Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #18

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yes marly we will all go with the Police. We will all look silly if we are totally wrong, not that I think so. we will have to have a dudsleuthers party lol and i vote that cc buys the keg lol

Sounds a good idea to me squiz....hope Mr Ed is there :)
Hi Sqizzey, can the horse confirm it was NBC?[/QUOTE

My horse Bo who is very close to Tinker (horse in question) has said that she (Tinker) is prone to talking to people at bus shelters after consumming to much molasses on her oats if you get my drift. So it could be true ....or not. IMO

Sorry couldn't help myself.

LOL...Go and take the boards of the house and calm down.....teasing ;)
Sounds a good idea to me squiz....hope Mr Ed is there :)

Sorry its Ms Ed short for Edwina. not real name. good to see some humour here. cc hasnt posted he, oops or she wont buy the keg yet :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
So very true, its hard to decipher fact from hearsay sometimes on here..and even the media seems to be getting some of the 'facts' Incorrect. Makes me question, what do we really know.. Other than what we have seen come directly from the Police mouths.. Not alot.

However on the umpty eleventy(love it :)) locals, Just my opninion, but I think many that have posted here may not have known GBC directly, or well enough to know about the car. It may be that someone who does or whose partner does, happened to mention it in the last day or so..Not saying they are correct or not..but perhaps those people weren't on previously to mention it. And maybe it wasn't mentioned also, because the dent picture or talk of it had not really been mentioned... anyway, just a thought..

Thank you Unfolding Truth. I was starting to feel like my post regarding GBC's car being in an accident prior to Allison going missing was being disregarded so quickly, without anyone asking me for further info to back it up.

Firstly, everyone is quite correct to question EVERYTHING that is written on here as rumour unless it is reported by the Detective in charge.

After all I have no way of proving to you guys that my best friend of 30 years works in Taringa and has known GBC and his parents through their work at C21 for a number of years. When my friend and I heard of the Indro crash, I cannot prove to you the discussion we had immediately about 'not again'!? However, I certainly didn't think of jumping on a forum to discuss it.

In fact, it wasn't until the CM did that story on 'GBC silent over how his car got damaged', that I felt compelled to post (and I certainly have not read every post here to remember a discussion around his latest accident).

My friend was not a witness to the crash, but having heard the loud bang, was witness to the aftermath (with a little blue suzuki swift driven by a young lady, not coming off too good either). Without prior knowledge that this event would become a hot topic of conversation weeks later, a date cannot be put on it, but it was definitively in April (most likely very soon before his wife disappearing). The crash happened right outside his offices, and it was clearly his car being driven by him.

I know of other witnesses but they have not even read 1 websleuth post. There are quite a few 'locals', only a small proportion are on here.

Now, there is always the very slim possibility he got it fixed within a week and had another scrape whilst out the night in question and it was in exactly the same spot, but I still stick to my 99.9% sure the damage is from this accident.

It appears from the aftermath that GBC was trying to turn right off of the Moggill Road and ran into the back of the Suzuki swift as he did so. I have attached a map. The star is where GBCs car was and the hexagon is the little Swift. I hope this clarifies.


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Hi Squizzey, I am also a local and have been told the same story - and yes, it was reported to the police - because it was at a time when the buses stopped running - the person apparently stopped, knowing there were no more buses and asked the guy if he needed any help, because he/she thought it strange to see an elderly person sitting at the bus stop late at night.

Cannot confirm it was NBC though.

Oh, I thought last time you said they knew NBC and that it was him!

Edit - sorry, didn't realise two different people were reporting on the same incident!
Unfolding...there's over a weeks worth of threads & posts before Allison's body was found. Considering the Baden-Clay's cars have been a major focus of the investigation almost since day my opinion at least ONE local would have mentioned seeing the damage on the Prado prior to the release of that photo on Monday night.

Even if some of the locals didn't know GBC directly, they would have seen that Prado around the area ...the damage stands out like the proverbial whatchamacallits & the "infamous crash" would have jogged their memory at that my opinion.

fair enough, you are entitled to your opinion. However, I was just offering a differing point of view as to maybe why it may not have been mentioned. I have read since day one. And my thought was that perhaps the people who may have seen the car previous or know the family, may not have been posting at that point in time. Or maybe didn't see a need to say 'hey the Prado was dinged in the week before Allison went missing'. they may not have thought it was at all relevant, only when the pictures were recently published, and it has been discussed as possibly happening on the night Allison went missing,might they have felt a need to clarify. JMO
Fluoro powder, sometimes bright pink, used to contrast under various frequency light sources from some book I was reading. Also heard somewhere that fingerprints can sometimes be taken from human skin even months after death and after submersion, with latest technology. Just IMO MOO.

