Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #14

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Exactly. If he did do it and if I were them it would take everything in me not to kill him myself. Anyone who would put their children through this IF IT WERE HIM(this to keep some happy) is one horrible person. IMO...............
Can you imagine having to speak to someone you might feel killed your daughter.
I also wouldn't be thanking him in any media either. As some have pointed out where is their thanks on behalf of the girls.
How arrogant to ignore the hundreds who attended her funeral,the locals who apparently initially supported the BC's with food and such,the police and SES who have spent hours and hours trying to find justice for Allsion.
Despicable,rude and arrogantpeople if you ask me!!!!!!!!!!!!

No comment on the narky comment. That is also quite rude to say in a forum advocating the victim.
Agree Curiousasacat. Contemptuous approach towards the Dickie family. It was their DTR who was brutally murdered, the mother of the grand DTRs. Where is the compassion for them in their grief?
Who had a dry wedding?

Possumheart it's really not relevant to the case but if she was a registered psychologist she had to have more study than just a BA majoring in psych. Nowadays a masters is really necessary for career advancement at minimum. I know this because it's my career!
Even if GBC did not do this... I would still find the way he and his family have acted as being very strange. I mean, this is their wife/daughter in law, mother of kids/grandkids and there has been NOTHING!! Even just his family, apart from his sister saying a few things, where were the BC's crying at the loss of the mother of their grandchildren, their son's wife?? It comes across as though they are totally uncaring about the whole thing. Like it's just one big inconvenience to them. What the heck?

If this happened to one of my son/daughter in laws, I'd be both upset for my child loosing their partner & grandkids loosing their mum, and also upset that I'd lost the in law.

It seems they have no feelings. I know some won't agree, but this is my opinion. Where are their tears? Can't they at least cry over the fact those girls have no mother now, regardless of who killed her? All IMO. I'd show more emotion than they have if I saw a dog get run over.
Who had a dry wedding?

Possumheart it's really not relevant to the case but if she was a registered psychologist she had to have more study than just a BA majoring in psych. Nowadays a masters is really necessary for career advancement at minimum. I know this because it's my career!

Hi Inanna,
Allison and Gerard's wedding was a dry one.
There is a media link and this was discussed at length in the last thread.
Agree Curiousasacat. Contemptuous approach towards the Dickie family. It was their DTR who was brutally murdered, the mother of the grand DTRs. Where is the compassion for them in their grief?

Where is the compassion for a husband who has lost his wife and the mother of his children? Until he is arrested/charged/convicted, he is still a victim. Where is the compassion for the BCs who have lost their DIL?

Where is the compassion for a husband who has lost his wife and the mother of his children? Until he is arrested/charged/convicted, he is still a victim. Where is the compassion for the BCs who have lost their DIL?


The BC's just aren't acting like they NEED compassion. Especially his family, they don't come across like they're overly affected. IMO
Why would GBC state publicly that he didn't do it? He hasn't been accused or charged? One usually makes themselves the prime suspect when they do that, I can think of several cases like this eg. Max Sica and Ian Huntly.

Why would people come out and 'support' GBC when he hasn't been charged with anything? Allison is the victim here. His real friends are most likely supporting him in private not in the media.

Many are saying how the Dickies are so great but personally I think their pointed releases to the media are narky...leaving out their granddaughters fathers name off things...even if he did take Allisons life he is still their father and that can not be erased.

Not everyone wants to share their grief with the public, and I don't think they should be judged for not doing so just because 'we' want to dissect everything they say and their body language.

I wouldnt call their releases 'pointed' or narky at all. Their daughter has been killed for God's sake. If they knew or suspected Domestic violence, knew about an affair their son-in-law was having, then their daughter is murdered and they suspected him, they may have a little trouble acknowledging him nicely and this is totally understandable! I think they've shown remarkable restraint to be honest.

The happiness of their daughter would rightly be their main priority, and even if they didnt suspect him of the murder, just knowing he contributed to so much unhappiness for their daughter in her last years would be very upsetting.
The BC's just aren't acting like they NEED compassion. Especially his family, they don't come across like they're overly affected. IMO
Earlier on this site, it was alleged that TM was accepted into the suspects family of origin. It is alleged she went to social gatherings with the girls, including after Allison was reported missing. The relationship between Allison and her husbands family must have been strained - as TM was accepted into the family and the 'affair' was allegedly common knowledge in the local community. MOO. As the Wiggles said to Jeff: "Wake Up!"
I 100% agree with an earlier post {can't recall who} that the BC's have brought all of this on themselves... the way people feel about them. You can't go around smiling and acting like nothing has happened after your daughter in law has been murdered and expect anyone to feel sorry for you.

