Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #1

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Good point, but what if they took it out there, because this is all happening so quickly, then put it in their pocket hastily and it falls out?

But this all falls to pieces if you do need some kind of special tool to take it out?

I had to help my MIL to get the sim card into her new i-phone a couple of days ago, it took 30 seconds with a needle so it's not a big deal.
Ok - another thought I had - they found the sim card.... from an iphone...
Those with an iphone know that you have to use that little metal prong thingy to release the Sim card...... surely any random perpetraitor wouldn't have one lying around...... just a thought....
Sorry, just got back from lunch & refreshed but the other posts didn't come up - so my genius thought wasn't so genius lol ;-)
I had to help my MIL to get the sim card into her new i-phone a couple of days ago, it took 30 seconds with a needle so it's not a big deal.

It would mean that if it is her SIM it would be hard remove it in the dark and that the person would need something like a needle or paperclip. It's more involved than a normal mobile where you just slide the back off. Not saying that it can't be done, it's just that it would probably have to be done at home where you could find those sort of things, and that takes a bit of planning or organisation
In a supermarket bin etc... anywhere. Mt Crosby Road inbound has now been closed.

But pretty unlikely a person involved in this disappearance at that time of night would go anywhere near lights or security/red light cameras. My bet would be everything has been discarded in unlit non-residential areas between the place Allison was found and her place of disappearance, unless the person responsible headed further away from Kholo Creek after discarding Allison's body.
The sim card is probably from a stolen phone and they have thrown it out. Could'nt be that lucky to have found Allisons sim.
But then police could be lucky.
I think the car accident was to cover up the car. I think the car was involved in an accident regarding the murder and he's trying to get rid of the damage.

It's very unlikely that vehicle in the accident had anything to do with Allison's disappearance. There are numerous other reasons why the accident might have occurred, but if it was involved in a crime and someone has gone to the trouble to retrieve and then crash it, would be one of the more ridiculous acts imaginable. Regardless, the police had impounded the family cars, so for the guy to be able to travel he had to be in someone else's car.
But pretty unlikely a person involved in this disappearance at that time of night would go anywhere near lights or security/red light cameras. My bet would be everything has been discarded in unlit non-residential areas between the place Allison was found and her place of disappearance, unless the person responsible headed further away from Kholo Creek after discarding Allison's body.

Yes, but discarded hastily leaving much room for error.

Someone who has just committed such a heinous act could not be thinking completely rationally, calmly and cooly.

They would have had to discard quickly. A car stopped on the side of the ride would have arosed suspicion. A car going off track too, they probably wouldn't have done that as it also is makes them too conspicuos at night.

You'd be panicked, freaked out that at any moment someone was going to stumble on what you were doing.
I can't believe someone on here has implicated Gerard Baden-Clay's poor sister.

Yes, this was me. I was just saying what my husband had heard (all is speculation at the moment). Understandable SHE may not be involved, but then again Gerard may not be involved either.
Yes, this was me. I was just saying what my husband had heard (all is speculation at the moment). Understandable SHE may not be involved, but then again Gerard may not be involved either.

In defence of alicat - and I was involved too - it was only that ... hypothesising.

And as his sister was so visible and (naturally) ready to defend (what some believe is indefensible bc they believe he did it), it's only natural to speculate.
Hi All, I have been intrigued with this and have enjoyed reading everyone's posts. From the very first moment I thought the Husband had done it. When I saw his first interview with his sister he looked like he was trying to say what he thought people would be expecting him to say, he looked very guilty. His sister on the other hand seemed very supportive and had a very strong positive body language and seemed 100% behind her brother, she seems to me like a very good person and I think she will be devastated if her brother killed Allison. But this all brings me to an interesting theory..

If you are living with your partner and your relationship is over and has been for a long time you may stay together for the kids and other reasons, but you need to live a different life. No reason not to be friends, you just drift away. Living with a person who is depressed can be very difficult in my opinion and can be harder than the person that has depression or a personality disorder. You would always get blamed for her depression even if it is unrelated to you. For instance, you just are unable to satisfy her unreasonable needs so you end up looking like the bad guy. You get all the blame and all you can do is be submissive. This is a no win situation for you, you are strong and you keep moving forward in difficult conditions. I know “poor depressed girl” but poor guy who may have had years of difficulty, feeling of being unloved or underappreciated for the efforts that he has put in, all he has is a gloomy future. So you have a relationship outside of the marriage, it brings you a bit of sanity, a bit of affection, something that helps you deal with the pressures of life. You don't want to leave your wife, who would want to walk away from their 3 children. Your children would want you to be together at almost any cost. So you grin and bear it and have that alternative life that brings a bit of joy to a sombre home. Your wife stopped making love to you a long time ago and you find it difficult to sleep in the same bed, just longing for some kind words or affection so you move into a different bedroom for some sanity and to stop the constant reminder. Conflict is part of your life and has been for ages, your wife maybe angry with you for sleeping in a different room and you would like to sleep next to her but you can’t, it’s too taxing too draining. A couple of years go by, your wife finds out about your second life and it just adds to the problems, she is even more difficult to live with, but she doesn’t want you to leave and for yourself, it’s the best you can hope for in a difficult situation. You feel that she is at least partially responsible for the situation or perhaps is the cause of the situation you are both in. So it keeps popping up its head and you keep having conflict, nothing that you are not used to, it just is and has always been difficult one way or another. You don’t love your wife and in reality you could quite happily live without her. Only problem is you know what she is like and if you part ways she will be very vindictive and cause a lot of issues with your children and yourself. So you take the best option of the bad choices you have. And life goes on. Perhaps on that night she was fighting with him, perhaps she was aggressive with him and he just went to bed. Shut his bedroom door and hoped she would stop. She is in a very bad place, she feels her life is falling down by the way side, her husband is cheating on her and many people know about it, she feels ashamed, yet she can’t leave him. In desperation she leaves the house, her life is not worth living and in a point of desperation and confusion she commits suicide. Meanwhile Gerard who is used to living in this situation, cares for the situation but is not at all emotionally attached to her is suddenly in a situation where 1. He has been fighting with her, 2. She has disappeared 3. He was cheating on her 4. He has a scratch on his face from her attacking him 5. Being her husband he knows he would be the most obvious person of interest 6. He has been having financial problems. It all looks bad and he has to show some interest in her missing but in a sense is relieved that she has left. So he looks as guilty as sin, can’t sleep, knows everyone thinks he killed her. Smashes a car due to being overwhelmed from lack of sleep and pressure, short of money so he still has to work. Making poor choices due to his situation. Feels angry with her for killing herself, being selfish from taking herself away from their children.

