Attorney Dennis Riordan

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Can you quote anything from the defense experts to support your claim that they said "none of the wounds were caused by knives" in general, or just refrences to the wounds in specific autopsy photos like the satements from Spitz you quoted? Also, as for specific photos can you quote any of the defense experts adressing State's exhibit 68A, the one with the wounds which Peretti can be seen noting the "serrated appearance" of starting at around 59:20 in Paradise Lost 3? And have any of the defense experts claiming animial predation adressed State's exhibit 71B, the one previous defense experts claimed was a human bite mark?
However, in case you are interested, here comes a list with proof:

If I could just add taking things out of context in order to again put you on the defensive and creating moving targets as well for the same purpose. It took me exactly one post to figure it out and frankly, since then, the posts come off with such a strong agenda that I assumed he/she either had a connection to the case somehow or a website of their own or trying to sell a book. As much as the case has intrigued me, I would be lying if I didn't also admit that it intrigues me how someone that doesn't have a connection to the case can take such a vested interest in the case, beyond just having an opinion.

I know I am late catching up on this case, but hopefully others can learn to take those posts for what they are or can simply ignore them, because it is obvious to me there are plenty of people out there that could answer questions for newbies like myself, regardless of which side of the fence you fall on.
Your thorough knowledge of the case and you calm and serenty are truly needed. I have read your posts on various forums and enjoyed every one of them. They are testament to a very thorough knowledge of the case - and they are just very calm, dignified and, what is even most important, humane.

I left the site for quite some time because of kyleb. I even received a private message asking me to return, where the author emphasised that kyleb has driven quite a number of posters away from the forum, but I did not respond right away, just needed some time to calm down.

The strange thing about this case is that a lot of message boards are completely taken over by one very aggressive person or two or three (as in the case of IMDb or Salem forums). Your peace of mind and thorough responses are really something to appreciate. If you manage to stand your ground with kyleb - and I am sure you will! - this really contributes to the discussion. I am really looking forward to your posts.

As I said, linguistics (including forensic linguistics) and discourse analysis are my main areas of research - so I do recognize a skillful manipulator. I was really enraged by his tactics last time we clashed and decided to leave this forum for good. Now , on IMDb the supporters are just called idiots and scumbags. Whoever is doing this is so full of energy and possesses huge amounts of time, so that one person - or three - they accuse everybody else of having sockpuppets so there seems to be some first-hand experience there - manages to dominate the whole board. On the Salem forum essentially two people fill in amazing amounts of space and produce hundreds of posts against WM3. Kyleb is equally active, but far more cunning. He is a manipulator nevertheless and it might be good to know his main tactics.
I am not retired so I do not have the time to backtrack every reference. But I am an expert in manipulation techniques, so I'll just list a few that kyleb uses. They all boil down to essentially one: put your opponent on the defensive, assume with confidence that the onus of proof is on your opponent, set them scurrying for evidence while you yourself make the most preposterous claims without any evidence and refuse to answer even when called out on in, and ask for evidence when the whole has already provided – just in the next post. (Plus ad hominem attacks: I used caps in the function of bold, had not worked out how bold functions here – easy to show me as a hysterical shouting shrew).
The rest of the post is long – on some forums I have recEIved praise – and penpals - for this, on others this is a fault. No need to read all of it, the gist was just given.
However, in case you are interested, here comes a list with proof:

!) proactivity - he always attacks first and demands documentation from the opponents.(He will never "go digging" for it himself - nor does he do any digging for his own claims. Example:

"There was more evidence presented at trial than what you mention, and more evidence which has come out since then through document releases and hearings" - now these are his words. When asked to back the claims up with not even documents, which he requires from everybody else, but just a list of facts, by several forum members, he diverts the discourse. He has NEVER answered this substantial question - and I do not think this kind of manipulator will ever have any compunctions of not doing so.

Actually, his own claim is preposterous and cannot be backed up by any evidence, but he just hopes the decent members of the board will be busy hunting for exact references for the evidence he keeps requiring so his own sweeping and thoroughly unsupported statements will be conveniently forgotten. He never gives evidence, have you noticed that? Just requires it from everybody else. And we do go scurrying for more and more documents, forgetting that his own outrageous claims have not been backed up by anything at all.

