Australia - 7 dead in mass shooting and suicide - Osmington WA - 11 May 2018

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With an ex husband stalking the perimeter.

A house full of autistic kids. A son dead before him another on his way out.

Has the ex husband tipped him over the edge texting into the property?

There is no logic in insanity but I cant understand why there was no intervention.

If ex husbsnd says he has been planning this for a while, get the kids out the house and guns quarantined.

Looking at this
I'd hope that if he did contribute to a "snap", he could be prosecuted for it... :mad:

one other thing... moo only...
If I were Katrina in any sort of afterlife now, I'd be less than happy that a man who I'd escaped abuse from was now in charge of arranging mine and my children's funerals
I think there are things that the family could have done to keep the ex-husband away if they wanted to. A restraining order being the first thing. Then reports to the police, if he breached those. Harrassment complaints, stalking complaints. All these things could have gone on official record.
He says he just wanted to see his kids. That his access was extremely limited, due to the home-schooling thing. No school sports days to attend, no school presentation nights, no parent-teacher meetings, no helping out at the school, no school Xmas functions.

I don't believe the ex-husband had much to do with this horrible outcome. If we were ever to know - which we may never do - it is likely more to do with a loss of control by the granddad, or a feeling of loss of control. imo

Wiping most of your family out is a very controlling thing to do. It is controlling their lives to the max.
Granddad thought about it, he planned it, he executed the plan ... he somehow allowed no escape from it.

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I think there are things that the family could have done to keep the ex-husband away if they wanted to. A restraining order being the first thing. Then reports to the police, if he breached those. Harrassment complaints, stalking complaints. All these things could have gone on official record.
He says he just wanted to see his kids. That his access was extremely limited, due to the home-schooling thing. No school sports days to attend, no school presentation nights, no parent-teacher meetings, no helping out at the school, no school Xmas functions.

I don't believe the ex-husband had much to do with this horrible outcome. If we were ever to know - which we may never do - it is likely more to do with a loss of control by the granddad, or a feeling of loss of control. imo

Wiping most of your family out is a very controlling thing to do. It is controlling their lives to the max.
Granddad thought about it, he planned it, he executed the plan ... he somehow allowed no escape from it.


He has to do something wrong for an AVO
I think they had only 2 children with autism

There was conflicting reports
In Western Australia you do not get 'cut off' from your kids by your ex partner.

In West Australia you sit in a court and each person explains their case.

The only person that can 'cut you off' is a judge.

If you have been 'cut off' from your kids there is good reason.

You are only 'cut off' by court order!

Agree. That's legally how it is. But in the mind of some, it can also mean 'cut off', not by Court order, but by perceived intimidation. Depends on perspective at the time.
I wonder if the kids were starting to chomp at the bit, and maybe wanted to go to regular school, play on school sports teams, do what the other kids in the area may do. They were getting a bit older now. They may have wanted a bit more freedom away from home. Perhaps they were starting to shake up the equilibrium at home.
That is most definitely unusual. Speaking as a parent of a large family and one child who is autistic. I have seen many families with more than one child diagnosed. But ALL of your children and that large a number is not common.

I'm personally acquainted with a family with 6 affected individuals across three generations. A grandmother. Two daughters. All three sons of one of the daughters. (The other daughter is married but not living with her husband and has no children.) Of the children, on has a developmental age of around 5 and is permanently institutionalised. One lives in his bedroom and is highly unlikely ever to be able to live independently. The third is very mildly affected and has graduated from a good university and has had several longterm relationships. However, it's highly likely that he will marry, have children and his children in turn will be affected to some degree or other.

People keep wanting to emphasize genetics. But do not mention environment as much. And it ignores epigenetics almost entirely. You still have to have the right environment to express or turn on the genes.

I suspect the role of genetics is widely talked about because it has been well researched and there's good evidence for it.

As I posted earlier in this thread, there's now growing evidence that maternal obesity before and during pregnancy significantly raises the risk of producing an autistic child, ie from around 1:85 to around 1:50. I assume that is in cases where there is no prior evidence of autism in the family.
Yes the poem is quite telling and indicates a history of physical, emotional, psychological and alcohol abuse.
But, no matter how bad that is, as grown ups we know 2 wrongs don't make a right nor bring them back.
If the person involved in that poem is totally innocent of this crime he really shouldn't be exposed to this public
outpouring of his historical relationship issues imho. I don't agree with his misdemeanours at all, it sounds horrific, but to have your laundry flaunted in the media at this sensitive time could drive one to do who knows what.
Yes the poem is quite telling and indicates a history of physical, emotional, psychological and alcohol abuse.
But, no matter how bad that is, as grown ups we know 2 wrongs don't make a right nor bring them back.
If the person involved in that poem is totally innocent of this crime he really shouldn't be exposed to this public
outpouring of his historical relationship issues imho. I don't agree with his misdemeanours at all, it sounds horrific, but to have your laundry flaunted in the media at this sensitive time could drive one to do who knows what.

hmmm. I don’t think he would do anything bad, he will be under heavy police watch. If, and it’s a guess, sure, it was him, he’s kind of done the worse he could do?
Perhaps write it in your will. I feel like writing it into mine. "All social media facilities/pages of mine should be deleted, as soon as possible, upon my death".