On an unrelated note I am off travelling for a couple of weeks with little internet or phone connection. Happy dad but whinging kids I expect. Best wishes to all here. Thought I would share a motivation for wanting to see this matter brought to a proper resolution. The Penalties and Sentences Act, which can easily be googled, says that one of the purposes for which a person can be sentenced in Queensland is "to make it clear that the community, acting through the court, denounces the sort of conduct in which the offender was involved".

To my mind, whomever is eventually tried and convicted for this killing needs to very clearly understand that what they did is strongly denounced by their community. Three young girls are going to miss out on having their mum help them pick an outfit for their school formal. They wont have their mum to tell how their first date went. Their mum wont be there to share the excitement of their wedding day. Their mum wont be there to hold their newborns. That's about as sucky as life can get for them. And it didn't have to be that way.

Was someone looking for this?
Reminder #2,335

If you have inside information, you MUST be verified in order to post it. Another post was removed regarding "heard it from a friend that...". There is a rumor post in the media thread. We are not going to keep going on about rumors in here. Not only is it against the rules on WS, it was decided by this group that it needs to stop.

The only verified insiders we have for Allison's case are Itsthevibe and Squizzey1. The Dark Shadow is a verified professional.


Oh good!

I'm sure someone else posted that he had been turning right at an intersection and moved too soon and hit the car in front, but I thought they were just speculating.
Thank you Unfolding Truth. I was starting to feel like my post regarding GBC's car being in an accident prior to Allison going missing was being disregarded so quickly, without anyone asking me for further info to back it up.

Firstly, everyone is quite correct to question EVERYTHING that is written on here as rumour unless it is reported by the Detective in charge.

After all I have no way of proving to you guys that my best friend of 30 years works in Taringa and has known GBC and his parents through their work at C21 for a number of years. When my friend and I heard of the Indro crash, I cannot prove to you the discussion we had immediately about 'not again'!? However, I certainly didn't think of jumping on a forum to discuss it.

In fact, it wasn't until the CM did that story on 'GBC silent over how his car got damaged', that I felt compelled to post (and I certainly have not read every post here to remember a discussion around his latest accident).

My friend was not a witness to the crash, but having heard the loud bang, was witness to the aftermath (with a little blue suzuki swift driven by a young lady, not coming off too good either). Without prior knowledge that this event would become a hot topic of conversation weeks later, a date cannot be put on it, but it was definitively in April (most likely very soon before his wife disappearing). The crash happened right outside his offices, and it was clearly his car being driven by him.

I know of other witnesses but they have not even read 1 websleuth post. There are quite a few 'locals', only a small proportion are on here.

Now, there is always the very slim possibility he got it fixed within a week and had another scrape whilst out the night in question and it was in exactly the same spot, but I still stick to my 99.9% sure the damage is from this accident.

It appears from the aftermath that GBC was trying to turn right off of the Moggill Road and ran into the back of the Suzuki swift as he did so. I have attached a map. The star is where GBCs car was and the hexagon is the little Swift. I hope this clarifies.

Thank you for your post Caviar. It helps give some insight. And I understand we have to file that in our mind as not verified, but I appreciate. I am sure there are some facts or parts of fact posted by people that are fact and the people who know them, know them as fact, but its hard when we are unable to verify them.
@unfoldingtruth, A Suzuki Swift is one of those teeny tiny hatchbacks, not a 4wd.
That is exactly can't be verified at this stage. I don't think we can go picking & choosing just because you think your info sounds or is more credible than any of the

When & IF police start telling us more then I'll go with what they say.

Seriously? I was not picking and choosing any info. I did not say my info should be believed more than others because I believe it or because I think it may be credible- far from it. I stated it could not be verified and left it at that. I am sure other posters(including yourself) have things that you believe that you have been told as would many other people. And my post was in relation to whether in the list of rumours that has been started up, if we(not meaning me specifically), can add to where the rumour originated and therefore people can judge for themselves if they believe it may be credible.. Whatever.. I was not picking any info over any other.