Meanwhile, when you provide him with extensive expert opinions about no knife being used, he counters you with a request to provide evidence that all experts actually said the words: "no knife was used". So he sends you searching for ultimate, "impeccable" evidence, without providing any asked from himself. Not to mention that several experts quoted in you post actually said that no knife was used.

I had the same experience with my claim that no proper door-to-door questioning was conducted in the area near Terry Hobbs. I was immediately required to "Please provide me with evidence of this". (Returning after a long hiatus, I notice that at least the impolite "Please plus imperative" has diminished, though still there - a distinctive marker of his style).

I did find the document on callahan where the police have noted who they questioned and who was not present and who they therefore never bothered to question again, almost half of the people, including, of course, TH, but also the neighbours who saw him with the children - but the point is he could have found the document himself. Putting the burden on the opponent is one of the first rules of manipulation.

2) Double standards. So many prosecution witnesses - the central ones such as Carson and Hutcheson - have recanted tearfully on video. (You are a better expert, but did they not also profit by the Alford plea, just as the state of Arkansas did - as far as I know, perjury leading to a death sentence can be punished up to a death sentence?).

Yet again, witnesses for the defence (not for the prosecution!) probably had memory problems:) Notice what is happening - the burden of proving things is again stealthily shifted to the supporters. Why is the testimony of those girls who eavesdropped on Echols's conversations (normally qualified as hearsay, except for by this heavily biased judge), or the testimony of a relative of Hollingsworth, who had every reason to lie and who somehow recognised Damien in the dark (sic!) but erred as to his companion - somehow OK, and their memories and perceptions, let alone motivations not questioned? Yes, we all have memory problems - and then some have prjury problems! - but this should cover both defence and prosecution witnesses.

And then you have a person with no axe to grind who - as you rightly pointed out - would remember if a knife would indeed have been thrown into the water right after the gruesome murders, and actually remembers that it had happened long before - and his testimony is doubted. Again proactivity - putting the burden of proving that one witness was credible on the supporters and disregarding the crucial recantations or prosecution witnesses whose credibility has been proven to be zero, but whose impact on the jury was enormous - they had literally nothing against Jason before Carson's perjury - and kyleb has the nerve to say that he has not delved into these perjuries and yet does not believe they were important - O God!

By the way, we all remember where we were when JFK was assassinated, or when September 11 happened. Even in Biblical theology they say that Jesus's words are probably authentic in the Bible because of the emotional charge related to them. So if a really gruesome murder happens, people's memories are far better than usual. We may forget where we put our watch on an ordinary day, but somebody throwing a knife in a lake right after what shook the community to the core will be distinctly remembered.

3) Asking questions that seem "formally" correct, though the answer is obvious. A typical example is the question "Please give me evidence when exactly Jessie Miskelley recanted his confession". Again, putting the burden on the opponent - and VERY consciously so. Obviously, when Miskelley pleaded not guilty, he thereby recanted his "confession". That is enough proof, and kyleb knows it perfectly well - we have an intelligent manipulator here. Kyleb just again puts the supporters on the defensive - sends them looking for a document where Jessie recanted - whereas pleading not guilty is all that is needed for "proving" recantation. When he refused to testify against the other two, he essentially recanted his confession once again.

So there are all these obvious facts, but I almost feel kyleb experiences some strange pleasure in sending the supporters looking for documented evidence again, although it has long been there out in the open. Your post about the knife gave total evidence about how the experts agreed that no knife was used. Including the statement „Looking at the injuries, which in my opinion you need to look at as a group, I view the injuries to the lips as consistent with those that would have been caused by an animal. I don’t see injuries looking at what you are showing me, including 48R, that is consistent with a beating and a knifing “. To follow this by a post asking you to provide evidence that no knife was used is manipulation at its apex. I notice you have not answered this and I absolutely approve this - all the evidence is there and yet you are required to provide "more evidence". The expert said that they don’t see injuries looking at what they were shown (including a concrete photo, but not excluding anything else) so what is one supposed to do? Dig for an explicit statement: „i hereby state that no knife was used on the boys“? Such a statement probably does not exist because all the wounds were covered one by one.

To recapitulate, I, for one, am happy you are back. Such textbook means of manipulation are something I cannot gladly suffer. You have the calmness and balance of mind to counter them - and also the good judgment to know when an answer is useless.

Once more, looking forward to more of your posts and wishing you continued patience and strength.

