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Casey Gets Angry, Cries As Caylee Autopsy Pics Shown

Posted: 6:44 am EDT June 10, 2011
Updated: 6:55 pm EDT June 10, 2011

Casey Anthony became angry and cried as Chief Medical Examiner and local T.V. personality, Dr. Jan Garavaglia, also known as Dr. G., described photos
that were shown to the jury of Caylee's autopsy on Friday

"Were also looking at the hair mat and were looking at the roots that were going through the hair mat," said Dr. G.

"Homicide. It's based on three main things. When a child isn't reported, that's something we look for; for foul play. The body was hidden, also the body is also in a closed container, a suitcase or a bag, like this one was. The last would be the duct tape, located somewhere on the lower half of the face."

Dr. G. continued to explain why she ruled Caylee's death a homicide.

"No child should have duct tape on their face when they die. There's no reason to put duct tape on the face after they die,"
said Dr. G.

Afterward, forensic anthropologist, Michael Warren, testified that he's only seen cases where the jaws of homicide victims remained closed when tape was placed over their mouths before death.
He showed the jury his video of Caylee's face superimposed over her skull for scale, then one piece of duct tape superimposed over Caylee's face.

"Would the single piece of tape be sufficient to have covered the nose and the mouth to make breathing impossible?" asked prosecutor Jeff Ashton.
"Yes," replied Warren.

On Friday, Jurors saw photos of the tattered and torn shorts and shirt that Caylee Anthony was wearing when she died. Casey looked away as the photos were shown.

Crime Scene, Insect Experts Testify

Posted: 8:49 am EDT June 11, 2011
Updated: 2:01 pm EDT June 11, 2011

Dr. Neal Haskell, an expert in the field of forensic entomology and crime scene investigators testified on Saturday.

Haskell, who analyzed insects found in Casey's car trunk, testified that the adult flies found on paper towels are very common with decomposition.
Haskell testified the flies were feeding on a substance on the paper towels, which was identified as decomposition fluid.
Haskell said that the evidence was consistent with a body being left inside the trunk for a short period of time and then removed.

"That the body of a small child was stored in that trunk for a period of time and then removed and deposited in another location.

Jennifer Welch was called as the second witness of the day. She was the photographer who responded to the Anthony's home on Suburban Drive in 2008 in the search for Caylee's remains.
She also held up a piece of duct tape that she said was found near the bags and skull. Welch said the duct tape had the same imprints on it as the tape found with the skull.

Ronald Murdock, a forensic supervisor with the Orange County Sheriff's Office,
showed a map of the main recovery site and locations where other bones and pieces of evidence were located
Court Ends Early; Expert Testifies On Caylee's Hair

Posted: 5:50 am EDT June 13, 2011
Updated: 4:50 pm EDT June 13, 2011

Testimony ended early on Monday in Casey Anthony's murder trial because the prosecution's next witness will not be in Orlando until Tuesday.

Hair and fiber investigator for the FBI, Stephen Shaw, told jurors on Monday that he analyzed hair found in Casey's truck and samples taken from 2-year-old Caylee's skull, which was found in a wooded area near the Anthony home.

Shaw testified that he saw further evidence of decomposition on the hairs taken from the child's skull than on the hair found in the trunk of Casey's white Pontiac Sunfire.
However, Shaw said, "I cannot say that a hair did originate from a person. I don't know the source of those hairs."

Jose Baez then tried to call the study's findings into question as well as evidence of how the hair would have been plucked from Caylee's head.

Prosecutors then offered Shaw one more option.
"Would moving a dead body be a way that that hair could have come out?"
"Yes," Shaw replied.
"Have you ever seen a hair with that banding that did not come from a corpse?" asked prosecutor Jeff Ashton.
"No," Shaw replied.

Judge Perry also said the state has notified him that it could finish presenting its case as early as Wednesday. Depending on the length of the defense's case, Perry thinks the jury could begin deliberating around June 25.
WFTV Duct Tape Video Used As Evidence In Casey Trial

Posted: 6:46 am EDT June 14, 2011
Updated: 7:26 pm EDT June 14, 2011

Late Tuesday afternoon, the state used WFTV's video of the rare duct tape from the Anthony family garage as evidence.
The state says the video is important because investigators did not find the rest of the roll at the Anthonys' home, so WFTV's video strengthened the connection between Casey and Caylee's remains.

During her testimony on Tuesday, Cindy Anthony helped prosecutors tie that evidence to the family by dropping a bombshell about a fourth bag missing from their garage.

