Attorney Brad Conway To Release More Evidence In Anthony Case On 09/30/09

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Geez I can't imagine what he is going to come up with between NOW and JUNE 2010!!!!
I just watched the Press conference! I think I felt the same as the Journalists who attended- a huge wave of apathy....
What he is saying at each step is we don't want people to think she is guilty because of the overwhelming evidence that she is- just hold off long enough for us to try and bamboozle you and that will suit us fine...
Waste, huge waste of time :doh:
Thanks for the recap! I won't waste those moments of my life due to your unselfish act of kindness for sitting through it. You are a trooper! :)
I hope the SA will somehow trump this circus sideshow today.....or maybe they do not feel they need to??

Brad C. is asking that people not draw conclusions about the guilt of KC. After this display of bumbling antics, based on the Anthony's interpretation, the public will draw only one conclusion:snooty:

I think what he really meant was don't draw conclusions about Cindy, myself, Lee, Dominic (and our good buddy jose be good) based on those e-mails released know the ones where there is talk about the occult and sacrificing children. I don't really think any of them care that we have already drawn our own conclusions about the defendant in this murder case. It's ALL about them !
Okay,the defense has released these documents to the parents/grandparents attorney,but just last week the SA made a request that the defense turn over evidence to the State that proved KC was innocent ,as they claimed at the hearing.
Have they turned that over yet? Or were they too busy preparing the documents for the Prisoner's Family ? Gotta keep our priorities straight here. :waitasec:

Oh, they're working on it..........trying to make up a story that will fly. It's not easy as they have to explain away first and foremost the fact that Caylee was missing for 31 days and her mother never reported her missing.

Then, they've got to explain away the partying in nightclubs and playing house with TL while her child is missing, the odor of a dead body in Casey's car, all of Casey's lies, the computer searches by Casey on chloroform, neck breaking, and household items as weapons, the cadaver dog hits on the Anthony backyard and the car, the fact that Caylee's remains were found right around the corner from the Anthony home, the fact that just about everything found with the remains was from the Anthony home, and explain away numerous other pieces of evidence.

It's hard coming up with the "mother of all lies" story explaining why Casey is innocent. With no story forthcoming, they may have to hire a Hollywood script-writer.
It is very interesting when carefully listening and watching the entire BC press conference.

When one reporter questions what the new documents say concerning hair, BC rereads a page and then stumbles and says he doesn't want to talk about it anymore. (I think he has not gone over these pages at all but was just told by Jose what to say.)
Then when he answers a question regarding CA just picking and choosing what to believe from the doc dumps, he states that she is not looking at it objectively only emotionally and probably will continue this way.

Also interesting is what he says in regards to CA looking for a live Caylee. Not disputing it but awkwardly trying not to answer.

IMO we will continue to see a lot of innocent people being investigated and much more theatrics as the A's refuse to see reality.

I also don't think BC is providing good counsel as to their best interest or he would have them in counseling to cope with the situation instead of enabling them in their quest to avoid reality.

It really is going to be a wild and sad ride.

I completely agree with your whole statement with one exception, bolded above....

I think he has not gone over these pages at all but was just told by CINDY what to say

I still say she is pizzzzzzzed about the release of her emails yesterday!!
Geez I can't imagine what he is going to come up with between NOW and JUNE 2010!!!!
I can see many things coming between now and then! Off the top of my head...let me see...Caylee is still alive and the DNA was wrong so they cremated the wrong child. (Wait...didn't they try to fly this one already?!)
Okay,the defense has released these documents to the parents/grandparents attorney,but just last week the SA made a request that the defense turn over evidence to the State that proved KC was innocent ,as they claimed at the hearing.
Have they turned that over yet? Or were they too busy preparing the documents for the Prisoner's Family ? Gotta keep our priorities straight here. :waitasec:


It was a ploy to bring attention to those 19 pages since the other 1,000 pages contained very damaging and distracting info that reinforces the case against KC and the A's.