I can't snip because I haven't figured out via iPhone, but basically I'm with you, I've stopped commenting on most of this and written to Tricia about Kyleb as he is rude and belligerent to anyone who seems to look at all evidence rather than just assume the wm3's guilt..

Thankyou for your above post x x

ALSO compassionate reader, I have YOUR back too

Hey guys, I know it gets heated in this discussion, we've all experienced it from both sides of the fence, but let's not single out each other .. we need strong arguments from both sides, and we are ALL searching for the truth. I for one think Kyleb makes some VERY interesting points, does a lot of research and has added a lot to this debate.

Now you all know where I stand on the WM3 .. but we don't want a one sided debate .. that will not help any of us, the people who are convinced of the WM3's innocence need to be challenged to hone their thoughts just as much as the people convinced of the WM3's guilt do.

Strong opinions on both sides help us filter out the arguments that make no sense so that we can all focus on the evidence that IS valuable, so it is all important.

Lord knows there's been a lot of erroneous information on both sides of this debate, and lord knows it gets heated. But we can all handle it :)

Hey guys, I know it gets heated in this discussion, we've all experienced it from both sides of the fence, but let's not single out each other .. we need strong arguments from both sides, and we are ALL searching for the truth. I for one think Kyleb makes some VERY interesting points, does a lot of research and has added a lot to this debate.

Now you all know where I stand on the WM3 .. but we don't want a one sided debate .. that will not help any of us, the people who are convinced of the WM3's innocence need to be challenged to hone their thoughts just as much as the people convinced of the WM3's guilt do.

Strong opinions on both sides help us filter out the arguments that make no sense so that we can all focus on the evidence that IS valuable, so it is all important.

Lord knows there's been a lot of erroneous information on both sides of this debate, and lord knows it gets heated. But we can all handle it :)


I agree with you in most parts, however I don't believe Kyleb is being singled out, I put in my 2 cents about the possibility of a mental illness/personality disorder based on the physc reports on Callahan and was pretty much told to shut up and I'd know nothing about mental illness amongst other things (in fact I know personality disorders very well, I've got one and struggle daily with it and as I put on the other thread Damien Echols physc reports read quite similar to mine, apart from the killing people statements, BPD sufferers only tend to hurt/kill themselves)

I'm all for strong debates/arguments and this one is probably as heated as it gets, but when it comes to being attacked personally or called a liar, etc then I won't stand for that.

Personally I don't know if WM3 are guilty or not and can't make a clear judgement from what I've read, but I'd like to be able to participate without being attacked.

However the most important thing to me is that the three little boys who lost their lives so tragically get justice...
I was disappointed in what I saw of Dennis Riordan in West of Memphis, where he proffers an argument that prosecutor John Fogleman "knew that knife in the lake had nothing to do with the crime" because "the same people who told him it was in the lake let him know that it was thrown into the lake a year before the crime." Surely anyone who ponders on that argument for a bit can recognition the possibility that whoever told Fogleman of the knife either misremembered or misrepresented the timeline, but Riordan apparently failed to ever accomplish as much before saying what he did on camera.

Beyond that, Riordan isn't even shown name who he's claiming originally told Fogleman either, which makes it difficult to determine of Fogleman's claim has any basis in reality at all. Granted, that might well be the fault of the filmmakers rather than Riordan, but either way it leaves open the question of who he might be referring to. The closest thing to an answer I've been able to find is this 2006 affidavit from Sam Dwyer which says in part:

However, noting in Dwyer's statement suggests he recalls the indecent happening a year before the murders, nor does he claim to be the person who originally told Fogleman that a knife could be found in the lake. So I'm curious, does anyone here have any idea who exactly Riordan might have been alluding to in all of this?

I think that kyleb is giving us an opportunity to talk about this evidence and what happened and why people are attacking that is questionable.

I'm not sure about the knife, but I doubt that it was 'planted'.

On the findadeath site Jos3ph talks about this particular knife although there were many knives other than this one.

The post I am speaking of is #577
Here is the link
That is very interesting that T is stating that he/she is a professor and expert as stated here in this post:
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - New Damien Echols Interview[/ame]
We should welcome other poster's views of the same evidence without the snark and gotcha that I have experienced in the past.

Respectfully snipped by me. I agree with this whole heartedly. As I see it, unless one of us was actually involved in the crime, no one knows 100% what happened, so there are various shades of gray. Anyone who comes off as knowing what happened or who is guilty or who is not guilty holds little weight to me. One can have an opinion about it, but to act as if their answer is the only right answer destroys their credibility in my humble opinion.

