Attorney Brad Conway To Release More Evidence In Anthony Case On 09/30/09

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I also thought he looked very tired, his hair looked unkept, and he generally did not carry himself as confidently or professionally as I have seen him in the past.

If he was a friend or family member of mine, today's appearance would have raised my concern for his health/emotional wellbeing right now. I just didn't think he looked or acted "well"..

No, he is one person who never feels well. He has to really use his upper chest and neck muscles to breathe and he seemed to be really tugging today. He has very little fine movements in his hands, you probably saw he got a little flustered when trying to turn pages while everyone was watching as he searched for a reference . Sad.
Ok, now I am pizzed.
What was with all the articles back in Feb. that said the duct tape at the crime seen matched the tape on the A's gas can all about.
Of course now, I cannot find the actual articles, but Orlando Sentinal had one that claimed this was based on the FBI report.
Was the match in the product and name, but now we are just finding out the actual tape is micro-scopic different? Fiber chemistry is different as in, just simply not from the same roll?
If no evidence of outline on tape of heart sticker, no evidence of tape from home, no evidence of blanket from site being from same group as home, no evidence of ANYTHING matching from the Anthony home, just similar products eg; laundry bag, duct tape, I am afraid this woman might walk.
Please tell me I am wrong, that besides the evidence of consciousness of guilt (not reported missing, lying about sitter's addresses, jobs etc) there is something that ties Casey's car, or the anthony home to the remains site.
Just one teeny weeny thing even.
Of all the information, remains site evidence, doc dumps, media interviews, NG shows, etc. that we have seen so far, yesterday's doc dump and BC's press conference today have bothered me the most.

IMO Although the last two days have been entertaining, they also show that CA is out of control in her thinking and BC has clearly lost any ability to objectively cousel his client. He has long ago stopped advising the A's and instead is now just enabling CA and her irrational behavior. (Just look what enabling Casey ended up doing)

If someone does not get control of CA and get her properly medicated and in intense counseling, her beliefs and behavior may continue to become more and more irrational (if that's possible).

If Casey is convicted, I am afraid what could possibly happen to the members of the jury. No one is immune to CA's wrath, she has no fear of LE.

So far she has not gone after anyone physically. What would stop her from thinking she must revenge her daughter's "unjust" verdict?

When someone is deposed by the SA can they be required to get a mental health evaluation before giving sworn statements?

What is to stop another tragedy from happening in this case?
I keep going back to the 31 days and wonder what all was disposed of. Not many people get 31 days to clean a crime up.
Ok, now I am pizzed.
What was with all the articles back in Feb. that said the duct tape at the crime seen matched the tape on the A's gas can all about.
Of course now, I cannot find the actual articles, but Orlando Sentinal had one that claimed this was based on the FBI report.
Was the match in the product and name, but now we are just finding out the actual tape is micro-scopic different? Fiber chemistry is different as in, just simply not from the same roll?
If no evidence of outline on tape of heart sticker, no evidence of tape from home, no evidence of blanket from site being from same group as home, no evidence of ANYTHING matching from the Anthony home, just similar products eg; laundry bag, duct tape, I am afraid this woman might walk.
Please tell me I am wrong, that besides the evidence of consciousness of guilt (not reported missing, lying about sitter's addresses, jobs etc) there is something that ties Casey's car, or the anthony home to the remains site.
Just one teeny weeny thing even.

I found this link, I hope it helps you:
Thank you for your welcome's :blushing:

I am totally engrossed with this case and have just plucked up the courage to post.

Things are dealt with completely different from where I am there is no publicity regarding court cases until after a trial and even then its limited.

What captured my attention was that poor baby n that devious person she called mom. No child deserves what that poor excuse for a parent did to her. Children dont ask to come into this world we bring them here and all to often we are seeing more and more of this behaviour from women and it shocks me to the core. Me me me and if theres anything left I will have more, attitude.... How can anyone hurt any child in that way let alone her own mother

Oh I know she hasnt been convicted of anything BUT anyone who lies about the whereabouts of their child and parties her little shoes off every night while their child is missing is responsible full stop no excuses go straight to jail do not pass, do not collect $200 well maybe Casey could collect that $200 then go straight to Jail

You will probably see lots of references to Florida's Sunshine laws, this allows for public inspection of documents. Thank goodness for it too, you really get to see what the person is made of, rather than the sanitized version that shows up in court. Not all states are as open.
Yes, you're right about the adhesive matching which we learned from a previous report. The report BC is referring to says the fabric portion of the tapes do not match. He was asked about this in the presser and stated he feels the fabric test trumps the adhesive test. Did he minor in chemistry or forensic science in college by any chance?
Him and DC must have gone to the same school!
Thanks so much for the link
Ok, here is the important line in the article
"The FBI Laboratory in Quantico, VA, has already examined the tape samples found with the body and on the gas can and reported in December that they “are comparable to one another in all physical attributes and in the chemical composition of their backing and adhesive components. Therefore, they originated from the same source roll of tape or from rolls of tape manufactured in the same manner.”
I know someone said in a post earlier (Brini?) that the adhesive was same.
Is this going to be enough do you suppose?
I cannot stand the idea of her getting off :furious:
If the above is true, how can the fiber be so dang different?
If Casey is convicted, I am afraid what could possibly happen to the members of the jury. No one is immune to CA's wrath, she has no fear of LE.

