AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce, Wynarka, Bones of a Child Discovered, July'15 - #4

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Is it so common by the way that almost all kids clothes are 'made in Australia'?
When I look around where I live, most clothes come from China or some other low wages country.

I'm not so sure they were made in Australia. I'm thinking that many of those might have been "knock off" labels that were designed to be close enough that anyone glancing at them would assume they were "real".
Does Australia allow homeschooling?

Yes we do Dutch but it is strictly monitored by the Department of Education.

I homeschooled for many years and it's been my experience that the monitoring varies considerably from state to state (Victoria is the easiest state to register with). It is very, very easy to fly under the radar and avoid registering with state authorities, especially when children are small. I suspect this is irrelevant here however, as the child was most likely under compulsory school age.
The clothing is from the same seller, stating new with tags, she has a few items with the same label, maybe she buys them in bulk and sells them on,
I played around with the HAOLAILH name. Took out the 'i' as it could be, as someone in the last thread mentioned, a continuation of the leaf motifs. Splitting the letters at that point, I checked out Haola. I came up with three possibilities:

1/ Haola appears to be a Muslim baby name meaning 'girl.'

2/ Haole (with an e) is a semi-derogatory term for someone who lives in Hawaii but is of European ancestry in contrast to those of native Hawaiian ancestry.
I realise the spelling is different (with the e) but I was thinking the general front spelling may be indicative of Hawaiian origin?

3/It appears pineapple plantations have long figured as an important industry, as well as a source of historical and racial conflict in Hawaii. This could tie in with the 'pineapple' emblem?
That HF tag with the kangaroo looks quite similar to the sort of tag you would see on towels and face washers, just thinking do we actually know if it's off clothing?

Good observation; it's not like a usual clothes label, is is? Maybe a toweling dressing gown or something like that?
I played around with the HAOLAILH name. Took out the 'i' as it could be, as someone in the last thread mentioned, a continuation of the leaf motifs. Splitting the letters at that point, I checked out Haola. I came up with three possibilities:

1/ Haola appears to be a Muslim baby name meaning 'girl.'

2/ Haole (with an e) is a semi-derogatory term for someone who lives in Hawaii but is of European ancestry in contrast to those of native Hawaiin ancestry.
I realise the spelling is different (with the e) but I was thinking the general front spelling may be indicative of Hawaiian origin?

3/It appears pineapple plantations have long figured as an important industry, as well as a source of historical and racial conflict in Hawaii. This could tie in with the 'pineapple' emblem?

Could it be someone's idea of 'Aloha'?
I played around with the HAOLAILH name. Took out the 'i' as it could be, as someone in the last thread mentioned, a continuation of the leaf motifs. Splitting the letters at that point, I checked out Haola. I came up with three possibilities:

1/ Haola appears to be a Muslim baby name meaning 'girl.'

2/ Haole (with an e) is a semi-derogatory term for someone who lives in Hawaii but is of European ancestry in contrast to those of native Hawaiin ancestry.
I realise the spelling is different (with the e) but I was thinking the general front spelling may be indicative of Hawaiian origin?

3/It appears pineapple plantations have long figured as an important industry, as well as a source of historical and racial conflict in Hawaii. This could tie in with the 'pineapple' emblem?
Could it be someone's idea of 'Aloha'?
there are obvious blood stains on the clothing released to public view, so im wondering if a lot of the unshown clothing is covered in a lot of blood and could be the reason police immediately stated she had a violent and horrific deliberate death, seeing the blood saturated and splattered clothing, blood splatter can tell a lot eg if the person was alive at the time or not?
unpleasant sorry!
also wondering if there were signs the little girl tried to run, the sole of the other slipper may show she stepped in blood?
im thinking this whole suitcase was probably stuffed with all the evidence of her abuse and death and hopefully contains lots of forensic clues

I really think you should pass on the link of the seller to crimestoppers south Australia ...

mrsward .... can you confirm if you pass on the details to crimmestopper ... I think its the same label for sure.
also wondering if there were signs the little girl tried to run, the sole of the other slipper may show she stepped in blood? im thinking this whole suitcase was probably stuffed with all the evidence of her abuse and death and hopefully contains lots of forensic clues
I agree, bearbear. Police were able to tell us of the horrific death immediately - long before the post-mortem was carried out - while facts regarding everything else to do with this whole thing remain elusive until today. Sadly the violence must have been all too obvious. It certainly looks like there's blood there, I just hope they can get sufficient info from it and that they have something to work with regarding possible suspects in problem families or other people on their database to match it up with.I really feel that there is more and more to suggest that this was the girl's own collection of clothing, and not random items that were tossed in with her to pad things out. Too much of a coincidence that 50 plus items matched her age and sex. (There can't have been an enormous number of men's or women's items as they wouldn't have all fit in that small suitcase.)
I do have a person of interest and stated that before ... I think there is a need to ascertain if there was any construction going on within the town of Wynarka around the time the suitcase man was seen - or even upcoming works.

Things like a house extension, putting up a new project such as a carport or even a garage perhaps?

There was a catalyst for these remains being moved.

I personally don't feel that he wanted the suitcase found, rather he was just flustered at knowing exactly what to do with it. He purposely didn't engage with the two woman. He's walked to the almost invisible boundary - geographically the area where he dumped the suitcase the topography of the area changes, he would have hit the end of his comfort zone. From all reports I think the suitcase was actually placed about 11 metres off the road hidden in bushes/trees

I'm thinking this is more like the caylee Anthony dump ... the remains were kept/clothing - someone did care and had a deep attachment to the child, that is why they haven't disposed of "Evidence" it's their child ...they have kept their child close.
Ohh .... I don't think mr 60 year old was the father though ...possibly grandparent or older uncle of the child. IMO
I do have a person of interest and stated that before ... I think there is a need to ascertain if there was any construction going on within the town of Wynarka around the time the suitcase man was seen - or even upcoming works.

Things like a house extension, putting up a new project such as a carport or even a garage perhaps?

There was a catalyst for these remains being moved.

I personally don't feel that he wanted the suitcase found, rather he was just flustered at knowing exactly what to do with it. He purposely didn't engage with the two woman. He's walked to the almost invisible boundary - geographically the area where he dumped the suitcase the topography of the area changes, he would have hit the end of his comfort zone. From all reports I think the suitcase was actually placed about 11 metres off the road hidden in bushes/trees

I'm thinking this is more like the caylee Anthony dump ... the remains were kept/clothing - someone did care and had a deep attachment to the child, that is why they haven't disposed of "Evidence" it's their child ...they have kept their child close.

maybe pass this info onto crimestoppers, other people may have already and a further mention of this person may prompt police to investigate?
wondering if the little girls mother was with someone violent, abusive in the past but is no longer and has asked a family member to find a place to hide the body, she may have other children she wants to protect from this?
maybe pass this info onto crimestoppers, other people may have already and a further mention of this person may prompt police to investigate?
wondering if the little girls mother was with someone violent, abusive in the past but is no longer and has asked a family member to find a place to hide the body, she may have other children she wants to protect from this?

Yeah I have bear .... I put in two crimestopper reports about five days apart - as I collected more info on some individuals.

The more info I got the more red flags kept going off - not specifically any evidence, more like circumstantial stuff that one thing alone may not mean anything ... but when there are more than a few things ... it's a real worry.

But it may all be nothing ....... as I said before Small Towns hold a lot of secrets.
Some people move to small towns specifically for that reason, to start anew and to recreate their history.
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