I can only speak to my very limited exposure on this thread and following this case. I was attempting to approach reviewing documents in a chronological manner and made the mistake of posting after reading only the investigatory reports (no threads/no articles/no shows) and made a comment about my initial observations that 1. I found it interesting that LE named Damien before any interviews were done by the detectives and 2. I saw problems with the "confession" given by Jessie (and that was before I knew the confession was subsequently attacked as a false confession). I also inquired into whether there were more documents available before I started reading the trial transcripts. I didn't express any thoughts as to my feelings on guilt/innocence and still haven't. In response, I was attacked in very much the same manner as was outlined by the previous poster. As I made mention of it, the ironic twist was that by preaching from a bully pulpit, I found myself having to fight the urge to believe in their innocence, not because of what I had read, but because of the manner in which the poster's message was being delievered. It was having just the opposite effect as what I imagine they wished it would.

Bottom line is, there are a lot of people with a wealth of knowledge on the subject. If one chooses to preach from a bully pulpit, so be it, but I think there are much more effective ways of being persuasive, not that you should even have to be trying to persuade anyone, unless you have a personal stake in the matter.
I had asked this in a different thread but will ask it here as well. I noticed that in the sentencing upon their release, the Judge used language that he was suspending the imposition of the sentences of the three. Where I am at, this means if they do their 10 years without incident, their records are wiped clean and as if there was never a guilty plea entered. This is opposed to a suspended execution of sentence, where they are placed on probation for a period of time and if they do their time clean, they don't do any further jail time, but the guilty pleas remain on the record forever. Does anyone know if this is how these pleas operate as well?
And BTW, my post contained a lot of substantive claims that you still have not answered - e.g. double standards as regards the credibility of witnesses. And many more. So ad hominem, yes, as regards substance - nothing. Sorry, but this is the case.

None of these substantive claims had anything to do my qualifications so that is simply another manipulative way of getting rid of uncomfortable arguments. OK. I am a janitor and so is my husband, but the credibility of witnesses (so the alibi witness of Jessie, young adolescents with no experience with a virulent prosecutor attacking them - were not credible, but TS and Jacobi are, and Hollingsworth, and those high-school girls who kind of overhead things - and in one case the mother actually contested the testimony - or the witnesses who were key to the prosecution case and who have now tearfully recanted on video - these were credible?).

Really comfy not to have to answer these by referring to inappropriate claims of qualifications:)
Here is the deal. You are making this thread about yourselves and who is doing what to whom.

At Websleuths we do not operate this way at all.

No name calling, no baiting, no accusing posters of lying, I think you get my drift.

The best way I heard our rules described was like this, "Don't be a jerk and you'll be fine."

This is great advice. Don't be a jerk and stay on topic please.

One final bit of information. Please hit the alert button if you see a poster violating TOS. DO NOT RESPOND TO THE POSTER. The alert button is a red and white triangle in the upper right hand corner.

Thank You
After reviewing this thread I had remove many posts.

Consider this your one and only warning about this.

Here is the post from Ziggy that started this thread. This is the topic.

I suggested to my Graduating Class of 2013 future lawyers that we ask Dennis Riordan to be our guest speaker. He is here in SF (the school is in Santa Rosa as is the graduation venue). My class was unanimous that this was a great idea.

Does anyone who follows here know him? I'm putting the feelers out to anyone who might communicate with those close to the case or those close to the case who lurk here. WE WANT DENNIS!!!

The Dean of my school will contact him if none of us can find a good way to approach him.

I've been on this forum for YEARS and YEARS. I watched his oral argument live streaming and watched and read everything I could on the case. Despite preferring to be a prosecutor, the work of these San Francisco attorneys and their counterparts in other parts of the country really impressed me.

So, get the message to Riordan if you can. Ziggy has followed you and when she asks you to be guest speaker at graduation, please say yes!!!
Whew, thanks Tricia. That did go off the rails. Here is the update - Mr. Riordan is otherwise engaged that day speaking at his own alma mater. We asked his partner, but have not heard. I sent a message to Nancy Grace just for the heck of it through some DWTS people I know. The quest continues.

Did you contact anyone at Arkansas Takes Action? They might have some good people in their stable.

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