Attorney Brad Conway To Release More Evidence In Anthony Case On 09/30/09

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Today's doc dump was not what TP was talking about, IMHO, because we asked him if it would be released by the prosecution or defense and he said he didn't honestly know who would release it. WTH?
That makes me think it is the information that BC is going to let out. It is probably info that JB and team has, LE has, and BC has. TP just didn't know who was going to put it out there.

And see, I think today's release was at least SOME of what TP was alluding to.

In his posts, he stated:

LP was talking to DC on a daily basis.

Tracy still had contact with KC and the Anthonys.

LP talking frequently to Baez.

RG was (bad references...will not repeat here).

If you read the link with all the email communications, it clearly shows the contact between LP, DC, Tracy, CA, Baez in reference to their suspicions and unfounded (at least to me in these emails) accusations against Kronk and RG, as well as allegations that Kronk and RG are related (not family...but lived in same state at same time?)

Watch the email headers of these communications as LP is in contact with some woman in DC, who is trying to get Kronk's ex sis-in-law to talk to LP, but is telling the woman that she does not have frequent contact with LP (lie), LP then forwards to Tracy, who then forwards to CA, who then forwards to DC and Baez....

This leads me to believe that this is at least related to what TP was alluding to. Will be interesting to see if BC information will be in regards to Kronk or RG!!
It is bizarre that BC is releasing it. Is it as an agent of the Defense or does this help or make the Defense team look bad?

Obviously it is more sensational to come from him and can be a media event, since the Defense can disclaim any involvement -- so it has the effect of tainting the future Jury pool but does not impact the Defense.

Seems sly that BC is not the Defense but he is and they are all in collusion and together with the A's are orchestrating a joint strategy.

And so they should if the state is holding back on significant evidence!

This is about TRUTH and JUSTICE for CAYLEE! Not about getting KC convicted, with a 'whatever it takes' attitude.

We can't possibly make an informed decision without all of the evidence, including whatever it is that BC is planning to release that should have been released in this dump (per the report).

My guess is this info will be about more contamination of evidence, or speculation rather than scientific evidence put forth by the state.

I dont view this as the 'good' guys and the 'bad' guys. I focus on the evidence and where that evidence points to.And have seen errors and mistruths/speculation on both sides.

Any why is this likely to taint a jury pool anymore than the sordid details released to the public by the state already? Evidence is evidence- regardless of who provided it.
The question should not be what is BC's agenda or strategy, but why wasnt this released with the rest of the dump, as the report says it should have been? So what is the states agenda in holding this bit back from the public?
DC is the A's lawyer. Alot of the stuff that was released today, made the A's look awful.

My guess it's something that they think will make the A's look better.

But it wasn't released today by the LE, cause it would not be used as evidence against KC.

Um..."DeeC: is the investigator. "BeaC" is the attorney, but I know that you know that since you have been so on top of this case (and I appreciate your knowledge and memory!!) :blowkiss:

Just didn't want someone else to get confused :waitasec:
And so they should if the state is holding back on significant evidence!

This is about TRUTH and JUSTICE for CAYLEE! Not about getting KC convicted, with a 'whatever it takes' attitude.

We can't possibly make an informed decision without all of the evidence, including whatever it is that BC is planning to release that should have been released in this dump (per the report).

My guess is this info will be about more contamination of evidence, or speculation rather than scientific evidence put forth by the state.

I dont view this as the 'good' guys and the 'bad' guys. I focus on the evidence and where that evidence points to.And have seen errors and mistruths/speculation on both sides.

Any why is this likely to taint a jury pool anymore than the sordid details released to the public by the state already? Evidence is evidence- regardless of who provided it.
The question should not be what is BC's agenda or strategy, but why wasnt this released with the rest of the dump, as the report says it should have been? So what is the states agenda in holding this bit back from the public?

What significant evidence are we talking about, here?

What has been withheld by the state, that should have been released?
KB on NG stated that the media had asked BC to respond to the discovery and he had said he will do so, tomorrow once he has had chance to review it all.
Brad Conway has to have something about Cindy's emails. If he is showing something that is relevant to today has to be about Cindy's emails.

I wonder if BC had been planning to "drop the bomb" about their investigation into RG and Kronk and was caught offguard today when the emails discussing their allegations were released in this document dump, so now he is scrambling to give HIS explanation instead of leaving us (the public) to make our own opinions of those emails and suspicions, on top of all the other ridiculous allegations against other people

(in other words...if all the other "allegation emails" were viewed by the public as ridiculous, we would also assume the RG and Kronk allegations were ridiculous by association)?
What significant evidence are we talking about, here?

What has been withheld by the state, that should have been released?

Maybe Grund and Kronk were neighbors at one time.
What significant evidence are we talking about, here?

What has been withheld by the state, that should have been released?

Investigation of Kronk?

(I know...I am stuck on this right now:angel:)
EVERYTIME we get a doc dump that is of some importance the defense/GA/CA/BC tries to do something the next day to detour our attention away from the doc dump. BC saying he is releasing something tomorrow tells me for one that he is trying to cover for the nonsense in CA emails and maybe there is also something in the doc dump that we havent caught yet that they are trying to detour us away from discoverying.
And so they should if the state is holding back on significant evidence!

This is about TRUTH and JUSTICE for CAYLEE! Not about getting KC convicted, with a 'whatever it takes' attitude.

We can't possibly make an informed decision without all of the evidence, including whatever it is that BC is planning to release that should have been released in this dump (per the report).