Per LittleBitty35, the Defense are basically saying "We are going to win this case by poking obscure holes in the mountain of evidence against our client."

That is EXACTLY what today was about! I would "thank you" three times if it would let me!!!:dance:
Oh, they're working on it..........trying to make up a story that will fly. It's not easy as they have to explain away first and foremost the fact that Caylee was missing for 31 days and her mother never reported her missing.

Then, they've got to explain away the partying in nightclubs and playing house with TL while her child is missing, the odor of a dead body in Casey's car, all of Casey's lies, the computer searches by Casey on chloroform, neck breaking, and household items as weapons, the cadaver dog hits on the Anthony backyard and the car, the fact that Caylee's remains were found right around the corner from the Anthony home, the fact that just about everything found with the remains was from the Anthony home, and explain away numerous other pieces of evidence.

It's hard coming up with the "mother of all lies" story explaining why Casey is innocent. With no story forthcoming, they may have to hire a Hollywood script-writer.
LOL No one could write this stuff.
Hello WS :)

Agggg! This is all about "them" not wanting people to think what they are thinking! We are not at trial yet...I just watched BC talking. It comes across like this to me:

"We don't like that the evidence and news reports are talking about this case, we want "people"(?) to give Casey a chance!? This really IS about the "bloggers" for Cindy! Really. What people are thinking and saying is driving her crazy. It did not drive her crazy that her granddaughter was missing for a month, off with her irresponsible daughter...but what "people" are saying is bothering her? What is up with this lawyer? How do you go on national television and say "people need to give Casey a chance?" What chance? Who are we?

If there was no such thing as the internet we all would be talking about this over the water cooler and Cindy would not know what people thought. We would still know what she thought because she has gone on national tv!

We can say our opinions all day long and that does not affect the trial, yes? And, they HAVE to find a jury that does not know about the case. Where I live, no body is talking about this case. There are thousands of people who wouldn't know what you are talking about. They have not carried this case on our news. If you know about the case you might have caught some of Cindy's tv appearances, to know she was going to be on...or you are just a regular person watching tv and you only get the info that is on the tv, which still makes Casey look guilty: which is what seems to be bothering Cindy.

What does BC have to do with Casey's case? Are there no rules to being a lawyer?

What is this? I never, ever, knew this type of thing could be done. I am naive no more. I want to know why this is making me so mad. I have said, "that's it, I'm done" sooooo many times...

Casey is innocent. Can't you people see that? Why do we have an innocent girl sitting in jail, when we need to be looking for her missing daughter? Can we bring charges up on the State? How can they hold Casey, with the DP over her head, when there is evidence that she did not commit this crime?

I hope Casey gets free. I hope the Anthony's get all the money they could ever want. I hope they get just what they want.

There. Now am I saying and thinking what I should? Am I saying nice things now? Can Casey get out of jail now? Is this what they want? I want to help out the grieving grandparents.

Then maybe she needs to stop reading and posting here. :innocent:
Does anyone know if there is an existing thread (perhaps "no discussion) that is a cumulative list of the "evidence"***(see note below) that prosecution may take to trial, based on the all document dumps to this point?

I think it would be interesting and informative to be able to list and look at possible "holes" for the defense to jump into, perhaps speculating if this went to trial now? (similar to the "ping list", "cell phone usage" etc....)

DISCLAIMER: I used the term evidence in quotation marks as a general term to include all documents, witness statements, reports, etc. although technically none of those things are true evidence until they are entered during the trial.

Peggy Lee

Is that all there is, is that all there is
If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing
Let's break out the booze and have a ball
If that's all there is

~~They gotta do better than this!

Love your theme song LOL. Mine would be "SEND IN THE CLOWNS"
Thanks! IT was your use of XIV that flustered me. Another site has them in 6 files, listed 1-6. Etc.

Sorry....looking at these docs again is giving me a headache.

I don't see the Report of Examination dated 7/25/09 but I might have missed it. Maybe not. This would be pdf page #3 of the 19 page doc.

I will look some more later but right now I can't take it anymore.

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