Cindy cried when talking about the pink "big trouble" shirt Caylee was wearing when she died.
"I remember the clothing that she wore," Cindy said. " [But] I don't ever remember seeing that shirt."

Cindy testified that a large canvas tote, approximately 11" x 13" x 22," that was stored inside black plastic trash bags in the Anthonys' garage on a top shelf, is still missing.
The missing canvas bag, the other bags found with Caylee's remains, and the tape, were stored in the Anthonys' garage where Casey had backed her car in two days after Caylee disappeared.

Orlando tattoo artist Bobby Williams took the stand and described how he designed a tattoo for Casey Anthony. Williams said she wanted one that said "Bella Vita," or "good life," written in a feminine font.

Earlier, thestate called two witnesses, including a forensic expert from the FBI crime labs and a crime scene investigator for the Orange County Sheriff's Office
The forensic expert says heart-shaped stickers were found in Casey's bedroom
but didn't testify whether the items were linked to similar outlines on duct tape on Caylee's body.

Another investigator previously testified she noticed the outline of a heart on one of three pieces of duct tape while examining it under ultra-violet lighting. There were no pictures taken of what she saw, though.

Defense Motion For Acquittal Denied In Casey Trial

Posted: 5:24 am EDT June 15, 2011
Updated: 6:10 pm EDT June 15, 2011

Judge Perry denied the defense motion asking for the case to be thrown out. The defense has claimed that Caylee was not slain, but instead drowned in her grandparents' pool.

Her defense filed an amended witness list, which included witness, Vasco Thompson, who has a criminal history that includes kidnapping.

The jury was dismissed Wednesday morning with strict orders not to discuss the case or watch newscasts during their hiatus. They will return Thursday morning.


THE NEW WITNEESS,0,4375972.story

The defense team's amended witness list now includes Vasco Thompson, an Orlando felon convicted on kidnapping charges in 1988.

Thompson, according to the filing, "was connected to George Anthony through his cell phone records." Records show four calls between Caylee's grandfather and Thompson on July 14, 2008 — a day beforeCindy Anthony reported Caylee's disappearance to theOrange County Sheriff's Office.

Thompson refused interview attempts by the defense and called law enforcement when questioned, the document shows.

Due to the recently discovered and unexpected relationship between George Anthony and Thompson, their cellphone calls, and Thompson's "violent criminal history," the defense claims "good cause is shown for the late disclosure of this witness."

Defense attorney Cheney Mason wrote in the motion that the defense has to "depose Mr. Vasco Thompson to determine the existence of relevant admissible evidence in this trial."

It's unclear exactly how Thompson might play into the defense strategy.

George Anthony's attorney, Mark Lippman, told the Orlando Sentinel today that his client "has no idea who this person is."

Lippman said there were apparently four points of contact between the two men, but he has no idea what those calls entailed or the duration of them.

Lippman said he doesn't know if Anthony was supposedly calling Thompson or if the felon was calling Anthony.

Mistake, Objections Spark Fireworks In Casey Trial

Posted: 6:12 am EDT June 16, 2011
Updated: 7:15 pm EDT June 16, 2011

The courtroom atmosphere became heated on Thursday as Casey Anthony's defense questioned its second witness during her murder trial. Objections, a defense mistake, and the judge's frustration, created fireworks inside the Orange County courtroom.

Seubert, while working at an FBI lab, examined duct tape found with Caylee Anthony's remains. She told jurors that DNA on the tape did not match the victim, her mother or her grandparents. Instead, it matched another forensic examiner who analyzed the duct tape.

The trial became heated when the defense questioned Seubert about a shovel that Casey borrowed from a neighbor.
"It's meaningless, it's not relevant," said prosecutor Jeff Ashton.
"Then why is the shovel in evidence?" defense attorney Jose Baez asked.
"It's not relevant because…" Ashton attempted to say.
Then, Baez mistakenly asked the witness about a blanket, which was not entered into evidence.
Judge Perry instructed the jury to disregard that part of the testimony.

However, Ashton became even more frustrated as Baez questioned the witness about who Caylee's potential father may have been.

"Were you asked to conduct a paternity test as to Lee Anthony being the potential father of Caylee Anthony?" Baez asked.
"Objection!" said Ashton. "What is the relevance of that, other than to suggest to the jury that there's some information out there that they haven't seen?"

Casey's lead attorney Jose Baez began questioning Bloise about Casey's clothes in her bedroom. He said no stains were found on the pants Casey wore on June 16, 2008.

