Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #1

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Which one?.............I mean, there were apparently 20 people who left his employ in the last few years. If you mean the lady, I truly feel too, that we just need to lay off it now. That poor lady that was accused as being his mistress, wasnt.....and even at the time when she was mentioned, I stated that I thought it poor form to have her name mentioned....I mean what if people called her cellphone? The only way I care about the lady who DID have the affair, is if she was involved in the crime.....Otherwise, I dont feel the need to be disrespecting people, by naming them just because of sexual silliness (which is how I view affairs).
I agree, the woman has moral issues but that doesnt mean she committed a crime, this is just another piece of evidence to show he has no issue with telling lies to satisfy his own selfish needs, and it has been well documented here that his job would make him an expert at telling lies, but this is a bit different than fibbing about what someones house is worth and he knows he is was above his head which is why he has hired legal representation fron the get go.
His demeanor is oe of a wolf in sheeps clothing if you watch some of the footage of his PR interviews prior to all this, thought himself quite a big fish in a small pond and like all egomaniacs, when people catch you out for what you really are, they run and hide rather than do the right thing, probably a trait he learnt from his inappropriate parents judging by their public sexual pash driveway stunt which has sickened many hear and on other forums, A few of us are getting group therapy on that one lol.
I think you should get some sleep. The lack of a quick arrest is frustrating, but you do understand this is a person's life the police have in their hands, and whoever the person charged turns out to be, they're going to have representation intent on picking holes in the defence and evidence. They're going to quote forums like this to prove people can't get a fair trial when "angry mobs intent on their destruction" are rife on the internet (or some appropriate shocking and flowery language that justifies $800 per hour invoices).

Just because us armchair detectives haven't cracked the case in a couple of weeks, you can rest assured 25 career detectives are going to fry the miserable piece of ***** that committed this crime.

Gerard Baden-Clay's alleged mistress would probably drop her Target lingerie in horror at your hypothesis. ................... The latest development in their language is that they will find "the person" who did this. I think it is ok based on that, to assume they have narrowed it down to someone operating alone.....

................. Based on what I've heard about Allison from locals I trust, I personally believe she was a victim of domestic abuse (of some description) and that she probably remained in her relationship for the benefit of her children. Based on her confidence and sense of self-worth having been eroded, I really can't imagine her running around late at night to confront others .........

Whether I am right or not (and I'm not sure) rest assured police will have a very clear picture of her domestic situation. They have numerous people keen to make sure they know exactly what her life was like, if for nothing else to try to explain her death.

Completely separately, they have to gather enough EVIDENCE to charge someone with her murder. Being a ****** husband and annoying w*nker does not prove you are a murderer, .........

I'm just like you and want to see the person responsible reduced to a pile of worthless rubbish rotting in a jail cell. I'd still implore people to try to keep fanciful stories with absolutely zero factual basis out of the discussion.

OK - a few things on this -

1. I agree, I needed to get some sleep

2. I didnt really think what I put forward was that likely, I was just getting a touch of the guilts after reading some media stories espeically the one where the police were saying they were 'keeping an open mind'. I started thinking well maybe i have been too 'one-eyed' about it. However I think i was just tired and getting despondent and confused by such things as the roundabout and gloves issue coming up.

3. I think it's a bit patronising to keep emphasising the police and legal system will arrest and convict on EVIDENCE and we should avoid discussing things that are not based on facts. I think we already know that things will be decided on Evidence and don't need to be reminded thanks. This forum is to discuss the case in the hope of it being helpful and to deal with the frustration of actually not having enough facts - that is why we discuss and surmise about a lot of things. Isn't that the point? As well, that type of discussion can trigger something that could be helpful, perhaps something someone did see. I've said this before, if we are only to discuss the facts we've heard on TV or read in official reports, and raise new evidence we've physically seen ourselves, there wouldnt be much to say and we probably wouldnt even need this forum.

4. I do agree that the surmising and assuming and deducing can get out of control, but i dont really think it has gone down a bad path here, i think most people are pretty measured and tend to monitor their own reactions pretty well. In my case, last night i even said 'this case is getting to me' and i did take myself of to bed. Also, there are some people posting on here about Allison and her life who also have "friends who know her who they trust", or perhaps even know her slightly themselves. You are not the only one.

5. That said, I agree with most of your other comments, esp about Allison and what state people who have experienced domestic abuse can get into. Even the most confident and accomplished woman can be reduced to a blithering wreck, and the energy it takes to put on a good front and be strong and cheerful for the children is quite debilitating.

Now, on some other reasons I made some of the comments I made last nigt - I did get concerned after hearing remarks by Detective Ainsworth recently that they were confident of making an arrest, that subsequently there were further comments where he said they were 'keeping an open mind.' Then someone who seemed to know some inside info posted on here that apparently they couldnt get any prints or COD from the neck or something like that. I started wondering - have they lost a bit of confidence now that the forensic examinations have begun returning results (or lack of), due to the amount of time in the water? This is what's bugging me. Or do people think the 'open mind' thing was a red herring? I mean - they either know who did it and are building the case so its watertight, or they arent sure who did it at all and are 'keeping an open mind'.
Personality traits are indeed relevant. They give investigators clues to motive.

