AU Feral pig drinks 18 pints of beer, then gets in fight with cow

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Mar 4, 2009
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Pig drinks 18 pints and has fight with cow. (
No-one likes a drunken bore. But a drunken boar is pretty funny.

A feral pig has gone on the rampage at the DeGrey River rest area, just east of the town of Port Hedland in Western Australian, stealing three six-packs of beer and drinking the lot, before starting an altercation with a bystanding cow.

An onlooker commented, "in the middle of the night these people camping opposite us heard a noise, so they got their torch out and shone it on the pig and there he was, scrunching away at their cans. Then he went and raided all the rubbish bags. There were some other people camped right on the river and they saw him being chased around their vehicle by a cow."
more at the links, picture of liquored-up pig at the latter:

Drunk and boarish: swigging pig hogs 18 beers at campsite. (Guardian)
Campers told to lock up food and drink after feral pig goes on
bender in Western Australia and ends up in altercation with cow
Story of my life!

:laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry:

And, the pig stole the beer! :floorlaugh:

How can you tell the pig is drunk? It looks just fine in the photo. LMAO!
Girls' night out in Frankston, was what I was thinking before I clicked the link. :D

Only in Straya.
Leave it to wfgodot to come up with a hilarious news article! :floorlaugh:

The feral pig was last seen nursing a hangover. If a hunter could shoot this pig...he'd had pre-marinated meat to roast. Just set out a six pack and wait for it.

I have a bad feeling this isn't the last we've heard of this beer stealing porker. Maybe they ought to put up a sign warning campers of the beer guzzling pig!
It was the pig's later altercation with the cow that seized my attention. Sort of fairy tale-like. Drunken fairy tale-like.
"There were some other people camped right on the river and they saw him being chased around their vehicle by a cow."
Not funny if your the farmer that own's the cows. If it was a wild pig they get undernieth and rip apart the cow's utters. They litterally because of thier tusks can gut the cow killing it and I don't know what one cow goes for where this happend but thier usually over a thousand ..Thier nasty dam things in fact I don't even think you need a permitt to hunt them anymore they want hunters to take em out in alot of states at least..
Not funny if your the farmer that own's the cows. If it was a wild pig they get undernieth and rip apart the cow's utters. They litterally because of thier tusks can gut the cow killing it and I don't know what one cow goes for where this happend but thier usually over a thousand ..Thier nasty dam things in fact I don't even think you need a permitt to hunt them anymore they want hunters to take em out in alot of states at least..
Quite true; lots of feral hogs in Arkansas and here in Okla. I think there's a bounty on them, here at least. But this cow seems to have held its own and chased the drunken feral scofflaw around the vehicle. (I can picture this; and, afterwards, pig decided this was nonsense, really, and repaired under a tree to sleep it off. Am betting cow returned to its herd and got a "+1" and admiring nods from its cohorts.)
He was a cute little lush......RIP piglet. They should bury him with a six pack.
Well this is all just too funny... with a sad ending.

It's well known you have to lock up your valuables in some outback type places, depending on where in Australia you are. Your stuff would be safer sitting in the main street of Sydney than some outback towns. :D

The two legged beasties, mainly...

My brother was camping in Tennant Creek and the guy next to him had a fit the next morning...he'd locked up all his beer and other valuables but forgot to lock up the Easter Eggs he'd bought for the family.

Gone. Not even a wrapper. :lol: He was not impressed. :D
For Swino:
[ame=""]Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild - YouTube[/ame]
A feral pig is, truly, and in the very best sense, "born to be wild."
I didn't know Swino, he could have shared my beer anytime. He had very cute spots. He liked beer, not cows, and trucks were his mortal enemy.

Someone needs to write the Complete Unedited Edition of the Life and Times of Swino Fairy Tale!

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