Easy or Difficult to Identify Death Caps? Who to Believe?
Three Mushroom - Identifying smart phone apps FAILED to identify Amanita phalloides in 33%, and 40%, and 73% of the photos submitted, IIUC,* per linked article in a medical journal.
Conclusion from the article:
"Mushroom identification applications... at present, are not reliable enough to exclude exposure to potentially poisonous mushrooms when used alone."
IOW, don't depend on apps alone to decide whether to eat, imo.
Even if a forager uses all three apps simultaneously to try to identify mushrooms, there's still a significant chance of error. Fatal error.
Maybe extensive, intensive foraging experience over the years in a given geographical area trumps these apps. IDK. Admittedly I'm assuming that these apps are/should be more accurate than human memory often is.
But w these failure rates in three separate apps, per this source, imo Death Caps are DIFFICULT to identify. YMMV.
The Boring
Bits Supporting ^
"A comparison of the accuracy of mushroom identification applications using digital photographs"
Mushroom identification applications may be useful future tools to assist clinical toxicologists and the general public in the accurate identification of mushrooms species but, at present, are not reliable enough to exclude exposure to potentially poisonous mushrooms when used alone.
WHO wrote article & calculated failure rates?
Three people affiliated w-
* Victoria's Poisons Information Centre,
* Emergency Dept in Austin Health, the hospital which provides the "only Victorian-wide service for... liver transplant[6] and is the state referral centre for toxicology."
* Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria.
Imo, higher credentials than some "experts" quoted in MSM articles & repeated in thread.
WHERE did they say it?
In a scientific medical journal, Clinical Toxicology, published in Mar. 2023 and e-published in pubmed.com .
WHEN did they collect data?
2020-2021. IOW, not stale data, imo.
WHICH mushroom -identification apps did they review?
See link, as this post is too long.