Bruising: A bruise starts to yellow after a period of days (3 I think). If he got the bruises from Allison before the crash, then presented with yellowing bruises + new bruising then that would be suspicious. I'm pretty sure they can identify even a day old bruise these days.

You can bet your Pattootie the police have inspected the bruising. Same with cuts and scratches. Police have their methods. He wrecked his friends car for I hope his insurance covers psychopathic murderers driving his car.
I think someone should set up a fund for Mr & Mrs Dickie, who maintained their vigil at the showgrounds, keeping their faith in police helping find their daughter ... so they can use it in any way they see fit to give something fitting to their 3 grandchildren. I'd happily donate, as would most locals, and a bunch of non-locals, no doubt.
Yes, myself and a few others have mentioned this prior as well, lets just hope the Dickies get custody when this is all over
Or do people think the 'open mind' thing was a red herring? I mean - they either know who did it and are building the case so its watertight, or they arent sure who did it at all and are 'keeping an open mind'.

When they arrest someone, the person will be well and truly screwed beyond all doubt. Of course they're keeping an open mind, just like everyone on here :)

PS suggesting people concentrate on some form of FACTS prevents naming and shaming innocent people who have nothing to do with the case, like the poor lady named as a mistress previously ... it's way to easy to create innuendo by wildly inventing different 'possible' scenarios - how would you like it if someone pointed out you might have been involved in a murder if the worst you did was, for some ungodly reason, find a yellow-jacketed pinhead attractive? Or worst still, you just happened to have worked with the husband of a murdered woman? People need to take responsibility for their comments - even behind the anonymity of the good ol' internet.
- Allison could have had gloves in the house for cleaning toilets and such things. I too think that she was unlikely to have confronted anyone let alone a mistress. What is the point? She knew of the affair and was doing couselling with GBC and there were three little girls in the house that were infinitely more important than a mistress.

Really the whole BC family appears to be narcissistic. After any length of time in living with a narcissist there would be characterisics that Allison showed. She had probably been verbally brow bashed at the very least and her life was probably very limited to what he deemed appropriate for his 'angel' and family to be doing. A two faced persona is fairly standard for these types of people - one for the home and one for the public.

The sister seems quite different from the grand standing other members of the family. Her demeanor is seemingly supportive as you would expect and she is probably struggling to come to terms with what is happening within the family and is being kept in the dark by GBC.

I agree. Re the sister, I felt she looked frightened actually. Perhaps being supportive to her brother but actually quite scared he may have been involved. At the moment I'd say she is angry with him and taking that out on scowls to to the media etc, and just focussing on helping out at the home and with the girls. In those types of familiies there can often be one member who isn't quite the same as the others, possibly even at odds with some family members, someone who tries to do things differently and forge their own path. For all we know she could have had a really good relationship with Allison and the experience now of being in that house under the circumstances could be quite devastating for her.
When they arrest someone, the person will be well and truly screwed beyond all doubt. Of course they're keeping an open mind, just like everyone on here :)

The latest piece evidence that the Police are after, is for those of us/others who were 'out and about' and in the vicinity of the Brookfield Rd/Moggill Rd roundabout to allow the :waitasec: 'lightbulb' to come on. Hope someone contributes this valuable information.
God's sheep, I mean flock, tend to have trouble interacting in the real world. It wouldn't occur to the pastor there are reasons for the media to be interested in the family that have stemmed from a murder investigation rather than 'gossip'. The gossip is coming from elsewhere, but it's a fair bet many of his parishioners (or however you spell that) are more of a problem than the 'media'.

Yes exactly!! From that facebook comment whoever wrote it seems to be revelling in the dramatisation of it all, especially with this...

"struck down but not destroyed, They seem determined to do all possible to damage and destroy. They have virtually imprisoned us in the house! I warn you that there may be more and worse to come."

But not a word of praise for the police or wanting the person who killed Allison charged. What sort of self-centred people are they???
Personality traits are indeed relevant. They give investigators clues to motive.

Bruising: A bruise starts to yellow after a period of days (3 I think). If he got the bruises from Allison before the crash, then presented with yellowing bruises + new bruising then that would be suspicious. I'm pretty sure they can identify even a day old bruise these days.

You can bet your Pattootie the police have inspected the bruising. Same with cuts and scratches. Police have their methods. He wrecked his friends car for I hope his insurance covers psychopathic murderers driving his car.

Just clarifying. I didn't mean personality traits weren't relevant. I meant that many on here (and in other forums) are outright condemning individuals just because of behaviour deemed different, unusual, etc.

I have total respect for the profiler, but unfortunately we don't have the information the police have. The profilers can include personality in their profile, because they have other information to justify why a paticular behaviour may be relevant. Therefore, simply stating someone is guilty, involved, etc based on weird or unusual behaviour just seems benign.