Now if he did kill her, he would have to have driven a car with her body in it. He would have struggled carrying her and there would be evidence of this. There would be evidence of a struggle in the house. The kids would have heard something. Someone would have seen his car or her car on the road which would immediately implicate him. There would most likely have been some evidence on her body that she was murdered. None of which we have heard of yet. All we are seeing is his guilty appearance from either murdering her or his situation that makes him feel that everyone things he has murdered her, and to top it off he doesn’t really like her. I would think in this situation I would be saying grab the polygraph, on the same account he might be afraid of his feeling of guilt would skew it and his lawyer advised him against the test. If he didn’t kill her he would be in a world of panic, same as if he did kill her. I think if he didn’t kill her, this will drag on for ages and the police would likely charge him at a much later time. If he has killed her it will be over quite quickly and the police will charge him soon. I don’t think it’s possible that someone else killed her, no motive and no sexual abuse (she was clothed). Hmm, actually if she did kill herself I think her phone would have gone with her, unless it fell from her pocket as she was in a very unstable mood and was walking quickly/erratically. It could explain a sim on the sidewalk, someone found her phone and removed the sim and kept the phone, this happened days later. Anyway this is a no win situation for the families involved. Everyone suffers. I hope the kids don’t lose both their mum and dad, I hope he is innocent for their sake. Oh, I didn’t see Gerard’s parents french kiss thank god, gees how gross. The things you do in times of pressure. I can’t believe it could be anything else.
I get what you are saying here but can't you see the contradiction...

If it wasn't until he woke next moring to raise the alarm then why an earth was he running around texting people and phoning people on Thursday night when allegedly he went to bed while she was watching TV.

That makes absolute no sense at all. therefore the media reports of thursday night texting and phone calling are probably rubbish

you cant go to bed and run around around texting people at the same time!

I wonder if during all this, he was also trying to call Allison (during such franticness)......After all if he was innocent, he would not have presumed her dead and would have been trying to to get hold of her to make sure she was ok.
the way I read it is that he 'apparently' went into panic mode that night, couldn't find her, frantically texted etc. But, given his efforts were fruitless, probably exhausted by all that texting (it can be arduous you know), he gave up and went to bed, then, next morning he called.
Many of my friends knew her very well and told me that she was one of the most level headed and consistent people she'd met and that hadn't changed in all the years (10) that she'd known her.. thus whilst perhaps understandably depressed, was certainly not suicidal.
I wonder if during all this, he was also trying to call Allison (during such franticness)......After all if he was innocent, he would not have presumed her dead and would have been trying to to get hold of her to make sure she was ok.

Oooh yeah, he'd have wanted to that's for sure .. although it wont really make any difference, I'm sure he made PLENTY of mistakes.
Many of my friends knew her very well and told me that she was one of the most level headed and consistent people she'd met and that hadn't changed in all the years (10) that she'd known her.. thus whilst perhaps understandably depressed, was certainly not suicidal.

I don't think it maybe that apparent. See the following link.

What is depression?
Depression is a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. These problems can become chronic or recurrent and lead to substantial impairments in an individual's ability to take care of his or her everyday responsibilities. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide, a tragic fatality associated with the loss of about 850 000 lives every year.
I don't think it maybe that apparent. See the following link.

What is depression?
Depression is a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. These problems can become chronic or recurrent and lead to substantial impairments in an individual's ability to take care of his or her everyday responsibilities. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide, a tragic fatality associated with the loss of about 850 000 lives every year.

Well if it's suicide someone had to get her there. It's a long walk and a main road. Someone would have seen a person walking along that road at night.
Oooh yeah, he'd have wanted to that's for sure .. although it wont really make any difference, I'm sure he made PLENTY of mistakes.

emphasis on the speculating here ... speculating that he did do it, wouldn't he, afterwards have started to make calls to the mobile which by now was nowhere in earshot of anyone, to make it look like he had legitimately tried to find her?
I don't think it maybe that apparent. See the following link.

What is depression?
Depression is a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. These problems can become chronic or recurrent and lead to substantial impairments in an individual's ability to take care of his or her everyday responsibilities. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide, a tragic fatality associated with the loss of about 850 000 lives every year.

Sorry Perth1,
I have very good reasons to strongly suggest with nearly every fibre of my being that this is not the case in this situation.
Adding to the hypothesis, we have assumed her mobile was intact when the SIM was removed (if it was hers at all). In a panic, not being able to open it quickly, the phone may simply have been smashed to get the SIM out.
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