FB doesn't allow deletion. ETA: ok, I see they added the option recently.
He has to do something wrong for an AVO

Apparently, in WA, stalking is enough to get a restraining order.

What is a violence restraining order?

Violence Restraining orders are orders made under State laws that provide a quick and flexible method of obtaining legal protection from many forms of violence or unacceptable behaviour. Family and domestic violence includes emotional, physical, sexual and psychological abuse. If your partner, ex-partner or a family member hurts, threatens or humiliates you, it is family and domestic violence.

The law states that an act of family and domestic violence includes assaults, injuries, threats, stalking, damaging property, hurting animals or pets, and acting in an ongoing intimidating, offensive or emotionally abusive manner.

Physical violence, stalking and threats of violence are crimes.
Apparently, in WA, stalking is enough to get a restraining order.

What is a violence restraining order?

Violence Restraining orders are orders made under State laws that provide a quick and flexible method of obtaining legal protection from many forms of violence or unacceptable behaviour. Family and domestic violence includes emotional, physical, sexual and psychological abuse. If your partner, ex-partner or a family member hurts, threatens or humiliates you, it is family and domestic violence.

The law states that an act of family and domestic violence includes assaults, injuries, threats, stalking, damaging property, hurting animals or pets, and acting in an ongoing intimidating, offensive or emotionally abusive manner.

Physical violence, stalking and threats of violence are crimes.

If the marraoge history is true, I thought that the daughter would have enough evidence for an AVO?

Katrina was estranged from her partner and had posted online about difficulties with her “ex” stalking her. Other posts from people who knew the family made pointed comments about the ex-partner.
I'm personally acquainted with a family with 6 affected individuals across three generations. A grandmother. Two daughters. All three sons of one of the daughters. (The other daughter is married but not living with her husband and has no children.) Of the children, on has a developmental age of around 5 and is permanently institutionalised. One lives in his bedroom and is highly unlikely ever to be able to live independently. The third is very mildly affected and has graduated from a good university and has had several longterm relationships. However, it's highly likely that he will marry, have children and his children in turn will be affected to some degree or other.

I suspect the role of genetics is widely talked about because it has been well researched and there's good evidence for it.

As I posted earlier in this thread, there's now growing evidence that maternal obesity before and during pregnancy significantly raises the risk of producing an autistic child, ie from around 1:85 to around 1:50. I assume that is in cases where there is no prior evidence of autism in the family.

Obesity raising the risk of autism would be epigenetics though not genetics. It's the environment turning on the genes. That said I have not seen a ton of research linking many specific genes at all. Lots of theories not lots of documentation. Then again there is about a 1 in 34 risk of an autism diagnosis living in the state of New Jersey vs another state. Even riskier than obesity apparently!
For some reason I cannot bold on my phone..

“look at your family history”

What family history is there? Was Cynda also a victim of DV at the hands of PM? What could of possibly happened in the Miles family that AC can use that against her?

I am battered. My cells echo with his words 'No one would want you', 'worthless', 'nutcase', 'problem', 'you're the problem', 'your fault', 'bad mother', 'look at your family history', 'I love you', '*****' .....The agony is a death to my soul, pin pricks in my skin.

I asked God to save me and he was there. I asked myself to save me and yet I could not. I look into my only daughter's eyes, I look into my three son's and I can.

I am battered, I am not broken. I am strong, I am fragile. I am bruised so deep. I ache,I ache, I ache, I ache.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm pretty sure the ex & his family are Jehovah's Witnesses, so the suicide of her brother is probably the "family history" that was being used as a weapon against her - as in "see, you're mentally unstable too"
I'm pretty sure the ex & his family are Jehovah's Witnesses, so the suicide of her brother is probably the "family history" that was being used as a weapon against her - as in "see, you're mentally unstable too"

Abusers are experts at gaslighting. That comment referring to her family history is a classic gaslighting technique designed to disempower the target of the comment (in this case Katrina).

Gaslighters collect and maintain an immense inventory of weapons of mass emotional destruction to deploy against their targets - all purposefully engineered and launched in the pursuit of a singular goal: Total Control.

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