In saying that, I have been so impressed by how many of you have sourced and linked pieces of info. It's been great to hear from those that live locally. I'll be watching with interest in the next few days.
Yes exactly!! From that facebook comment whoever wrote it seems to be revelling in the dramatisation of it all, especially with this...

"struck down but not destroyed, They seem determined to do all possible to damage and destroy. They have virtually imprisoned us in the house! I warn you that there may be more and worse to come."

But not a word of praise for the police or wanting the person who killed Allison charged. What sort of self-centred people are they???

In answer to your question, probably very!

It sounds a bit like a sermon. You are right though, they sound more like the victims than Allison.
I mustn't be making myself very clear sorry ....
I am assuming the children went to school at normal time, so perhaps she did come down to support him and arrived later in the morning and then took the girls to school - need to think more outside the box. It is not important just an observations.

sorry - I think my brain is muddled from reading the 46 pages on here Have a good day

No, I understand what you are saying.
How could the sister drop the kids off at school 4 1/2 hours after Allison reported missing if she lives in Townsville.
I mustn't be making myself very clear sorry ....
I am assuming the children went to school at normal time, so perhaps she did come down to support him and arrived later in the morning and then took the girls to school - need to think more outside the box. It is not important just an observations.

sorry - I think my brain is muddled from reading the 46 pages on here Have a good day

So confused, I am. The sister lives in Townsville.....the police were informed at 7:30am that Allison was missing, though said sister made it to Brisbane in time to take the children to school? Managed to organise a flight and got to airport and on said flight, got out of airport at neck breaking speed and then got to GBC's to take the kids to school?..........................I dont think so!!!!!
In answer to your question, probably very!

It sounds a bit like a sermon. You are right though, they sound more like the vistims than Allison.

It's a bit creepy and inappropriate using the words 'struck down but not destroyed'.

Maybe they weren't (and agree they are playing the victim as I also thought GBC was that day when he spoke in his little quiet voice), but ALLISON was ... to use those words - struck down and destroyed.

How could you put the focus on yourself like that in the most inappropriate way?
When they arrest someone, the person will be well and truly screwed beyond all doubt. Of course they're keeping an open mind, just like everyone on here :)

PS suggesting people concentrate on some form of FACTS prevents naming and shaming innocent people who have nothing to do with the case, like the poor lady named as a mistress previously ... it's way to easy to create innuendo by wildly inventing different 'possible' scenarios - how would you like it if someone pointed out you might have been involved in a murder if the worst you did was, for some ungodly reason, find a yellow-jacketed pinhead attractive? Or worst still, you just happened to have worked with the husband of a murdered woman? People need to take responsibility for their comments - even behind the anonymity of the good ol' internet.

I regret my post and i take responsibility for it and that it is probably incorrect - but others have posted lots of ideas and thoughts about what and who that are also possibly incorrect. Others in the earlier part of this forum also alluded that maybe it was the mistress, they did that as i did in trying to be balanced and not assume it is GBC and judge too swiftly, not as a blatant accusation. I didnt name anyone and I dont have a clue who the mistress is, nor do I want or need to know or have a desire for it to be made public. I also point out I have never mentioned names other than GBC, and I have posted on two occasions about my concerns about the real estate woman incorrectly named and the need for caution. Putting forward scenarios about anonymous people and describing them as purely a scenario, as opposed to actually naming people and stating something about them as a certainty, are two different things.

Lets just leave it there on this subject, I am conscious about the rules of this forum and personal attacks, and don't want this to escalate into that.
I would bet my bottom dollar on it that the police will be reading EVERYTHING on every forum incase someone of interest slips up OR to get ideas and see how much info they can gather, there have been people on here who have spoken of knowing the family and of the affair etc, of course they would be reading everything, Hi Detectives, When you you going to arrest the SOB?
Yes I agree that they would be watching......
I have followed a few cases on this web site and I have never seen so many "lurkers"
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No, she doesn't.

The rumour I heard, right at the beginning, was that they were both going to leave their partners (unspecified as to whether a marriage partner). And she did but he didn't.
At the end of the day................We may be all incorrect. Or may be correct with our thoughts it was GBD. Maybe the parents were involed after the fact, or not. Maybe the mistress did it, or may have been involved......or not. Maybe Allison was having an affair and the guy she was having it with, killed her (dumped her at make it seem like GBD did it, or not). Maybe, maybe maybe.

All i know, is I HOPE that they catch whoever did this to her.

That sermon from the pastor brother in law.....If I had a hard copy of that, i'd puke on it. They make is seem like they are so victimised. I dont recall seeing the Dickie's being hounded by the media at the command post. Maybe, if they had displayed more care and compassion to the world about their in-law being missing....and had GBC of his wife..................the media, would have been less of what they call hounding, and what we call normal.

Those people (the Baden Clays - not the children) need to take a 'get over themselves' pill SOOOOO badly. Allison is DEAD, and all they can think about is there 5 minutes of negative fame in the spotlight.....DISGUSTED
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