However, lead prosecutor Linda Drane-Burdick only had one question to ask the investigator.
"Would it be fair to characterize the area where Caylee Marie Anthony's remains were discarded as a trash dump?" Drane-Burdick asked.

"Yes, that's what I would classify it as," replied the crime scene investigator.
Orlando felon Vasco Thompson denies link to George Anthony,0,7644596.story

By Walter Pacheco, Orlando Sentinel
10:27 a.m. EDT, June 17, 2011

Orlando felon Vasco Thompson, the latest defense witness in the Casey Anthony trial, appeared outside the Orange County Courthouse with an Orlando this morning for a news conference during which he denied any connection to the case.

""I don't know how they got me involved in all this mess," Thompson, a convicted kidnapper, told reporters. "I have no idea who George Anthony is."

Records show four calls between Caylee's grandfather and Thompson on July 14, 2008 — a day before Cindy Anthony reported Caylee's disappearance to theOrange County Sheriff's Office.

But Thompson said he only got the phone number the defense is using to link him to Anthony in February 2009.

VIDEO of News Conference w/ Vasco T.
Thompson has hired the same firm suing Casey on behalf of a real Zenaida Gonzalez, Morgan and Morgan.
Matt Morgan referenced Jose Baez's tactics.
"I think it's really his last bad faith attempt to create a scapegoat to create reasonable doubt," said Morgan.

REFER to AZLawyer posts regarding research on this number as well as the dedicated thread regarding Mr. Thompson
Casey Court Drama: Sparring Lawyers, Fighting Spectators
Posted: 6:44 am EDT June 17, 2011
Updated: 6:12 pm EDT June 17, 2011

Prosecutors challenged the expertise of a defense expert on insects, and outside of the courthouse, an Orange County man challenged the defense about why his name was ever brought up as a possible witness. Also, early Friday morning, a brawl broke out among spectators waiting in line for Casey trial tickets.

Huntington said he would expect to find at least hundreds of flies and a distinct human decomposition fluid stain around a dead body left in a car trunk.

The defense's expert witness also testified about what he'd expect to see in the trunk of a car with a decomposing body, based on research about what happened to decomposing pigs inside car trunks.

In that research, which took place in September 2010 in Nebraska, Huntington put dead pigs in the trunks of cars and observed them as they decomposed. He referenced finding blow flies, or the first type of flies drawn to decomposing material, soon after death. He also noted the presence of a pronounced stain of decomposition fluid on the carpeting of the trunk.

He said he would expect to see the same things in a trunk with a decomposing human body.
"If we assume that a body was in the (Anthony) trunk, you expect to find many flies," Huntington said. "... I would expect to find hundreds, thousands of those dead insects as I did in the experiment."

Huntington reviewed reports made by prosecution bug expert Neal Haskell but never examined the trunk himself.

Haskell estimated that the child's remains were inside the trunk for at least three days.

Huntington testified Friday that the only flies he found inside the trash bag taken from Casey's trunk were those usually found in household garbage and not the ones attracted to the early stages of decomposition
Casey Cries As Expert Talks About Caylee's Skull In Trial

Posted: 8:43 am EDT June 18, 2011
Updated: 2:25 pm EDT June 18, 2011

court was called to order early at 8:45 a.m
Casey's lead defense attorney, Jose Baez, called his first witness, Dr. William Rodriguez. He's a forensic anthropologist with the U.S. Department of Defense Armed Forces Medical Examiner's Office. Baez began questioning Rodriguez about the video that the jury saw of the duct tape on Caylee's photo.
Rodriguez said it would be impossible to determine the exact position of duct tape on a corpse. Because tape loses its stickiness, it may have shifted, and animals could have come into contact with the body.

Then, Chief Judge Belvin Perry threatened contempt of court against Baez for intentionally violating the court's order for trying to get a witness to give opinions that weren't previously disclosed.

Perry told the state and the defense that both sides have taken part in game playing. He said, "this is not a game."

"It appears to me that this was quite intentional. This was not some inadvertent slip. It was not inadvertent. The question is whether Ms. Anthony should be punished because of this," said Perry.

"This is what we are going to do. We are going to stop today at 1 'o clock. This witness is going to step down and you are going to take his deposition this afternoon," said Perry.

He said Rodriguez would testify next week. Perry said, "Mr. Baez, this is not my first rodeo."