Even looking at photos from the funeral, out of her family and the inlaw's it was only Allison's family looking upset. To look at GBC's parents it looked they could be at a day at the races. Sorry, but I just can't comprehend that. But then I'm an emotional person who has feelings so.. I suppose I could be over reacting to it. IMO
Ok, look... Everyone has a right to an opinion on this case without being attacked for it or feeling afraid to post an opinion. Everyone's opinion is important here, its fine to disagree do it without attacking each other.

If you feel a post is against TOS please alert, we don't get to read every post on this forum and can't help if we are not made aware.

Lets discuss the case and stay focused on Allison.

Thank you

"if it was an accidental death a normal person would call an ambulance, gerard seems normal, just an average person,not a psychopath, if he did it accidentally why didnt he call an ambulance?
it would take nerves of steel for an average person to hide a crime like this, so im wondering if it was pre planned"

I read this and felt compelled to reply. We don't know that GBC is an "average" person. There are plenty of appearingly "average" persons who have sociopathic tendencies or are in fact psychopaths. I've said this before - people do not get a diagnosis of psychopathy - unless they are involved in a criminal activity. Or at least extraordinarily rarely. The nature of psychopathy is that these people are "seemingly" "normal"...

There is a very large piece of this story missing. I fear I may be the only one shocked if he gets convicted of murdering her... I suspect there is a third person who committed the murder if she was murdered...

Yes, I'm not sure who made that original quote but honestly - what is a 'normal' person? And what are psychopaths supposed to look like? Psychopaths don't have identifying signs, let's get that straight.
I get that on one level, but if a person lost a loved one, would their concern for their own wellbeing really override thanking the many people that have helped to support their children? I find it strange that someone would feel victimised when I would personally want to shout from the rooftops my thanks for the many man hours, $$$, donations, etc that have been given to the kids. Even if a lawyer told me to keep my mouth shut, I would do it anyway. An expression of simple thanks would suffice.
However, even on this very website, there have been posters who have 'tut-tutted' that it was 'inappropriate' and 'out of place' for that avenue for donations to be set up, and the timing of it, etc. Thanks have been expressed by both families, so why should they keep going on about it? No doubt there may be members of the public who, for various reasons of their own, feel envious of this kind of 'easy money' flowing to the BC girls. I guess you just can't please 'em all all of the time!
I'm trying to get caught up on this case. What does a dry wedding mean and what does it have to do with this case? Thanks.

Maybe the floral tributes on the front fence of the GBC residence were actually upsetting the little girls - a constant reminder of the Mum they have just lost. The healthiest thing for them is to get on with their lives now, adjust to a 'new routine', and so on.

She's only been dead just over a month. Yes routines are important, but removing reminders at this stage? Get on with their lives? Maybe on the surface of things they appear to be, but seriously after what has happened to these girls i suspect there are a massive amount of issues they are dealing with. I'm not a child psychologist but i would think it would not be a agood thing to remove reminders - anyway the floral tributes are expressing kind and caring messages and letting the girls know that many people in their community care about them and cared about Allison. That can only be a good thing surely, now that it's just them and Dad in the house where possibly a lot of hurtful things went on.
Where is the compassion for a husband who has lost his wife and the mother of his children? Until he is arrested/charged/convicted, he is still a victim. Where is the compassion for the BCs who have lost their DIL?

This is a victim friendly forum. The victim in this case is Allison Baden-Clay who has been brutally murdered. Her parents, her DTRs are secondary victims. Other family members are suspected of some involvement in her demise. We are about justice for Allison. MOO.
There are other signs: hemolysis, elevation of plasma K+ level and depression of Na+ , cardiac arrest, acute renal failure. Decomposition in the air is twice as fast as when the body is under water and four times as fast as underground, and may take from several days to several months depending on environmental conditions. The body may remain identifiable for many months. Some tissues, such as tendons and ligaments, are more resistant to decomposition, the uterus and prostate glands may last several months.
GRANNIE: Thank you for information contained in your post. This is helpful to our sleuthing of this case.
Dry wedding means no alcohol is served at reception......could have been due to a number of reasons. Religious beliefs, cost.....
So it has nothing to do with the case? or does it? Thanks.
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