Respectfully snipped...
Sorry but taking just this bit of your post it almost struck me as comical. I could envision her and the PI digging deep into each juror's background to see if any of them had ever been neighbors of JG or lived in Rhode Island.

Regarding today's shenanigans, nothing to see here folks.
Ok, now I am pizzed.
What was with all the articles back in Feb. that said the duct tape at the crime seen matched the tape on the A's gas can all about.
Of course now, I cannot find the actual articles, but Orlando Sentinal had one that claimed this was based on the FBI report.
Was the match in the product and name, but now we are just finding out the actual tape is micro-scopic different? Fiber chemistry is different as in, just simply not from the same roll?
If no evidence of outline on tape of heart sticker, no evidence of tape from home, no evidence of blanket from site being from same group as home, no evidence of ANYTHING matching from the Anthony home, just similar products eg; laundry bag, duct tape, I am afraid this woman might walk.
Please tell me I am wrong, that besides the evidence of consciousness of guilt (not reported missing, lying about sitter's addresses, jobs etc) there is something that ties Casey's car, or the anthony home to the remains site.
Just one teeny weeny thing even.

Caylee is the one teeny weeny thing you are looking for.
I hope the SA will somehow trump this circus sideshow today.....or maybe they do not feel they need to??

Brad C. is asking that people not draw conclusions about the guilt of KC. After this display of bumbling antics, based on the Anthony's interpretation, the public will draw only one conclusion:snooty:
ITA...the As must be worried that the negative publicity after this latest dump will take a bite out of their salaries. They didn't do this for Casey...they didn't do this for Caylee...they did this for themselves (thanks to the person who first suggested the true reason behind this news conference). BC should be ashamed of himself. How desperate for "attention" can you be that you would risk making yourself look like a total *advertiser censored*l AGAIN?! His "lawyering" during the depos wasn't bad enough?
I look at all the lip service from the A's and the defense and it just boggles the mind. CA just keeps amazing me time and again, Give KC a chance ??? Hear her side ??? Duct tape not from same roll?? New evidence that the Sa should have released??? blah blah blah !!!
Remove the murder charge??? take away the death penalty??? Drop all charges???
There is a simple answer to all of this.
KC tell us what happened to Caylee!!!
I have never in my life seen a murder be it to an adult or child that no one in the entire family and I do mean no one wanted the perp to pay for the crime. :furious::furious:
Was this child just a passing fancy for this whole family? Does she not count as a person. What is it with these people???
We watch their actions and wonder why KC is behaving as she is. The apple doesn't fall fat from the tree.
I am almost ready to say let her go home with Ca, and live this might be enough punishment for the both of them, as my grandmother would tell me ...... Be careful what you wish for you just might get it. :croc:
All I've gotta say is.....yawn. I'm with ya Kentjbkent. I have heard enough from them too and will go back to picking apart yesterday's dump....

I don't care what Cindys puppet has to say, and I don't care if they think they can deflect and distract us from the truth. Sorry A-team, it's too late in the game to change our minds about you. Nobody is buying their crap and no matter how much they try to fight it.. Caylee will ultimately get justice.. and I can't thank God enough for that.

Back to the truth and back to reality for me.
Respectfully snipped...
Sorry but taking just this bit of your post it almost struck me as comical. I could envision her and the PI digging deep into each juror's background to see if any of them had ever been neighbors of JG or lived in Rhode Island.

Regarding today's shenanigans, nothing to see here folks.

You are right, I forgot the main family dynamic.

I'm sure if all the jurors were to give CA a donation to the "foundation" and promised to buy copies of her book they would all be new best friends
(TES it is new from BC!) Is this new...sorry with my surgery I haven't read everything yet!

PDF~ FBI Memos On Hair-Fiber Evidence 08/01/08 - 02/18/09: Pages 1-19

ETA: I just checked it this is NEW from BC from today!!!

Anyone know what specimen Q107 was? IMO what this says is that on all that junk found at the scene they found someone else's hair. Is this correct? So what's the big deal? There was probably considerable dna of others on some of those items (if it hadn't already been washed away) don't ya think?
Not when you consider who BC takes his orders from!!


I LOVEthis!! I gave my SIL the same one for her desk. I visited her office yesterday and she still has it right up front for all to see :)
So - the Anthony's tampered with the car first. They cleaned it out.

We know LE or FBI or whoever took the Anthony's vacuum cleaners. Was there any hairs or debris in them?

They get the car, air out the smell, vacuum it, probably carpet cleaned it, washed her clothes.

Not really surprised here about what they didn't find in the car. You know they detailed that car as much as they could before Cindy wigged out and called the cops.

More test results we haven't seen yet. Entomology results haven't been released either.
I have a question! Since Casey is so innocent, when are they gonna start the manhunt for the real killer? BC, the Jose jibber-jabbers and the A's must think we are all as delusional as they are.
Don't ya remember...that was OUR job to do?!
Who thinks that CA will appear with her very own Kool Aid stand outside the courthouse?* Those poor jurors are going to have to be sequestered if for no other reason than to avoid being accosted by CA.* We've all seen the animal rights groups throwing blood on people wearing fur coats.* I envision something much like that going down although the actual flavor may not yet have been finalized.* Sarcasm intended and the sports book is now open.
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