Renowned forensic expert, Dr. Werner Spitz was then called to the stand.
Spitz showed jurors a picture of the inside of Caylee's skull and talked about the secondary autopsy he conducted on her remains. He said it was a failure that Caylee's head was not opened during the official autopsy.
The doctors' testimony was key for the defense as it is a direct contradiction to the findings of Orange County's medical examiner Dr. Jan Garavaglia, who determined that Caylee’s cause of death was a homicide.

Spitz testified that he believes the tape was placed on the skull after the body had decomposed.
“It was a later, later event not an early event,” said Spitz.

That testimony played right into the defense theory that meter reader Roy Kronk altered the remains.

Spitz said the autopsy done on Caylee was "shoddy."

(Video of all court room proceedings can be found at the linked news site)
Judge Perry Scolds Attorneys, Court Recessed Until Tuesday

Posted: 5:53 am EDT June 20, 2011
Updated: 11:31 am EDT June 20, 2011

Judge Belvin Perry scolded defense attorneys and prosecutors on Monday during Casey Anthony's murder trial for wasting time as they argued about legal issues and recessed the court until 9:00am Tuesday.

Ashton asked the judge that defense witness, Dr. Rodriguez, not to be called first because he wanted to read over his deposition again. Baez asked the judge for sanctions against the state and said he feels they are unreasonable.

Rodriguez was turned away at the witness stand after prosecutors complained that Baez planned to question him in a way he had not disclosed in court, which is in violation of Perry's pre-trial order. Perry then threatened to hold Baez in contempt of court.

Perry admonished the lawyers for wasting the jury's time with legal matters that should have been taken up before court began. He also said they will work a full day on Saturday. He ruled that they will be required to arrive at court at 8:30am everyday.
State: Casey May Have Used Inmate's Child Drowning Story

Posted: 6:10 am EDT June 21, 2011
Updated: 5:57 pm EDT June 21, 2011

The state said Casey may have used another family's tragedy to come up with her story about Caylee dying in a swimming pool. Also on Tuesday, another error by the defense was so big, that it could win Casey a new trial if she's convicted.

The state said Casey may have stolen another inmate's story about a child drowning in a swimming pool. In 2009, April Whalen and Casey were housed in the same dorm at the Orange County jail. Prosecutors do not believe they will use Whalen in their case, but could use it in the rebuttal.

Also, the defense claims George, who Casey alleges sexually abused and bullied her for years, forced her to cover it up.

However, on Tuesday, prosecutor Linda Drane-Burdick told Judge Perry that the state has identified in computer records, searches and instant messages made from the Anthonys' computer.
"The data refutes that timeline," said Drane-Burdick.

However, Baez cried foul, saying it's too late for the state to introduce "new evidence."
"We got the hard drive, but that's everything judge," Baez said.
But prosecutors told the Judge Perry that the defense has had the hard drive for at least two years.
"It's not new evidence. I don't know how something could be new evidence when it was given to you," Judge Perry said.

OPINION:WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said the defense's failure to square the evidence with his theory could be seen as the basis for a reversal on competency of counsel.

Defense witness, forensic botanist Dr. Jane Bock, told jurors on Tuesday that she believed the roots could have grown through the bones, skull and a laundry bag in two weeks. Prosecutors have said Caylee's remains had been in the woods since the summer of 2008.

Note: article does not cover questioning by Defense and cross by Ashton of the Chemist who worked with Dr. Vass.

Can be seen in the VIDEO coverage of all proceedings today at the news link.
Experts On Air Samples, Geology, Toxicology

Posted: 5:53 am EDT June 22, 2011
Updated: 12:10 pm EDT June 22, 2011

Judge Belvin Perry said Wednesday will only be a half-day because he must attend a judge's meeting.

Maureen Bottrell, one of three forensic geologists working for the FBI, testified that she analyzed 22 pairs of shoes taken from the Anthony home.

ottrell was then excused and the defense called Madeline Montgomery, a forensic toxicologist for the FBI, as their next witness.

Montgomery examined a hair found with Caylee's remains. She told jurors she found no trace in the hair sample of a number of drugs, including ones that can have a sedative or knock-out effect.

Baez then asked, "What other meaningless tests do you do at the FBI?"
Montgomery responded, "I consider all my work meaningful."

During cross examination, Montgomery said hair is not the best way to test for drug exposure.
"Even if it had been positive, I wouldn't have been able to say when or how often the person was exposed," Montgomery said.

