AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce, Wynarka, Bones of a Child Discovered, July'15 - #6

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I don't have a lot to add except I travel through the area frequently and I can say that I get no mobile phone coverage in and around wynarka (with Telstra) Optus is a little better

I was wondering about that and where the nearest mobile tower would be and if wynarka had one. from what i looked up online wynarka is one big black spot Im sure the police have looked into this.
He may have mental illness, auditory hallucinations, voices influencing his odd behaviour. Leaving a suitcase on the side the road with a skeleton in it is odd behaviour.

A bloke in a suit, walking around on a mobile phone through bushes may have stopped on back road to take a call, walking aorund trying to improve phone reception?

Someone said in the thread, this area is full of mobile reception black holes. Some people look for WIFI connections

why would he make himself visible to locals as well?

Someone, sorry forgotten who, was asking the meaning of Naturi. The indigenous meaning is sandy, soil.
He may have mental illness, auditory hallucinations, voices influencing his odd behaviour. Leaving a suitcase on the side the road with a skeleton in it is odd behaviour.

A bloke in a suit, walking around on a mobile phone through bushes may have stopped on back road to take a call, walking aorund trying to improve phone reception?

LOL We have a spot near our house where people park because it has the best mobile coverage. We did wonder when we first moved in what the heck was going on (why do people keep parking in that spot??). So, certainly a possibility.
I remember in earlier posts someone replied to me why would you hide the car if you don't bother hiding the suitcase?

Excellent point!
And why would you bother hiding a car if you were then going to carry a case n broad daylight with people around to see you?
People are not only making calls when they use their phone. The man coming out of the scrub could have been checking the time.
Excellent point!
And why would you bother hiding a car if you were then going to carry a case n broad daylight with people around to see you?
Because the car would give him away. Number plate plus other distinguishable features.

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Yet, by using said car, they could dump the case at any remote spot on a back-road with no risk at all of being seen.
I just cannot fashion the fact of a man walking openly with a suitcase into any scenario where he is attempting to avoid being identified.
I really am convinced the mystery man was involved but not a hardened criminal if that makes sense. Clumsily disposed of suitcase and oblivious to how many people may have seen him. But then it's clear the child was not accidentally killed. So I believe he was not the perpetrator. This is just my opinion.

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Yep. I realised after I said maybe they hid the car in bush it didn't make sense lol. I don't mind learning a lesson ;)
Just wanted to say that although it seems really weird for some guy in a suit to be wandering around the highway, it might not be. I often stop when I see a plant I want on the verge or in the bush and get out the small shovel or tomahawk I keep in the boot and go get it. And I wouldn't care what I was wearing at the time. I'm sure it looks odd to anyone who happened to see me but it's just something I do. Maybe he was just doing something like that.
Good point HT, and while I'm sure a wee break is the most common reason to stop, I am one who always travels with my camera and will pull over to photograph stuff.
If I'm on my way to or from a business meeting I might be in a suit and heels.
Just wanted to say that although it seems really weird for some guy in a suit to be wandering around the highway, it might not be. I often stop when I see a plant I want on the verge or in the bush and get out the small shovel or tomahawk I keep in the boot and go get it. And I wouldn't care what I was wearing at the time. I'm sure it looks odd to anyone who happened to see me but it's just something I do. Maybe he was just doing something like that.

Yes I agree but there has been several sightings of him carrying a suitcase. And he has not come forward. I'm convinced he is linked.

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Just wanted to say that although it seems really weird for some guy in a suit to be wandering around the highway, it might not be. I often stop when I see a plant I want on the verge or in the bush and get out the small shovel or tomahawk I keep in the boot and go get it. And I wouldn't care what I was wearing at the time. I'm sure it looks odd to anyone who happened to see me but it's just something I do. Maybe he was just doing something like that.

