal messages I have forwarded onto them from you.
As comment requests continue to flow in I ask that you reframe from any negative comments towards Caylee&#8217;s mom, family members, or the media. This site has been for Caylee Marie and I ask you to please remember this when asking me to post your comments.
Blog Link:
:(Church members to protest Caylee Anthony's memorial :(
Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writer
11:18 AM EST, February 9, 2009

Members of a controversial Kansas church known for protesting military funerals plan to picket Caylee Marie Anthony's memorial Tuesday.
The Westboro Baptist Church detailed its plans in a recent news statement, which concludes with the phrase: "GOD HATES AMERICA."
The Topeka church claims that U.S. troops killed in combat are God's punishment for a nation harboring homosexuals.
Westboro Baptist Church is considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Casey Anthony case: She has not asked to watch memorial
posted by halboedeker on Feb 9, 2009 12:16:24 PM

Casey Anthony has not asked for permission to watch the Tuesday morning memorial for her daughter, Caylee, WESH-Channel 2 and WKMG-Channel 6 reported at noon Monday.
Casey Anthony has to ask for the chance to watch, although she could listen on a radio in a cell, an Orange County corrections spokesman said. She is charged with Caylee's murder.
The stations and WFTV-Channel 9 warned that the security will be tight Tuesday at First Baptist Church of Orlando. Mourners will pass through metal detectors; cameras, phones and bags will not be allowed.
"The service will be a worship service. We don't want anything to disrupt that," pastor Scott Link told WESH.

Update Docket info for the Civil against Casey just in from Orange Co. Clerk Records:

I'm new here so hope I am doing this correctly. I am going to watch the memorial for Caylee tomorrow, just to say my goodbyes to her, after having read the posts on here for months, watched NG, etc. I will watch with hopes that this beautiful child can be put to rest now and remain so in peace. God Bless Caylee. For me, this is "her" day, no matter what.
Attorney Reads Casey Anthony Statement On Caylee Memorial
Monday, February 9, 2009 &#8211; updated: 5:36 pm EST February 9, 2009

Casey Anthony broke her silence Monday through her attorney, Jose Baez. She remains in jail, charged with her daughter Caylee's murder, but through her attorney Casey said she missed Caylee every minute, but wished her family wasn't holding such a public funeral Tuesday.
Casey was also pretty adamant that she didn't want Caylee's funeral to be public.
Obviously, Casey's parents didn't follow her wishes, as the First Baptist Church of Orlando plans for thousands to attend the public service Tuesday at 10:00am. Casey made it clear, through her statement, that she wasn't happy about the decision.
WFTV reporter Kathi Belich was the first reporter to break the story about how the founder of the Kid Finders Network has a criminal past and the group is still on the donation list for Tuesday.
Even after Eyewitness News exposed Milstead's arrests, Cindy is asking for donations to the Kid Finders Network rather than sending flowers for Caylee's memorial service Tuesday.
Outrage over the Anthonys' support for the Kid Finders Network, and their decision to keep certain people from attending the service, has led to some boycotting the ceremony. California bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, who bonded Casey out of jail the first time, is holding his own memorial service at 10:00am at the scene where Caylee's remains were found and a push has started to send donations to EquuSearch rather than Kid Finders.

TRANSCRIPT: Casey Anthony's Statement

RAW VIDEO: Baez Reads Casey's Statement

TEAM COVERAGE: Casey Releases Statement Through Baez

Baez: Casey Doesn't Support Planned Memorial
Monday, February 09, 2009 5:30:21 PM

In an afternoon press conference Monday, Casey's lawyer, Jose Baez, told reporters that she does not agree with a public memorial, but does want to host a private one.
Baez will not be attending the service for Caylee Anthony.
He said he supports his client in her wishes for a closed-door service.

So far, Casey has not asked the Orange County Jail to view the funeral service. She does have a radio and may choose to listen to coverage.
Baez did visit Casey in jail Monday.
News 13 will have LIVE coverage of the memorial.

Casey Anthony's Statement On Her Daughter's Memorial
Read Caylee Anthony's Obituary
Full Coverage of The Memorial For Caylee
Toys for Tots Foundation
Make-A-Wish Foundation
Kid Finders Network
Casey doesn't want public funeral
Caylee memorial planned for Tuesday
Last Edited: Monday, 09 Feb 2009, 6:02 PM EST
Created On: Monday, 09 Feb 2009, 5:38 PM EST
Casey Anthony says through her attorney that she wishes the service planned for Tuesday was just for her family. Thousands of mourners are expected to crowd the First Baptist Church of Orlando for the service, which also will be broadcast live on local Orlando television.
Casey Anthony: 'I miss Caylee every day'
Sarah Lundy and Eloisa Ruano Gonzalez | Sentinel Staff Writer
5:37 PM EST, February 9, 2009

Casey Anthony wants the world to know that she misses her daughter and regrets she cannot attend Tuesday's memorial service.
She allowed her parents, Cindy and George Anthony, to plan the funeral and made a few requests -- that the service be private and Caylee be buried in a casket with a tombstone to mark the grave.
However, her parents planned otherwise, are hosting a public memorial and may have had the child cremated.

Baez said Casey Anthony has not decided whether to watch the funeral coverage on TV from the jail. She does have a transistor radio. But Baez said he doesn't know whether Anthony will watch or listen.
Members of a controversial Kansas church known for protesting military funerals plan to picket Caylee Marie Anthony's memorial Tuesday.
Baez called their intended actions "despicable."

Anthonys set to celebrate short life of Caylee Marie
Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writer

Thousands of people are expected to convene at the First Baptist Church of Orlando on Tuesday morning to attend the public memorial service for Caylee Marie Anthony, the toddler who captured the hearts of people around the world when she was reported missing seven months ago.
The service is expected to last about two hours, but few other details have been released. It was unclear Monday afternoon whether Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, will speak.
"It will be a celebration of this child's brief life -- brief, but very special life," said Brad Conway, the lawyer representing the Anthonys.

If you're going to Caylee's funeral, here's what you need to know
Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writer
6:42 PM EST, February 9, 2009

There will be security at the First Baptist Church of Orlando, and everyone who attends the funeral service for Caylee Marie Anthony must pass through a metal detector.
If you plan on attending the memorial service, here are other details you need to know:
*NOTE: Refer to article for all of the details.
Q. Who is allowed to attend?
A. The service is open to the public, but the Anthony family is reserving the right to refuse entry to certain people. California bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, who once helped bond Casey Anthony out of jail, is one of those not welcome.
Q. Can Casey Anthony watch the memorial service on television?
A. It's possible. She can request to watch television during the one hour per day she is allowed out of her cell, but as of Monday afternoon, she did not make a request to do so. Anthony does have a transistor radio, so she could listen to broadcasts of the service.
Church will provide haven for those grieving death of Caylee Anthony
Memorial service for Caylee: 10 a.m. today
Jay Hamburg | Sentinel Staff Writer
February 10, 2009

"As a church, we want to provide hope, healing and the opportunity to experience God's love," Uth said in a written statement. "We believe that hosting the service will give us the opportunity to minister to a family in need and to a community that is hurting because of the loss of this precious child."
Still, no single service is likely to heal all the wounds that opened during the months investigators searched for Caylee's killer before charging her 22-year-old mother, Casey Anthony, with the crime, said Orange County sheriff's Capt. Miguel Pagan, head of chaplain services.
"It's another chapter that they're trying to close," said Pagan, who also is an ordained Catholic deacon. "But there's still another chapter because there will be a trial."

PHOTOS: Caylee Anthony funeral,0,1126087.photogallery

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