"it can't be verified at this stage. I don't think we can go picking & choosing just because you think your info sounds or is more credible than any of the

When & IF police start telling us more then I'll go with what they say.

exactly what I have been and was saying. I was using my info(which I believe to be credible from where it came..but does not mean anyone else will, just as many will have info that they know or believe to be true, but can't be verified) as an example....:banghead: (I appologize if it came out sounding any different..its not what I meant)
Thank you Unfolding Truth. I was starting to feel like my post regarding GBC's car being in an accident prior to Allison going missing was being disregarded so quickly, without anyone asking me for further info to back it up.

Firstly, everyone is quite correct to question EVERYTHING that is written on here as rumour unless it is reported by the Detective in charge.

After all I have no way of proving to you guys that my best friend of 30 years works in Taringa and has known GBC and his parents through their work at C21 for a number of years. When my friend and I heard of the Indro crash, I cannot prove to you the discussion we had immediately about 'not again'!? However, I certainly didn't think of jumping on a forum to discuss it.

In fact, it wasn't until the CM did that story on 'GBC silent over how his car got damaged', that I felt compelled to post (and I certainly have not read every post here to remember a discussion around his latest accident).

My friend was not a witness to the crash, but having heard the loud bang, was witness to the aftermath (with a little blue suzuki swift driven by a young lady, not coming off too good either). Without prior knowledge that this event would become a hot topic of conversation weeks later, a date cannot be put on it, but it was definitively in April (most likely very soon before his wife disappearing). The crash happened right outside his offices, and it was clearly his car being driven by him.

I know of other witnesses but they have not even read 1 websleuth post. There are quite a few 'locals', only a small proportion are on here.

Now, there is always the very slim possibility he got it fixed within a week and had another scrape whilst out the night in question and it was in exactly the same spot, but I still stick to my 99.9% sure the damage is from this accident.

It appears from the aftermath that GBC was trying to turn right off of the Moggill Road and ran into the back of the Suzuki swift as he did so. I have attached a map. The star is where GBCs car was and the hexagon is the little Swift. I hope this clarifies.

Thank you. I personally believe what you said earlier and I stopped making assumptions as to how the car was damaged after I read you post yesterday. In the same manner that I didn't question Indromum's chance sighting of the Prado on the weekend and her subsequent call to Alison Sandy.
If you guys wants to post your rumors post in the media thread, you can. And when you update it, I can remove the prior list. At least that way you'll know where to find it. And if someone finds a link to back it up, we can say that it has been verified.

[ame=""]AU-Allison Baden-Clay,43,Brisbane QLD, 19April2012 MEDIA/TIMELINE LINKS,NO DISCUSSION - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame][/QUOTE]

:gthanks::gthanks: Kimster you're the BEST!
Thank you for your post Caviar. It helps give some insight. And I understand we have to file that in our mind as not verified, but I appreicate. I am sure there are some facts or parts of fact posted by people that are fact and the people who know them, know them as fact, but its hard when we are unable to verify them.

I have to say though..something I found really interesting and probably VERY coincidental.. is the car he ran into was.. a little blue 4wd! Exactly the description of a car a witness saw a white 4wd tailing near kholo creek on the night/morning Allison went missing. Now I know its probably nothing at all..but I did read it, and I have bolded it and a little lightbulb went of in my head..

Whether we personally believe the report by a local, as per rules of this forum we have to keep it as a unverified rumour until it is reported by MSM or QPS.

I think the Suzuki Swift is not a 4wd.
@unfoldingtruth, A Suzuki Swift is one of those teeny tiny hatchbacks, not a 4wd.

Ha ha..I feel very stupid:blushing:.. I was thinking of a little Suzuki 4wd(not Vitara)got names mixed bad..I will delete that bit of my post..thanks for pointing out my error!
Caviar, please use the verification process that has been mentioned many times. Cheers!
Whether we personally believe the report by a local, as per rules of this forum we have to keep it as a unverified rumour until it is reported by MSM or QPS.

I think the Suzuki Swift is not a 4wd.

You are right..I made a big boo boo with the 4wd. And yes I realize about the unverified rumour... I think thats what I was getting at previously. We may believe some of the rumours, but we need to keep in mind they may not be fact.
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