Yes I must say I have stopped at the very site where the little girls remains were found on a number of occasions over the last few years - looking for native seed and plant samples (the immediate area has been burnt in recent years resulting in an abundance of seed bearing plants). I know I am not the only one in my industry that would stop here although pretty sure no one doing so would be wearing a suit and certainly not carrying a suitcase
Maybe the "Mystery Man" isn't a man at all but a woman that would be recognized dressed in disguise.
All I can say (is) we’ve had many, many calls to Crime Stoppers - as of this morning over 1000. There’s been a number of sightings of different people all through that area.
“We’re chasing up many lines of inquiry but there’s nothing to suggest another person is a particular suspect at this time.”

I am totally confused by this case.
I am a little interested in the number of sightings of different people through that area.
I am assuming that area is a zone surrounding where Angel was found.
Wonder what the time frame of these different people being sighted is?
Hi guys,

It's been awhile, but I am having to rest due to surgery. I'm finally getting some time to read the forum again and have been slowly reading all the threads. I'm currently up to thread 3 and taking in all the theories. It's such a sad, sad case.

As I'm not up to date with the thread, forgive me if I ask questions that have already been answered.

Reading about the number of people who had seen this suitcase and opened it and not noticed the bones makes me wonder about how they didn't notice a human skull? Understandably this is a small child and the skull is tiny, but surely it would be one of the most obvious things to see at first? Maybe people were just looking for ID or something to see if the case had any significance and didn't rummage through it as such?

I was having a quick look at the average heights for girls of 90cms. Here is a graph which shows a child of 90cms could range anywhere from just under the age of 2 to around the age of 3.5.

For a child to die a 'cruel and horrible' death makes me wonder what this little angel went through? Personally I have this feeling something may have been lodged into the child, perhaps like John Sharpe who killed his wife and daughter with a speargun?

I don't think the suitcase was stolen. Not that I am a thief, but I couldn't imagine going into someone's house/shed etc and seeing a suitcase and without opening it, stealing it only to look at the contents later.

I'm not sure if suitcase man is involved at all, although he hasn't come forward which is an odd sign. I don't find the fact he didn't make contact with the women strange. I remember visiting a country town once and was walking to the bakery, crossing a road. A man walked straight past me, said good morning - asked how I was and kept walking. I was laughing to myself thinking 'that's odd!' - you do that in Brisbane and people think there's something wrong with you. How sad the world has become.

I think something has happened for this suitcase to suddenly be moved. Is someone leaving the area? Has someone recently died and another person is cleaning out the house? What if you found these bones and it was a relative and didn't want to get involved? Also, you never know why this little one died? Sometimes when children have disabilities parents find it hard to cope. If it happened locally how much of a support network does one have?

As for the black tutu. I don't think the colour is odd. I know there has been a bit of speculation about the colour on a little girl. When my daughter was younger she really wanted a black dress. She loved black (I think because I wear it so much), anyway a friend's mum ended up buying her a black dress and she wore it so much. She just loved it. I did have comments from people saying black isn't a nice colour, but she felt like a princess and that's all that mattered. My daughter had a similar CottonOn tutu, however it was pink and green if I remember. We bought it for her for her 1st birthday and she wore it at every opportunity possible. If she was allowed to sleep in it, she probably would have.

Anyway, I'm back to reading all the comments so please slow down so I can catch up :/
I agree that it is curious nobody seems to have seen a skull. It was the jawbone that apparently made the finder think the remains were human.
I wonder if the skull was badly broken or even missing. However, police have referred to a "complete skeleton" so I think broken into small pieces must be the answer.
I don't find the idea of a random case being grabbed in a shed robbery unlikely. Thieves target tools which are usually obvious, but an old case that was closed would be of interest, and it is small and easy to grab out of curiosity.
I do find the idea that it was intentionally dumped by someone who knew everything that was inside it highly unlikely though.
If you were clearing up, found the case and decided to dispose of it (for whatever reason), it would make sense to separate the bones from the clothes and dispose of them in different places to remove any possibility of tracing the victim. The bones are so tiny that they would never be found and identified as human if they were dumped in another spot to the clothing.
If you were cleaning up and did not know the bones were in the case, then you would just chuck it out in the skip or whatever you were using for the rest of the rubbish.
In short, if you knew what was in that case and you didn't want to be linked to it, there is no way you'd leave it intact on the roadside.
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