The defense then called Dr. Michael Sigman just after 9:35 a.m. Sigman is a chemist and works for the University of Central Florida. Sigman worked with Dr. Arpad Vass at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for a decade. Sigman was questioned by defense attorney Cheney Mason about taking air samples from Casey's car.
Casey's Parents Do Not Believe She's Innocent

Posted: 5:35 am EDT June 23, 2011
Updated: 8:41 am EDT June 23, 2011

On Wednesday night, the attorney representing George and Cindy Anthony told a CNN reporter his clients do not think Casey is innocent. Attorney Mark Lippman went on to say George and Cindy don't want to see Casey put to death.

The CNN reporter talked about the conversation he had with Lippman.

“I asked him a very specific question, I said, ‘Do your clients, George and Cindy Anthony, think that she is not guilty?’ and his answer was, they do not think that. He said they want to see justice done, they want to see the truth come out, and then he added to me, he said, they do not believe she is innocent," said Gary Tuchman.
Cindy: Searched Web For Chloroform, Car Stain Was Old

Posted: 5:35 am EDT June 23, 2011
Updated: 8:27 pm EDT June 23, 2011

Cindy Anthony, testified on Thursday in court that a stain found in Casey's car trunk was there when it was purchased. Cindy also testified that she used a computer at her home to do searches about chloroform.

Cindy Anthony also testified on Thursday that the stain found in Casey's car trunk was there when it was purchased.
Cindy's testimony was inconsistent on Thursday with itself and inconsistent with what she's said in the past.

FBI hair analyst Stephen Shaw took the witness stand. "I have yet to experience or find a hair that I have not been able to, with post mortem banding, been able to associate to a deceased individual," Shaw said.
Cindy, Casey, Lee Anthony Cry In Court

Posted: 5:43 am EDT June 24, 2011
Updated: 8:08 pm EDT June 24, 2011

Cindy's took the stand a day after surprising prosecutors with testimony that she had conducted Internet searches on chloroform, and not her daughter, Casey.

Defense attorney Jose Baez began questioning Cindy on Friday about a pair of shorts found with the remains of her granddaughter, Caylee, in December 2008.

From the witness stand, Cindy testified that Caylee was able to open a sliding glass door that led to the backyard pool.

"Even at that point, she could even climb into the pool," Cindy said when shown a photo.
Cindy said she swam with Caylee the day before she died, and afterward, she took the ladder down. Cindy also admitted that when Casey bonded out of jail in the summer of 2008, she never said Caylee had drowned.

Lee Anthony was also called to the stand on Friday, right after Cindy's testimony and began crying as he was questioned about the not being at Caylee's birth. Casey also cried as Lee testified.

Lee said he was "hurt" because he felt that his mother and Casey did not want him at the hospital.

"I was just angry at everyone in general that they didn't, that they didn't want to include me," Lee stated.

Judge Belvin Perry questioned Baez about the defense's theory.

"If your theory of defense is ever-changing, maybe you just need to tell me what your theory of defense is," Perry said to Baez. "At least somebody try and explain it to me."

(VIDEO covering all of today's activities is available at the news site link)
Court Unexpectedly Recessed Until Monday In Casey Trial

Posted: 8:49 am EDT June 25, 2011
Updated: 11:03 am EDT June 25, 2011

Casey Anthony's murder trial was unexpectedly recessed only 45 minutes after it was supposed to start.

Casey, along with her attorneys, was gathered in Judge Belvin Perry's chambers. Casey eventually walked back into the courtroom, clearly upset, and began tearing up and dabbing her eyes with a tissue.

After about 45 minutes, Judge Perry walked back into the courtroom and said that due to an unrelated legal matter, court was recessed until 8:30am Monday.

VIDEO: (site indicates Part 1 of 2)
Part 2 of 2

Bill Sheaffer & Kathi Belich review of this morning:


Attorneys decline to discuss why court recessed early today,0,2868459.story

By Amy Pavuk and Anthony Colarossi, Orlando Sentinel
June 25, 2011

Neither side would comment on why the proceedings stopped early today as they emerged from the courthouse.

The defense was met by a throng of reporters outside. Defense attorney Cheney Mason expressed anger and shouted at reporters to get out of his way.

Prosecutor Jeff Ashton said he could not discuss what stopped the trial today or whether it was brought about by the defense.

Ashton confirmed that Furton's deposition would be taken today. He would not comment on any speculation of a plea deal at this point in the trial.
Casey Smiles, Laughs Prior To Mental Competency Ruling

6:41 am EDT June 27, 2011
Updated: 7:58 pm EDT June 27, 2011

On Saturday, the defense filed a motion that Casey be examined by three psychologist to determine her competency to proceed in her trial.