My guess is this info will be about more contamination of evidence, or speculation rather than scientific evidence put forth by the state.

I dont view this as the 'good' guys and the 'bad' guys. I focus on the evidence and where that evidence points to.And have seen errors and mistruths/speculation on both sides.

Any why is this likely to taint a jury pool anymore than the sordid details released to the public by the state already? Evidence is evidence- regardless of who provided it.
The question should not be what is BC's agenda or strategy, but why wasnt this released with the rest of the dump, as the report says it should have been? So what is the states agenda in holding this bit back from the public?

BBM. We will have to wait and see if there is any substance to the bolded part. Is it true, as reported? Is it 'evidence'? IMHO it is spin.
Maybe Grund and Kronk were neighbors at one time.

That's what was alluded to in one of the emails to LP. Have to go back and read it again, but someone in this email to LP "heard from someone else that Grund and Kronk lived in the same area at one time"

Will go back and edit this to include link and page number to actual email.
Sorry, not quite done with my rant it seems:Hello? Um, if BC released information that would be detrimental to the investigation, is that not "obstruction of justice"? Tampering with an investigation, I don't know, I watch too much CSI an stuff, but I'm really bewildered that this man has given himself (or CA has annointed him) with the powers to release to the media items that he is not at liberty to do.* He seems to be tainting that jury pool, no? and, will this information create a "mistrial" as KC states, even before we get it to trial? Isn't this type of behavior considered "being trialed before the media". I'm just befuzzled at this!!!:furious:
I think you have outlined the exact motive under which his clients are operating.* I believe in retaining him their motive was two fold.* First priority was to ensure that their rights would be protected during subpoenaed depositions, but additionally, that they could "try the case" in the media first.* I think BC is a pawn in the Anthony game.* I have no doubt that other counsel will declare that his actions (by releasing additional info not deemed required by Sunshine laws) are* an ethical violation and thus attempt to imply that they have behaved in such a manner due to "ineffective advice of counsel".* It's almost as if they are setting up a defense for their actions by implying that they were advised to do so.* THUS, attempting to create reasonable doubt spurred along due to any of their statements for the record. JMO, but does this make sense to anyone else?
Who knew?

Another post of TP's .....

Old 09-12-2009, 01:06 PM
Tony Padilla Tony Padilla is offline
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Originally Posted by pferrin View Post
Tony, thanks for your insight. Do you feel that the info coming out that you eluded to will surprise us or basically same ole same ole? Also ..have you ever met Zaneida?

It will surprise you. It will be different and somewhat shocking. I have never met Zaneida.
Well, I think BC should be very careful. He's representing a couple that LE has been very patient with. I think they're gonna get tired of these theatrics pretty dang soon. Nothing like shutting someone up with an arrest warrant. Oh, and if he thinks that will seem like sour grapes..John Q. Public would probably care less. JMO

ETA: He also better be talking about his clients...the rest isn't his job.
That's what was alluded to in one of the emails to LP. Have to go back and read it again, but someone in this email to LP "heard from someone else that Grund and Kronk lived in the same area at one time"

Will go back and edit this to include link and page number to actual email.
Rumor...they both lived in Maryland. Go figure!
What significant evidence are we talking about, here?

What has been withheld by the state, that should have been released?
...and if the State didn't release can BC? If anything was released it was released to what do we have going here "Puppet Theater"? If the State held something back...then JB didn't get it either, right?
Then he should have released it today.

Me thinks that he received a phone call from CA this afternoon that contained many four letter words DEMANDING that as her attorney, he DO SOMETHING immediately to counter the release of these emails she engaged in that she did NOT think would ever become public!

I imagine she is pretty enraged right about now, especially if she has been reading this forum to gauge the reaction to this doc dump!!
Well, I think BC should be very careful. He's representing a couple that LE has been very patient with. I think they're gonna get tired of these theatrics pretty dang soon. Nothing like shutting someone up with an arrest warrant. Oh, and if he thinks that will seem like sour grapes..John Q. Public would probably care less. JMO

ETA: He also better be talking about his clients...the rest isn't his job.

I agree RR0004!! The Anthony family is forever pointing their fingers at SA for "leaking" information ~ But it looks like Brad is getting ready to spring his own!!!
And so they should if the state is holding back on significant evidence!

This is about TRUTH and JUSTICE for CAYLEE! Not about getting KC convicted, with a 'whatever it takes' attitude.

We can't possibly make an informed decision without all of the evidence, including whatever it is that BC is planning to release that should have been released in this dump (per the report).

My guess is this info will be about more contamination of evidence, or speculation rather than scientific evidence put forth by the state.

I dont view this as the 'good' guys and the 'bad' guys. I focus on the evidence and where that evidence points to.And have seen errors and mistruths/speculation on both sides.

Any why is this likely to taint a jury pool anymore than the sordid details released to the public by the state already? Evidence is evidence- regardless of who provided it.
The question should not be what is BC's agenda or strategy, but why wasnt this released with the rest of the dump, as the report says it should have been? So what is the states agenda in holding this bit back from the public?

With utmost respect, shouldn't BC work through the official Defense of KC and/or the SA? Is it correct to choose to make his own releases direct to the media and public? If this is discovery that is bound by the Sunshine Law then should he not follow legal process and file a complaint? Wouldn't that have more impact and affect?

To me, short cutting and going direct to the media smells of Defense spin rather than any legal process and the rights of the public being upheld for justice.
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