Casey's attorneys told Judge Perry they did not believe she was competent.
"Based upon the reports that the court has reviewed, the court will find that the defendant is competent to proceed," Perry said.

Yuri Melich conceded that he had never examined George's cell phone records and that a cadaver dog never sniffed out cars driven by George and his wife, Cindy.
Melich also said he had mixed up the dates he gave the jury for when he took Roy Kronk's deposition, and that he never asked for Kronk's cell phone records or confiscated his computer. Kronk is the meter reader who found Caylee's body in a wooded lot. Melich said it was not intentional but he had the dates mixed up.

Furton told the jury that the same chemicals found in human remains were also present in the trash found in Casey's trunk. He said fatty acids in Velveeta cheese and salami, both found in the trunk, are identical to the compounds found when a human body decomposes. He also said that chloroform can be found at very high levels in common household cleaners such as bleach.

The defense called the Anthonys' former private investigator Dominic Casey, who had first worked for the defense, to testify about his videotaped search of the same area where Caylee was found one month before her remains were discovered.

Defense Attny Ann Finnell files:
Kronk: Left Bones Untouched, Tried To Do "The Right Thing"

Posted: 5:47 am EDT June 28, 2011
Updated: 7:52 pm EDT June 28, 2011

Under questioning at Casey's murder trial, Kronk denied ever moving them.

In opening statements, the defense suggested that Kronk tampered with Caylee's remains and might have moved them at some point in hopes of claiming a cash reward for finding her. They hinted at that motive during questioning Tuesday, but Kronk denied it.

"I saw an object that looked a little odd to me," Kronk testified on Tuesday. "I told them I saw an object that looked like a skull."
Kronk said he was reprimanded the deputy who arrived at the scene because they found nothing at the time.
"I simply tried to do the right thing and for doing that I was chewed out for a half-hour and was pissed off about that," Kronk stated.

Earlier in the morning a former search leader used his constitutional right against self-incrimination to avoid answering a question about his time searching for Caylee from August to December 2008.

Mason asked former Texas Equusearch team leader Joseph Jordan why his testimony on Tuesday differed from previous statements he gave to law enforcement.
Mason eventually asked Jordan if he'd ever been threatened with felony prosecution, and Jordan invoked his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.

The defense also called Casey's father George Anthony to the stand again on Tuesday and asked him about whether he had an affair with a woman who volunteered during the search for Caylee.

He denied having a romantic relationship with the woman, Krystal Holloway, and said he knew her by the name River Cruz. He admitted to visiting her home on a handful of occasions, but said it was only to comfort her as she dealt with a brain tumor.

"Sir, I never had a romantic relationship with Krystal Holloway or whatever she wants to call herself to you or in the world," George said. "I did go there just to console her. She also explained that to my wife, sir."
George also denied ever telling Holloway that Caylee's death was "an accident that snowballed out of control."
"I never confided in any volunteers or anybody on the search," he said. "Never did."

After Cindy's brief testimony, Lee Anthony was called to the stand and contradicted what his mother said. Lee stated that Cindy did send two private investigators to the wooded area to search for Caylee's remains, after a psychic's advice.

The defense wanted the jury to hear Grund say, "She woke up one night with Lee standing over her in bed, staring at her sleeping and another instance was groping her in the middle of the night."
But Judge Perry said he will review the case law to determine whether it is inadmissible

(video of the court room activities is found at the news link)
Casey: 'I Agree' With Mistrial Motion, Judge Reserves Ruling

Posted: 6:30 am EDT June 29, 2011
Updated: 10:05 am EDT June 29, 2011

Casey Anthony told the judge she agreed with her attorney’s motion for mistrial on Wednesday, and the judge said he would reserve ruling on that motion until a later date.

Casey's death penalty attorney, Ann Finnell, called into the courtroom via telephone to discuss her motion for a mistrial. Finnell argued for the judge to reconsider regulation for a mistrial. She said a new appeals case out of south Florida ruling that the death penalty is unconstitutional means the current jury should be re-seated.
Judge Belvin Perry asked if Casey was aware of this and agreed, and she stood up and said, "I agree with Miss Finnell."

Perry said the court will reserve ruling on the defense's request for mistrial until a subsequent date. Perry said he will rule on the request "prior to the verdict, if we get that far in this case.
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